Ivy Creek Baptist Church Sermons



Ivy Creek Baptist Church is located at 2500 Ivy Creek Road, Buford, GA 30519. We hope you enjoy hearing messages from our Senior Pastor Dr. Craig Dale and our Associate Pastor Ted Williams.


  • Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead


    Sermon #8 from the Series Titled: Signs Revealing the Person of Jesus Scripture: John 11:1-44. Sermon Titled: Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead Sermon in a Sentence: Through His substitutionary death and victorious resurrection, Jesus brings glory to His Father and life to the spiritually dead who believe in Him. The post Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead first appeared on Ivy Creek Baptist Church.

  • Ted Williams


    Ted Williams The post Ted Williams first appeared on Ivy Creek Baptist Church.

  • Jesus Heals the Man Blind from Birth


    Sermon #7 from the Series Titled: Signs Revealing the Person of Jesus Scripture: John 9:1-41. Sermon Titled: Jesus Heals the Man Blind from Birth Sermon in a Sentence: Jesus the “Sent One” gives sight to the blind who respond to Him by faith; but those who reject Him remain in their darkness to their utter doom. The post Jesus Heals the Man Blind from Birth first appeared on Ivy Creek Baptist Church.

  • Jesus Walks on the Water


    Sermon #6 from the Series Titled: Signs Revealing the Person of Jesus Scripture: John 5:1-18. Sermon Titled: Jesus Walks on the Water Sermon in a Sentence: Even though we will encounter storms in our lives, we must look to Jesus and rejoice in His glory because He is strong, and He will carry us through the storms. The post Jesus Walks on the Water first appeared on Ivy Creek Baptist Church.

  • Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand


    Sermon #5 from the Series Titled: Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand Scripture: John 5:1-15. Sermon Titled: Jesus is the all-sufficient One who uses inadequate people who surrender their insufficient resources to accomplish what appears to be impossible. The post Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand first appeared on Ivy Creek Baptist Church.

  • Jesus Heals the Man by the Pool of Bethesda


    Sermon #4 from the Series Titled: Signs Revealing the Person of Jesus Scripture: John 5:1-18. Sermon Titled: Jesus Heals the Man by the Pool of Bethesda Sermon in a Sentence: The only hope for sin-sick sinners like you and me is that Jesus Christ gave His life so that we might be healed, forgiven, and set free. The post Jesus Heals the Man by the Pool of Bethesda first appeared on Ivy Creek Baptist Church.

  • Jesus Heals the Nobleman’s Son


    Sermon #3 from the Series Titled: Signs Revealing the Person of Jesus Scripture: John 4:43-54. Sermon Titled: Jesus Heals the Nobleman’s Son Sermon in a Sentence: Our interest in Jesus must move past superficial and self-centered motivations to a faith that sees Him for who He truly is – the Christ, the Savior of the world. The post Jesus Heals the Nobleman’s Son first appeared on Ivy Creek Baptist Church.

  • Jesus Cleanses the Temple


    Sermon #2 from the Series Titled: Signs Revealing the Person of Jesus Scripture: John 2:13-22. Sermon Titled: Jesus Cleanses the Temple Sermon in a Sentence: Because He purchased our freedom through His sacrificial death and resurrection, we must believe in Jesus and worship Him in spirit and in truth. The post Jesus Cleanses the Temple first appeared on Ivy Creek Baptist Church.

  • Jesus Turns Water into Wine


    Sermon #1 from the Series Titled: Signs Revealing the Person of Jesus Scripture: John 2:1-11. Sermon Titled: Jesus Turns Water into Wine Sermon in a Sentence: We should believe in Jesus, follow Him, and rejoice in His glory because He makes all things new. The post Jesus Turns Water into Wine first appeared on Ivy Creek Baptist Church.

  • The Demands of Discipleship


    Scripture: Luke 14:25-35. Sermon Titled: The Demands of Discipleship Sermon in a Sentence: The demands of genuine Christian discipleship are high, but absolutely worth it. The post The Demands of Discipleship first appeared on Ivy Creek Baptist Church.

