Love Life With Matthew Hussey



Matthew Hussey is the worlds leading dating expert for women. He is a New York Times bestselling author, a monthly relationship advice columnist for Cosmopolitan Magazine, and the resident love expert on The Today Show. Love Life is a 360-degree approach to guaranteeing success in your love life, with a focus on Dating, Relationships, Career, Confidence and Family.


  • (Matt Monday): They Say They're Not Ready for a Relationship...

    27/05/2024 Duração: 19min

    When we’re stuck in a situationship with someone who doesn’t know what they want, it’s incredibly frustrating. As soon as we like someone and hear the words “I’m not ready for a relationship right now,” it feels like we’re suddenly back to square one!    If you’re tired of not knowing where you stand, you’ve come to the right place. In this episode, I share 5 signs that can reveal if someone is ready for a relationship, plus a key question you can ask yourself and use anytime you feel stuck or confused.   ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at →   ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” →   ►► Get Vulnerable Stories, Real Insights, and Practical Tools Delivered Straight to Your Inbox Every Friday.  Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . . →

  • (Rewind): They Say "I Just Can't Let You Go"? Listen To This...

    24/05/2024 Duração: 06min

    Have you been with someone who wants attention, connection, spends time with you...but they'll never commit? And when you ask them why they keep in touch they say something like "I just can't let you go". If you've been in this situation, listen to this message. It's ESSENTIAL listening to help you take back your life and make the most important decision you could make right now. ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → ►► Get Vulnerable Stories, Real Insights, and Practical Tools Delivered Straight to Your Inbox Every Friday. Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . . →

  • 245: There Is No Such Thing as Right Person Wrong Time!

    22/05/2024 Duração: 38min

    Have you ever felt like you lost "The One" because of bad timing? They moved country, they weren't ready to commit, or they hadn't matured enough yet?  It's common to tell ourselves this is a case of "right person, wrong time". But that can make the pain of loss even worse. We despair that we've lost a great love and it's down to pure bad luck.  If you're struggling to get over someone like this, make sure to listen to this episode. Matt and Audrey talk about the myth of "right person wrong time" and the essential mindsets that can bring you back to confidence and optimism about moving on and finding love again. ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at →   ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” →   ►► Get Vulnerable Stories, Real Insights, and Practical Tools Delivered Straight to Your Inbox Every Friday. Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . . →

  • (Matt Monday): How To AVOID Dating "Players"

    20/05/2024 Duração: 20min

    Most people want to avoid players in dating . . . yet why do so many end up in relationships (or situationships) with them? Sadly, it’s all too common to get seduced into a roller coaster romance where we feel amazing chemistry but never know where we stand with someone. Today I’m giving you the best advice I’ve given on this topic through 7 clips that will help you avoid players and find the right person. If you’re ready to rewire your brain and start attracting someone who says “yes” to a relationship, this is for you. ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → ►► Get Vulnerable Stories, Real Insights, and Practical Tools Delivered Straight to Your Inbox Every Friday. Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . . →

  • (Rewind:) If You've Ever Been Ghosted or Lied to, Watch THIS

    17/05/2024 Duração: 08min

    It would be nice if we had a crystal ball telling us which romantic flings would work out at the very beginning so we didn’t invest precious time in the wrong people.   It can be hard to read someone’s intentions in the early stages. I can’t make you a foolproof lie detector, and I can’t guarantee you’ll never be ghosted again, but I can make you a competent “detector of intentions” so you have the best possible chance of investing your time into people who are serious about a relationship with you. --- ►► Get Vulnerable Stories, Real Insights and Practical Tools Delivered Straight to Your Inbox Every Friday. Sign Up Now For My Weekly Newsletter, The 3 → ►► Pre-Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” →

  • 244: Stop These Insecure Dating Behaviors! - w/ Sabrina Zohar

    15/05/2024 Duração: 54min

    Matthew sits down to talk with Sabrina Zohar (sabrina.zohar) on unrealistic expectations in dating, healing old wounds, setting boundaries, choosing a happy relationship, and how insecurities affect who we date. ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → ►►Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . . →

