The Fr. Mike Schmitz Catholic Podcast



Faith, pop culture, and headline reflections from Fr. Mike Schmitz.


  • I Love Being Catholic. Here's Why.

    30/05/2024 Duração: 06min

    If you're truly open-minded, you can find some truth in most religions. You can find plenty of goodness and beauty as well. But where is the whole truth of God—the "fullness of truth"? Fr. Mike makes the case for Catholic Christianity, and why you should settle for nothing less.

  • Do You Go to Hell If You’ve Never Heard of Jesus?

    23/05/2024 Duração: 08min

    When considering the people of the Old Testament before Jesus's coming, we might ask ourselves: "Are those without the knowledge of Jesus destined for eternal damnation?" And what about those who have never had an opportunity in our day and age to hear the name of Jesus and accept faith? "Where do they go when they die?" Today, Fr. Mike explores these tough questions, drawing on the sacred scriptures and the church's teachings on salvation.

  • A Theology of Your Body

    16/05/2024 Duração: 07min

    Pope John Paul II said that what modern man needs—and is missing—is an "adequate anthropology", or, a full understanding of what it looks like to be human. Over the course of his pontificate, he gave it his best shot using the entirety of scripture, 2,000 years of church teaching, and the latest scientific understandings of the human person. Today, we call it the Theology of the Body. And it will change the way you look at yourself and your purpose in life. Fr. Mike Schmitz gives us an introduction to the Theology of the Body and invites us to his 4-part series diving deeper into these incredible mysteries. Sign up for the whole series for FREE here:

  • The 5 Powerful Effects of the Sacrament of Confirmation

    09/05/2024 Duração: 07min

    Have you been confirmed? Have you received the Sacrament of Confirmation yet? Does this mean you're a "grown-up" Catholic now—that you've graduated? Not quite. There's so much more to it than that. Today, Fr. Mike breaks down the 5 effects that flow from receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation.

  • Politics vs. Principles

    02/05/2024 Duração: 08min

    Is there any hope for unity in the United States of America? Fr. Mike gives a resounding "yes". But not over politics or policies—but the principles that our country was founded on. What's the difference between politics/policies and principles? Fr. Mike has a take that might make you think.

  • A Message to Cradle Catholics

    25/04/2024 Duração: 05min

    A question to anyone who is thinking about rejecting Jesus (or has accepted him for that matter): have you even met him? Do you know who you are rejecting? You might think the answer is yes. The answer might even be yes. But Fr. Mike has something that every single one of us needs to consider before deciding whether or not to stick by Jesus and his Church.

  • Can I Sin in My Dreams?

    19/04/2024 Duração: 04min

    Have you ever had dark, disturbing dreams? If you did, did you feel guilty when you woke up? Did you have some vague sense of shame that such dreams came from your mind? If you’ve ever experienced this, you might have even wondered whether or not such dreams could be considered “sinful.” Fr. Mike is here today to give you the short answer—no, dreams themselves cannot be considered sinful—and the long answer… what are you doing during your waking hours that could be feeding these dark dreams?

  • 4 Keys to Good Prayer

    11/04/2024 Duração: 08min

    Does good prayer feel out of reach for you? Do distractions plague you unceasingly? Are you wondering if you're supposed to be getting more out of prayer time? Fr. Mike proposes a simple 4-part roadmap to better, more fulfilling prayer time. It's not difficult—it just takes practice.

  • Saying Yes to a Life You Did Not Plan

    04/04/2024 Duração: 07min

    Who is orchestrating your life? If it's God—and not you—what will you say to him? Fr. Mike suggests trying "yes." Whether life circumstances bring the best out of you or the worst out of you, you need Jesus more than you think you do. And that is a very good thing. Here's why.

  • Stay. Watch. Pray. (Fr. Mike's Holy Week Special)

    28/03/2024 Duração: 09min

    Do you have FOMO? Are you always worried about what you might miss out on? Today, Fr. Mike explores why this fear of missing out could be a gift in the spiritual life using the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ as he unravels how the disciples' FOMO led them to overlook a pivotal moment in history. The call is to BE fully present. Don't miss out on God moments.

  • A Simple Key to Extending Grace

    21/03/2024 Duração: 05min

    Everyone bears burdens and faces unseen challenges. Leading a life filled with love is often the simplest path to personal growth. In this discussion, Fr. Mike delves into extending grace to strangers. A small gesture of kindness, such as offering a smile or lending a helping hand, can cultivate a community of grace and love. He reminds us that everyone navigates life's complexities differently. Fr. Mike emphasizes that acts of kindness and compassion pave the way for increased empathy and understanding, even towards those we have yet to encounter.