  • The Invitation to the Great Banquet


    Scripture: Luke 14:16-24. Sermon Titled: The Invitation to the Great Banquet Sermon in a Sentence: Those who are self-assured and preoccupied with their own lives will miss out on God’s great banquet; but those who recognize their own inadequacies and unworthiness, and accept God’s gracious invitation will feast in His kingdom forever. The post The Invitation to the Great Banquet first appeared on Ivy Creek Baptist Church.

  • Lasting Responses to the Last Words


    Scripture: Revelation 22:6-21. Sermon Titled: Lasting Responses to the Last Words Sermon in a Sentence: The reality of heaven, the return of Christ, and the reliability of God’s Word necessitate that we respond in faith and live obedient, worshipful, holy lives that count on God’s grace. The post Lasting Responses to the Last Words first appeared on Ivy Creek Baptist Church.

  • A View From the Throne: Paradise Restored


    Scripture: Revelation 22:1-5. Sermon Titled: A View From the Throne: Paradise Restored Sermon in a Sentence: Even with all the wonderful things that we have learned, and all that we wish we could know, it is the prospect of eternal fellowship with the Savior who loves us and died for us that gives heaven its greatest meaning. The post A View From the Throne: Paradise Restored first appeared on Ivy Creek Baptist Church.

  • Viewing Our Heavenly Home


    Scripture: Revelation 21:9-27. Sermon Titled: Viewing Our Heavenly Home Sermon in a Sentence: The real treasure of heaven is not the things that our sinful hearts naturally gravitate toward here on earth, but rather the unobstructed, unfettered, unrestricted access to God that comes only through faith in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ and Him alone. The post Viewing Our Heavenly Home first appeared on Ivy Creek Baptist Church.

  • All Things Made New


    Scripture: Revelation 21:1-8. Sermon Titled: All Things Made New Sermon in a Sentence: The dawning of the New Year reminds believers that we have a new heaven and new earth to look forward to where we will live in God’s presence and be satisfied by His pleasures forever. The post All Things Made New first appeared on Ivy Creek Baptist Church.

  • Emmanuel, God with Us!


    Scripture: Philippians 2:3-11. Sermon Titled: Emmanuel, God with Us! Sermon in a Sentence: For such a long time Jesus seemed so far away but because of His humbleness, obedience and eternal vision, He heard our prayers and came 2,000 years ago to stay and now it is up to us to go and tell of His glorious sacrifice He made for His people. The post Emmanuel, God with Us! first appeared on Ivy Creek Baptist Church.

  • Three Responses to Christ the King


    Scripture: Isaiah 9:1-7. Sermon Titled: Change Brought About By a Child Sermon in a Sentence: At Christmas we celebrate the birth of a Child who changes everything. The post Three Responses to Christ the King first appeared on Ivy Creek Baptist Church.

  • Change Brought About By a Child


    Scripture: Isaiah 9:1-7. Sermon Titled: Change Brought About By a Child Sermon in a Sentence: At Christmas we celebrate the birth of a Child who changes everything. The post Change Brought About By a Child first appeared on Ivy Creek Baptist Church.

  • The Condescension of Christ at Christmas


    Scripture: John 1:1-18. Sermon Titled: The Condescension of Christ at Christmas Sermon in a Sentence: The incredible thing about the condescension of Christ at Christmas is that God took on human flesh to die on Calvary’s cross because we matter to Him. The post The Condescension of Christ at Christmas first appeared on Ivy Creek Baptist Church.

  • Christmas According to Christ


    Scripture: Hebrews 10:5-7. Sermon Titled: Christmas According to Christ Sermon in a Sentence: The Christmas story according to Christ is that as the eternal Son of God, He joyfully became flesh and blood to fulfill the will of His Father by dying as the perfect, once-and-for-all sacrifice for sinners like us. The post Christmas According to Christ first appeared on Ivy Creek Baptist Church.

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