Must Be Tuesday: Veronica Mars Reviews



Veronica Mars episode-by-episode discussion from seasoned VM watcher Alli and first-time watcher Mary. Also, booze. Previously on Must Be Tuesday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Find us: on twitter and Instagram


  • iZombie #20: His Face Should Make You Sick

    16/07/2019 Duração: 01h09min

    This week on iZombie, the Peyton and Blaine train keeps rolling, much to the chagrin of your hosts. No explanation for Peyton's behavior or the group's willingness to trust Blaine's perspective is forthcoming, so we're forced to assume everyone on the show got hit with the stupid stick. Meanwhile, Major is slowly dying and Fillmore Graves remains sketchy. Liv is there too, but you would hardly know it despite being the main character. Season three, man. Oof. 

  • iZombie #19: Pulling a Ross Gellar

    10/07/2019 Duração: 01h01min

    On this week's episode, Alli and Mary discuss Clive, Liv and Major and how they're dealing with the potential new zombie hometown... wait, just kidding, it's hard to focus on anything that isn't the TERRIBLE and CRINGEWORTHY Blaine/Peyton/Ravi love triangle. You guys ready for an old fashioned Must Be Tuesday "What the Fuck Are They Thinking?" rant? Because your'e going to get one. Pour yourself a tall glass of something for this one, folks.

  • iZombie #18: To the Top of the Power Rankings

    03/07/2019 Duração: 47min

    Season three begins as we've never known iZombie before: with Clive climbing the character power rankings to #1 and Ravi falling to dead ass last. For some reason, we've piled on the CW Drama (tm) and added a full blown love triangle that torpedos Peyton and Ravi's personalities. In other news, Team Z has grown mercenary-size, and Clive is conflicted. Liv is also there, mostly being cool, good for her. Cheers!

  • iZombie #17: Rob Thomas on Rob Thomas Violence

    25/06/2019 Duração: 50min

    On iZombie's season 2 finale, we finally get a full on zombie fight and a ton of potentially cool setup for next season. Ravi, Peyton and Blaine spend their time setting up a love triangle while dealing with Mr. Boss. Meanwhile, Major, Liv and Clive deal with Max Rager and an imminent possible zombie apocalypse. Unfortunately, while they do take out that particular threat, we get the onset of Fillmore Graves (geddit?) and Seattle as a full-on Zombie State. Dun dun dun!!

  • iZombie #16: Zombie Prison Blues

    19/06/2019 Duração: 01h11min

    Alli and Mary get into a little old-school top of show booze-fueled ranting that our Buffy and Veronica Mars listeners will remember. If you'd like to skip right to the iZombie episode discussion, please head to 22:30. In our episodes this week, we're all-in on our season arcs: Major is having his traditional tough time, zombie-d out in jail. Ravi is helping as usual, Liv is going for justice, and Clive is finally, finally in the know. Grab a beer and join us. Cheers! 

  • iZombie #15: Impulsiveness and Failure

    11/06/2019 Duração: 59min

    Everyone is changing their status this week, as Blaine cures himself but gives himself amnesia (or does he?), Rita turns into a zombie, and Major turns back into a zombie. Ravi gets a great scene of figuring out the whole Major is a now a two-time almost serial killer, and gives a lovely WTF dude speech. Liv, meanwhile, has some bonding time with Peyton and then discovers that Drake is not missing and sketchy, he's missing and a cop. Grab a beer and join!

  • iZombie #14: First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage, THEN Comes Murder

    04/06/2019 Duração: 01h02min

    Liv comes into her own this week and she clocks Rita/Gilda a good one. Meanwhile, Major and Blaine reluctantly team up for a little Major torture followed by some dad torture. Things finally catch up with Blaine in the next ep, though, when Mr. Boss brings the fear of god into us all, and slits Blaine's throat. A-men. Super Ravi comes to the rescue again as he continues his work on the cure and Drake reveals he has yet another employer. So many layers on our boy Drake, but ultimately: we miss Lowell.

  • iZombie #13: Do They Know We Know They Know?

    28/05/2019 Duração: 01h08min

    Alli and Mary spend the top of showing trying to figure out who knows what about which plotline in iZombie at this point. It's like a riddle: No one knows everything, but everyone knows something. Liv continues to not come to easy conclusions: give Drake brains! Blaine is the Utopium guy! We also discuss what happens when someone doesn't have a strong personality trait for Liv to become? Surely some people are even keeled?  Meanwhile, Ravi spends time mooning over Peyton and drinking (relatable). Cheers!

  • iZombie #12: We're Here For the Villains

    21/05/2019 Duração: 01h04min

    The continued issue of every other zombie (and character?) being more interesting and sympathetic than Liv comes to a head as Major learns some hard truths from a zombie hooker. Meanwhile, Alli and Mary discuss how it feels like we're watching two iZombies: Liv's Campy Personality Changes and Everyone Else Deals with Zombie-ism. Either could be a great show, but combined it's an oil and water issue. Pick a side, y'all! 

  • iZombie #11: Rigorous Zombie Testing Required

    14/05/2019 Duração: 54min

    This week, Alli and Mary discuss the merits of rigorous scientific testing when if comes to the zombie situation. If you were turned into a zombie, wouldn't you want to know how long you could go without brains? Your pain tolerance? How far you can run without tiring? Well, Liv doesn't seem that curious, which is a mistake as she ends up hungry in the slammer in these eps. Meanwhile, Clive has a stalker, Liv & Major continue their half-assed relationship and Ravi loves magic. Cheers!

