Christ Community Sunday - Leawood Campus



This podcast features the Sunday morning messages from Christ Community Church's Leawood Campus.


  • David and the Census [David 12]

    06/08/2023 Duração: 33min

    2 Samuel 24 // Ben BeasleyThe question isn’t if we’ll fall. It’s when. Some can ignore it for a while, but eventually, we come to terms with our own proclivities, areas of brokenness, and destructive behaviors. If we’re honest with ourselves, everyone has moments and sometimes seasons when we’ve intentionally made destructive decisions toward ourselves, toward others, and God. Where do you fall, when you fall? One of the key dynamics throughout the whole Samuel scroll is comparing Saul and David. Fascinating: David and Saul both fall. David is — in many ways — recorded as falling harder and farther…but the difference is that David knows where to fall. When Saul was faced with his sin, he blamed others, and tried to just avoid consequences. When David was faced with his own sin, he owned it. All of it. And he fell into the Lord’s hands…because he trusted that God’s mercy would get the last word. When we fall on the LORD, his mercy gets the last word. What about you today? Sermon Notes:

  • David and Absalom [David 11]

    30/07/2023 Duração: 39min

    2 Samuel 16: 5-12 // Ben BeasleyI understand that there are people here who have lived more life than me. Who have experienced much more than me. I’m well aware of that fact. But in my years, I’ve lived enough life simply to say this. Losses change us. They make us different. We don’t come out the other end the same. If we are honest, the wounds are often there, lying underneath the surface. Losses, whether it’s the loss of a child, a relationship, a dream, or whatever it may be - losses are defining moments in our lives. I would like us to recognize three ways in which suffering changes us; suffering humbles us, suffering leads us to pray, and in suffering, we find compassion for others. We are not alone in our suffering. God enters into our suffering and is the only one who can redeem the mess to offer hope in our suffering.Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • Eyes of Faith

    23/07/2023 Duração: 33min

    Hebrews 11: 1-3, 6 //  Tom NelsonWhen you hear the word faith, what first comes to mind? What may come to mind is a kind of wishful thinking, an irrational blind leap, or a last resort option when all other options have vanished. But what is faith as the Holy Scriptures reveal it? And why is it the key that unlocks the flourishing life God intends for us? Properly understood, faith is the currency of the Christian life, informing, shaping, and empowering every moment, and every aspect of daily life. Faith remembers the past, informs our present, and looks forward with hope.  Faith revisits and remembers its rootedness. May we increasingly see with the eyes of faith for as the writer of Hebrews reminds us;  Without faith, it is impossible to please God! Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • David and Nathan [David 10]

    16/07/2023 Duração: 32min

    2 Samuel 12: 1-7a // Brent NelsenWhat is God going to do about David’s evil? That’s what Second Samuel 12 is about. David is the king of Israel. He’s a very powerful man. And God is telling Nathan to go confront him about his sin. We need Nathans in our society and we need Nathans in our lives who can confront us when we need confronting. David has a choice, as we all do when we’re confronted with our sin. He can make excuses like Saul did when he was confronted by Samuel. Or David can come clean. I have sinned against the LORD. I wonder if it was a relief for David to say those words. But that doesn’t mean there won’t be consequences. Because David’s sin still has huge ramifications on his family. And this makes sense. Forgiveness doesn’t necessarily undo the damage. And the amount of damage that is done is often proportional to the amount of influence someone has. A parent’s sin can destroy a family. A pastor’s sin can destroy a church. A CEO’s sin can take down the company. And a king’s sin can have ramifi

  • David and Bathsheba [David 09]

    09/07/2023 Duração: 35min

    2 Samuel 11:1-27 // Ben BeasleySermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • David and Mephibosheth [David 08]

    02/07/2023 Duração: 31min

    2 Samuel 9: 1-7 // Tom NelsonEarly in David’s story, he is described as a man after God’s own heart. Having a heart for God means loving as God loves. David respectfully, honorably and it would seem warmly, calls Mephibosheth by name. The writer of Samuel wants to emphasize that here. David’s loving action of speaking Mephibosheth’s name is an encouraging reminder for each of us that one of the ways we can communicate love to others is by greeting them by name, others we may not know well or are meeting for the first time. God knows our name and calls us by name. One of our first acts of love is working to remember others’ names and calling them by name. This is an example as loving as God loves. Do we actively love as God loves? Do we show kindness to our neighbors? Do we have a heart that loves and serves the vulnerable? Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • David and the Promise [David 07]

