Defender Radio: The Podcast For Wildlife Advocates And Animal Lovers



Defender Radio is the world's top wildlife protection podcast. It is hosted by award-winning journalist Michael Howie and presented by The Fur-Bearers (


  • How To Talk To A Science Denier

    06/09/2021 Duração: 56min

    The idea of walking into a flat earth convention makes my tummy hurt. For Dr. Lee McIntyre, it was an exercise in curiosity explored in the introduction of his new book, How To Talk To A Science Denier. Dr. McIntyre is an author, a research fellow at the Center for Philosophy and History of Science at Boston University and an instructor in Ethics at Harvard Extension School. An award-winning teacher, McIntyre has penned several popular titles on the philosophy of science and anti-science sentiments and strategies. His latest, published by MIT Press this year, is a dive into science denial in the modern era. How to Talk to A Science Denier combines Dr. McIntyre’s own experiences and thoughts with a well-executed explanation of what, somewhat ironically, science and history can tell us about the current state of science denial. The book itself covers subjects ranging from climate denial to conspiracy theory, flat Earth to anti-vaccine and more. However, as I learned by reading the book and through my conversati

  • The Switch: Episode Zero

    30/08/2021 Duração: 04min

    The Switch is a new bi-weekly show on the Defender Radio Podcast feed, produced by The Fur-Bearers and hosted by Michael Howie.  This show will feature short - about 10-minute-long - interviews with people who are making a difference in combatting climate change and protecting wildlife and their habitat through daily choices. These solutions are meant to be accessible, meaning available to most people living in Canada regardless of who they are and their socioeconomic situations.  Upcoming episodes include subjects like: Blowing Away Gas Leaf Blowers Reducing by Refilling Ecofriendly Menstruation Products Hugelkultur for Biodiversity Plastic Waste and PPE Choices Animal Agriculture and Climate Change / Impact on Wildlife and Habitats The Role of Libraries in Climate Change DIY Ecofriendly Cleaning Products (from audience suggestions) ...and more! Subscribe to or follow the Defender Radio podcast feed wherever you listen to get updates as new episodes are available. Currently, the publication schedule is alt

  • Protecting Wolverines with UAVs

    23/08/2021 Duração: 47min

    There are few mammals who are as outwardly tough and intimidating as Gulo gulo, the wolverine. These solitary individuals are considered a species of special concern federally and threatened in some jurisdictions like Ontario and are notoriously difficult to monitor or track for scientific purposes. But modern technology is changing that. The combined use of digital photography and videography with unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, is creating opportunities to track and hone in on the specific areas that wolverines may be using as a home base. With that knowledge, researchers and managers are able to create land-use recommendations that protect the much needed space of wolverines, and ultimately help individuals, as well as the entire species, thrive. A recent project undertaken by ecologist and wolverine researcher Nikki Heim with UAV professional Alex Taylor utilized this method in the spring of this year. A quick disclosure: The Fur-Bearers did provide partial funding for this project. You can read more

  • Coyotes in Stanley Park with Dr. Kristen Walker

    19/08/2021 Duração: 48min

    More than two dozen incidents of coyotes scratching and biting people have occurred in Vancouver’s Stanley Park since December 2020. You’ve likely seen media coverage of this – and yes, much of it has been wildly sensational with a great deal of guess work. But the truth is difficult to find in this series of events. Factually, we’re aware of many pieces of evidence: coyotes are a natural part of the landscape in Canada and British Columbia; Stanley Park is not just a park, but a massive forest and ecosystem; prior to 2020, only a handful of bites or interactions had occurred with coyotes; and, as everyone agrees, these behaviours are concerning. In much of the media coverage, however, entire swatches of fact are left out, such as the massive shift in human use of the park following the start and progression of the coronavirus pandemic, or the apparent lack of enforcement of feeding bylaws and park use restrictions. This coverage also leaves out the nuance often necessary in a conversation about evidence and

