Ninja Jill Knows



Listen in as Jill, your Personal Strategist and Energetic Ninja shares tools and techniques to create the life that you desire and the business that you truly want. Each episode will provide you with strategic and energetic tips and tricks to live the life you truly want by shifting your mindset, exploiting your skillsets and focusing on your Soulset©. You will discover how to save more time, energy and effort while focusing on your purpose and the call of your soul.


  • Episode 58: How much do you BELIEVE in YOU?

    06/02/2017 Duração: 08min

    In Episode 58: How much do you BELIEVE in YOU?, we dive into: Why you need to believe a little more in what you are capable of and what it is you truly want to do. That even if it doesn't work out the way you think or you even consider it to be a fail (because there is bound to be failures along the way in life), it was still worth it to not have to wonder about it anymore.  The key question that I ask myself each morning goes a little like this..."If I believe a little more in what I can do, what would I do today?" and then, I take action.  What's your answer the question?   Listen to the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episode on iTunes here. RESOURCES If you are ready to LIVE the LIFE you TRULY WANT, knowing and understanding your PURPOSE helps you to do just that. CLICK HERE to take assess if you are living based on your purpose daily! Episode 48: Choose YOU! Episode 40: What do you do when you want to quit?  Join me on my FB page for DAILY posts and videos on strategic and energetic techniques to start LIVING

  • Episode 57: Make TODAY count

    03/02/2017 Duração: 08min

    In Episode 57: Make TODAY count, I dive into: The importance of how you show up daily and why that is really all you have. It's key to have a plan and go after what you truly want but you have to make each day count on the way towards that goal.  The glory resides in your daily actions, not in reaching the pinnacle. Happiness doesn't reside there, it resides where you are right now.  How you can make today count? Serving others, adding value and making other people's lives better by living your best life.    Listen to the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episode on iTunes here. RESOURCES If you are ready to LIVE the LIFE you TRULY WANT, knowing and understanding your PURPOSE helps you to do just that. CLICK HERE to take assess if you are living based on your purpose daily! Episode: Knowing your Purpose Impacts the's how Episode: Is it time for you to find a way?  Join me on my FB page for DAILY posts and videos on strategic and energetic techniques to start LIVING the LIFE you TRULY WANT. Be sure to li

  • Episode 56: The time will get filled...every time!

    31/01/2017 Duração: 09min

    In Episode 56: The time will get filled...every time? I dive into: The fact that your day will always be full so you have to very careful about how you are using your time. You have to choose what you are focusing on. The time won't just appear, you have to create the space and readjust how you spend your time.  The fact that what you are currently doing is what you are "saying" is your priority and your focus. I challenge you to decide if it truly is or not.  Why it's time for you to do what you truly want and spend your time each day doing it because living the life you want is truly important.  Listen to the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episode on iTunes here. RESOURCES If you are ready to LIVE the LIFE you TRULY WANT, knowing and understanding your PURPOSE helps you to do just that. CLICK HERE to take assess if you are living based on your purpose daily! Episode: The conditions will NEVER be perfect. Episode: Be who you are not who they want you to be Join me on my FB page for DAILY posts and videos on stra

  • Episode 55: What do I WANT?

    29/01/2017 Duração: 11min

    In Episode 55: What do I WANT?, we dive into: The easy answers to this question and then what you need to start doing about it and why all of your wants aren't actually what you want. What happens when you start wanting for nothing and how to get your want machine rolling again.  How you get what you want and how to make it easier to accomplish your desired outcome. And yes, you will have to take action to get what you want. There is no other way and that is why you have to be certain of what you truly want.   Listen to the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episode on iTunes here. RESOURCES If you are ready to LIVE the LIFE you TRULY WANT, knowing and understanding your PURPOSE helps you to do just that. CLICK HERE to take assess if you are living based on your purpose daily! Episode: The Conditions will NEVER be PERFECT Episode:'s never easier Episode: Is it time to find a way? Join me on my FB page for DAILY posts and videos on strategic and energetic techniques to start LIVING the LIFE you TRULY WANT

  • Episode 54: Do you NEED a PLAN?