  • iZombie #10: Sexually Transmitted Zombie-ism

    08/05/2019 Duração: 01h05min

    Alli and Mary discuss the nature of set-up seasons and worldbuilding in television shows, whether we needed to muscle through quite so much turbulence before we reached the smooth sailing of season 2. Meanwhile, Major spends these episodes thinking primarily with his dick as he and Liv get back together. Ravi becomes the best bro to both Liv and Major as he researches zombie-ism as an STD. In the next episode, we meet another great creepy villain in Mr. Boss, who's coming for Peyton and Blaine. Clive is also there, although he has yet to find an interesting plot. 

  • iZombie #9: Sexy Bending and Aggressive Makeouts

    30/04/2019 Duração: 01h08min

    This week, Alli and Mary discuss the positive trending direction that season two has taken: Liv and Peyton are actual friends, with actual non-zombie interactions. The mysteries of the week are subdued and secondary. We're missing a bit of lore, but can't win them all. In episode one, Liv is finally forced to confront the consequences of her zombie behavior, and in episode two she's able to defend her self without losing the moral high ground. Progress, folks!

  • iZombie #8: Soft Reboot

    23/04/2019 Duração: 01h06min

    This week, Alli and Mary do a little top of show chat about birthdays and overall deal with a cranky cat. In iZombie news, we get a bit of a soft-reset on overall plotlines and relationships. Major and Ravi continue as our MVPs, clubbing utopium-style in the name of science. We are again a bit unclear on why Liv is such a non-character, completely subsumed in her brains, one of which is STRAIGHT UP RACIST, you guys. It's hella uncomfortable. Meanwhile, Blaine runs a funeral home now, so there's that. 

  • iZombie #7: Who is Liv?

    16/04/2019 Duração: 01h05min

    Alli and Mary discuss penultimate ep and season finale of iZombie's first season. Overall, the episodes are pretty good, but we consider that although we've spent a whole season with Liv, we have next to no idea of who she is as a person. Meanwhile, in quite the turn of events from our season one episode one podcast: we crown Major our season one MVP! Go Major go! As it happens, he has a rough go where he's tortured, takes out Meat Cute, is stabbed, is zombified, rips on Liv, and then is unzombified. Main character who?

  • iZombie #6: Tabula Rasa

    09/04/2019 Duração: 01h05min

    This week, Alli and Mary discuss Liv totally melting into the personalities of the various zombie brains-- yet, we don't really see any other zombie act this way. Since there isn't a lot of lore in the show yet, it's hard to get a good handle on who Liv is as a person. Is that on purpose? Are we doing Buffy an vampire lore part II? Who could know. Meanwhile, the show mourns Lowell for one whole episode, and then we move on to Major's (admittedly, big deal) issues. Will someone help this dude out? Seriously. 

  • iZombie #5: Getting Paid to Eat Brains

    02/04/2019 Duração: 01h11min

    Alli and Mary discuss Liv's character, or lack thereof, and how that affects her status as main character. Why are the dudes all excellent, well-rounded characters while the women are ill-defined (Zombie Liv) or barely present (Peyton) with a primary characteristic of "hot/perfect"? Hm. Then, we get into Liv's zombie-privilege and whether it's moral to live as a zombie in general. Lastly: RIP Lowell. You were hot, but you were so much more.

  • iZombie #4: Deep in Nerdom

    27/03/2019 Duração: 01h04min

    This week, we discuss the weirdly out of place "lol nerds" vibe of this week's first iZombie ep, Virtual Reality Bites. We're seriously out here defining the term internet trolls you guys. You can do better, show! We get a little deep into LA industry culture before moving on to big life changes for primarily Liv and Major. Things are going well for Liv, who makes up with her mom and gets closer to Lowell. Major, on the other hand, continues getting his ass beat. Such is life.

  • iZombie #3: Kicking It Into Gear

    19/03/2019 Duração: 01h09min

    Alli and Mary discuss the importance of emotional arcs and character relationships to build interest in the show. By the second episode, we've got crazy-charming Lowell, Ravi/Major bro times, Peyton not sucking, and Clive jumping in to the season-long mystery. We also go into the concept of voiceover: is it needed in iZombie? Is it a holdover from Veronica Mars? Is it a network mandate? Are we watching Dora the Explorer? Who can tell. Cheers!

  • iZombie #2: I Don't Care Who Killed the Art Dealer

    13/03/2019 Duração: 01h09min

    Alli and Mary discuss the supernatural detective drama and the subsequent procedural vs. serial television debate. In a netflix world, how does a show like iZombie, or any of its similar peers, balance casual viewers and die-hard fans? We're looking forward to digging into this throughout the duration of the show. This week, we learn that Blaine straight up sucks and although Ravi is still awesome, he needs to brush up on the scientific method. 

  • iZombie #1: The Modern World

    05/03/2019 Duração: 01h16min

    After living through the 90s and Buffy, then the 2000s and Veronica Mars/Firefly/Dollhouse, we've finally made it to the modern day! It's the teens, y'all! We're pumped to start iZombie, which will be the first show both Alli and Mary have not seen in its entirety. Once we hit the mid-season, prep yourselves for Theory Time. For now, we're introduced to the iZombie universe with personality-sponge zombie Liv, perfect specimen Ravi, ex-fiance Major and partner Clive, who is super serious but somehow is down with psychics. Cheers!

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