Warrior Women With A Purpose



Each week a Warrior Woman With A Purpose will shine in her truest, authentic self to discuss how she overcame failures, triumphed over adversities and found her lane. If you have been seeking a tribe of women with similar mottos and beliefs to connect with, a mentor or a woman who inspires you to be brave, driven by gut instinct, heart connection and determination, welcome home!


  • Episode 99 Happiness Does Not Hinge On Your Breast Or Body Size with Christina Dennis

    17/09/2018 Duração: 37min

    Christina Dennis is the founder of "Size: Happy" and the creator of the Size: Happy Guidebook, the 5 Day Fresh Start detox guide, 17 Days To Radical Self Love and the soon to be launched Size: Happy Podcast. She's a weight loss, self-love and binge and emotional eating specialist who, since 2011, has helped women from all over the world end their battle with food, learn to fully love and embrace their body and commit to putting themselves first. Originally a personal trainer and fitness coach, Christina is passionate about helping women transform their destructive eating habits that prevent them from losing weight so that they experience freedom from food rules and diets, massive self-love, vibrant health, confidence & bliss. Removing her breast implants her experience with breast implant illness confidence what it means to be Size: Happy Join the Bii group she is involved with >> Breast Implant Illness Facebook Group 

  • Episode 98 Your Childhood Adversity Effects Your Current Health

    14/09/2018 Duração: 12min

    The CDC’s Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACE Study) uncovered a stunning link between childhood trauma and the chronic diseases people develop as adults, as well as social and emotional problems. This includes heart disease, lung cancer, diabetes and many autoimmune diseases, as well as depression, violence, being a victim of violence, and suicide. What is Your Ace Score? Take it now at https://acestoohigh.com/got-your-ace-score/ For my Radical Self Honesty Exercise go to GetRadicalNow.com

  • Episode 97 After An Overdose, The Transformational Power of Self-Love with Hailey Wiseman

    12/09/2018 Duração: 49min

    After Hailey Wiseman earned her BA & MA in Psychology she married her knowledge, intuition, personal and professional experience to create a restorative practice centered on Divine Self-Love. She also began teaching Meditation Classes, became a student in the Course In Miracles & later became a Certified Pilates Instructor. Over the span of 30 years she has become an expert on Self-Love. We talk about: What is self love why is it a hot topic The benefits of self-love Her addiction and personal story Three most powerful ways to self love & why these Example of how self-love is transformational (client case-study) What could one do right now to begin their transformational journey She has honed her craft and married it with the Spiritual Mindset Practice of A Course In Miracles to create a powerful online retreat for the soul program designed to uncover your core limiting belief, heal the past and bring your Mind, Body, Spirit and Soul back into present alignment so you may create and attract divi

  • Episode 96 Going From Corporate To Psychic Medium with Mamta Roos

    10/09/2018 Duração: 40min

    Mamta Roos is an Intuitive Tarot Reader, Psychic Medium, and owner of Soul Truth Gateway. Her lightworker mission is to help you unlock your inner wisdom and access your soul's truth through intuitive tarot reading and psychic development. In this episode we talk about: Feeling lost in the corporate world Switching fields Learning about spirituality, tarot reading, and working with chakra Being inundated with signs and messages to quit her job and move away from the country I worked so hard to get a visa for and go back to being in a long-distance relationship Going through the process of ascension and discovering her life purpose https://soultruthgateway.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soultruthgateway/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/soultruthgateway/

  • Episode 95 Radical Self Honesty Exercise

    07/09/2018 Duração: 11min

    Radical Self Honesty, ya dig? Enables you to expand your awareness of yourself and align with what you deeply desire to experience in your life. Radical self honesty makes EVERYTHING easier, check out the FULL exercise at www.GetRadicalNow.com  Did you do the exercise? I would love to hear about it!

