Bertie Stories



Bertie is the guiding spirit of Storynory. Once he was a prince. Now he's a frog who tells stories.


  • Sadie’s Broken Heart


    Princess poppy falls into the pond and leaves her crown in the water. Sadie the swan picks it up on her head, and is seen by Prince Boris who is convinced that she is a princess who has been turned into a swan.

  • Bertie and the Mermaid


    The story of why Bertie thinks that Mermaids are no better than sirens.

  • Bertie and the Ghost


    When Bertie was still a small prince, his annoying little brother bet him that he would not dare to sleep one Halloween night in the haunted North Tower. Bertie did - and he met a ghost with a strange sense of humour.

  • Bertie and the Lion


    The story of how Prince Bertie kept a lion as a pet when he was a small boy living in the palace, and what happened when the lion grew too big to keep.

  • Bertie’s Double


    The Wicked Queen is determined that Princess Beatrice should marry a rich prince - but Beatrice stays true to her long lost Prince Bertie - then the Queen finds someone who looks just like Bertie.

  • Bertie’s Year of the Rat


    In the year of the Rat, Bertie gives sanctuary to a special visitor to the pond.

  • Colin’s Grumpy Christmas


    A fish wishes to be alone. Santa grants him his desire for Christmas, and then he wonders if peace and quiet is such a wonderful thing after all.

  • Three Short Bertie Stories


    Three short and slapstick pond-life stories compiled from the early days of Storynory. Notable for the voice of Rob playing Colin the Carp and Barker the Dog.

  • Agent Bertie


    You will only hear this on Storynory because it's Top Secret. Natasha exclusively reveals that before Bertie was turned into a frog, he worked as a Secret Agent.

  • Colin: The Grumpy King


    How an exceptionally grumpy fish who lives on the pond with Prince Bertie the Frog was turned into the King for a day and tried to ban football. There's a moral in it somewhere.

  • Bertie Writes A Book


    Bertie has become an author - and here you can listen to the the story of how he came to write his first block-buster.

  • Bertie Valentine


    All the pond life are excited by Valentine's day. But nobody is more excited than Bertie the frog. All he has to do, is to lure the Lovely Princess Beatrice Down to the Pond, receive her kiss from her, and he will turn back into his true self - a handsome prince.

  • Bertie Meets Father Christmas


    The absolutely true story of how Prince Bertie the Frog met Santa Claus and his reindeer. The Lovely Princess Beatrice was most terribly upset after the wicked stepmother called off Christmas, and Bertie just had to cheer her up.

  • Halloween on the Pond


    This a rather scary story, particularly if you are a very small tadpole. Halloween is the most frightening night the year, or it is the most scrummy night of the year, depending on whether you are on the right or wrong end of a trick or a treat.

  • How Colin the Carp Became Grumpy


    After a huge argument on the pond Colin the Grumpy Carp was forced to reveal the secret of how he got his grouch. We now tell the story. Get your hankies ready, because this one is a real tear jerker.

  • Bertie on Holiday


    The lovely princess Beatrice is on holiday - but she can get no rest because she is constantly being photographed. The newspapers back home are saying some really rude things about her. Bertie is shocked and comes to the rescue.

  • The Sweetest Princess Competition


    When Beatrice was just a teenage princess in training, she entered The Sweetest Princess Competition. Up until now, the inside story has been kept secret, but Sadie the Swan has persuaded Bertie to reveal all.

  • Tim’s Swimming Lesson


    The pond-life were amazed when Tim suggested that all the fishes, frogs, and tadpoles should have swimming lessons. In fact, Colin the Carp said that was the silliest thing he had ever heard.

  • How Prince Bertie Ran Away


    About the time when Bertie was a just a small prince-ling and he decided to run away from the palace. He finds that the world outside can be quite rough when nobody knows that you are really a royal in disguise.

  • Prince Bertie and the Dragon


    How Prince Bertie slew a Welsh dragon and won the hand of the Lovely Princess Beatrice. An adventure from the time before Bertie was turned into a frog.

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