Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder



Are ready to shed your excess weight AND your struggle with food and eating without diets and deprivation? This podcast is for foodies who have tried just about every diet there is and are afraid they love food too much to lose weight. You'll learn how to eat the way naturally thin people do so you can enjoy the foods you love while losing your desire to overeat along with your excess weight. We focus on skills for ending emotional eating and learning how to eat mindfully and in tune with your body's signals and needs. Ditch the diet and join Shari Broder on this weight loss journey and lose the weight for good. Hop on the path and subscribe now. Learn more at ShariBroder.com.


  • EP. 12 - Time to Ditch the Diet and the Diet Mentality

    15/05/2018 Duração: 14min

    You’ve probably read it a million times. Diets just don’t work. Only around 3% of dieters actually lose weight and keep it off!   To put it another way, uncontroverted research PROVES that 97% of people who try dieting won’t lose any weight or will gain back whatever they lose within 2 years. Most gain even more weight. Yet every day, ridiculous numbers of people start a new diet! You’ve heard the definition of insanity, right? Doing the same thing over and over, but expecting to get a different result. So why is it so hard to give up the belief that you can become a thinner person and stay that way by dieting? Is it the appeal of hoping for that one magical diet that will easily solve your weight problem? Kind of like a genie granting your wish and about as likely. In Episode 12, you will learn: What is a diet? What’s so bad about diets? Why your chances of permanently losing weight on a diet is almost nil. Hint: it’s not about you. What you should do if you really want to lose the weight for good.

  • EP-11-Being Willing to Feel Some Discomfort

    08/05/2018 Duração: 13min

    Do you eat to avoid feeling negative emotions? Have you ever considered what would happen if, instead of soothing yourself with food, you decided to feel that emotion that makes you uncomfortable? What about those difficult situations in our lives that we can’t change? If we don’t eat, what do we do to feel better? In this podcast, we explore two kinds of discomfort: The kind you get if you eat whenever you feel bad about something difficult in your life but you aren’t hungry. This causes the discomfort of gaining weight, your clothes getting tighter, your health possibly declining, and you feel bad about overeating or getting larger, or both. The other kind is from feeling normal human emotions when we’re unhappy, stressed, frightened or any other difficult emotion without distracting ourselves with food. Listen to learn how to stop eating in response to negative emotions so that you can lose excess weight and keep it off.  

  • EP-10-Managing Your Thinking to End Emotional Eating

    01/05/2018 Duração: 14min

    Do you eat when you feel guilty? Scared? Sad? Anxious? Stressed? Whenever you want to eat, the first question to ask yourself is always, Am I hungry? If the answer is yes, go for it! Sit down and enjoy something you love. The harder part is when the answer is no.  You want to eat, but your body doesn’t need food yet. That’s what this podcast is about. We’ll explore:  Why you want to eat when you aren’t hungry  Why eating doesn’t solve anything and can actually makes you feel worse  The steps to break the emotional eating habit Don’t forget to sign up for access to my free Think Sheets that  help you put into practice the ideas and tools you are learning in the podcast. Sign up below! LINKS: Managing Your Thinking Think Sheet  Human emotions chart:    http://humanemotionschart.com/ List of core desired feelings       http://www.daniellelaporte.com/cdf/  

  • Ep-9-Why You Don’t Need Willpower to Lose Weight

    24/04/2018 Duração: 09min

    In Episode 8, we talked about how, when we're born, our bodies are finely tuned to tell us when we need nourishment. Those of us who are overweight or even many people who aren’t mess up that natural intelligence. I’m going to help you get yours back! Every time you obey that urge to eat when you aren’t hungry, you are overeating. From your body’s perspective, it doesn’t matter whether you give your body too much food by eating for emotional reasons or just not stopping when you’re lightly full. Dumping the emotional eating  habit will make all the difference if you have tried other methods of losing weight and not regaining it, but those haven’t given you permanent results. And you don’t even need willpower. Frankly, willpower is a crock when it comes to weight loss. Using willpower to lose weight simply isn’t sustainable. Forget about it. Maybe you’re thinking, “WHAT is she talking about?” Listen to Episode 9 to learn: 1. How willpower works 2. Why you don’t need willpower to lose weight, and 3. Why relyin

  • Ep-8-The First Step Towards Ending Emotional Eating

    17/04/2018 Duração: 10min

    When you were a baby, you would get hungry and cry. Then your parents or caregivers fed you. That is how human hunger is supposed to work. You feel a physical sensation of hunger, which means your body needs fuel, and you eat. You stop when you aren’t physically hungry anymore. You give your body as much fuel as it needs and no more. But how many of us actually still do that? We’ve been so conditioned to use food to avoid dealing with negative feelings, and to try to fix things besides hunger. When we use food to fix things it can’t, the result is that we overeat and gain weight. Every overweight person I’ve ever known is an emotional eater. And lots of people who aren’t overweight do it too. But I’ve got some good, exciting news for you. You can stop emotional eating. I relearned how to eat in tune with my body’s physical hunger signals and lost a lot of weight, and I want to help you do that too! I want to help you transform from a person who struggles with overeating and being overweight into someone who

  • Ep-7-Becoming a Mindful Eater

    10/04/2018 Duração: 11min

    Does this sound familiar? You start off Monday morning determined to eat better. You’re going to finally lose those extra pounds. You’re going to listen to your body. You’re not going to overeat. By the end of the day, however, things didn’t go as planned. It’s not that you decided to give up or just not bother. You just weren’t paying attention. Despite the best of intentions, the next thing you knew, you ate too much of that overstuffed hummus and veggie sandwich, then grabbed a handful from the candy bowl of peanut m&ms each time you went to the kitchen to refill your water bottle or to get a cup of coffee. You really wanted to do better. What went wrong? You didn’t focus on being mindful. Mindful eating is the single most effective way to lose weight and keep it off, or to maintain a healthy weight throughout your life. You don’t need to give up carbs, count calories or follow a restrictive diet. Why do you distract yourself from that delicious food you love? Learning how to eat mindfully is the sing

  • EP-6-Are You Ready to Lose Weight for Good?

