


Journey together through innumerable worlds of fiction with Prose, a biweekly podcast series that offers up short stories of all genres and subject matter. If you like fiction of all sorts with the occasional bit of poetry or verse thrown in for good measure, join us on our adventures through the labyrinths of the human psyche and the infinite spaces of the imagination.


  • 9.0 Episode 9

    15/01/2017 Duração: 01min

    Welcome to episode nine of Prose.  This episode peeps in at a young married couple’s home life, highlights a man trying to hide, and speaks to having small, woodland friends.  The second of thee three stories, “Mirror,” is the second from Prose’s current guest author in residence, Nicholas B. Morris. More information about Mr. Morris and his works can be heard in episode 9.2. Yes, Prose is still pushing ever-toward implementing PayPal giving and Patreon backing possibilities for the show; those are both still coming If you are continuing to enjoy Prose, I would be greatly appreciative if you could head over to iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, or the podcast-catcher of your choice and leave a rating and/or review. These are the lifeblood of podcasts and would help Prose to keep sending tales your way.  Thank you for taking the time to listen to Prose.  Let’s get to the tales, shall we? This week, we have “Study of a Young Married Couple in Hobby Lobby,” “Mirror”, and “My Autumn Companions.”  Enjoy!

  • 8.3 - "Doppleganger" by Nicholas B. Morris

    08/01/2017 Duração: 16min

    "Doppleganger" by Nicholas B. Morris takes in the terrors of having another you out in the world.  *** Nicholas B. Morris grew up in Arkansas but fell in love with Colorado. His stories and other assorted writings have been published in The Harpoon Review, Cliterature, Connotation Press, Danse Macabre Online, and Nebo. He has published two short story collections, the full-length Tapeworm and the chapbook The Boy in the Well, both with the now sadly defunct Monkey Puzzle Press. (You can buy copies of Tapeworm from him directly on Amazon.) He works in his dream job as Assistant Professor of Humanities at the Community College of Denver and watches endless re-runs of Star Trek with his partner Alyssa Piccinni. Mr. Morris tweets at @totallynotNickM.  Caleb Hicks produced the original audio for the narrative.  He and Mr. Morris worked closely together on the spoke album of Mr. Morris’s stories called The Boy in the Well. All music and sound effects, save the paul-stretched flute, were taken from,

  • 8.2 - "Snoring Throughout"

    08/01/2017 Duração: 05min

    "Snoring Throughout" questions use of time.  *** The sound effects for this story were taken from the, an amazing community of artists that set out to help one another through the sharing of their art.  User Eric Prizens provided the snoring effect, and user Olver provided the clock ticking.  A sincere thank you to these two and for the contribution.  These effects are being used under a Creative Commons attribution share alike license 4.0.  

  • 8.1 - "Fast

    08/01/2017 Duração: 06min

    "Fast" laments aging and mediocrity.  *** The backing tracks for “Fast” were taken from the MusOpen at "MusOpen is a 501(c)(3) non-profit focused on increasing access to music by creating free resources and educational materials. They provide recordings, sheet music, and textbooks to the public for free, without copyright restrictions." As they say, their mission is "to set music free."  These two tracks are the Allegro and Adagio from String Quartet no. 1, Op. 46 by Swan Hennessy, a composition in four sections. The MusOpen artist performing is Steve’s Bedroom Band, a frequent contributor to the site and its mission.  A sincere thank you to the artist and for the contribution.  This track is being used under a Creative Commons attribution share alike license 4.0.  

  • 8.0 - Episode 8

    08/01/2017 Duração: 01min

    Welcome to episode eight of Prose. This episode laments aging and mediocrity, questions a use of time, and takes in the terrors of having another you out in the world. The last of these three stories, “Doppleganger,” is the first from an amazing guest author, Nicholas B. Morris. More information about Mr. Morris and his works can be heard in episode 8.3. In the realm of updates, I am continuing to work toward PayPal giving and Patreon backing possibilities for the show; those are both coming. Do please be patient, and I’ll let everyone know as soon as those are ready to roll. (Again, I’d like to note how very humbled and grateful that this is something that’s even being asked about!) Remember, if you are enjoying Prose, I would be greatly appreciative if you could zip over to iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, or the podcast-catcher of your choice and leave a rating and/or review. These are the lifeblood of podcasts and would help Prose to keep sending tales your way. Thank you for taking the time to listen to Pr

  • 7.3 - "Cinderella in Beige Heels"

    31/12/2016 Duração: 09min

    This story makes known to us a damsel very much not in need of saving.