  • (Matt Monday): THIS Is The Most Dangerous Moment In Dating

    13/05/2024 Duração: 13min

    So you just realized you actually like someone?  Hold up a second . . .   When we fall for someone in the early stages of dating, it’s very easy to drop our standards and lose sight of our boundaries. We check our texts constantly. We cancel other plans for them. We agree to live on their schedule.    This situation is especially dangerous for people who have a more anxious attachment style and tend to respond to relationship uncertainty by bending over backwards to keep someone happy.   In today’s new episode, I explore how different attachment styles respond in this situation, and how you can attract a healthy relationship where your standards and boundaries won’t be trampled. ►► Get Vulnerable Stories, Real Insights and Practical Tools Delivered Straight to Your Inbox Every Friday. Sign Up Now For My Weekly Newsletter, The 3 → ►► Get My New Book, "Love Life" at → ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.Dat

  • (Rewind): 5 Dating Hacks That Raise Their Attraction

    10/05/2024 Duração: 06min

    There’s a line from the movie Vanilla Sky that I’ve always loved. It’s when Tom Cruise’s character realizes: “The little things... There’s nothing bigger, is there?”  That’s often true in attraction too.    So many people are looking for the huge epiphany, instead of the subtle-yet-powerful changes to their behavior that can skyrocket their results.  As you’ll hear in this episode, turning someone’s head doesn’t have to be complicated. --- ►► Get Your FREE Ticket to Find Your Person LIVE on May 4 PLUS a Chance to Win a 1:1 with Matthew & SO Much More! Order Your Copy of Love Life to Enter the Love Life Giveaway at. . . →  

  • (Matt Monday): Afraid You'll Never Find Love? You NEED to Hear THIS

    06/05/2024 Duração: 27min

    Over the past week, so many of you have expressed how much Angela’s story in my new book, Love Life, touched you deeply (in the chapter titled “Have Hard Conversations”). So this week I thought I’d share the actual interview with her from my Live Retreat. I’ve found that one of the biggest confidence-killers in dating happens when we dwell on the reasons why someone may not be attracted to us. Our looks, our age, our past, even the fact that we have kids—the fear of rejection for who we are can stop us before we get started. Angela’s story is one of the most impactful I’ve heard on confidence and insecurity, and I think you’ll love hearing it in her own words. ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → ►► Transform Your Relationship with Life in 6 Magical Days. Learn More About My Retreat at. . . →

  • (Rewind): 11 Signs They're Serious About You

    03/05/2024 Duração: 11min

    Labels sometimes take longer to come than the feelings themselves, and our fear of getting hurt can make us all reluctant to be vulnerable and express what we feel.  As a result, so many people come to me asking . . . “Are we living in a time when people just don’t want to commit anymore?” “How do you know if someone is ready?”   These two questions pop up A LOT, and that got me thinking about my own thoughts on the subject . . .   In this rewind episode, I give you 11 specific signs to look for to determine if someone is serious about you. --- ►► Get Your FREE Ticket to Find Your Person LIVE on May 4 PLUS a Chance to Win a 1:1 with Matthew & SO Much More! Order Your Copy of Love Life to Enter the Love Life Giveaway at. . . →

  • 243: How To Attract and Keep The Relationship You Really Want

    01/05/2024 Duração: 50min

    Today Matt sits down with Lisa Bilyeu, author of Radical Confidence, to talk about how to escape our toxic cycles in relationships, overcoming low self-esteem, communicating with your partner (even when you have different love languages), attracting the right person, and how to figure out who is right for you. ►► Follow Lisa @LisaBilyeu ►► Get Your FREE Ticket to Find Your Person LIVE on May 4 PLUS a Chance to Win a 1:1 with Matthew & SO Much More! Order Your Copy of Love Life to Enter the Love Life Giveaway at. . . →

  • (Matt Monday): Want More Than A Situationship? DO NOT CHASE; Do THIS Instead

    30/04/2024 Duração: 11min

    When we like someone, it’s tempting to move fast, let our emotions take over and simply do what feels good. But in this frenzy of excitement we can inadvertently end up on a path we don’t want to be on… In this clip I answer a question from someone who didn’t want to repeat the last 2 years of her life, which she spent in a ‘friends with benefits’ situation.   ►► Get Your FREE Ticket to Find Your Person LIVE on May 4 PLUS a Chance to Win a 1:1 with Matthew & SO Much More! Order Your Copy of Love Life to Enter the Love Life Giveaway at. . . →

  • 242: 5 Things to Know Before You “Netflix and Chill” With Someone

    26/04/2024 Duração: 12min

    You’ve been on a date or two with someone and things are going pretty well. Then suddenly they ask you, “Wanna come over to my place and watch a movie tonight?” Is it too soon? What if you like this person but you feel it’s moving a little too fast? In today’s video, I share 5 things you need to know before you “Netflix and chill” if you want more than just a casual hookup. ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → 

  • 241: If You Attract Emotionally Unavailable People, Listen To This...

