Gaming Steve



Home of "intelligent game discussion", Stephen "Gaming Steve" Glicker has over thirty years of professional experience in the game industry. Each show features the latest gaming news, interviews with gaming legends, "inside" information, industry commentary, game reviews, previews of upcoming releases, contests, as well as much more.


  • Gaming Steve Episode 17 – 07.11.2005

    11/07/2005 Duração: 40min

    As many of you out there are probably aware the gaming community has been under attack yet again, only this time the stakes have been significantly raised. A few weeks ago it was discovered that there may or may not have been hidden sex scenes and mini-games in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. This discovery had brought the politicians and watchdog groups out in droves and has caused a serious investigation by the ESRB ratings board. Because of the serious impact this could have across the entire industry I thought we should investigate this issue more closely and discuss the larger issues at stake. In this special edition of Gaming Steve I speak with Dennis McCauley from who was instrumental in breaking this story and has written extensively about this topic. In this episode of Gaming Steve Dennis and I speak about: Dennis McCauley’s web site and why he started this very interesting web site. The “Hot Coffee” mod in general. What is the status of the ESRB i

  • Gaming Steve Episode 16 – 07.08.2005

    08/07/2005 Duração: 01h31min

    You want your podcast? You’ll get your podcast! Check out the latest podcast goodness: Help out on the Gaming Steve website, if you dare! Microsoft and Nintendo, strange bedfellows indeed. The Justice League of America … coming to a console near you. Let the Madden madness begin! Chip an Xbox, pay the man. Gaming addicts get their own clinic. PS3 to sell for $399, cost $494 to make. BlizzCon buzzes into town. GameTalk: The ESRB under fire. SporeTalk: What to expect in the upcoming months. In-depth review of Laser Squad Nemesis for the PC. RetroReview: The Operative: No One Lives Forever for the PC. “Name That Game!” contest winner from last week, a new clip, and a new prize! Upcoming game releases. Plus some more random thoughts on slow gaming summer. Get the podcast from this page (92 minutes): Gaming Steve Episode 16.You can also subscribe to the weekly podcast.

  • Gaming Steve Episode 15 – 06.23.2005

    23/06/2005 Duração: 01h27min

    So the long, slow, hot days of Summer are upon us, what better time to listen to the latest show, where I cover: Halo the movie … the Microsoft way or no way! More Resident Evil movies planned. World of Warcraft keeps growing and growing… The Matrix Online … sold! Don’t buy this violent video game, even though it’s not out yet and nobody has played it. THQ to publish Supreme Commander, hell yeah! Some interesting game releases this week. GameTalk: How to get a job in the game industry — Part 2. SporeTalk: So … now what? Quicktake: Early impressions of Dungeon Siege II for the PC. In-depth review of Kirby: Canvas Curse for the Nintendo DS. RetroReview: Total Annihilation for the PC. “Name That Game!” contest winner from last week, a new clip, and a new prize! Plus some more random thoughts on playing older games. Get the podcast from this page (87 minutes): Gaming Steve Episode 15.You can also subscribe to the weekly podcast.

  • Gaming Steve Episode 14 – 06.06.2005

    06/06/2005 Duração: 01h26min

    Here it is, part two of my interview with gaming legend Will Wright where we talk more about Spore. In addition to the interview I also cover: Sony ships 90 milllllllllion PS2s. Microsoft just loves losing money on the Xbox. Anti-game bill nearly law. Nintendogs causes DS sales to soar. Blizzard keeps on banning. GameTalk: How to get a job in the game industry. SporeTalk: Part two of my interview with Will Wright (Warning: This is pretty hard to understand, but the complete interview transcript is listed as well). In-depth review of Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones for the GameBoy Advance. RetroReview: Conker’s Bad Fur Day for the Nintendo 64. “Name That Game!” contest winner from last week and a new clip. Plus some more random thoughts on the future of PC gaming. Get the podcast from this page (87 minutes): Gaming Steve Episode 14.You can also subscribe to the weekly podcast. To view the transcript of my interview with Will Wright select “continue reading” below.

  • Gaming Steve Episode 13 – 05.24.2005

    24/05/2005 Duração: 01h19min

    Here it is, the podcast where I sit down with gaming legend Will Wright and talk to him about Spore. In addition to the interview with Will I also cover: I wrap up the various games I saw at E3 this year. GameTalk: Who “won” and “lost” at E3? SporeTalk: Part one of my interview with Will Wright (Warning: This is pretty hard to understand, but the transcript is in this post as well). In-depth review of Guild Wars for the PC. RetroReview: Civilization for the PC. “Name That Game!” contest winner from last week and a new clip. Plus some more random thoughts on E3 and a small preview of part two of my interview with Will Wright. Get the podcast from this page (79 minutes): Gaming Steve Episode 13.You can also subscribe to the weekly podcast. To view the transcript of my interview with Will Wright select “continue reading” below.

