Travel Wisdom Podcast -travel And Learn Languages For Success And Money



Can travel be more than just a fun thing to do? Could it also provide some benefit and learning experiences later in life? I have always thought this and this is why I have relentlessly travelled the world and now have been to over 80 countries. I have always thought that I was planting the seeds of wisdom while in faraway lands. Through experiences with foreign people, cultures, concepts, and ways of doing things I learned much more than anything I could've done while at home. I interview amazing guests, bestselling authors, scientists, successful business people, dating experts, travel junkies, polyglots (people who speak more than 3 languages), and anybody who I think is interesting for the growth of our listeners and I as people. I think by doing this we can plant the seeds of wisdom which will ultimately lead to our success in career, business, money, relationships, self-worth, and generally being a more well-rounded person. But it requires you to be active making this happen. What do you think?


  • Ep 48 DC Cordova on discovering your career path by meeting people along the way

    06/03/2015 Duração: 38min

    DC Cordova is a pioneer of high-speed, experiential, entrepreneurial education. She is the CEO of the organization that presents the famous Money & You Program and Excellerated Business Schools for Entrepreneurs that has over 95,000 graduates from the Asia Pacific and North American regions delivered in English and Chinese. Her global organization has customers, partners, and graduates from over 65 countries. Considered the grandfather of many money success programs with alumni such as Jack Hanfield from the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, Robert Kiyosaki from Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Ben Cohen the cofounder of Ben & Jerry's, and many more! In this interview we talk about the benefit of travel to start your career. She shares a few stories on how she was able to discover the path for her career by moving to a new place, being inspired by a location, and serendipitously talking to interesting people she met along the way. She talks about the problematic mindset of most Americans not wanting to leave their

  • Ep 47 Justin Bachus shares his tips on travel hacking and the course on it

    04/03/2015 Duração: 29min

    Justin Bachus and I have known each other for many years. I always marveled at how much he was able to travel and to how many places he went. He seemed to travel about 6 times per year! Now he has come out with his course on travel hacking and how he was able to go on 44 flights for only about $1200. Learn how to use credit card points to buy tickets halfway around the world for under $200.  We talk about his experiences travelling to many places such as Peru, India, Turkey and so on. Learn how he visits his family in Texas by also going to Mexico! It's all doable if you are creative.

  • Ep 46 I ask if you can be friends with your superiors, boss, teachers

    27/02/2015 Duração: 14min

    I was talking recently with my classmates and the question of whether or not you should be friends with your boss came up. Why not? Why not be friendly to the person that determines if you can get paid more? It doesn't have to be anything too mutual like going bowling together, but talking for a bit can really make things better. Being friendly in general can also get you out of some tight situations while travelling. Having a smile and being happy to see somebody can be really improve the mood, even for muggers. It might take a thief completely by surprise when you *accidentally* misread the situation and are happy to see them. Maybe so off gaurd that they don't know what to do next which can give you a chance to act

  • Ep 45 Jeff Steinmann on How to Quit Working and have job fulfillment

    25/02/2015 Duração: 45min

    Jeff Steinmann is the author and creator of the movement 'How to Quit Working' as well as the weekly podcast host of the show of the same name. He has been teaching people for the last 2 years on how you can leave your job and find fulfillment with entrepreneurship. He emphasizes living the lifestyle you want and considers himself to be a 'Lifestyle Fanatic.'  Jeff also writes for several media outlets, including The Huffington Post, Lifehack and Medium. We talk about his passion to start this project after spending 10 years of his life in a unfulfilling job in order to show people that there is a better way to live. He says that we have been taught to live life in a way that does not make us happy and will ultimately not give us the security we once thought it would. We talk about how you don't have to leave everything and not burn all the bridges to transfer into your new life. He talks about ways to lower the risks of the transfer to a better life through doing what you are good at and not quitting until y

  • Ep 44 Susan RoAne on how to have success while travelling and meet great people

