Astrology Bytes With Theresa Reed



Astrology Bytes is an educational astrology podcast, with bite-sized lessons for people who want to learn astrology...but don't have all day.


  • Synastry with Kim Woods

    11/02/2022 Duração: 26min

    Episode 153. Wondering if you're compatible with your new honey? Astrology can help! In this episode of Astrology Bytes, Kim Woods joins me to talk about "synastry," the astrological study of human relationships. Kim breaks down what she looks at first (it might surprise you - it's NOT Venus!) and how to understand the dynamics between two charts. 

  • Planets on the First with Tara Aal

    04/02/2022 Duração: 33min

    Episode 152. This week, evolutionary astrologer Tara Aal joins me to talk about "Planets on the First," a technique where you choose a planet as a focal point and rotate the chart to place that planet on the Ascendant. You then experience that planet for a while and see how it manifests in your life. This allows for a deeper relationship with the planet and personal growth. Tara shares her experience working with Venus so you can get an idea of how this technique works in real life. I'm fascinated and cannot wait to test this out! 

  • Pluto Through the Houses in the Natal Chart

    28/01/2022 Duração: 10min

    Episode 151. Pluto is a dwarf planet and the ninth planet from the Sun. It has five known Moons circling around it. Although astronomers tried to demote it, Pluto is still important in astrology. Named after the Greek/Roman god of the underworld,. it’s the modern ruler of Scorpio. Pluto is associated with transformation, destruction, creation, regeneration, power, and rebirth. Wherever it sits in your chart shows where you can experience great transformation. However, if afflicted it can show where you become obsessed with power - or abuse it. 1st: Pluto in the first house indicates you are intense and possess a powerful will. Your early life may be filled with stressful situations, but this serves to make you more self-aware. It’s possible you may possess clairvoyant abilities as well. Your physical body is powerfully built and you have a strong presence. When you walk into the room, people notice. There is a bit of an aloof quality to your personality. If negatively aspected, you may be difficult to live

  • The Nodal Shift to Taurus and Scorpio with Celeste Brooks

    21/01/2022 Duração: 24min

    Episode 150. The Nodes moved into Taurus and Scorpio on January 18th. What does this mean for us as individuals and collectively? Astrologer Celeste Brooks joins me to talk about what we can expect with this Nodal shift - and how to make the most out of this important transit. 

  • Venus Retrograde with Lisa Stardust

    10/12/2021 Duração: 16min

    Episode 149. Most people have heard about the dreaded Mercury retrograde (there's even a song about it!). But did you know Venus retrograde is pretty important too? Astrologer and author Lisa Stardust joins me to share her best tips for dealing with Venus retrograde (one of my favorite tips: don't do a radical haircut during this transit!). Lisa also talks about her newest project, The Astrology Deck: Your Guide to the Meanings and Myths of the Cosmos.

  • Sexual Compatibility + Astrology with Kirah Tabourn

    03/12/2021 Duração: 28min

    Episode 148. Wondering if that feisty Aries is a good match for your sensitive Pisces nature? Curious if your Venus in Cancer can get it on with that Venus in Libra hottie? Astrologer Kirah Tabourn joins me to talk about sexual compatibility and astrology. Learn what astrology reveals about intimacy - and what to do when your stars are not aligned with your partner's ('s not doom 'n gloom!). Kirah also talks about her new app, CUSP, which focuses on astrology and relationships.

  • Astrology for Career with Heidi Rose Robbins and Ellen Fondiler

    26/11/2021 Duração: 32min

    Episode 147. What happens when you cross a brilliant astrologer with one of the best career coaches in the world? Many good things. A podcast. An astrology-fueled career consult. And today, this lively conversation on how astrology can help your career. I'm so honored to be speaking about this topic with Heidi Rose Robbins and Ellen Fondiler. These two powerful women are helping people find their best work - and they're sharing some of the wisdom on Astrology Bytes.

  • Neptune Through the Houses in the Natal Chart

    05/11/2021 Duração: 08min

    Episode 146. Neptune is the eighth planet and furthest away from the Sun. As you can imagine, that means it’s cold and dark. Like Uranus, it’s known as an “ice giant.” It has rings around it like Saturn and 14 moons. It cannot be seen with the naked eye. In astrology, Neptune is associated with illusion, fantasies, inspiration, faith, psychic receptivity, creativity, spirituality, and imagination. Where it lands in your chart can show where you’re expressing your creative, spiritual, and mystical potential. If afflicted, it can indicate where you’re fooling yourself or deceiving others. 1st: Neptune in the first house indicates you are empathic and possibly clairvoyant. You are keenly aware of how others perceive you - and you pick up on vibes in your surroundings. Your intuition can serve for creative or musical inspiration. Others find you mysterious and alluring. If afflicted, you may be flaky, unreliable, and drift through life. You should probably stay clear of drugs or alcohol. 2nd: Neptune in the se

  • How to Understand Your Venus with Rachel Lang

    08/10/2021 Duração: 21min

    Episode 145. When we think of Venus in astrology, we assume it's only about romance. While it does have a lot to say about l'amour, Venus is also associated with money. In this episode, astrologer and author Rachel Lang talks about how to understand your Venus so that you can make better decisions in love and money. Rachel also gives a glimpse into her new book, Modern Day Magic: 8 Simple Rules to Realize your Power and Shape Your Life.

  • The Progressed Moon with Celeste Brooks

    24/09/2021 Duração: 20min

    Episode 144. Of all the progressed planets, the Moon moves the quickest. What impact might it have on the individual? What does it reveal about our emotional lives? Astrologer Celeste Brooks joins me to discuss the role the progressed Moon has in predicting the future, your attitude, and your emotional growth. You'll also learn how to work with the energy of your progressed Moon and what you need to know about the aspects it makes to your natal chart.