  • Takaya's Legacy

    09/08/2021 Duração: 01h18min

    The name Takaya may ring a bell if you follow wildlife news. He was the lone wolf who lived on Discovery Island and other islands in the Salish Sea, an archipelago on the eastern coast of Vancouver Island. The word, Takaya, means wolf in the Indigenous language of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation. Cheryl Alexander, a conservationist, photographer and educator, spent several years forming a distanced, but unique relationship with Takaya. Neither interfered with the other, but Cheryl was able to gain deep insight to Takaya’s life. Through this time, Cheryl witnessed a government set on killing Takaya; media villainzing him after an encounter with campers; his perseverance through dangers both human and environmental; and his tragic death at the hands of a hunter. A 2019 documentary, Takaya: Lone Wolf, captured the hearts of many as his story, as told by Cheryl, beamed around the world. And in a 2020 book, Cheryl has loving assembled her photos, thoughts and anecdotes of Takaya, along with her own journey of discovery

  • The Unseen Impacts of Wildlife Feeding

    26/07/2021 Duração: 45min

    Having a chipmunk come up, sniff your finger cautiously, then nip a treat and run off is magical; I won’t lie – it’s pretty remarkable. But the consequence of that single moment of joy for a person can lead to devastating impacts to ecosystems, communities and individual animals. Be it for a close-up experience, because of a perception of hunger and need, or even incidental feeding from outdoor pet food or bird feeders, most folks who feed wildlife do so with goodness in their heart. This episode isn’t about blaming or shaming – because that simply doesn’t work. It’s about understanding the complexity of nature and animal behaviour, and the role – often negative – humans end up playing. You only need to look to British Columbia’s black bears to see the significant impacts of failing to take down bird feeders or be aware of the impact of unintentional and intentional feeding – hundreds of bears killed every year by conservation authorities. You can identify feeding in a significant number of cases when coyotes

  • Updates: Read-a-Thon and new Feature Series!

    23/07/2021 Duração: 08min

    Host Michael Howie brings you updates on The Fur-Bearers' Read-a-Thon event happening soon and how to register, as well as a look (and the need for your participation) in a new series coming to your Defender Radio podcast feed!  Episode art for this week from the collection created by Michelle Lee of Broadview Design for The Fur-Bearers' Read-A-Thon event. Michelle Lee on Instagram: Register for the Read-a-Thon or donate now: Follow Defender Radio on Instagram: Follow Defender Radio on Facebook: Read-a-Thon tutorial videos:  

  • Domestic Violence & Pets Part ii: Parachutes for Pets

    12/07/2021 Duração: 25min

    Parachutes for Pets in Calgary is a grassroots organization that is working to build community supports to protect the connection between people and their companion animals. Their programs include providing pet hampers that have food and supplies, vaccine and wellness clinics, emergency pet packs and more. Often, their services are called upon when people are leaving abusive situations and need support to keep their pets with them. I connected with Melissa David, founder of Parachutes for Pets, to discuss the evolution of the organization, the needs they address and how you can support them – or create supports in your own community. Learn more about Parachutes for Pets at Ending Violence Association of Canada: National Coalition Against Domestic Violence: Domestic Violence Resources (Canadian Association of Social Workers): Mental Health Services in Canada

  • Domestic Violence & Pets Part i: Urban Resource Institute

    12/07/2021 Duração: 42min

    Urban Resource Institute, America’s largest domestic violence residential service provider. and the National Domestic Violence Hotline, recently released the results of their national survey. The PALS survey, part of URI’s People and Animals Living Safely, clearly showed the fear for safety of pets is a critical component in a persons’ decision in leaving abusive situations. The findings are staggering – with 97% of respondents saying that keeping their pets is an important factor in deciding to seek shelter, and 50% saying they would not consider shelter for themselves if they could not take their pets with them. To discuss the important findings in this survey, I was joined by Danielle Emery, URI’s Director of People and Animals Living Safely program. Read the PALS report: Learn more about Urban Resource Institute: Ending Violence Association of Canada: National Coalition Against Domestic Violence: Domest

