Hutchinson First Baptist Church



Welcome to First Baptist Church. We hope you are blessed by God's Word as you listen to our podcast. God bless you and come join us sometime. Check out our church website at!


  • The Establishment of the Church - Audio

    10/01/2016 Duração: 38min

    Welcome to First Baptist Church. We hope you are blessed by God's Word as you listen to our podcast. God bless you and come join us sometime. Check out our church website at!

  • Rend The Heavens - Audio

    06/12/2015 Duração: 33min

    This morning, we are in our 2nd week of Advent and we are celebrating the first coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and we are also waiting in anticipation for his 2nd coming. We know that all that Christ promised, will come to fruition at his 2nd coming, and therefore we wait for that day. Today we look at Isaiah and his prophecies and specifically, the prophecy that speaks of God 'rending the heavens'; tearing them open in order that he might descend to his people. May we find peace and comfort in the fact that God did so once, and he promises that he will do so again and when he does, all will be made right and all will be made new!

  • What Ought We To Do? - Audio

    22/11/2015 Duração: 32min

    This morning is our 2nd sermon in the series: Preparing for Advent. Today we look at how the Christian ought to respond the news of the coming Savior. There is a right and a wrong way to respond during Advent and today we look at how God calls us to respond: through praise and thanksgiving!

  • It Will Be Finished - Audio

    15/11/2015 Duração: 28min

    Today, as we are moving toward Advent, we take a special look at why Advent was needed. We want to emphasize this morning the need for Jesus, what he offered to Jews of the day, and what he grants to each one of us in light of faith that is placed in him. Join with us today and be encouraged by the finished work of Jesus on your behalf.

  • The Gospel of Adoption - Audio

    08/11/2015 Duração: 31min

    This morning we observed 'Orphan Sunday', a day in which the church specifically takes time to look at the need for Christians to care for orphans worldwide. As believers, who have been redeemed, we also hold that God has adopted us, as sons who didn't have a father, into his family. And because we are those who have been adopted, then we too are called to ministry of adoption, that we might show the gospel through adoption to others. Enjoy!

  • The Eyes of the Saints - Audio

    01/11/2015 Duração: 32min

    This morning we are taking time to remember those saints who have gone before us and how they lived the Christian life. All Saints Day has been a day in which the church commemorates the saints who we learn from and the examples that they set. The writer of Hebrews teaches us that because of the faithfulness of those saints, we too can learn how to run this race that we are in, in a way that is faithful and complete. Enjoy and be blessed!

  • In Need of a Fortress - Audio

    26/10/2015 Duração: 29min

    The Sunday before Halloween is known as "Reformation Sunday". A day in which we take time to specifically remember a time in the history of the church that has largely shaped the face of the modern Christian church. This morning we look at the life of Martin Luther and his influence on the church but specifically in writing his most famous hymn "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God". Today we are studying Psalm 46 (the psalm that the hymn is based on) and why a man like Luther and those with him could take refuge in God in the midst of the difficulty they were seeing. May we too, in the midst of our circumstances, find the same solace in our God! Enjoy and be blessed!

  • Ready Your Minds - Audio

    11/10/2015 Duração: 35min

    This morning is our second sermon in our sermon series titled "Harvest". We have been looking at the reality that the harvest is ready for the believers to go to. Last week, we looked specifically at the fact that we are called to this, and thus Christ demands our obedience. But this week, we switch gears a little and focus more on how we prepare, how we ready ourselves for this task. We look at 2 Timothy this morning as we learn how it is that God equips and prepares his children for the work that he has called them to. Enjoy as we continue to learn about how God intends to equip you and me for the work of ministry.

  • Raise Your Heads - Audio

    04/10/2015 Duração: 30min

    This morning we are starting a very short sermon series as we look at the season of harvest. We start with the calling to the harvest that we find from Jesus in John 4, as he commands his disciples to look to the horizon and see that the harvest is ready now for the workers to go and reap what has been sown. May we as Christians, realize the calling for us to be ready for the harvest and be about the work of reaping all that God has sown.

  • When You Pray... - Audio

    20/09/2015 Duração: 38min

    This morning we are nearing the end of the Epistle of James and we are studying James teaching on prayer and the proper time and occasion for prayer! Whether you are one who struggles to pray on a consistent basis or you have the practice mastered, we hope this sermon will draw you back and remind you of the reason you pray, the calling to pray, the method of prayer and the Hearer of Prayer! God bless!

