Logicallyfaithful: Examining The Beliefs That Drive Us



Turning Thinkers into Believers and Believers into Thinkers



    30/07/2019 Duração: 40min

    Interview with Frank Turek I am honored to have the dynamtic Dr. Frank Turek on the show today! We disucss his wonderful book, Legislating Morality. As a dynamic speaker and award-winning author or coauthor of four other books: Stealing from God:  Why Atheists Need God to make their Case, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, Correct, Not Politically Correct, Frank …

  • 2.19 Cultivating a Praying Life in a secular world : An Interview with Fr Patrick Reardon

    23/07/2019 Duração: 01h08min

    An ancient look at a modern faith with Fr. Patrick Reardon

  • 2.18 How to Engage Culture with Love and Truth: Infiltration without contamination. Interview With Erwin Lutzer on his new book the Church in Babolyian


    How do we live faithfully in a country becoming more and more hostile to our faith? Like the Israelites who were taken captive in Babylon, we must find a way to maintain our faith in the midst of a pagan culture. But that requires we answer two crucial questions: How did we get here? How do we prepare for the …

  • 2.17 Holy Sex, Homosexuality, Homophobia and Theology: An Interview with Christopher Yuan


    Holiness is the subject of Yuan’s latest book “Holy Sexuality and the Gospel: Sex, Desire, and Relationships Shaped by God’s Grand Story,”  In this interview, we cover: Sexual Identity and “this is who I am” theories. , Masculinity, Nature of God, and how to reach our struggling neighbor. “What is sexuality for?” “Why do we have desires?” and “What’s the …

  • 02.16 The intolerance of Love : Interview with Sean McDowel

    14/04/2019 Duração: 27min

    “If you truly care about other people, you must embrace their beliefs, values, lifestyles, and believe that their truth claims are in fact true, because they believe them, otherwise, you are a bigot and intolerant!”  This is a common mantra that is sadly embraced by our current culture warriors.  However, there are counter culture warriors who see things differently.  Sean …

  • 2.15 Why Darwinists Underestimate Nature and Creationists Underestimate God.


    He argues that his study of evolution did not make him an atheist but a stronger Christian. His name is Perry Marshall, he is my guest and author of Evolution 2.0: Breaking The Deadlock Between Darwin and Design But how did that happen? Perry Marshall is an author, speaker, engineer and world-renowned business consultant in Chicago. With a decade of research, …

  • 2.14 How Evidence Lights the way out of Hopelessness: Interview with Dr. Gary Habermas

    14/03/2019 Duração: 44min

    Why bother living if it all ends with death?  Why are we all not despairing and in a constant state of anxiety?  There is a good reason not to be. On this podcast, I interview, Dr. Gary R. Habermas.  He is Distinguished Research Professor and Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Theology at Liberty University.  He has authored, coauthored, …

  • 2.13 Can we be wrong about Science​?

    04/03/2019 Duração: 36min

    It is my privilege to interview Professor John Lennox on Science and Faith! Scroll down to hear it. He is Professor of Mathematics (emeritus) at the University of Oxford and Fellow in Mathematics and the Philosophy of Science at Green Templeton College, Oxford. He is also an Associate Fellow of the Said Business School, Oxford University, and teaches for the …

  • 2.12 JP Moreland on 3 ways to Deal with Spiritual Doubt


    No purpose to life, no meaning, no hope? There is no meaning to life. “The universe has at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but pitiless indifference.” — Richard Dawkins, River Out of Eden: A Darwinian View of Life Do you believe what Dawkins wrote? Well may do not believe it, but many do feel it! In this …

  • 2.11 Three Reasons why Science is not what you think it is


    “If you cannot prove it, then I cannot believe it.” This is a claim many students and people who have swallowed the lie of secularism and scientism. The lie or myth is that only what we can prove with the hard sciences can be true. In this podcast I interview one of my heroes, JP Moreland who demolishes this ideology …

  • 209: The Trinity, Islam, The Bible, and other Paradoxes!


    Do you believe in three gods? How can you honestly trust the ancient books of the Bible? Is it not a contradiction and paradox to believe God became a man? In this podcast, I interview my friend, Sam Shamoun.  Sam is a brilliant Christian Apologist to Islam who has been making waves as he participates in debates and refutes accusations and …

  • 2.09: 4 Ways to Deal with Spiritual Uncertainty


    “I’ve doubted the truth of my Christian faith many times; sometimes to the point of almost walking away from it. I’ve asked myself, “Have I been brain-washed? Am I unable to think objectively because I was brought up to believe? What if I’m wrong?” I have the peace Paul describes as being the inward confirmation of God’s Spirit that I …

  • 208: 5 Proofs of the Soul


    You are not a body, or a soul in a body, or a body with a soul.  Rather you are a soul and body in psycosomaic unity !  In this podcast I cover 5 reasons why the soul exists and you are not reducible to your body! There are five reasons for believing we are or have souls.   This is not …

  • 2.07: 3 Ways to Deal with Tragedy From Gun Violence


    There have been 307 mass shootings in the US so far in 2017* Where is God in all of this? How can he allow this suffering? How should the faithful face these tragedies?   In this podcast, we address this issue head on! In all of this remember that God walks with you in your Eden and in your Gethsemane, …

  • 2.06: Key to Happiness. Its not what you think!!


    What is the Key to Happiness?  What is the one thing we all need to be content and at peace?  Is there such a thing?  Yes and No.  In this podcast, I will cover 5 major areas that can contribute to helping us get closer and closer to this elusive happiness. In this podcast, I cover the need a for …

  • 2.05 : No! Good People do not make it to Heaven!


    Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson says that “Faith Helped My Depression”  He wrote that “You’re not the first to go through it; you’re not going to be the last to go through it. And oftentimes — it happens — you just feel like you’re alone. You feel like it’s only you. You’re in your bubble,” he said. “I wish I had someone …

  • 2.04: Addressing The Hiddnessness of God


    I have a secret to tell about many deep and spiritual Christians. It’s a dark secret many of us do not wish to talk about.  Many of us wish it was not there.  Many will pretend it is not there! But the fact of the matter is that it is universal and epidemic!  It is real and affects most of …

  • 2.03: Navigating through Spiritual and Painful Doubts


    Something I will never forget happened to me in my first year at Eastern Illinois University. The professor said something that altered my life that day, and I did something that I would regret for the rest of my life! That professor was a strange one, but strange ones make a difference in the world, so I took his class. …

  • 2.02: How the Death of my Son Changed and Transformed me--and how you can do the same


    He died in my arms. My son.  September 20th, 2006 was the day that changed my life. It was the day my son, Enoch, was taken by God. I went through suffering that no words could express. A perpetually wounded heart that would not mend, a broken body for which there is no antidote, and a destroyed home that would …

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