Risen Motherhood



A weekly podcast for moms. A space to remember we are not alone in our experiences, be challenged to have joy among the chaos, remember grace covers guilt, and seek the truth of the gospel above all else. This is a podcast for the imperfect mother, still learning, still growing and still fully recognizing she doesnt have it all together - but comes everyday, to the base of the cross, to seek the one who does.


  • When The World Is Scary: Mothering In Faith, Not Fear | Ep. 16

    18/05/2016 Duração: 16min

    While motherhood brings us great joy, it also elevates our deepest fears to sometimes irrationally high levels. We go from mama cub to mama bear after a few Facebook articles or moments spent reading the latest news. God gives us a healthy awareness of the risks our children face, but he doesn't want us to live in chronic fear or anxiety over those risks. In today's episode, Emily and Laura discuss common fear triggers moms face, and what to do when we get stuck in a cycle of worry, worry, worry. Jesus gives us a solid foundation, future hope, and promises that will never change. Because momma, God has good plans and he can be trusted in all circumstances!    Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!

  • When Quiet Times Aren’t Quiet: How Moms Make Time To Study God’s Word | Ep. 15

    11/05/2016 Duração: 19min

    Motherhood is loud. With days full of urgent needs, it can be difficult to complete any task, not to mention the challenge of finding a time to be alone with God. But this is exactly what moms really need! Moments to linger over a refreshing truth or be reminded of who they really are in God's eyes. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the importance of "making time" for our most important relationship, including practical tips for getting in God's word (even when it's noisy or chaotic). Listen in, and be encouraged to drop your shame and run back to the Father who loves you. * In this show, we talk about our new jingle - we've since updated all previous episodes for consistency.    Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a rev

  • How Mom Can Help Dad Invest In The Family's Faith | Ep. 14

    04/05/2016 Duração: 17min

    God has given so much responsibility to Dads to lead and invest in their family's faith. As a wife and a mom, we can and should come alongside them in this task, offering our gifts, talents, skills, intelligence and creativity to help them thrive in this calling. But how does that look practically? In today's episode, Emily and Laura talk about how a wife can help and equip her husband to lead the family spiritually. Not through manipulation, nagging, eye-rolling, or shaming; but by believing the best in him and being his biggest supporter. Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!

  • Breastfeeding vs. Bottle Feeding: How the Gospel Changes the Conversation | Ep. 13

    20/04/2016 Duração: 17min

    Every mom spends a tremendous amount of time feeding their baby.  Whether we had carefully laid plans, many choices at our disposal, or the choice was made for us; bringing new life into the world forces to us walk headlong into our first big task as a mom.  In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss their experiences with this issue, shifting the conversation away from judgment and comparison.  What would happen if we refused to let our feeding method define our first year with a child, and instead, treasured Christ above all else?  Blog Posts, Articles and Books: Mommy Wars are Spirit Wars - Carolyn McCulley The End of Mommy Wars - Christine Hoover Are You Mom Enough? - Rachel Pieh Jones What is Idolatry? - Ask Pastor John When it comes to the mommy wars, I'm waving the white flag - Erin Davis How to stop the judgements, stop the comparison, and be at peace with the mom you are - Jess Connell 3 Fads that are killing your joy - Sara Wallace Mom Enough - free E-Book One Thing - Jess Connell

  • Is Your Child's Faith Your Responsibility? | Ep. 12

    13/04/2016 Duração: 17min

    As moms, our greatest hope is that our children come to know and love Jesus, developing a deep relationship with the one true God as they mature. And we know that the best way we can impart our faith on our children is nurture, teach, model and encourage them in Biblical truths as we live out the gospel in our daily life. But often, that desire is so great, we inadvertently bear the burden of their eternal future on our shoulders, drowning us in guilt, fear and false responsibility. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the common pitfalls in trying to "secure" our children's faith, and explain how moms can trust God with our children as we continue to be faithful to out the redemption story in our everyday life.   Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you

  • What Is Mom's Time Worth | Ep. 11

    06/04/2016 Duração: 19min

    As moms, we have a lot of demands on our time.  The world tells us we should "do it all", not leaving room for weakness or balance.  In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss God's plan for a mom's time, and share areas of their own lives where they've needed to wave the white flag and find extra support.  If you're feeling pressed for time and overwhelmed, listen in for encouragement and practical ideas for organizing your priorities. Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!

