Q & A, Hosted By Jay Nordlinger



Jay Nordlinger is a senior editor of National Review and the music critic of The New Criterion. His guests are from the worlds of politics and culture, talking about the most important issues of the day, and some pleasant trivialities as well.


  • E19. Choice Words from D’Souza

    31/07/2015 Duração: 25min

    Dinesh D’Souza has been a public figure since the 1980s, when he was a conservative intellectual and controversialist at Dartmouth College. He has gone on to be an extremely successful author and filmmaker. With him, you can discuss just about anything, and Jay does in this “Q&A” podcast. They talk about politics — Obama, Romney, Trump, et al. They talk about higher ed. They talk about concepts of... Source

  • E18. Clarity on Iran, Etc., from One Who Knows

    16/07/2015 Duração: 35min

    Elliott Abrams was a State Department official under Reagan and a key White House staffer under George W. Bush. He is now with the Council on Foreign Relations (no doubt improving the place considerably). As Jay says in this podcast, presidents and other powerful people have wanted the benefit of this man’s thinking, and so does he – so does Jay. The two talk chiefly about Iran... Source

  • E17. Dana!

    10/07/2015 Duração: 39min

    Dana Perino is a star of Fox News — a co-host of “The Five.” She was press secretary to George W. Bush. She is the author of a best-selling new book: “And the Good News Is . . .: Lessons and Advice from the Bright Side.” And she is Jay’s guest on this latest “Q&A.” They talk about a smorgasbord, including Republicans, Democrats, Bushes, Obama, the media, and the current GOP field. Also... Source

  • E16. The Joy of Thor

    03/07/2015 Duração: 39min

    Jay’s guest today is Brad Thor, the writer of best-selling thrillers. (His latest is Code of Conduct.) More than a thriller-writer, Thor is an expert in defense, national security, and so on. He and Jay talk about Greece, Iran, ISIS, Afghanistan . . . They talk about Edward Snowden. (Thor is not a fan, to put it very mildly.) They talk about the 2016 presidential election. (Thor has a horse. Source

  • E15. An Arab Woman at Charlie Hebdo

    30/06/2015 Duração: 40min

    Jay’s guest is Zineb El Rhazoui, a Moroccan journalist. She is a reporter for Charlie Hebdo. This is the Parisian magazine – satirical, left-wing, and atheist – that was attacked last January by Islamists. Two brothers named Kouachi massacred twelve people. Rhazoui was not there that day. She was on vacation. She returned to Charlie Hebdo, for a few reasons. One of them, as she told Jay... Source

  • E14. The Eternal Norman P.

    23/06/2015 Duração: 48min

    At the beginning of this podcast, Jay says roughly the following: “Norman Podhoretz and Bill Buckley had the greatest influence on me, politically. But I absolve both of them of responsibility for my errors.” In the course of this ’cast, Jay talks with N. Pod. about matters literary, political, and personal. They start with Shakespeare – and go on to Yeats, Dickens, and some other fellows... Source

  • E13. The Tuck Man

    09/06/2015 Duração: 41min

    Today, Jay is joined by an old friend, Tucker Carlson, the founder and editor-in-chief of The Daily Caller, the co-host of “Fox & Friends Weekend.” They talk on the air pretty much as they do in private: about the media, about personalities, about politics, and so on. Jay asks, in effect, “Is global warming a hoax?” And, “What happened to Harry Reid’s face?” And, “Is California over? Source

  • E12. Countering Extremism, Creatively

    02/06/2015 Duração: 19min

    Suleiman Bakhit is a guest of the Oslo Freedom Forum. He is a Jordanian entrepreneur – the son of a prime minister – who has created a line of comic books. His aim is to give young people a sense of heroism apart from bin Laden, Zarqawi, and that crowd. He has been slashed in the face for his troubles. He is an interesting man who has led an interesting life who has interesting things to say... Source

  • E11. A Chic and Gutsy Woman from Iran

    28/05/2015 Duração: 40min

    Jay has been working at the Oslo Freedom Forum, the annual human-rights conference in Norway. Among the many attendees is Marina Nemat: a onetime political prisoner in Iran, now a human-rights champion. As Jay explains, she was born in 1965 and was 13 when the Khomeinist revolution triumphed. She was sassy at school – wanting to learn such subjects as math rather than Khomeini-style theology – and... Source