  • Astrology for Writers with Jeanna Kadlec

    17/09/2021 Duração: 25min

    No writer is the same. Each one has a unique voice, point of view, style, and process - much like an astrology chart. Once you understand your natal blueprint, you know how to make your writing work for you. In this episode of Astrology Bytes, I'm joined by author and astrologer Jeanna Kadlec to discuss astrology for writers. Jeanna shares what astrology reveals about the writer, how to lean into different transits to max out your writing, and more. She also gives the low down on her new self-study program, Astrology For Writers - a must-have for any writer who wants to connect their writing practice to the cosmos (psst...when you do, your work will flow!).

  • Astrology and Your Money Habits with Kim Woods

    03/09/2021 Duração: 24min

    Episode 142. What does astrology reveal about your money habits? Where do you look to understand how you spend or save? More importantly, how can you use this astrological information to change your financial situation? Kim Woods joins me today on Astrology Bytes to talk about all of this and more (including what you need to know when you and your partner have radically different aspects around money!). 

  • Astrology and Children with Briana Saussy

    27/08/2021 Duração: 32min

    Episode 141. What can astrology reveal about children? And how can we as parents use that information? Briana Saussy, author of Starchild: Joyful Parenting Through Astrology, joins me for an illuminating discussion on astrology and children.

  • Using Elements of Astrology to Look at Your Blind Spots with Compassion with Debra Silverman

    25/07/2021 Duração: 20min

    Episode 140. Astrologer Debra Silverman shares how you can work with the elements in astrology to find your blind spots - and compassion for yourself. 

  • Uranus Through the Houses in the Natal Chart

    16/07/2021 Duração: 09min

    Episode 139. Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun - and it’s an “ice giant” and the fourth-largest planetary mass in the solar system. It also has 27 moons and rings just like Saturn! In astrology, Uranus is the ruling planet of Aquarius and is associated with change, freedom, and individuality. Where Uranus is placed in your natal chart shows the areas of your life where you are original, non-conformist, and where you might experience sudden changes. It can also tell something about your intuitive gifts or unique work you’re here to do as well as the groups or friends in your life. If afflicted, it can indicate where you’re rebellious. 1st: Uranus in the first house indicates you’re a true non-conformist. You don’t care if you fit in. Instead, you want to express your individuality freely. You might be regarded as eccentric or unconventional - and you may dress in a way that gets people talking. If poorly aspected, you may be unpredictable or unstable. 2nd: Uranus in the second house means your finan

  • Navigating Your Saturn Return with Lisa Stardust

    02/07/2021 Duração: 24min

    Episode 138. The Saturn return is one of the most pivotal astrological transits you'll ever experience. It brings new growth...and plenty of challenges. Astrologer Lisa Stardust, author of Saturn Return Survival Guide: Navigating This Cosmic Rite of Passage, shares her wisdom on how to navigate this tricky and powerful time.

  • The Soul Codes in Your Natal Chart with Debbie Frank

    18/06/2021 Duração: 31min

    Episode 137. Did you know your astrology chart holds clues to what your soul is here to learn? In this episode of Astrology Bytes, UK-based astrologer and author of What’s Your Soul Sign?: Astrology for Waking Up, Transforming and Living a High-Vibe Life shares the secrets of finding your purpose through astrology. Learn about the Nodes, what certain aspects have to say about the people in your life and more.

  • Saturn Through the Houses in the Natal Chart

    11/06/2021 Duração: 07min

    Episode 136. Saturn is the “ringed planet.”  In astrology, it is associated with lessons and limitations. Where Saturn is placed in your natal chart shows the areas of your life where you may experience challenges and must shoulder responsibilities. If you lean into it, you can develop discipline and grow. 1st: Saturn in the first house indicates a disciplined, serious personality. You may appear aloof or unfriendly. You’re hardworking, logical, and not afraid to take on heavy responsibilities. If afflicted, you may be selfish and materialistic - or overly concerned with your status. 2nd: Saturn in the second house means you’ll work hard for the money and are ambitious to acquire wealth. You have shrewd business instincts and might be frugal with your resources. If afflicted, you might be overly preoccupied with material objects - or anxious about your money and unable to enjoy it. 3rd: Saturn in the third house creates mental discipline and a fine, practical mind. You might work in publishing or educatio

  • Tracking Your Transits with Jessica Lanyadoo

    28/05/2021 Duração: 44min

    Episode 135. What are transits and why would you want to track them (or not)? Jessica Lanyadoo joins me on the latest Astrology Bytes to talk about that - and so much more. I've been a huge fan of her work for many years - and I love her perspective on all things astrology. In this conversation, we also discuss our thoughts on moving with the flow of the planets, learning astrology, internet experts, Gemini's obsessions with magazines, our mutual love of Saturn, and her new app, Astrology for Days (my newest fave way to track the transits!). Listen in and learn as Jessica shares her wisdom with that cool Capricorn dry wit. 

  • Postcolonial Astrology with Alice Sparkly Kat

    14/05/2021 Duração: 27min

    Episode 134. Postcolonial Astrology by Alice Sparkly Kat is a thought-provoking, bold, and fiercely smart book. In this week's Astrology Bytes, the author joins me to talk about her book, gender, Venus as a war goddess and so much more. I love this book and think it addresses many questions about white supremacy, colonization, inclusivity, labor, race -  and how astrology can be more responsible going forward.

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