    20/02/2015 Duração: 55min

    Susan RoAne is The Mingling Maven Author of the benchmark bestseller How to Work a Room. The book has recently had its 25th year anniversary and has sold over a million copies. She teaches about how simple things like listening to people in conversations and not taking yourself too seriously is the key to making friends as well as building business relationships. She is the expert on help people, companies and organizations successfully develop, build and manage client relationships that increase business growth. We have a great conversation that feels like it gets away from her 500 previous media interviews. We talk about the relation of talking to people with travelling and how travelling can help sharpen your social skills later in life. We share many funny stories about how a smile and being warm while travelling can make all the difference. Finally we talk about how not to take yourself too seriously, smile, and do your best to help as if they were already a friend. This is not rocket science, but someti

  • Ep 43 my meditation master, Tawachai, gives us all tips on meditation and clearing your monkey mind

    18/02/2015 Duração: 23min

    Back in 2013 I went to a meditation retreat near Chiang Mai Thailand and met my meditation leader Tawachai. For 3 days he guided me through the process of meditation, but at the same time we were able to have a fun time. When I heard he was coming to my city in Germany during a trip around Europe, I was excited to have him stay with me. He teaches the process of mindful meditation, which I believe is the key to any successful person. This allows you to monitor your thoughts to help identify and eliminate and negative thoughts that creep in. By doing this you can train your mind to stop jumping around from place to place like a monkey, but rather calm it down and learn to focus on what you need. If you have goals, this will surely help you achieve them! I am sorry for the audio quality, it was recorded on my phone as I do not yet have the necessary audio equipment to do in studio interviews

  • Ep 42 Orlando Kelm on learning languages as a cultural thing, also his Portuguese podcast

    13/02/2015 Duração: 43min

    Orlando is an Associate Professor of of Hispanic Linguistics at the University of Texas at Austin where he teaches courses in Portuguese and Spanish. He focuses mainly on business language and the cultural aspects of international business communication. He has many materials about language learning including Brazil Pod and many other resources to learn Spanish and Portuguese  We talk about his experience on a Mormon mission in Brazil and how that increased his Portuguese abilities. We also talked about how learning new languages can make you less shy when you speak to others. He says that the key is to just have fun and learn what you can with the language. Finally we talk about how there is much more to language than just the grammar and vocabulary. There are cultural cues and other things that need to be learned in order to communicate effectively.   

  • Ep 41 Wandering Earl on travel as lifestyle choice for 14 years

    11/02/2015 Duração: 41min

    Wandering Earl has been travelling for 14+ years and has been to about 90 countries.He runs his blog where he wants to prove that a life of travel is not a crazy fantasy, but a realistic lifestyle option instead. He realized that a happy and healthy person is in a far better position to do good in this world than an unhappy one. In this episode we talk about how things got started on this almost 15 year journey around the world. I had never heard anyone else say that travelling could be an investment into success but Earl said it almost 15 years ago! We talk about things that he learned along the way and how he paid for everything as well.   

  • Ep 40 Chris Guillebeau on setting goals and accomplishing amazing things

    06/02/2015 Duração: 20min

    Chris Guillebeau is the founder of Art of Non-Conformity (AONC), a home for unconventional people doing remarkable things and has travelled to every country in the world at the age of 35. He is the author of The Art of Nonconformity, $100 Startup, and Happiness of Pursuit which have all reached top 50 in their respective categories of business guides, travel, and entrepreneurship. My favorite thing is that he has started the World Domination Summit which will be having its fifth year with a sold out crowd of 3000 people. Finally is author of the book and blog $100 Startup which helps people create a job from their passions often for less than $100 We talk about what led him to go to every country in the world and the type of goal that he is setting. We also talk about the goals that he sets and what is next for him. Don't miss this interesting albeit short interview!