    27/01/2017 Duração: 08min

    In Episode 54: DO you NEED a PLAN? I discuss: When you need a plan and when you don't (by the way, you usually always need a plan if you want to get there faster and make the best use of your time, energy and effort). I share with you the strategy and the way to determine a plan that actually works and is focused on what you truly want for all areas of your life. Grab your pen and paper and dive in and find out why you need a plan (if there is something more that you want in your life). Listen to the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episode on iTunes here. RESOURCES If you are ready to LIVE the LIFE you TRULY WANT, knowing and understanding your PURPOSE helps you to do just that. CLICK HERE to take assess if you are living based on your purpose daily! Episode: Does KNOWING your purpose really matter? Episode: Do you focus on the problem or the plan?  Join me on my FB page for DAILY posts and videos on strategic and energetic techniques to start LIVING the LIFE you TRULY WANT. Be sure to listen to Women Wanting More

  • Episode 53: Are you going to BE viral or vital?

    26/01/2017 Duração: 09min

    In Episode 53: Are you going to BE viral or vital? I discuss: The thoughts I had when someone in my circle mentioned the different between being viral or vital and how the difference lies in the focus of short term versus longterm approach for all areas of your life. While being "viral" seems fun and things get done fast, you may want to shift your focus into being vital and focusing on the longer term game and gains. This approach conserves your time, energy and effort and creates the foundation for all areas of your life and in your business. I'm headed for about you?  Listen to the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episode on iTunes here. RESOURCES If you are ready to LIVE the LIFE you TRULY WANT, knowing and understanding your PURPOSE helps you to do just that. CLICK HERE to take assess if you are living based on your purpose daily! Episode: You ALWAYS have a CHOICE Episode: Do you focus on the problem or the plan?  Join me on my FB page for DAILY posts and videos on strategic and energetic techni

  • Episode 52: Are you SETTING YOURSELF up to WIN?

    23/01/2017 Duração: 09min

    In Episode 52: Are you SETTING YOURSELF up to WIN? I share: How you need to shift other things in your life to create the platform from which you can achieve the success (the win that you desire). You can't achieve something new doing what you've done before. How your mindset will need to shift, what skillsets you will need, the increase in physical energy you need to achieve the win and the momentum you need from aligning what you want with the call of your soul.  How you energetically and strategically create an action plan and the platform to achieve your win faster. Listen to the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episode on iTunes here. RESOURCES If you are ready to LIVE the LIFE you TRULY WANT, knowing and understanding your PURPOSE helps you to do just that. CLICK HERE to take assess if you are living based on your purpose daily! Episode: Knowing your purpose impacts the's how. Episode: Who do you need to become? Join me on my FB page for DAILY posts and videos on strategic and energetic technique

  • Episode 51: Execution MATTERS

    19/01/2017 Duração: 08min

    In Episode 51: Execution MATTERS, I share: The difference between dreaming and living the dream. Are you willing to do the work to get what you want? To live your dream? And if you aren't, I sure what you need to do next.  Why we all have dreams but very few make theirs a reality and what stands between your dream and living your dream. Listen to the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episode on iTunes here. RESOURCES If you are ready to LIVE the LIFE you TRULY WANT, knowing and understanding your PURPOSE helps you to do just that. CLICK HERE to take assess if you are living based on your purpose daily! Episode: Ready is a STATE of MIND Episode: When the resistance rises, what do you choose to do? Join me on my FB page for DAILY posts and videos on strategic and energetic techniques to start LIVING the LIFE you TRULY WANT. Be sure to listen to Women Wanting More podcast by Dr. Karen Osburn (the women who inspired me to do this and a kick-ass coach who I am lucky enough to have in my circle of friends. Subscribe to my

  • Episode 50: Is it getting your WHERE you WANT to go?