    25/04/2024 Duração: 32min

    We may not realise it, but many of us subconsciously hide from real love because it forces us to be honest and show who we really are. And when we get threatened, we either go cold, hide, or lash out with passive aggression.  If you've struggled with emotional unavailability or always choosing the wrong people, this might be why... ►► Get Your FREE Ticket to Find Your Person LIVE on May 4 PLUS a Chance to Win a 1:1 with Matthew & SO Much More! Order Your Copy of Love Life to Enter the Love Life Giveaway at. . . →

  • 240: My Brother Stephen Interviews Me About My New Book!

    24/04/2024 Duração: 58min

    My brother and I sit down to talk about why I wrote my new book "Love Life", how dating has changed in the last 10 years, choosing the right person, and how to break toxic cycles in relationships.  ►► Get Your FREE Ticket to Find Your Person LIVE on May 4 PLUS a Chance to Win a 1:1 with Matthew & SO Much More! Order Your Copy of Love Life to Enter the Love Life Giveaway at. . . → 

  • 239: 4.5 Years Later... It's Here! (Huge Announcement)

    23/04/2024 Duração: 21min's finally happening :) ►► Get Your FREE Ticket to Find Your Person LIVE on May 4 PLUS a Chance to Win a 1:1 with Matthew & SO Much More! Order Your Copy of Love Life to Enter the Love Life Giveaway at. . . →

  • (Matt Monday): How to Deal With the Fear of Never Finding Your Person

    22/04/2024 Duração: 19min

    I’ve been asked this question several times a week for the last 10+ years. You may feel SO ready to share your life with someone . . . only to have had dates that fizzled out or incompatible relationships . . . or perhaps you’ve remained single with no such person on the horizon. It can even begin to feel like that’s the way it will always be.   If you’re working through feelings of longing, loneliness, or sadness—or just want to feel more excited about dating—in today’s new episode, I share 3 tools that will help you effectively manage those difficult emotions, and give you real hope for the future. ► Want to Make 2024 The Year You Find Love? Join My Free Virtual Event Find Your Person on May 4. . . →

  • (Rewind): 3 Texts You Can Send to Get Their Attention INSTANTLY

    19/04/2024 Duração: 09min

    On dating apps, first impressions matter. And after you clear the first hurdle of endless swiping and find someone who piques your interest, it’s often the next step that’s the hardest . . . That is, of course: What on EARTH do you say to them?! You scan their bio, hoping inspiration will strike and you’ll manage to figure out the perfect opening gambit. You think: Would a simple “hey” or “great photo” show a lack of imagination? I’d like to just be myself, but it can feel so hard to be authentic without seeming too eager . . . Many times, thoughts like these make us overthink everything to the point where we end up sending something awkward . . . or worse, not sending anything at all, letting the opportunity of connection pass us by. So how can we make an impression on people who haven’t yet had the chance to meet us and see how awesome we are? In today’s episode, I’m going to share with you 3 openers you can send right away to stand out on a dating app. ►► Pre-Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.

  • 238: Why You SHOULDN'T Always Trust Your Instincts In Dating

    18/04/2024 Duração: 28min

    We are often told to "trust our instincts" in love and relationships. But sometimes our first reaction can be unhealthy, impulsive, or come from bad patterns we have learned that cause us to self-sabotage. In this episode, Matt and Audrey talk about how to question your instincts and make the right decision when you have an emotional reaction or become anxious in dating. ►► Pre-Order My New Book, "Love Life" at →   ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” →

  • 237: How To Find Love With Anxious Attachment

    17/04/2024 Duração: 50min

    Matt and Audrey had the pleasure this week of sitting down with Mark Groves, author of the new book "Liberated Love" and host of the Mark Groves podcast. In this episode, we discuss anxious vs. avoidant attachment styles in love, how to overcome co-dependency, getting back together after a break up, and the crucial importance of TRUE honesty and facing reality in having fulfilling relationships. ►► Follow Mark on Instagram createtthelove ►► Pre-Order My New Book, "Love Life" at →   ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” →

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