  • Ep 39 Dave Sperling on being the biggest ESL name on the internet

    04/02/2015 Duração: 44min

    Dave Sperling is the founder of ESL cafe which is the internet's meeting place for English as a Second Language and English as a Foreign Language teachers and students. The site offers job postings and teaching material for English teachers around the world, mainly in South Korea. It has been the internet's guide to languages for over 20 years and was one of the highest trafficked sites in the world.   Now he manages over 1000 listings per month to connect teachers with positions. We talk about his journey over the last number of years and what the motivations have been to make sure that everything goes well. We also talk about his experience in the dinosaur age of the internet back 20 years ago.

  • Ep 38 I talk about the importance of digging your well before you are thirsty

    30/01/2015 Duração: 21min

    Can you do things last minute? Does it always work out as well? In this episode I talk about why it is important to work ahead of yourself, dig your well before you are thirsty. Just like in a village, it's too late to start digging a well for water when everybody it already thirsty. You need to do this in advance, otherwise you could face the consequences. It is important to not be panicking later on.  I share the story of figuring out what to do for my Master's thesis, a 6 month exploration of a topic which could very well lead to a job and somewhat define your future. Although I arranged things many months in advance, some of my classmates waited until a month or only even weeks beforehand to figure out this large logistical problem. I also talk about the importance of this in travel. It is great to be spontaneous and it really helps you grow as a person but it can be more expensive. Finally there are some things that you just can't be spontaneous with such as ordering a passport and getting visas for coun

  • Ep 37 Chris Yager on educational trips with Where There Be Dragons

    28/01/2015 Duração: 36min

    Chris Yager is the founder and executive director of Where there be Dragons, a education service that takes students around 17-24 years old to the developing world. The business was started after Chris was one of the first students to go to Communist China when it first opened in 1983. There he was able to see the sights that they wanted him to see but found much more value going off the beaten track to learn more about the people and culture. The company now focuses on this using both local guides as well as Westerners having spent much time in the country to take a small group of students for anywhere from a few days to a few months. The service maintains the original idea of staying off the beaten path and keeps the itinerary open so that spontaneous (the best) moments can happen freely.  

  • Ep 36 I talk about how to make friends while travelling or anywhere else

    23/01/2015 Duração: 17min

    Today I am talking about how to make friends while travelling or anywhere. When travelling, things might get a bit lonely even if you are going with a friend. Talking to the same people for even as little as 3 days could become mind-numbing even if you are really good friends!That's why its important to make friends. The most common way is to simply hang out in the lobby of a hostel and wait for someone to talk to you. You can't look too busy and definitely can't have headphones. Also, feel free to talk to anybody at a hostel, they probably want social contact as well. The shared experience of travelling, going to the same places, and being in the same place is enough to start a conversation for a few minutes during which you can find more shared interests. That's why I find making friends while travelling so much easier! The better way is to make friends through your Couchsurfing or AirBnB guests or hosts. Since these are people you have already chosen or have chosen you, you know you have some common intere

  • Ep 35 Chris Broholm on learning languages and his 'Actual Fluency' podcast

    21/01/2015 Duração: 36min

    Chris Broholm from Denmark and has only felt alive and inspired when learning languages. He speaks Danish, English and German proficiently and is learning Esperanto and Russian. He started his 'Actual Fluency' podcast and blog in order to be accountable and to be inspired for the long task of learning new languages. Through this he has been able to talk to amazing guest such as Benny the Irish Polyglot, Steve Kaufmann, and Dave Mansaray. Listen to this great podcast and learn how he has improved his Russian learning skills over the last year with the new things he has learned. Most importantly, by applying himself in this area he has been able to achieve success in other parts of his life. His schoolwork, family relations and generally his motivations have become better due to his successes in his language learning.  

  • Ep 34 I talk about learning to live with what you have and how stoicism improves your life

    16/01/2015 Duração: 29min

    We all have felt unhappy in our lives or been stressed out. In this episode I talk about a method of relieving that stress and being able to see that its really not that bad. Of course we can simply tell ourselves that it is not that bad but sometimes you need more. For this I recommend travelling and going as minimalist as possible. It is only then that you realize that the only things you need in life can be fit into a small backpack. I have travelled many months with only 15lbs (8kg) of stuff, many times gifts for the next person I will meet.  This can truly be a resetting experience and can help you deal with stress down the line. I have gotten over some mental problems by using this, getting back to nature, and realizing what it is that I need.