    17/01/2017 Duração: 08min

    In Episode 50: Is it getting you WHERE you WANT to go? I share: Why your attitude and your behaviors need to be a match in order for you to achieve what it is you say want.  How to differentiate between discomfort and actually not wanting what you thought you wanted.  How to identify what shift in mindset is needed and what the next steps are to actually getting back on track towards where you want to go.  Listen to the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episode on iTunes here. RESOURCES If you are ready to LIVE the LIFE you TRULY WANT, knowing and understanding your PURPOSE helps you to do just that. CLICK HERE to take assess if you are living based on your purpose daily! Episode: You will likely have to do it scared. Episode: Do what you say you were going to do Join me on my FB page for DAILY posts and videos on strategic and energetic techniques to start LIVING the LIFE you TRULY WANT. Be sure to listen to Women Wanting More podcast by Dr. Karen Osburn (the women who inspired me to do this and a kick-ass coach wh

  • Episode 49: Do you Push the Boundaries or Explore the Possibilities?

    14/01/2017 Duração: 07min

    In Episode 49: Do you Push the Boundaries or Explore the Possibilities? I share: What made me explore this idea and my viewpoint on what pushing the boundaries actually means and why you may want to find a different way.  Why pushing the boundaries can really quickly drain your personal energy and make relationships hard. Instead, I suggest taking on the framework and structure of exploring the possibilities instead and expanding and growing personally based on that. Listen to the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episode on iTunes here. RESOURCES If you are ready to LIVE the LIFE you TRULY WANT, knowing and understanding your PURPOSE helps you to do just that. CLICK HERE to take assess if you are living based on your purpose daily! Episode: You ALWAYS have a CHOICE Episode: What Motivates YOU? Join me on my FB page for DAILY posts and videos on strategic and energetic techniques to start LIVING the LIFE you TRULY WANT. Be sure to listen to Women Wanting More podcast by Dr. Karen Osburn (the women who inspired me to

  • 48: Choose YOU!

    12/01/2017 Duração: 09min

    In Episode 48: Choose YOU, I share: What choosing you actually means and how you can do it daily and still serve and add immense value to others (in fact even more than you do now).  What happened when I didn't choose me and the realization that came when I realized that the whole point of being here and doing this thing called life is really about CHOOSING YOU. Listen to the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episode on iTunes here. RESOURCES If you are ready to LIVE the LIFE you TRULY WANT, knowing and understanding your PURPOSE helps you to do just that. CLICK HERE to take assess if you are living based on your purpose daily! Episode: Stop seeking EXTERNAL VALIDATION Episode: Is it time for you to find a way? Join me on my FB page for DAILY posts and videos on strategic and energetic techniques to start LIVING the LIFE you TRULY WANT. Be sure to listen to Women Wanting More podcast by Dr. Karen Osburn (the women who inspired me to do this and a kick-ass coach who I am lucky enough to have in my circle of friends.

  • 47: Why NONE of it and ALL of it matters

    10/01/2017 Duração: 10min

    In Episode 47: Why NONE of it and ALL of it matters, I share: How to begin to discern what actually matters and what you are making matter so much so that it is negatively impacting your decisions and your actions.  How the alignment of what you truly want and where you are going is how you decide what needs to matter to you know.  How to decide what matters most.  Listen to the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episode on iTunes here. RESOURCES If you are ready to LIVE the LIFE you TRULY WANT, knowing and understanding your PURPOSE helps you to do just that. Click here to take assess if you are living based on your purpose daily! Episode: Be who you are not who they want you to be Episode: Are you poisoning yourself? Join me on my FB page for DAILY posts and videos on strategic and energetic techniques to start LIVING the LIFE you TRULY WANT. Be sure to listen to Women Wanting More podcast by Dr. Karen Osburn (the women who inspired me to do this and a kick-ass coach who I am lucky enough to have in my circle of fr

  • 46: How will you make the NECESSARY shifts?