  • Inside 15 Years of U.S. Wildlife Trade Data

    29/06/2021 Duração: 53min

    There’s been a lot of talk about the wildlife trade since the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic hit the global stage in early 2020. While much of the attention has been paid to locales overseas, the United States is also involved in the wildlife trade; in fact, more than $2 billion of items – over 400,000,000 items - were imported in 2014 alone. Faunalytics, a non-profit that conducts research and shares knowledge to help advocates help animals effectively, took 15 years of data from legal wildlife import data and analyzed it. The results are staggering. I was joined by Karol Orzechowski, Faunalytics’ content director, to discuss the wildlife trade report, the Canadian connection, and what we can all do to make a difference. Read the Faunalytics report: Follow Defender Radio on Instagram: Follow Defender Radio on Facebook: Learn more about The Fur-Bearers:

  • Old Growth 101

    15/06/2021 Duração: 35min

    Old growth logging is in the news cycle again, with the Fairy Creek blockade on Vancouver Island being the latest in the persistent debate on how to manage old growth trees. Much of the media coverage is glossing over the intricacies of old growth logging – why is it more valuable, why is it a risk to ecosystems and endangered species, and what tools exist for community members speaking out. Charlotte Dawe, conservation and policy campaigner at the Wilderness Committee, joined Defender Radio for a primer on Old Growth forests and logging and how advocates can have their voices heard. Episode cover art of old growth cuts in BC photo provided by Wilderness Committee Wilderness Committee Old Growth Tools and information: Extinction Story Map: The Narwhal: Fairy Creek Blockades (feature article): Defender Radio Facebook

  • Defender Radio Update: The Return

    02/06/2021 Duração: 03min

    Defender Radio is back after a pandemic-related hiatus. New episodes will be launching this month so stay tuned! In this update, hear from host/producer Michael Howie on the hiatus and changes in his personal life, how the show will be changing (only a little), and how you can help find new topics, special features and more. Follow The Fur-Bearers on: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Sign up for email updates:  

  • Nathaniel Erskine-Smith: ePetitions and the Animal Welfare Caucus

    11/02/2021 Duração: 23min

    Getting governments to change isn’t easy; often, there are roadblocks in the path to communicating an issue, particularly ones related to non-human animals. There are tools out there, however, that are making it easier and more effective for Canadian parliamentarians to hear from constituents and learn more about issues related to animals in Canada. Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, Liberal MP for Beaches-East York, sponsored House of Commons Petition e-3096, drafted by The Fur-Bearers calling on the federal government to end fur farming; he’s also one of the founding members of the Liberal Party’s Animal Welfare Caucus and a new all-party format of the animal welfare caucus. Nathaniel joined Defender Radio to discuss Petition e-3096, the parliamentary process behind petitions and why some aren’t as effective, as well as providing background on the animal welfare caucus and how all Canadians can ask their MP to get involved in this important educational initiative. Sign Petition e3096:

  • Coyote Conversations: Aversion Conditioning For Urban Coyotes

    29/01/2021 Duração: 51min

    As we press through these colder months of the winter, I’m seeing more questions about coyotes pop up on social media and traditional media. Of course, this is often in response to bad memes or misinformation designed to frighten people, rather than educate them. Check out for some the articles we’ve written to try and respond to these concerns. But it’s also an opportunity to talk about aversion conditioning – commonly referred to as hazing – and the role it can play in mitigating and ending human conflict with coyotes. Lauren Van Patter, a Queen’s University PhD candidate and my good friend Lesley Sampson of Coyote Watch Canada worked together to pen a paper that outlines the scientific literature on aversion conditioning, as well as the experiences of the Coyote Watch Canada Canid Response Team. Titled, Advancing Best Practices for Aversion Conditioning to Mitigate Human-Coyote Conflicts in Urban Areas and published openly in the journal Human-Wildlife Interactions, the paper also prompte

  • PPE and Plastic Pollution

    21/01/2021 Duração: 57min

    The coronavirus pandemic has forced a lot of change in the world in the last 13 months. One of the most notable, unfortunately, is an increase in plastic waste entering our oceans. Personal Protective Equipment, or PPE, which is frequently made with plastics more than doubled in size as a global industry in response to the pandemic. Oceans Asia, a non-profit focused on marine conservation, released a dire report indicating 1.56 billion facemasks entered the marine environment in 2020. But PPE is just the tip of the pollution iceberg. To dive into where this waste comes from, how it impacts the planet, and what we can all do to make a difference today and into the future, Dr. Teale Phelps Bondaroff joined the Defender Radio podcast. Read the OceansAsia report: Follow The Fur-Bearers on Facebook (, Instagram (, Twitter ( and LinkedIn (

  • Coexistence with Bears Starts with Humans

    13/01/2021 Duração: 38min

    Luci Cudman, the executive director of the North Shore Black Bear Society and Ellie Lamb, bear behaviour expert and bear viewing guide and instructor joined me for a call the late days of fall 2020 to talk about how our actions – and inactions – impact the behaviour of bears, why some strategies to coexist aren’t as successful as others, and how we as individuals can truly make a difference for bears and other animals in our communities.