  • Gaming Steve Episode 12 – 05.18.2005

    18/05/2005 Duração: 42min

    In this special epsiode of Gaming Steve I cover the first day of E3 2005 including: Getting through the lines. Xbox 360 booth and games — boom or bust? PS3 demo — boom or bust? Is Spore anywhere at the E3 booth? Starcraft: Ghost impressions. Guild Wars update. City of Villains impressions. Hellgate: London impressions. Rise of Legends Rise of Nations impressions. Dungeon Siege II impressions. Age of Empires III impressions. Black & White 2 impressions. Heroes of Might & Magic V impressions. The Outfit impressions. Time for sleep. Get the podcast from this page (42 minutes): Gaming Steve Episode 12. You can also subscribe to the weekly podcast.

  • Gaming Steve Episode 11 – 05.14.2005

    14/05/2005 Duração: 01h18min

    Oh yeah, I’m back in business with an extra-large pre-E3 Gaming Steve podcast where I cover: Xbox 360 is finally revealed … let the console wars begin! What games are coming out for the Xbox 360? The Xbox 360 sure is powerful. Sony tries to steal some of Microsoft’s thunder. Nintendo reminds us that they’re still around. Sly 3 goes 3D. DS Superstar Saga 2? Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories new PSP title? World of Warcraft Battlegrounds in testing. GameTalk: The E3 Survival Guide. SporeTalk: If Spore is going to be shown behind closed doors at E3 what does that mean? Quicktake: Early impressions of Guild Wars for the PC. In-depth review of Psychonauts for the Xbox. RetroReview: Maniac Mansion 2: Day of the Tentacle for the PC. “Name That Game!” contest winner from last week and a new clip. Plus some more random thoughts on the upcoming E3. Get the podcast from this page (79 minutes): Gaming Steve Episode 11.You can also subscribe to the weekly podcast.

  • Gaming Steve Episode 10 – 04.28.2005

    28/04/2005 Duração: 01h17min

    Hey all, this week we have an “extra special episode” of Gaming Steve where I interview Michael G. Shapiro, the music composer for the newly released Empire Earth II. In addition you’ll find: Intro music from Empire Earth II. Turner announces GameTap. The V-Chip is coming to video games. The Nintendo DS keeps on selling. GameTalk: Interview with TV, film, and game composer Michael G. Shapiro where we talk about his music background, how he got into the industry, the development process for composing the Empire Earth II soundtrack, helpful hints for up-and-coming composers, and what games does he enjoy? “Name That Game!” contest winner from last week and a new clip. Some more random thoughts on the daily craziness of Xbox 360 “news” items. Closing music from the Empire Earth II soundtrack. Get the podcast from this page (77 minutes): Gaming Steve Episode 10.You can also subscribe to the weekly podcast.

  • Gaming Steve Episode 9 – 04.22.2005

    22/04/2005 Duração: 01h26min

    Hey all, sorry for the slight delay in getting this week’s show to you. But it is a dozy this week! Nearly an hour and a half long of Gaming Steve goodness where I cover: EB Games and GameStop try to take over the world. World of Warcraft has honor. Nintendo Revolution comes and goes. The two flavors of Xbox 360. Microsoft serious about Xbox 360 and HD. Sony Online to sell virtual property. GameTalk: Highlights from the Games & Mobile Forum 2005. SporeTalk: Why are the gaming magazines calling me? Quicktake: Early impressions of Jade Empire for the Xbox and Psychonauts for the Xbox. In-depth review of The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap for the GameBoy Advance. RetroReview: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic for Xbox and PC. “Name That Game!” contest winner from last week and a new clip. Plus some more random thoughts on the upcoming E3. Get the podcast from this page (86 minutes): Gaming Steve Episode 9.You can also subscribe to the weekly podcast.

  • Gaming Steve Episode 8 – 04.14.2005

    14/04/2005 Duração: 01h01min

    Another week, another podcast. Here’s the latest and greatest where I cover: Sony and Microsoft dance around their new launches. Xbox 360 name confirmed? launched. Half-Life 2 expansion pack announced. GameTalk: Do Microsoft and Sony even need E3 anymore? SporeTalk: What can possibly be put into a Spore expansion pack? Quicktake: Early impressions of Jade Empire for the Xbox. In-depth review of Metal Gear Acid for the PSP. “Name That Game!” contest winner from last week and a new clip. Plus some more random thoughts on “building excitement”. Get the podcast from this page (61 minutes): Gaming Steve Episode 8.You can also subscribe to the weekly podcast.

  • Gaming Steve Episode 7 – 04.07.2005

    07/04/2005 Duração: 01h03min

    Another week, another podcast. Here’s the latest and greatest where I cover: PSP doesn’t sell a million. Sony to invent the Matrix. New versions of Katamari Damacy, Fable, Halo, and Project Gotham heading your way. Xbox 2 unveiled before E3? GameTalk: Will the PSP make it? SporeTalk: Juicy inside information on Spore. In-depth review of God of War for the PS2. “Name That Game!” contest winner from last week and a new clip. Plus some more random thoughts. Get the podcast from this page (63 minutes): Gaming Steve Episode 7.You can also subscribe to the weekly podcast.

