Liberty Revealed



Liberty Revealed is the only show that provides you straight talk about personal liberty, breaking it down in a way that is easy to understand.


  • Damian Grasza Discusses Border Security

    22/04/2019 Duração: 35min

    Mike introduces his guest, Damian Grasza. Damian believes “facts don't care about your feelings.” Damian says that regarding border security, there needs to be strict border control and the government must control who goes in and out. He doesn't think the government should track people inside the country, but they should know who is in the country at any given time. Mike asks how that will affect trade and the free movement of goods. Damian says the elected officials will figure that part out. Damian, who as Mike points out, advocates for closed borders, does not think tourism would be effected. Damian gives his opinion on Trump's travel ban. He says he sees both sides of that issue. Mike asks Damian what he thinks of Trump. He says at first Trump was immature, but he is growing into the job and he may be re-elected in 2020. Mike says he expects Trump to be re-elected in 2020. He compares this to team sports and preparation. Mike sees no credible opponent for Trump. Mike asks about immigration. He explains ho

  • Rick Dawson Talks Life as a Libertarian Activist

    02/04/2019 Duração: 34min

    Mike introduces Rick Dawson, a Libertarian activist in the State of California. Rick says this is a dream come true being on Liberty Revealed. Rick talks about seeking an At-Large position with the California Libertarian Party. He explains why he is running. Rick is looking to support candidates and help them win elections. Mike says he is also running for the same seat and for the same reasons. Mike complains the candidate support system was non-functional. He feels that state parties should have strong candidate support to help them through the election process. Rick talks about his run for Congress. He also felt the candidate support was non-existent.

  • Gina Clayton-Tarvin and Life as an Elected Official

    25/03/2019 Duração: 01h08min

    Mike introduces Gina Clayton-Tarvin, Trustee at the Orange View School District. Gina says that both parents were very political. Her dad had been appointed to the Board of Equalization. He also ran for office when she was 2 years old. Her mom was the President of the San Diego County Republican Federated. She was born and raised a Republican. The first campaign she worked on was for George HW Bush. She is a teacher and got involved in the union. She was asked to run for school board in Long Beach when she lived there. She ran against an incumbent. She lost by 200 votes. Later when she moved to Huntington Beach. She went to a school board meeting in 2012. She spoke on the topic of class size. Her neighbor, Gino Bruno, told her the teacher's associate wanted to speak with her. They asked her to run for school board. She gave them her terms and they agreed. Mike explains what lead to his run for school board in 2010. Gina explains her initial time on the board in Ocean View. She discussed how she and John Brisc

  • Ethan Ellis Addresses the Venezuela Situation

    18/03/2019 Duração: 33min

    Mike introduces Ethan Ellis, host of The End of Politics podcast. Mike administers the world's smallest political quiz to Ethan. Ethan's results from The World's Smallest Political Quiz Ethan says the Venezuela situation is similar to Iraq. We have delegitimized a left leaning administration. Mike asks if Ethan feels oil is the driving factor. He says yes, but that with this administration they have some weird ideological motivations. Ethan started his podcast as a person who wants to be a history teacher. He feels this is the end of political understanding and thus the name. Mike points out that intervention by the United States tends to make things worse. Ethan says he thinks it is an extremely dangerous move on our part. Mike discusses the research he has done on the issue. He says the media is not really reporting the truth here. He still feels it is 80% about oil. Ethan agrees the media doesn't know anything about the situation. He points out how popular Maduro is. Mike points out that the war on terrori

  • George Reis, Orange County Libertarian Party, Discusses Business Principles and Politics

    11/03/2019 Duração: 33min

    Mike introduces George Reis, Orange County Libertarian Party Secretary and founder of the HB Liberty Club in Huntington Beach, California. Mike reveals that he is friends with George. They work together at the HB Liberty Club. Mike describes an email George sent to the core group from HB Liberty Club and the LPOC. The email discussed what we can learn from best practices for building a business and how to take that and build a viable party. George explains he started listening to business-based podcasts. He wanted to learn from them and apply the ideas to his business. He also wondered if they could apply those ideas to Libertarian Party activism. Mike discusses his visit to the state executive committee meeting and that they were so focused on Robert's Rules of Order that they missed the point. George discusses the book “No Fail Meetings” by Michael Hyatt. Mike discusses how most people don't grasp that being prepared ahead of time helps a meeting go smoothly. George points out there must always be a goal at

  • Ray Denaro, Republican for 47th New York Assembly District

    25/02/2019 Duração: 47min

    Mike opens the show introducing his guest, Ray Denaro. Ray is a candidate for the New York Assembly, 47th District. Ray ran for City Council in New York in 2017. Mike mentions Ray wrote an article about why he switched from a registered Democrat to a registered Republican. Ray says he was inspired to run for assembly because he is a community advocate and he feels there is a need for change in Brooklyn. He mentions “the zombie vote” where Democrats take hold of a seat and hold on to it forever. This happens because there are more Democrats than Republicans by a count of 6 to 1 in his district. He is 28 and has lived in his district his entire life. Ray's platform involves community. He is concerned that the community aspect is now missing. The local politicians are not paying attention to the community. Sports programs have dwindled. He sees some negative change having taken place. Mike mentions his kinship with Ray due to having run for office multiple times. Mike asks how he felt when the results came throu