    03/04/2018 Duração: 09min

    It seems that most women I know say they really want to lose some weight. That’s not just because I’m a weight coach, either. I’ve noticed it for a long time. Maybe they want to lose just a few pounds, or the “last 10.” Or maybe 50 or 100 pounds or more. But thinking you want to lose weight and actually being ready to make it a priority in your life are two totally different things. Not everyone who wants to be lighter and healthier is ready to do the work and make the commitment to themselves. And that’s okay. We all get there in our own time. Are you ready to lose the weight and your issues with food and eating for good? Really ready? I created this podcast to lead you on what I hope will be your last weight loss journey.  You see, I want to help you fix the problem that caused you to gain weight in the first place, not just lose weight. Fixing the cause is what you need to do to keep it off. You can end your struggle with food and eating, and slim down to your naturally healthy weight. But learning how to

  • Ep-5-The Four Different Ways of Eating

    26/03/2018 Duração: 13min

    If you’re a foodie, eating delicious food is a pretty important source of pleasure in your life. Food should be delicious, right? No food should be totally off limits. You don’t need a snake in the Garden of Eden to tempt you when you tell yourself you “can’t” or “shouldn’t” eat certain foods. That just makes you want it more. You want to both live to eat AND eat to live. The road to making peace with food and being able to enjoy it without overeating requires us to acknowledge that food is both fuel for our bodies and a source of pleasure. How do we find the right balance between eating healthy foods that fuel our bodies and eating those foods that may not have much, if any, nutritional value, but taste so darn good? In Episode #5, you’ll learn about the four different ways we eat, and how you can use that knowledge to find a perfect balance in your eating. You CAN lose weight without feeling deprived.

  • Ep-4-The Difference Between Head Hunger and Body Hunger

    20/03/2018 Duração: 12min

    Do you ever think things like: There’s nothing to do. Let’s see what’s in the kitchen. OR I feel lonely. Some cookies will help me feel better. Last week, when I discussed the Hunger Scale in Episode 3, I was talking about physical hunger. But what do those thoughts have to do with that? So many people confuse their thoughts about wanting to eat with their body’s true hunger signals. But here’s the thing. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, it is really important to learn the different kinds of hungers. For example, let’s say you just ate lunch, and are feeling full, but walk past a bakery. Delicious smells come wafting out. You look in the window and see all kinds of pastries. You want one! What you are experiencing is “head hunger.” Do you sometimes want to eat when you’re sad or bored? That’s another form of head hunger. How can you tell the difference? Listen to Episode #4 to learn how to distinguish between the different kinds of hunger, and the difference between wanting to eat and needing to ea

  • Ep-3-The Scale You Need is the Hunger Scale

    19/03/2018 Duração: 11min

    I have a great tool to share with you use to determine when to start and stop eating.  It’s called the Hunger Scale.   The hunger scale is about your body’s hunger levels. When your brain tells you it wants food but your body isn’t hungry, that’s what I call “head hunger.” We’ll talk more about head hunger and how to deal with it in Episode 4.   The hunger scale starts at number 1 which is ravenously hungry, and goes to number 10, which is really stuffed.   Learn how to use the Hunger Scale In this episode, you’ll learn how to use the hunger scale to achieve your goal of losing weight and keeping it off.   So download a copy of the hunger scale below, and place it near where you eat. And listen to this episode so you can start using it and losing it! LINKS:  HUNGER SCALE  14-day Freedom from Emotional Eating Challenge: http://bit.ly/FreeEmoEating

  • Ep-2-The Real Reason People Are Overweight

    08/03/2018 Duração: 11min

    When I was 50 pounds heavier, I believed that I didn’t eat that much. I didn’t think I ate more than the slim people I knew and I thought it was unfair that they were slim and I wasn’t. Do you ever think that way? One of the things I will do in this podcast is give you the facts. No BS. Just straight talk. Even when it is stuff you might not like to hear or believe. So you may think the next thing I have to tell you is bad news. It really isn’t. The simple answer to the topic I’m discussing today is because they are overeating. If you are overweight, it is because you are eating more food than your body needs for fuel. But it isn’t that simple. Learn about the two ways that people overeat. Learn why people overeat. And learn what you can do to instead. LINKS: http://sharibroder.com/freedom-from-emotional-eating-challenge/

  • EP-1-You CAN Be a Foodie and Lose Weight

    08/03/2018 Duração: 10min

    WELCOME! I’m so thrilled that you’ve joined me for the Weight Loss for Foodies podcast! This podcast is for you if you love good food, but you also care about your health and you want to look and feel good. Diets Don’t Work, But This Does! You’ve probably tried a bunch of diets, but you haven’t lost the weight you want to lose and kept it off. Maybe you feel like you’ve tried every diet there is! Maybe you feel like you simply can’t lose weight. But you absolutely can! The reason you haven’t succeeded is not your fault. It is because you have tried to lose weight by dieting. And diets don’t work. You can’t succeed when you’re using the wrong tools. So I’m not going to teach you any diets. But what I will teach you DOES work. You’ll discover what’s causing you to be overweight, and you’ll learn great tools and strategies to fix the problem. You’ll learn how to become one of those naturally slim people who goes to parties and restaurants, eats what she loves, but doesn’t overeat and gain weight. You’ll lose wei

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