    06/01/2017 Duração: 07min

    In Episode 46: How will you make the NECESSARY shift?, I share: The importance of shifting in order to achieve what you want. The shifts needed mentally and physically must be part of the plan.  What mental and mindset shifts will be needed in order to ensure a greater level of success.  Figuring out how to support yourself better and create the necessary shifts so that you can achieve your outcomes and live the life you truly want.  Listen to the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episode on iTunes here. RESOURCES If you are ready to LIVE the LIFE you TRULY WANT, knowing and understanding your PURPOSE helps you to do just that. CLICK HERE to take assess if you are living based on your purpose daily! Episode: How to get what you want Episode: You Always Have a CHOICE Join me on my FB page for DAILY posts and videos on strategic and energetic techniques to start LIVING the LIFE you TRULY WANT. Be sure to listen to Women Wanting More podcast by Dr. Karen Osburn (the women who inspired me to do this and a kick-ass coach

  • 45: Repetition can HELP or HURT you...which will you choose?

    31/12/2016 Duração: 10min

    In Episode 45: Repetition can HELP or HURT you...which will you choose, I share: The power of repetition and structure and framework in your life to go after what you truly want. The detriment to our repetitive nature when we are doing things that are not aligned with the call of our soul and what we desire.  How to replace current destructive repetitive actions with ones that will actually serve you and help you to live the life you truly want.  Listen to the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episode on iTunes here. RESOURCES If you are ready to LIVE the LIFE you TRULY WANT, knowing and understanding your PURPOSE helps you to do just that. CLICK HERE to take assess if you are living based on your purpose daily! Episode: What you RESIST the most tends to PERSIST the most. Episode: You Always Have a CHOICE Join me on my FB page for DAILY posts and videos on strategic and energetic techniques to start LIVING the LIFE you TRULY WANT. Be sure to listen to Women Wanting More podcast by Dr. Karen Osburn (the women who ins

  • 44:'s NEVER easier.

    29/12/2016 Duração: 08min

    In Episode 44:'s NEVER easier, I share: Why hiding is actually the harder choice even though it seems easier. Why hiding makes your intuition less clear, your personal energy dwindles and your happiness fades. If you are hiding from who you are, you need to STOP. Choose you. Decide for you. Do YOU.  Listen to the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episode on iTunes here. RESOURCES If you are ready to LIVE the LIFE you TRULY WANT, knowing and understanding your PURPOSE helps you to do just that. CLICK HERE to take assess if you are living based on your purpose daily! Episode: Knowing your purpose impacts the's how. Episode: The Conditions will NEVER be Perfect Join me on my FB page for DAILY posts and videos on strategic and energetic techniques to start LIVING the LIFE you TRULY WANT. Be sure to listen to Women Wanting More podcast by Dr. Karen Osburn (the women who inspired me to do this and a kick-ass coach who I am lucky enough to have in my circle of friends. Subscribe to the newsletter t

  • 43: Why are you letting them LIMIT you?

    23/12/2016 Duração: 08min

    In Episode 43: Why are you letting them LIMIT you?, I share: Why you need to take your power back and stop letting others limit you. We are limited by others very early in our lives and it's the awareness of this that allows us to make a different choice based on what WE truly want.  How you need to be aware of how you may be limiting others as well. The idea that you are actually LIMITLESS. Take action based on that knowing.  Listen to the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episode on iTunes here. RESOURCES If you are ready to LIVE the LIFE you TRULY WANT, knowing and understanding your PURPOSE helps you to do just that. CLICK HERE to take assess if you are living based on your purpose daily! Episode: Give yourself PERMISSION? Episode: Stop seeking EXTERNAL VALIDATION Join me on my FB page for DAILY posts and videos on strategic and energetic techniques to start LIVING the LIFE you TRULY WANT. Be sure to listen to Women Wanting More podcast by Dr. Karen Osburn (the women who inspired me to do this and a kick-ass coa

  • 42: Are you Wasting your TIME and TALENT?