    25/06/2023 Duração: 30min

    2 Samuel 7: 1-17 // Andrew JonesGod isn’t like the other gods, the false gods of the surrounding nations. You know, for them, after all the victory David has experienced. The riches, the land, the power, the great name, he would owe God something. Building this temple would be payback. The least he could do for the God who has so richly blessed him. That would have been the logic of the ancient world. God says quite the opposite. He says no you don’t owe me a temple, and frankly, there’s not a whole lot you can offer me anyway, because I made you who you are today. David, it’s all grace, and it will always be grace. In fact, my sense is that God is trying to remind David of something important here. Something for us, too. When we look back on our lives, especially the places where you have experienced success. Career success. Financial success. Marriage. Family. Academics. Promotions. All of it. Until you can see God’s grace in it all, you haven’t looked hard enough. Grace reminds David who he really is and w

  • David and The Ark [David 06]

    18/06/2023 Duração: 35min

    2 Samuel 6: 1-15 // Tom NelsonWhere is lasting joy found? It is not found in managing God, lasting joy is found in the presence of God. Without God, there is no lasting joy. C.S. Lewis thought a lot about joy. One of his interesting insights I think he had about joy was the importance of proximity when it comes to experiencing joy. “If you want to get warm you must stand near the fire: if you want to be wet you must get into the water. If you want joy, power, peace, eternal life, you must get close to, or even into, the thing that has them.” Lewis is right, proximity matters, and so does presence. Joy flows in and through a close relationship with God himself. Without him, there is no lasting joy. Being yoked with Jesus leads us to a more attentive life, one that enjoys the presence of God and experiences lasting joy. He wants to show us the way. Will you trust him?Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • David and Saul [David 05]

    11/06/2023 Duração: 28min

    1 Samuel 24: 1-7 // Tom NelsonFor God’s covenant people throughout history, waiting was synonymous with knowing God and being known by God, of going deeper with God, but now waiting is more often than not, viewed as if we’ve missed what God has for us or that God must be ignoring us and our desires. I think it is fair to say, waiting on God is one of life’s greatest challenges.Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • David and Goliath [David 04]

    04/06/2023 Duração: 37min

    1 Samuel 7: 1-11 // Tom Nelson The David and Goliath story is more than an underdog story, more than a big giant who is slain, rather it is a story about eyes that truly see. A story not so much about special courage as it is about spiritual insight. Not so much about an underdog who wins, but a shepherd boy who sees differently. Faith sees differently! Faith sight is different from eyesight. Through the eyes of faith, you can be confident that God is with you, God is ahead of you. Ultimately, the battle is the Lord’s. That all things ultimately are worked out for good by a Sovereign God who loves us and wills the very best for us. When we get our eyes on God, the difficult circumstances, fearful obstacles, griefs, disappointments, and losses we face are put in a more hopeful perspective. Through the eyes of faith, even large giants look small. Secondly, even slim odds are God-sized opportunities. One of our greatest challenges to continue to walk by faith is that we tend to forget God’s past faithfulness to

  • 2022 Christmas Eve Service

    02/06/2023 Duração: 52min

    After millennia of promising a king would come, he finally appears, and it’s almost completely overlooked by the world. In the shadow of a massive empire, comes the king over all, and he came for us. Join us this Christmas Eve as we take time to notice and celebrate the birth of the promised king!Prayer Requests:

  • Praise the King [Advent 05]

    02/06/2023 Duração: 20min

    Sermon Notes: Request:

  • David and Jonathan [David 03]

    28/05/2023 Duração: 35min

    1 Samuel 18-20 / Caleb JenkinsToday, as we explore the story of David and Jonathan in 1 Samuel, I want to convince you that there are three myths in our culture about friendship that prevent us from experiencing friendship the way it’s meant to be, and more than that, keep us being the kind of friend that we as humans need. We’ll see, especially as we consider the kind of friend that Jonathan is, three truths from this story that counter our culture’s myths, and also point beyond friendship to a deeper human need we have.These three truths are Recognizing the importance of friendship enables our flourishing. Our friendships should be intentional. Friendship is Costly. We all want a friend who makes our friendship primary, who’s intentional with us, and sticks with us even when it’s costly…. But it’s much harder to be that kind of friend for others. What might it look like for you to take a step towards sacrificing in your friendships?Sermon Notes: Requests: https://

  • David and Samuel [David 02]

    23/05/2023 Duração: 37min

    1 Samuel 16:1-13 // Tom NelsonEyes can be tricky things. They play tricks on us.We believe what we see with our eyes more than almost anything else, but as humans, we have trouble seeing. Our seeing can mislead us, even deceive us. What we see often depends on who we listen to. Our human eyesight does not equate with spiritual insight. What do we do when what we see is in conflict with what we have heard? This is often where we have to remember faith is opposed to seeing but not opposed to knowing. That is a warning: your eyes will deceive you. Only God sees rightly. Humans see partially. The only way for us to see rightly is to listen to the one who sees wholly. Are you listening? What are you not seeing that God wants you to see?Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • Hannah [David 01]