  • Hidden: Jo-Anne McArthur on the latest book from We Animals Media

    18/11/2020 Duração: 17min

    I’ve got good news, better news and bad news, folks. The good news is that yesterday a book launched that will change minds, hearts and lives around the world. The better news is that Jo-Anne McArthur, co-editor of this book, took time out of an incredibly busy schedule this morning to chat with me about it. The bad news is that, because it’s 2020, the recording software I use didn’t record my side of our conversation. Which, for many, may be the best news of all. Let’s start at the beginning. Hidden: Animals in the Anthropocene by Jo-Anne McArthur and Keith Wilson, with a Foreword by Joaquin Phoenix, is now available. A short synopsis from the book’s media kit: HIDDEN: Animals in the Anthropocene is an unflinching book of photography documenting our relationship with non-human animals in the 21st Century. It focuses on the invisible animals in our lives: those with whom we have a close relationship and yet fail to see. They are the animals we eat and the animals we wear. They are the animals used in research

  • Center for Contemporary Sciences: Changing the Paradigm on Animal Testing

    30/10/2020 Duração: 56min

    A lot of animals are tested upon and killed in the name of science, particularly biomedical research. In conversation, many people adopt a utilitarian attitude – the lives and deaths of these non-human animals is to benefit human health, an acceptable trade off. But what if it wasn’t benefiting human health – and what if, before the experiments even began, there was a solid chance the research would never, ever have human applications? Those are some of the questions being posed by the Center for Contemporary Sciences, a new organization that is, quote, “pioneering a paradigm shift towards innovative, evidence-based research methods that are based on human biology. Through collaboration, we champion technologies that are better for humans and that replace animal testing.” Dr. Jarrod Bailey, Director of Science and Technology at the Center for Contemporary Sciences, joined Defender Radio to discuss the current state of animal testing and why it continues to fail, the results of a just published paper following

  • Getting To Know The Anthrozoology Podcast

    22/10/2020 Duração: 59min

    Anthrozoology is a fascinating field of study – simply put, it examines the interactions between humans and other animals. This is a broad concept, which is why so many fields overlap with it: anthropology, biology, philosophy, psychology and more. To me, the concept of combining these fields is daunting and intimidating; but thanks to many dedicated and passionate anthrozoologists, I’ve found the journals and discussions more approachable than many other, more specific disciplines. Among the dedicated and passionate are three University of Exeter students who love the field of study so much and see such potential for it that they started a podcast! The Anthrozoology Podcast is hosted by University of Exeter PhD students Sarah Oxley Heaney and Kris Hill, along with PhD candidate Michelle Szydlowski. The trio of anthrozoologists have arrived at Exeter’s program from different places (both literally and figuratively, as we scheduled this group call across three different time zones) and with different specific

  • Attitudes on Animal Use Are Evolving

    15/10/2020 Duração: 36min

    In a world with a 24-hour news cycle, robot trolls on the internet and unprecedented political changes, knowing where we stand on some core issues can be a bit… difficult. Fortunately, there are tools that can cut through the noise and help us find answers to understand where Canadians and Americans stand on animal-related matters. Mario Canseco, president of Research Co., polled Canadians and Americans on their views regarding eating animals, hunting for meat, trophy hunting, keeping animals in zoos and aquariums and rodeos. Of significance, the survey also found that 81% of Canadians and 75% of Americans oppose killing animals for their fur. Mario joined Defender Radio to discuss these findings, how surveys can be misused or misinterpreted during elections, and why animal advocates can feel hopeful. Read the survey, press release and full data set: This episode was sponsored by Use promocode DefenderRadio to get 10% off at www.AnimalSt

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