  • 7.2 - "Technically Food"

    31/12/2016 Duração: 05min

    Come ponder the effectiveness of philanthropy. 

  • 7.1 - "Black Widow"

    31/12/2016 Duração: 03min

    Meet a dangerous and fiery young lady. 

  • 7.0 - Episode 7

    31/12/2016 Duração: 02min

      Welcome to episode seven of Prose.  This episode introduces us to a fiery young lady, ponders the effectiveness of philanthropy, and makes known a damsel very much not in need of saving.  For those sensitive to language, sexuality, or violence, episode 7.1 is not at all for you, so please do proceed with caution. This is also a good time for a quick update, as we are just starting what will hopefully be a new year filled with joy and progress for us all, Prose included.  In the coming months, a couple authors that I respect greatly will have stories show up in Prose alongside my own original compositions, and, as I noted in the very first introductory episode, once the first season comes to a successful close, a general call for submissions will open up via the official website at  Be sure to keep your eyes and ears peeled for both of those happenings.  Also, I have been asked several times now about the upcoming PayPal giving and Patreon backing possibilities for the show; those are b

  • 6.3 - The Christmas Story (Gospel of Luke)

    26/12/2016 Duração: 05min

    In the spirit of the holidays, our third tale is from the Bible and is the Christmas Story from the Gospel of Luke.  For those that celebrate Christmas, I hope you’ve had a very merry Christmas, indeed.  For those that celebrate something else altogether or are just enjoying family, friends, and general, merriment, happiest of holidays to you all.

  • 6.2 - "A Modern Affair"

    26/12/2016 Duração: 09min

    Experience a sordid affair. 

  • 6.1 - "The Very Dark"

    26/12/2016 Duração: 07min

    Come face to face with the source of all horror in our world. 

  • 6.0 - Episode 6

    26/12/2016 Duração: 01min

    Episode six of Prose presents us with the source of all horror in our world and a sordid affair. For those sensitive to language, sexuality, or violence, episode 6.2 is not at all for you, so please do proceed with caution. Thank you for taking the time to listen to Prose podcast. Let’s get to the tales, shall we? This week, we have “The Very Dark” and “A Modern Affair.” In the spirit of the holidays, our third tale is from the Bible and is the Christmas Story from the Gospel of Luke. For those that celebrate Christmas, I hope you’ve had a very merry Christmas, indeed. For those that celebrate something else altogether or are just enjoying family, friends, and general, merriment, happiest of holidays to you all. Enjoy!

  • 5.3 - "A Natural"

    17/12/2016 Duração: 03min

    An obsession with scent takes the spotlight in "A Natural." ---- Visit the Prose website for more episodes and even more fantastic fiction fun.

  • 5.2 - "The Noose"

    17/12/2016 Duração: 07min

    We take a cynical look at adult reality in "The Noose." ---- Visit the Prose website for more episodes and even more fantastic fiction fun.

  • 5.1 - "Just a Look"

    17/12/2016 Duração: 11min

    Two writers might be in love in "Just a Look." ---- Visit the Prose website for more episodes and even more fantastic fiction fun.

  • 5.0 - Episode 5

    17/12/2016 Duração: 30s

    Episode Five of Prose touts two writers who might be in love, a cynical look at adult reality, and an obsession with scent.   All three short stories are appropriate for most audiences.   This week, we have “Just a Look,” “The Noose”, and “A Natural.”  ---- Visit the Prose website for more episodes and even more fantastic fiction fun.

  • 4.3 - "So, They Stopped"

    10/12/2016 Duração: 06min

    An alien race interacts with humanity, and then...doesn't in "So, They Stopped." ---- Visit the Prose website for more episodes and even more fantastic fiction fun.

  • 4.2 - "The Cypriot Empress"

    10/12/2016 Duração: 07min

    A woman takes charge amid a crisis in the days of the Byzantine Empire in "The Cypriot Empress." ---- Visit the Prose website for more episodes and even more fantastic fiction fun.

  • 4.1 - "Moving On"

    10/12/2016 Duração: 08min

    A man is in pain at leaving a job in "Moving On." ---- Visit the Prose website for more episodes and even more fantastic fiction fun.

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