    18/12/2016 Duração: 10min

    In Episode 42: Are you Wasting your TIME and TALENT? I share: Why it drives me crazy when I watch people waste their time and talent and I can guarantee that in your life you are doing both too.  It may be you are not doing what you are truly good and love on a daily basis or not so obvious...your days are full but you could be making a bigger dent in the universe and share your talent on a bigger scale. Either way, I guarantee that you could be doing MORE with YOUR TIME and your TALENT. And yes, I am challenging you to do just that. The world needs more of you and the work you do based on the call of your soul.    Listen to the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episode on iTunes here. RESOURCES If you are ready to LIVE the LIFE you TRULY WANT, knowing and understanding your PURPOSE helps you to do just that. CLICK HERE to take assess if you are living based on your purpose daily! Episode: Are you meandering or living with meaning? Episode: What if they are waiting for your call? Join me on my FB page

  • 41: Are you MEANDERING or LIVING with MEANING?

    10/12/2016 Duração: 09min

    In Episode 40: Are you MEANDERING or LIVING with MEANING? I share: What the difference is between meandering and living with meaning and how you can be meandering in one area of your life while living with meaning in another. What you can do to add more meaning into your daily actions. Why it's so very important to live with meaning and start living on purpose.  Listen to the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episode on iTunes here. RESOURCES If you are ready to LIVE the LIFE you TRULY WANT, knowing and understanding your PURPOSE helps you to do just that. CLICK HERE to take assess if you are living based on your purpose daily! Episode: What you RESIST the most usually PERSISTS the most Episode: Who do you NEED to BECOME? Join me on my FB page for DAILY posts and videos on strategic and energetic techniques to start LIVING the LIFE you TRULY WANT. Be sure to listen to Women Wanting More podcast by Dr. Karen Osburn (the women who inspired me to do this and a kick-ass coach who I am lucky enough to have in my circle o

  • 40: What do you do when you WANT to QUIT?

    06/12/2016 Duração: 09min

    In Episode 40: What do you do when you WANT to QUIT? I share: The only time that you would ever quit. What steps you can take, when you feel like you want to quit, in order for you to keep going.  And why wanting to quit is normal and something that you should expect every time. Listen to the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episode on iTunes here. RESOURCES If you are ready to LIVE the LIFE you TRULY WANT, knowing and understanding your PURPOSE helps you to do just that. CLICK HERE to take assess if you are living based on your purpose daily! Episode: The Conditions will NEVER be PERFECT Episode: Consistency is KEY Join me on my FB page for DAILY posts and videos on strategic and energetic techniques to start LIVING the LIFE you TRULY WANT. Be sure to listen to Women Wanting More podcast by Dr. Karen Osburn (the women who inspired me to do this and a kick-ass coach who I am lucky enough to have in my circle of friends. Subscribe to the newsletter to receive weekly energetic and strategic tool sand techniques to LI

  • 39: Knowing your Purpose impacts the World...Here's How

    30/11/2016 Duração: 14min

    In Episode 39: Knowing your Purpose impacts the World, I share: Why it is so important for you to know, understand and implement daily based on your purpose.  The three things that make up your purpose and how you can clearly define what it is.  And how knowing your purpose impacts you mentally, physically and spiritually.  Listen to the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episode on iTunes here. RESOURCES If you are ready to LIVE the LIFE you TRULY WANT, knowing and understanding your PURPOSE helps you to do just that. If you are ready to discover your purpose and create your life strategy (I call this your Soulset©), click here to define your purpose and make a plan to live the life you want. Episode: What Motivates You? Episode: Ready is a State of Mind CLICK HERE to take assess if you are living based on your purpose daily! Join me on my FB page for DAILY posts and videos on strategic and energetic techniques to start LIVING the LIFE you TRULY WANT. Be sure to listen to Women Wanting More podcast by Dr. Karen Osbu

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