  • Episode 94 Turning Your Adversity Into Your Advantage with Erika Ashley

    05/09/2018 Duração: 49min

    Erika Ashley is an award-winning mindset expert, writer and TedX speaker who helps executives, entrepreneurs, and public figures eliminate their self-limiting beliefs and negative patterns so that they can overcome overwhelm and re-discover fulfillment in their careers and lifestyle. turning adversity into your greatest advantage – how Erika got started in her business because of her physical disability   the mindset around turning every obstacle into a gift finding your purpose and creating a business that doesn’t drain you body positivity illness and manifestation https://itserikaashley.com/ https://www.instagram.com/itserikaashley/ www.warriorwomenwithapurpose.com  

  • Episode 93 Having Freedom When Balance Is Hard To Come By with Lynn Bruines

    04/09/2018 Duração: 43min

    Lynn Bruines helps hospitality consultants, coaches, trainers and freelancers get more clients, profit, and freedom. In this episode we talk about: how traditional jobs within the hospitality industry can be exhaustive how you can make the transition from a job to becoming your own boss the challenges of being your own boss that nobody talks about how to find and enjoy freedom in any industry the three things you should start doing today no matter what stage you're at Lynn studied at Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne and Cornell University and worked in traditional hospitality jobs in over 10 countries. A few years ago, she quit her corporate job, moved country, and became her own boss. Are you ready to take the plunge? Take her quick quiz to find out https://www.lynnbruines.com/p/quiz http://www.lynnbruines.com http://www.hospitalityfreedomformula.com https://www.facebook.com/lynnbruinespage http://instagram.com/lynnbruines https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnbruines/

  • Episode 92 Hormone Harmony Will Change Your Life With Dr Anna Cabeca

    03/09/2018 Duração: 50min

    Learn how two time board certified gynecologist Dr Anna Cabeca beat menopause TWICE! Not only did she do it for herself but she has helped thousands of women to do the same in her practice. How many doctors can tell you they took their practice from 2-3 surgeries a week to that many in a YEAR? Now she is helping women through her online platform to beat: Hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia Gaining weight that you can't seem to lose Dragging through the day with low energy Can't focus and can't remember things like you used to Struggling to stay in a good mood Suffering from zero sex drive Her new program is called Magic Menopause but don't let the name fool you if you are under 40, it is for ALL women to balance out your hormones and stop the symptoms listed above. I am joining it myself because I have learned how LIFE changing balanced hormones are! if you want more info on the program or want to join me in leveling up your experience of YOU start by signing up for her next webinar “3 Secrets fo

  • Episode 91 Each Day Gets Better, A Live Performance Of Little Girl

    31/08/2018 Duração: 07min

    Live Performance of "Little Girl" my story of sexual assault and healing. Download the song free, no catch, no email, just a gift. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xHh-5kkHC3kTVIVaB2PyT_5RWfGbC39e   Join the email list for events at www.tahkole.com

  • Episode 90 Why You Must Have a Healthy Body For Your Business with Tah and Kole Whitty

    30/08/2018 Duração: 17min

    My husband Tah and I break down WHY you must Heal They Body for your business. To Join our email list head over to www.Tahkole.com

  • Episode 89 Multiple Miscarriages And PCOS, The Cycle Of Proving with Dr Cori Cooper

    29/08/2018 Duração: 57min

    Dr Cori Cooper www.CoriCooper.com The one misconception about PCOS How our lifestyle contributes to our health, particularly working moms (this is 2 parts: physical and emotional). The emotional side I have coined the Cycle of Proving.  Easy things you can do now to create a healthy environment for pregnancy, weight loss, or balancing hormones Dr. Cori Cooper is a pharmacist, health coach for working moms, professional speaker, and diabetes education expert. Her group coaching program, The Collaborative, helps moms lose weight by stabilizing hormones, reduce stress, avoid food cravings, improve or maintain fertility, and have the energy needed to function fully at work and at home.  Connect with Dr. Cori at www.coricooper.com   Join Kole's Email list at https://www.tahkole.com

  • Episode 88 Make Your Message A Movement with Divya Parekh

    27/08/2018 Duração: 44min

    Divya Parekh is a 6-time #1 best-selling author, international speaker, business leadership advisor and writing muse who empowers leaders to succeed. Divya’s books and strategies have been endorsed by the likes of Brian Tracy, Marshall Goldsmith, Kevin Harrington (Original Shark from Shark Tank), James Malinchak (ABC’s Secret Millionaire), Sherry Winn (Two-time Olympian) Everyone has a message Why you should have a message How you can create an impactful message Using your message to go from a life of ordinary to extraordinary www.divyaparekh.com https://www.facebook.com/beyondconfidenceforsuccess/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/divyaparekh/ https://twitter.com/coachdivya https://success.divyaparekh.com/retreat/   To Join My Email List www.Tahkole.com

  • Episode 87 Your Stress Will Kill You

    23/08/2018 Duração: 25min

    According to the American Psychological Association, chronic stress is linked to the six leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide. Tahkole.com