  • When a Miracle Doesn't Happen

    14/03/2024 Duração: 05min

    Fr. Mike Schmitz delves deeply into the profound significance of the leper's words to Jesus: 'If you will it, you can make me clean.' This verse from Matthew's Gospel embodies the very essence of faith. Fr. Mike explains how this statement captures the heart of faith in two ways: the trust inherent in believing that Christ can purify us and the trust involved in believing in him even if he chooses not to. Fr. Mike says this is the faith you are made for. It is the kind of faith that can change the world.

  • Fr. Mike Schmitz Reviews "Cabrini" Movie

    07/03/2024 Duração: 06min

    Do you know the true story of America's first canonized saint? "Cabrini," a movie from Angel Studios, tells the incredible true story of Mother Cabrini, the first American citizen to become a saint. It is a historical biopic showcasing her selfless service to the Italian immigrant population in the United States. Mother Cabrini's unwavering dedication to the dignity and respect of those in need reminds us to always look out for the ones still seeking a place at the table. Today, Fr. Mike shares his honest review of the film, "Cabrini." The movie is in theaters this weekend. He encourages you to allow the story of this remarkable saint to touch your heart and inspire you to make a difference in the world.

  • What's Inside a Humble Heart?

    29/02/2024 Duração: 05min

    "But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for the Lord sees not as man sees; man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.'” - 1 Samuel 16:7 What does God see when he looks into our hearts? Does he see a humble, contrite and broken heart, that he will not spurn? Today Fr. Mike Schmitz shares a word of encouragement from the book of 1 Samuel for how to shape our hearts so that the Lord can be present to them and abide in them.

  • Comparison: The Great Distraction

    22/02/2024 Duração: 05min

    St. Francis De Sales, often referred to as the "Saint-maker," liked to say, "Be who you are, and be that well." Each of us is called to pursue a life of holiness, a journey that unfolds uniquely for every individual. But comparing ourselves to others and judging ourselves harshly can be tempting. Fr. Mike Schmitz delves into the harmful effects of comparison and invites us instead to focus on embracing our true identity and "paint our own sunrise."

  • The Symptoms of Vanity (and the Surprising Cure)

    15/02/2024 Duração: 05min

    "Vanity of vanities! All is vanity!" Okay maybe not everything, but probably more than you thought. Vanity isn't just looking the mirror too much (although it could be). Vanity isn't just too much plastic surgery (although it could be). Vanity is "the inordinate preoccupation with what other people think." Fr. Mike suggests we look at our lives a little more closely with this new definition—and to look at Jesus for the solution.

  • How to Bring Order to Your Life

    08/02/2024 Duração: 08min

    When you clean and organize a room, you have to ask one very important question first: what is this room for? Once you can answer that, everything begins falling into place. In order to direct and order your own life, you must ask that same question. What is your life for? What is the primary purpose of the one life you've been given? Fr. Mike proposes that, when you can answer that question, everything in your life will begin falling into place for you. And he might even take a crack at answering that question for you.

  • Adam and Eve Ruined Everything for Us. How Is That Fair?

    01/02/2024 Duração: 08min

    We were all born sick. The sickness is Sin. It's not a tendency to sin that we brought upon ourselves... it's something we "caught" from our parents, that was passed down to us by our forefathers. This is Original Sin. ...but wait, how is that even fair?! Today, Fr. Mike reminds you that you are good and you were made good. But we are born with a wound that only our creator can heal.

  • What If Life Doesn't Get Easier?

    25/01/2024 Duração: 07min

    Don't let anyone trick you into thinking life isn't hard. Experience tells us all that life is truly difficult at times. But even still... haven't you ever just wished it was easier? Today, Fr. Mike proposes an alternative to just wishing things were easier. When life gets difficult, there is only one way forward (hint: it's not just grinning and bearing it).

  • What If God Doesn’t Exist?

    18/01/2024 Duração: 06min

    What if there were no God? What does that idea look like if you follow it to its logical conclusion? It ain't pretty. Today, Fr. Mike shows us that meaning, dignity, and purpose come from the one who created everything. And the good news is that he made you on purpose, for a reason. And you matter.

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