  • Ep 33 Jesse Krieger on living your dreams and being a Lifestyle Entrepreneur

    14/01/2015 Duração: 33min

    Jesse Krieger is a bestselling author of the book Lifestyle Entrepreneur which is about living your dreams, igniting your passions and running your business from anywhere in the world. He has had an eclectic career starting out as a musician in Vienna, touring the US with an MTV backed band, starting half million dollar revenue online businesses and finally learning how to be location independent. In this interview we talk about how an eclectic mix of careers and vocations have led to the success he has had. He has been able to be location independent and has been able to travel around Asia, learning languages, exploring, and taking in the culture, all while running his online business and making money to be able to travel.   So if you are interested in having more than the typical 2 weeks per year to travel and want to set up a lifestyle where you are able to travel and experience life, then take a listen to this episode!  

  • Ep 32 I talk about how to take the first step, how to get started with travel...or anything in life!

    09/01/2015 Duração: 13min

    We all have trouble getting off the couch and doing the things we need to do. Even at the time of this recording I was putting off going to the library to learn German for a few hours.    Since this is a travel podcast I try to focus on travelling and getting out to do a trip. I have met many people who always talk a big talk about wanting to travel but when it comes down to it they come up with excuses. In this episode we talk about some tricks to make sure that you go through with your goals. I find that buying the ticket to your destination is a great way to do it. You won't come up with excuses to not go through with a trip when you have paid $700 for a plane ticket and you will lose it if you don't go through with your plans.   Another way is to tell your friends and family and invest some social capitol into your trip. If you say you are going to do something and then don't go through with it, you might not lose any friends, but it could hurt the way people look at you. But if you consistently go throug

  • Ep 31 Steve Kaufmann on how to effectively learn languages and how he learned 15

    07/01/2015 Duração: 38min

    Steve Kaufmann is an incredible polyglot and the founder of He speaks 10 languages well and has a knowledge of 15 languages. I tested him in Czech and he is reasonably good and I believe that he could hold a conversation as needed. We talk about the secrets to learning a lanugage and how the majority of his language learning accomplishments have been in the last 10 years, he is 69.   We discuss the nuances of lanugage and the best ways to learn it. He has his learning program which focuses on listening and comprehension over translation and speaking. His results speak for themself.   Listen to this funny and interesting interview with an amazing guy that we can all agree is notable.  

  • Ep 29 Chris Way on how a business idea struck with a trip to Africa

    31/12/2014 Duração: 27min

    Chris Way is the founder of the Atinga Project. After a study abroad in Rwanda Chris came back and wanted to do more with the experiences he had in Africa. The tire sandal that was crafted for him was a constant reminder of how different the world was and the life he had there. Because of this, he founded the Atinga project which connects Rwandan artisan crafters with people in the West who want quality, environmentally friendly, supportive, long-lasting footwear that is interesting and unique   I had actually done a very similar project for some time and therefore am very interested in this as well. Listen to how developed the project and raised over $13,000 on Kickstarter. We catch him 4 days before leaving for Rwanda to get this incredible project started.   Let's wish him luck!  

  • Ep 28 Ladan talks about the best country in the world - Georgia - no question about it

    26/12/2014 Duração: 21min

    I am often asked, since you have travelled to 80 countries which one is the best one? The answer is always the same, Georgia. There are many reasons for this but it clearly stands out in front of all the others in terms of the best place to visit. We originally planned to stay for 5 days but ended up staying for 5 weeks, that's how good it was.   It was mainly because of the landscape, people, hospitality, price, unique language and of course the amounts of drinking that everyone takes part in there. It is really one of the best places that I have ever been to. With beaches, mountains, rivers, valleys, beautiful women, great food, and alcohol that flows like water, who could want anything better?

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