  • Third Party Candidates, Immigration, Howard Schultz, and Trump with Matt Plautz

    18/02/2019 Duração: 32min

    Mike: Hey, welcome back to another episode of Liberty Revealed. I'm Mike Mahony, your host, and today I have a guest with me. His name is Matt Plautz. He's the 17-year-old host of Unfazed with Matt Plautz. His podcast focuses on current events comedy, philosophy and various subjects that guests bring in. So please welcome to the show, Matt. Hey Matt Matt: Yeah thanks so much for having me, Mike. Mike: How are you doing today? Matt: I'm doing great. Just excited to get going and talk a little bit about what we were talking about with Howard Schultz and everything like that. Talk about some independent candidates in just 2020 in general. Mike: Sure well before we jump into that, you know since it is Super Bowl Sunday when we're recording…Patriots or Rams? Matt: I'm Patriots. I got a patriots jersey in my closet right now. I am a Bears fan, but they never make the Super Bowl so I usually root for the Pats and I've got Pats by seven. Mike: Alright, awesome. Yeah, I think it's gonna be a good game, that's for sure

  • Is the Libertarian Party More of a Political Cult?

    03/12/2018 Duração: 11min

    Welcome back to another episode of Liberty Revealed with me, your host, Mike Mahony. Today I want to talk to you about a realization I’ve had. In recent episodes, we discussed the leadership issues I see with Libertarians. Today's topic is an extension of that topic. Today I ask the question “Is the Libertarian Party just a big political cult?” Allow me to delve into this so you can understand where I am coming from. To my way of thinking, the purpose of a political party should be to get candidates into office who mostly agree with the party’s ideology. The goal shouldn’t be to find someone who matches our particular personal ideology. I don’t believe any one person agrees completely with the party they belong to. Show me a Democrat, Republican or Libertarian who claim to agree 100% with their party and I will show you a liar. There are many reasons people choose to belong to a particular party. If you have a litmus test for them that involves them agreeing completely with you on the issues, you’re litmus te

  • The Oval Office Tapes with RJ Cutler

    02/11/2018 Duração: 10min

    In today's episode, Mike is joined by RJ Cutler, the creator and Executive Producer of The Oval Office Tapes podcast. RJ discusses why he started the podcast. He explains how they process each episode. He also tells us about some of his favorite podcasts. This is a very different type of episode, but we are excited to have had the opportunity to interview RJ Cutler.

  • Just Ask Already

    17/09/2018 Duração: 09min

    Welcome back to another episode of Liberty Revealed with me, your host, Mike Mahony. Today I want to follow up some more on the leadership issues raised in Episode 10. I spent the last 90 minutes speaking with a friend, Chuck McGlawn, about the liberty movement. Chuck disagrees with my stance in Episode 10 regarding Libertarian Leadership, but he brought out some good points I felt needed to be added to the last discussion, so here I am to add those and explain my own take on them. Chuck relayed a story to me about his introduction to the Libertarian Party and how he helped out in many ways and they liked his ideas, yet nobody once asked him to join the party. His point seems to be that it is difficult to truly grow the movement when the members themselves spend all their time talking to each other and not recruiting new members. I believe this is the same problem candidates have with raising money for their campaigns. They need to learn to ask for the donation. The Libertarian candidates I’ve come in contact

  • Libertarian Leadership Revealed

    03/09/2018 Duração: 09min

    Welcome back to another episode of Liberty Revealed with me, your host, Mike Mahony. Today I want to discuss how I believe Libertarians should change their approach to running for office. We live in a society where there are many ideologies on the political spectrum. We have two major political parties here in the United States and a multitude of smaller parties, including the Libertarian Party. It is important to remember that even members of the same party will see the issues differently. There is just nothing as a political party where every member agrees on every part of the party’s platform. As I’ve traversed the social meetups within the local Southern California Libertarian scene, I’ve noted a problem. I’ve noted the same problem on Facebook pages and groups frequented by Libertarians. What is up with the “all or nothing” philosophies libertarian candidates have? Any candidate from any party that thinks they will run for office and if elected, change things to their way of thinking is completely out of

  • Gun Ownership

    13/08/2018 Duração: 09min

    Welcome back to another episode of Liberty Revealed with me, your host, Mike Mahony. Today I want to discuss gun ownership and why it is vital to our personal liberty. I will be up front and let you know that I have never owned a gun and probably never will, but I support the right to own a gun for many reasons. Today I want to discuss what those reasons are and give my own insight on gun control in the process. This will be a quick and easy discussion, but many of you won’t agree with me, even those who are gun owners presently. It is OK not to agree--that’s how dialogue is created. I enjoy a good discussion just as much as anyone else. Most people would agree that the right to defend yourself is a fundamental right. At the same time, people will tell you that we should not be allowed to own guns because guns cause violence. I completely disagree with those who say we should not be allowed to own a gun. I want you to stop for a moment and visualize this situation with me. A small person is walking home in th