  • When You Feel Alone | Ep. 10

    30/03/2016 Duração: 17min

    In motherhood, our sin separates us from each other, making us think that our "hard moments" are something no one else can understand.  But is that the whole truth?  Is there hope?  In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the common feelings of isolation we experience as moms, how we attend our own pity-parties, and how to break free from the feeling that you're "alone." Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!

  • Social Media, Comparison and Motherhood | Ep. 09

    23/03/2016 Duração: 17min

    Momma, do you regularly feel burdened by what you see on social media?  Emily and Laura discuss the major pitfalls of social media and comparison, how we can speak truth to ourselves in the midst of it, and how to use our favorite apps redemptively.  Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!

  • Does Your Momiform Matter? | Ep. 08

    16/03/2016 Duração: 16min

    How can a mom harness the advantages of styled hair and lovely clothes without shifting her focus onto temporal things? Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!

  • Dirt, Dishes and Diapers: Coping With The Never Ending Mess | Ep. 07

    02/03/2016 Duração: 17min

    This episode is for every mom who struggles to cope with the never-ending mess that comes along with the role of momma.  Whether you consider yourself naturally messy or organized, this episode will help you evaluate what really matters - not the size of your laundry pile, but your heart. Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!

  • Momma, You Matter & Here's Why (+ An Announcement!) | Ep. 06

    17/02/2016 Duração: 22min

    This episode is for every mom who needs inspiration and motivation in her calling. Your work and efforts matter, but it can be hard to remember when you're buried in a pile of laundry, buckets of tears and tantrums, or endless bowls of mac and cheese. Today we're sharing the mission of motherhood and why you are making an impact for eternity.

  • Marriage & Motherhood | Ep. 05

    10/02/2016 Duração: 17min

    Emily and Laura discuss the temptation to let your marriage go on the backburner when you have young children.  They share about why a thriving marriage is important and give practical ideas for loving your husband well (even when you’re tired).   Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes

  • Resources To Teach Your Children About Jesus | Ep. 04

    03/02/2016 Duração: 19min

    Emily and Laura discuss the beginning stages of sharing the gospel with young children, and some of the common challenges. They also share practical ideas for getting started and making it work for your family. Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!

  • Postpartum Body Image | Ep. 03

    27/01/2016 Duração: 19min

    Emily and Laura discuss the hard realities of postpartum body image, including reflections from their own experiences.  Grab your coffee and listen in to this real life conversation of two moms trying to sort through the lies and struggles that come with expanding hips and waistlines, and how to speak truth to yourself as you cling to your true identity in Christ.

  • Motherhood & Self-Care | Ep. 02

    20/01/2016 Duração: 16min

    Emily and Laura discuss a mother’s need to care for herself in order to serve and love her family well.  Particularly, they talk about strategies for self-care, ideas for discovering what gets you energized and how staying connected to Christ is the most important thing.

  • Motherhood and The Gospel | Ep. 01

    13/01/2016 Duração: 18min

    Emily and Laura discuss how the gospel impacts motherhood and parenting, because it's difficult to stay focused on what matters eternally in a culture prone to promoting mommy guilt.  In addition, you'll hear a bit about these blogging sister-in-laws, and how the idea of "Risen Motherhood" became a reality.

  • Welcome to Risen Motherhood! | Ep. 00

    01/01/2016 Duração: 11min

    Welcome to Risen Motherhood! This is a quick introductory show to learn what Risen Motherhood is all about. Tune in to hear the heart behind the show and get a feel for what you'll hear in upcoming episodes.  Visit www.risenmotherhood.com to view and listen to all the episodes, and view the show notes for each episode containing links to additional articles and resources. 

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