  • Cross My Heart, Hope to Die - Audio

    13/09/2015 Duração: 36min

    This morning we are moving on in James and studying verse 12 by itself. In our text we learn about James' commendation to us to not swear, or take oaths by anything in heaven or in earth, but rather to be men and women of our word and let our yes be yes and our no be no. We are called to be of such integrity that we have no need to back up our words with silly promises or oaths. Be blessed this morning and may we all strive to be men and women of our words.

  • Be Patient - Audio

    06/09/2015 Duração: 34min

    This morning we are looking at the next part of James 5, as the Epistle comes to a close. Today we are studying what our response to mistreatment and persecution should be as Christians. James gives us a pretty solid blueprint of why we are to respond a certain way, how we are to respond, and when we are the respond that way. Join us now as we dig through James 5:7-11 together. Enjoy

  • You Will Survive - Audio

    30/08/2015 Duração: 34min

    This morning we are continuing in our study through the Epistle of James and here we come the point where James speaks to how believers ought to handle their wealth. And he does so through the lens of speaking about the condemnation that is coming upon the non-believer for how they have abused their wealth. This should serve as a sober reminder that all that we have belongs to God and when he gifts finances to us, we are entrusted and expected to honor him in how we steward those gifts. Study with us as we see this exhortation from James.

  • What Am I Forgetting? - Audio

    24/08/2015 Duração: 29min

    This morning, we take a look at the next part of James 4...verse 17. Here James gives us a synopsis of all that he has just said...namely that since we have been told what we ought to do, we now need to know that to go and not do it (that is care for the poor, trust God, obey his Word, not show favoritism, watch our tongues, etc...) is sin. This morning we look at the sin of omission in our lives and how often we know the right to do and yet fail to do it anyway.

  • Today Is The Day - Audio

    16/08/2015 Duração: 34min

    Today we look at how James prescribes that Christians treat and plan for the future. James points out for us that far too many of us treat tomorrow as if it is James calls our attention to the reality that tomorrow is not promised and therefore making plans in our own wisdom, as if they are certain, is foolish! Enjoy!

  • The World and All That Is In It - Audio

    10/08/2015 Duração: 47min

    This morning we continue through our series in James. Today we turn our attention to James words about the primary friendship in our lives: friendship with the world vs. friendship with God. James shows us this morning what friendship with the world looks like and what it leads to and conversely he shows us what friendship with God looks like. The challenge this morning is that as we grow in our sanctification that we continually learn what it means to live as friends with God and to continually walk away from our friendship with the world!

  • Be Careful Little... - Audio

    26/07/2015 Duração: 43min

    This morning we are studying James 3:1-12, and hearing James' teaching about the use of our tongues and more importantly the taming of our tongues. We all struggle to say the things we ought to, to keep ourselves from saying what we ought not to, and to differentiate between the two. Thankfully, God gives us through the Apostle, James, a directive as to how we can glorify him with our speech and how we can make his salvation known through our tongues!

  • Can You Hear Me Now? - Audio

    12/07/2015 Duração: 28min

    Today we are joined by a guest preacher, Stan Hendershot. As he comes and delivers the word from 2 Chronicles 7, may we remember the call to repentance. That no Christian is ever beyond that call, and that the life of the Christian is a life of constant and steady repentance.

  • The Church's Response - Audio

    28/06/2015 Duração: 39min

    This morning our message came specifically in light of the recent Supreme Court ruling in regards to gay marriage. We look this morning at how the church should respond to the ruling and what the church's mentality should be in regards to these matters! Is. 46 1 Cor. 13 2 Cor. 5 Mt. 16 Gen. 1 Eph. 5

  • What's Your Response? - Audio

    21/06/2015 Duração: 35min

    This morning, as we move through the epistle of James, we are studying vs. 18-25 of chapter 1, and learning about the proper approach to God's Word that James lays before us. I am convinced that a Father's greatest legacy that he can leave on his children is his devotion to God's Word and his willingness to be led and changed by God's Word at every turn. This morning, we are going to study why that is the case and why it is so vital that we all be open to the leadership of God's Word!

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