  • Healthcare

    06/08/2018 Duração: 11min

    Welcome back to Liberty Revealed. I’m your host, Mike Mahony, and today I want to discuss an issue we’ve heard a lot about since Obamacare was put into effect--healthcare. To many, health insurance is a right. I do not agree with that statement even a little bit. I want to explain to you how the healthcare industry could be profitable and yet costs for that healthcare could be reduced. The answer is actually simple. Libertarians believe that healthcare prices would decrease and quality and availability of healthcare would increase if providers were freed from government meddling and control. By removing government interference and enabling the free market to work, healthcare prices would come down and the quality of healthcare would increase. Currently our government controls healthcare in many ways: Government and a handful of insurance companies have a virtual monopoly as payers. Because of this, they make most of the decisions about what kinds of healthcare are available. Government regulates where, when,

  • Foreign Policy

    23/07/2018 Duração: 14min

    Hello everyone and welcome back to Liberty Revealed, the show that focuses on teaching you about personal liberty and the adjacent issues that are affected by it. My goal is to teach concepts that are important to society and help you understand how these concepts are linked together into an important ideology. It is my personal belief that too many in our society simply follow the herd without any understanding why. I would love to see all of you listening vote Libertarian in elections, but that desire is balanced against my need for you to be informed and understand the issues our society is facing. Liberty Revealed was born from a desire to help all of you understand the issues. It came about from my own experiences on the campaign trail speaking with voters and seeing just how many follow a particular party and don’t understand why. Foreign policy is one area that most people don’t have a great understanding. It can be a very complex issue to some, but to me it is pretty straightforward. There is a need t

  • Education

    16/07/2018 Duração: 10min

    Welcome back to the podcast where liberty is front and center always. Today I want to blow your mind with a discussion about education and why I believe a free-market education system is best for parents and students. For those of you who are just discovering this show, I am Mike Mahony and my goal is to educate you on the issues that are important to our society. I comem at things from a Libertarian perspective because I believe that is the most reasonable perspective. Today the US Department of Education utilizes a one size fits all education approach. This is holding back our children. The truth is that every single child is different and their communities are also very different. This is a great place to start. It is my belief that we should abolish the United States Department of Education. It really does not serve the citizens well because it truly believes in the one size fits all mentality. As mentioned, each child is different...every community is different. Education that is successful has to meet t

  • LR05: Crime and Punishment

    02/07/2018 Duração: 10min

    Welcome back everyone! Today I want to talk to you about an important topic in society--crime and justice. I will likely be presenting a perspective that you may not agree with, but I have a strong argument to support my perspective. One of the biggest problems facing society today is that many things that should not be considered crimes are labeled as crimes. Worse yet, many of these actions are punished more harshly than are violent crimes. This has evolved over time as society has gotten more and more irritated by where society is headed. I believe that the label of “crime” should be limited to actions of force or fraud against another individual or group. To me, that is what defines a crime. I believe that such crimes should be prosecuted and punished by our justice system but that actions that don’t involve force or fraud should not be criminalized or penalized in the first place. I believe all laws that create crimes without a victim should be repealed. Only actions which infringe upon the rights of oth

  • Civil Liberties

    25/06/2018 Duração: 10min

    Today on Liberty Revealed we will be discussing civil liberties. People often make the claim that Libertarian philosophy is a sink or swim ideology. This is a complete misunderstanding. Libertarians believe that the equal rights of all people matter all the time. No exceptions. It is very common for other parties to prioritize the rights of some, but not others. Libertarians value the right of all to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner they choose. This is what I mean when I continually say “my rights end where your rights begin.” Most importantly, we believe the government must treat all people fairly and equally before the law. There are many things Libertarians seek to protect, so as each new episode of this podcast is released, I will go through some of the issues for you and explain my own stance on them. Today let’s discuss my stance on freedom of speech and why it is so important. Freedom of Speech is a

  • How Politicians Caused Homelessness

    18/06/2018 Duração: 38min

    Thanks, George. So yeah, the homeless issues pretty close to my heart. Because I mean, pretty much any of us could be homeless, you know, just like that. And so I'd want to cover a little history of homelessness in Orange County. And I'll give you some of the facts about that. And then we'll talk about within that history, what the politicians have done to cause the problem, or at least make the problem worse. So at last count, and they do a point in time count every two years in Orange County where they physically go out and count the homeless, and at last count, there were 5000 plus homeless. Introduction to Homeless Issue Now, the interesting thing about that number, though, is if you're a couch surfer who doesn't have a house, but you're staying in this friend's house for one day, and at another friend's house for another day, you're not considered homeless. And if you sleep in your car, you are not considered homeless. There's a lot of stories about people going, you know, you hear people say, oh, there'

  • We are moving to a new host! Please listen!

    05/04/2018 Duração: 02min

    This episode is important to anyone who subscribes! We are moving to a new host, so please listen to this episode!

  • The Economy

    31/03/2018 Duração: 11min

    The economy does much better when the government stays out of the way. Libertarians believe people have the right to freely offer goods and services on the market and that free-market approaches are the most effective at improving people’s lives. © Yogi's Podcast Network

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