  • Episode 86 Going From Endometriosis, 5 Miscarriages and IVF To Natural Flow with Kirsten Roberts

    22/08/2018 Duração: 01h02min

    Kirsten Roberts Kirstenroberts.com Hear how I have gone from 5 miscarriages, endometriosis, cysts and IVF to pain free periods and a natural menstrual flow and life flow Learn how to hold your womb pain up into the light in order to forgive, heal and grow Experience how honoring the womb strengthens your intuition and builds deep knowing and trust Unlock the voice of your conscious calling through healing your womb to connect to a deep ancestral energy Always use the energy from your womb space to guide your directions From a career business strategist with a double masters degree in business and marketing to an intuitive soul midwife. Kirsten helps you re-birth the real you from before you knew so you so you can rise to your conscious calling. Kirsten's the unique mix of soul junkie and biz strategist extraordinaire who helps you create the most profound business from your soul Join my email list for events at www.tahkole.com

  • Episode 85 Is Our Mental Health System Doing More Harm with Yana Jacobs

    20/08/2018 Duração: 58min

    Yana Jacobs, LMFT is currently Chief Program Officer with the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care, www.mentalhealthexcellence.org a Non-Profit community foundation with a mission to bring alternatives into the mainstream public and private sectors. She began her work at Soteria House as a staff member in the mid 70s, mentored by Loren Mosher, MD. Soteria House became her foundation as she moved into other areas of employment within the mental health world. Yana spent over 30 years working both in private practice as a therapist and in the public sector at Santa Cruz County Mental Health in California. She first worked with their crisis team and later became the Chief of Adult Outpatient/Recovery services. As an ally to people with lived experience she implemented a Peer-Run Respite House, funded by a federally funded SAMHSA Transformation Grant. Yana believes we must work both as an activist on the outside and with our allies on the inside if we are going to bring about real change. She teaches ab

  • Episode 84 The Dangers Of New Age Shaman And Life Coaches

    16/08/2018 Duração: 09min

    Taken from a Facebook live. tahkole.com

  • Episode 83 A New Way to Wake Up with Lizze Brown

    15/08/2018 Duração: 44min

    Wake up to the sounds of yoga and meditation. The Yoga Wake Up app for iPhone delivers yoga audio sequences you can do from bed for an easier transition from dreamland. Find a variety of yoga routines from the world's top yoga instructors and wellness warriors. https://www.yogawakeup.com/

  • Episode 82 My Freedom From Trauma with Badass Business Babe Lauren Eliz Love

    13/08/2018 Duração: 48min

    Lauren Eliz Love spent the last seven years coaching hundreds of women to break into new levels of consciousness and financial abundance through online programs, courses and one on one coaching programs. In this episode we get deep into: Her stay in psych wards Her countless mental conditions Sexual assault How trauma affects the brain How she changes her state naturally and continues her mental health practice  Challenging your conditioning  www.badassbusinessbabes.com https://www.facebook.com/groups/whatisperfection/ https://www.instagram.com/badassbusinessbabe/ www.badassbusinessbabe.com/six-figure/

  • Episode 81 Has The Word Trauma Lost Meaning?

    10/08/2018 Duração: 11min

    Arming yourself with knowledge of what trauma actually is and addressing it actively is the best way to empower yourself for optimal healing of disease, injury and every day wear and tear. If you suspect or know that you have incomplete past trauma cycles, it is best to do a bit of research on the modalities that are available to you.  Want my free download "Speaking Your Own Body's Language Master Class" https://www.tahkole.com/p/warriorwomen

  • Episode 80 Single, Pregnant and Grieving: How I Found Purpose From Pain with Paula Haubrich

    08/08/2018 Duração: 39min

    Paula is an Erickson Certified Professional Coach (ECPC), a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF). She is also President of her local Catholic Women’s League (CWL, and the Communications Chair on her Regional Executive Committee of the CWL of Canada. Talking Points On Todays Episode: The road through anxiety, depression Serious Self Care Leaning in to the pain and shame Listening to the “bigger plan” Developing your self care skill set  Start new practice in two minutes a day http://www.paulahaubrich.com http://www.facebook.com/paulahaubrichcoach http://www.instagram.com/paulahaubrich http://paulahaubrich.vipmembervault.com http://www.pinterest.com/p/paulahaubrichcoach

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