    14/05/2023 Duração: 31min

    1 Samuel 2: 1-10 // Brent NelsenI know this is Mother’s Day, and Mother’s Day can be hard for some people. Many of you understand the pain that Hannah feels about being unable to have children. You may be struggling with infertility now. Or you struggled with it at some point in the past. Or maybe you are single but you have always wanted a family. You understand Hannah’s pain in a way that I can only imagine. You may be asking the question, “Why did Hannah’s prayer get answered and mine didn’t?” That’s a fair question. And what’s frustrating is that, like so many “why” questions (and we all have them), the Bible doesn’t answer it. It seems from the Bible that God doesn’t always feel the need to explain himself. Instead, it shows us a picture of a God who sees pain and suffering and promises to be with us in the midst of it. Who says, “I know you’re hurting, but I want you to know that I’m right here with you.” What’s so remarkable about the God of the Bible is that he’s not unmoved by human suffering. And th

  • Go in His Name [Now What? 04]

    07/05/2023 Duração: 32min

    Acts 1: 1-11 // Tom NelsonWe often hear things like being on the right side of history…but that can be a very tenuous and perilous assertion to make. As followers of Jesus, we know history is on the march according to a sovereign God’s plan and purpose. More important than being on the right side of history whatever that may be or not be, is that we know where we are in redemptive history. We now live in a time between Jesus’ first coming and ascension and his second coming. In that sense, we are “Tweeners”! We are somewhere between Jesus' first and second coming. Jesus' kingdom has arrived, but it is not fully yet here. Jesus has come to this world, he is now reigning in the heavenly realms, and will one day return to earth. What does that mean for us as faithful apprentices of Jesus on kingdom mission?Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • Care for his Sheep [Now What? 03]

    30/04/2023 Duração: 33min

    John 21: 1-19 // Tom NelsonI don’t know specifically where your brokenness or struggles lie, nor do I know what mistakes you have made or what your most regretful failures have been or currently are. But I am confident that if you are like me in my mistakes and failures, a crying question of my heart is what is God’s response? For those who are followers of Jesus, or who are considering following him, a burning question we wrestle with, yet one we seldom verbalize, is what is Jesus’ response to us when we fail him?   Does Jesus lecture us? Shame us? Condemn us? Abandon us? Jesus’ response may surprise you, even shock you.Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • Believe He’s The One and Only [Now What? 02]

    23/04/2023 Duração: 32min

    John 20:24-31 // Andrew JonesThere comes a moment, in all of our stories, that to truly follow Jesus and believe in him requires more than intellectual assent to his existence. It is more than searching for him. It actually means understanding we are found by Him. He’s the one looking for us, not the other way around. Perhaps the most powerful doubts we ever experience are in moments of pain, loss, and grief. Suffering is the most earth-shaking experience when it comes to what we believe. Nothing makes us question the goodness of God, the trustworthiness of Jesus, like suffering that we just don’t understand. The hands that hold us are not immune to our suffering. They are not pristine and whole. They have been through all of it and more. They are scarred, as a reminder, that our scars will never have the final word over us. Thomas saw these hands and believed. Do we?Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • Receive His Spirit [Now What? 01]

    16/04/2023 Duração: 32min

    John 20:19-23 // Tom NelsonAs Jesus appears to his disciples, he greets them with one word that emotionally changes everything.  It was the Hebrew word, shalom which is translated here in English as peace. Shalom is much more than an absence of conflict like we mostly use the word peace today.  Shalom embodies the presence, power, and proximity of the kingdom life Jesus was inaugurating in the world through his atoning death and death-defying resurrection. The word Shalom here directly connects Easter with Eden.  In the first book of the Bible, the book of Genesis we encounter the original creation garden of Eden which means delight. The Garden of Eden was a place where original creation happened, but not only a place but a comprehensive reality when all was well in the world, all was as God designed and desired his very good creation to be. Before sin and death brought disintegration and death to God’s good world and to his crown of creation. With just this one-word greeting, the resurrected Jesus makes this

  • He’s Really Alive…Now What? [Easter 2023]

    09/04/2023 Duração: 28min

    John 20: 1-11 // Andrew JonesWhat is Easter to you? If you have been a Christian for a while, maybe you would say it’s about Jesus’ victory over death. If you haven't grown up in church, maybe it is a family day about dyeing eggs and hunting for candy. But what about John? He was a disciple of Jesus and was present for the first Easter. That first Easter was one of tragedy, loss, heartache, and pain. It ended with a woman crying over an empty tomb. I am not sure what brought you here today, but before you leave, I have one question I don’t want you to miss. Do you hear your name? There is someone looking for you. He is not far off. He is near. And he is more than the conqueror of death and despair. He knows your name. He calls you by name. The same voice who made everything from nothing beckons you away from the graveyard, and into eternal life with him. Do you hear him?Sermon Notes: Requests:

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