  • Gaming Steve Episode 6 – 03.31.2005

    31/03/2005 Duração: 01h15min

    Another week, another podcast. Here’s the latest and greatest where I cover: Sony gets dual shocked. PSP not a sellout? Clinton jumps on the violent videogames bandwagon. GameTalk: So what’s up with the PS3, Xbox2, and Revolution? SporeTalk: New weekly feature talking about Will Wright’s upcoming Spore. In-depth review of the PSP. “Name That Game!” contest winner from last week and a new clip. Plus some more random thoughts. Get the podcast from this page (76 minutes): Gaming Steve Episode 6.You can also subscribe to the weekly podcast.

  • Gaming Steve Episode 5 – 03.24.2005

    24/03/2005 Duração: 01h32min

    Hey all, if you downloaded the podcast which was up for the first few hours it was missing the sound effect for the “Name That Game!” contest. This has been fixed and the new podcast has the sound effect. Now back to the show! Another crazy week, another crazy podcast. Here’s the latest and greatest where I cover: The future of the web site. A bit of Spore stuff. The PSP launch. Why are Xboxes catching on fire? EA gets pounded. GameTalk: Should game designers unionize? Quicktake on the new God of War for PS2. In-depth review of World of Warcraft for the PC. “Name That Game!” contest winners from last week, a new clip, and format for this week. Interview preview. Plus more of my random thoughts. Get the podcast from this page: Gaming Steve Episode 5.You can also subscribe to the weekly podcast.

  • Gaming Steve Episode 4 – 03.17.2005

    17/03/2005 Duração: 01h05min

    Wow, what a week! Just a few days ago this site didn’t even exist. Then I go to GDC, record some thoughts, talk about Will Wright’s Spore and the site explodes. Now reaching close to 25,000 visitors since Monday I made sure to get the new podcast up nice and fast where I talk about — what else — Spore, and answer the dozen or so questions I got over the week. So without further ado, here is the latest podcast of Gaming Steve: In this show I personally thank everyone who has come to the site and given me their support and great comments. In the News segment I talk about the PSP and its big launch next week. In Gametalk I answer about a dozen different questions I got over the week about Spore. So once again I talk about Spore in extreme detail and try to answer all the various questions I got over the week. Next, I introduce the “Name That Game!” weekly contest where I play three different tunes for you to try and identify. Be the first one to tell me what they are and win

  • Gaming Steve Episode 3 – 03.11.2005

    11/03/2005 Duração: 01h04min

    Today was the third and final day of the Game Developers Conference (GDC) and today was the day of big announcements! In this podcast I have an extensive, detailed preview of Will Wright’s new game Spore. My preview is almost an hour long and I go through painstaking detail of every screen, mouse-click, and item I saw during the Spore demo. In addition I’ll gladly answer any and all questions anyone might have, feel free to email me or post a comment and I’ll respond. I also cover a lecture on The Sims 2, find out how to get a free lunch at the GDC, check out some of the independent games featured at the conference, preview new games on the show floor, and talk about the worst presentation I have ever seen! Get the podcast from here: Gaming Steve at the GDC Day 3. You can also subscribe to the weekly podcast.

  • Gaming Steve Episode 2 – 03.10.2005

    10/03/2005 Duração: 36min

    Today was day two of the Game Developers Conference (GDC) and I have yet more coverage. Listen to my thoughts on the Bioware lecture and their preview of Jade Empire, the Nintendo keynote speech, leveling up in “ConfQuest” (the real-world massively multiplayer RPG I’m playing at the GDC), listening to Tim Schafer, Warren Spector, and Neil Young talk about interactive stories, my first roundtable, finding out why all the movies in Resident Evil 4 were done in real-time, and the big finish to “ConfQuest”! Get the podcast here: Gaming Steve at the GDC Day 2. You can also subscribe to the weekly podcast.

  • Gaming Steve Episode 1 – 03.09.2005

    09/03/2005 Duração: 51min

    Today was the first day of the Game Developers Conference (GDC) began and I try to cover all the madness. This is my 6th GDC and in this first podcast I talk about the differences from this year and past years. I also cover “ConfQuest,” the real-world massively multiplayer RPG I’m playing at the GDC, Microsoft’s keynote (will they unveil Xbox 2?), the “Game Design Challenge” where Clint Hocking, Peter Molyneux, and Will Wright try to design a game based upon the life of Emily Dickinson, Peter Molyneux’s new games, an interesting speech by Raph Koster, boozing it up on the Expo floor, the GDC Awards ceremony, and so much more. Get the podcast here: Gaming Steve at the GDC Day 1. You can also subscribe to the weekly podcast.

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