  • E10. Black Unbound

    18/05/2015 Duração: 58min

    As Jay says in this “Q&A,” Conrad Black has lived a “big and tumultuous life.” He has been a newspaper publisher, a media magnate. He is a member of the British house of lords. He spent long, difficult years in the U.S. legal system, including three and a half years in prison. He is the author of many books, including biographies of FDR and Nixon. His latest book is a history of Canada (his native... Source

  • E9. From the (Reportorial) Front Lines

    12/05/2015 Duração: 35min

    Jay’s guest today is Lou Cannon, the veteran political journalist – formerly with the Washington Post. He is renowned as a Reagan biographer. He also wrote what is surely the finest book on the L.A. riots of 1992. With Jay, he talks about Obama, Baltimore, the media, Reagan, 2016, and more. There’s a lot of experience packed into what he says. Yes, Q and A, hosted by Jay Nordlinger is now on... Source

  • E8. Baltimore and Beyond

    06/05/2015 Duração: 26min

    Jay’s guest today is Bob Ehrlich, the former governor of Maryland. He is a Baltimore-area kid, a Reagan Republican, and a straight-talker. With Jay, he talks about what ails Baltimore, what ails America, and what we can do to get back to health. A lot of people find Ehrlich a breath of fresh air. Chances are you will too. Check him out. P.S. He may – just may – run a dark-horse candidacy for the... Source

  • E7. Our Sagacious Cousin

    22/04/2015 Duração: 38min

    Jay’s latest guest is Daniel Hannan, the British politician and writer. There is an election coming up in the U.K. Jay asks about that, and a lot more. Why are there so many writers — and crack writers, such as Hannan — in British politics? Is Hannan British or English? Or both? What are conservatives to think of David Cameron, the Conservative leader? How red is “Red Ed” Miliband... Source

  • E6. Viva Ileana!

    16/04/2015 Duração: 38min

    Jay’s guest today is Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, the congresswoman from Miami, born in Cuba. Naturally, she and Jay talk about an issue of the hour: the United States, led by Obama, and Cuba, led by a Castro (as since 1959). But they also talk about the main issue of the hour: Iran and the Bomb. They further talk about Jeb ’n’ Marco. Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen has known them both and represented them... Source

  • E5. A Tour with Tom Cotton

    07/04/2015 Duração: 34min

    At Jay’s prompting, Senator Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) does a tour d’horizon: Iran, Iraq, Syria, Russia . . . Everywhere, there is danger. Everywhere, the United States has choices to make. The senator also talks about the Bergdahl swap: President Obama’s trade of five Taliban leaders for Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, now charged with desertion. Then there is the question of our defenses: Are they... Source

  • E3. The Majority Leader

    23/03/2015 Duração: 24min

    Jay’s guest today is Sen. Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.), the majority leader. The first question borrows phrasing from Hillary Clinton: What difference does it make? What difference does having a majority in the Senate make, given that the other party has the presidency? Another question is: Are you a right-wing extremist, as the Left charges, or an Establishment marshmallow, as the Right charges? Source

  • E2. An Author at Large

    18/03/2015 Duração: 32min

    Jay’s guest is Mark Helprin, who is not to be confused with Mark Halperin. This Mark is the novelist, foreign-affairs analyst, and political writer – the author of “Winter’s Tale,” “A Soldier of the Great War,” and many other acclaimed books. He and Jay have known each other for a long time, and discussed the issues with each other for an equally long time. Today’s topics include Iran, Israel... Source

  • E1. Kasparov: A Champion for All Seasons

    12/03/2015 Duração: 27min

    Welcome to “Q&A,” a podcast hosted by Jay Nordlinger. Jay will be handling the “Q” part; a variety of guests will be handling the “A” part. On occasion, Jay may be doing some answering himself. “Q&A” will be weekly, more or less. Some weeks will have more than one episode; some weeks will be without episodes. The show will be fairly regular, regardless. The guest in this inaugural episode is Garry... Source

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