C3 Church Tuggerah



C3 Church Tuggerah Media


  • The Function of the Unction - Audio

    03/02/2009 Duração: 2683h00s

    God's heart is always thinking about people. The journey of the Bible is all about people and their journey back to God. About God drawing His people to himself through of series of events and through you - the body of Christ

  • How does God view the Church in this Hour - Audio

    28/01/2009 Duração: 2513h00s

    You are formed and purposed to fulfil your destiny in God both relationally and in Kindgom works. God has written your name in the Lamb's Book of Life. You have been written for a purpose, for a cause, for a mission for such a time as this

  • God - The Mind Blower - Audio

    27/01/2009 Duração: 1891h00s

    God has been blowing minds forever, leaving us awestruck at His greatness and power.

  • Fruit Bearing Seed - Audio

    27/01/2009 Duração: 547h00s

    The seed we sow outflows in many expressions of thanks to God. Continue to sow dilegently and know God is moving in peoples lives.

  • Whatever it Takes - Audio

    21/01/2009 Duração: 1909h00s

    For the purpose of seeing God's will come to pass, lay your life down and do whatever God is asking you to do. Let nothing hold you back. Take courage, take faith, be positive, never give up, push forward. Believe - Succeed!

  • God wants to be with us - Audio

    20/01/2009 Duração: 2179h00s

    God is a covenant keeping God. The covenant of God is that He would dwell with His people, that they would love Him and He would love them. That is all Hw wants to do. God wants to be with us and he wants His glory to be on us. Spend time with Him and His glory will be on you as a witness to this world.

  • Now Faith - Audio

    19/01/2009 Duração: 2859h00s

    NOW FAITH allows you to live in the rhythm of life - it is Fruitful. Pray, read the Word, build your faith, keep in tune with God then act on it! Step out in supernatural power into your world and bring the glorious freedom that is found in Christ to this desperate world.

  • Keeping our Dreams and Visions Alive - Audio

    19/01/2009 Duração: 1673h00s

    The bible says without a vision we perish and that is because without direction, without goals, without something to look forwards to - what is there? Praise God! God has a dream and a vision for every person, not just the few. Draw near to God, see what He has for you. Prepare for it. Believe it, dream it. Begin to live it day by day. Press past all the obstacles and put downs that come your way. God uses them as refining fires to bring forth His dream and His purpose in your life. And it is good!

  • Build the Church - Be the Church - Audio

    19/01/2009 Duração: 1894h00s

    God is wanting to apprehend your heart and cause you to come away with Him so He can give you a true intention to believe in the dream called church. Church is a wild idea of God, that He can reconcile a group of people together to be a mighty force of good, praying God's kingdom down. Renew your mind every day in the Word of God. Remember and focus on what God wants for you and those around you. Live the adventure that is the Church! Live the anointed Life - be the living church that draws others towards God and His Bride - The Church

  • Arise Shine - Audio

    19/01/2009 Duração: 1662h00s

    You have to have something solid to build upon as you walk forward in God. The Word of God is your anchor. Lean on God, read your prophesies, build yourself up in your faith. The kingdom of God is being established through all your life experiences, the good and the bad. Trust God - the Glory of God is coming upon this earth and He will use you. People will see God on you. The veil that has kept the Church hidden is going to be removed, the light is going to shine! Be faithful, He will be glorified in and through your life. Live your life for Him and in Him

  • Jesus is Real - Audio

    29/12/2008 Duração: 2161h00s

    Jesus needs to be so real for our family, needs to be real for you and needs to be real for your marriage. Things on the planet are being diminished but Jesus is not diminishing, loosing His colour or glory. He is and will always be the Bright and Shining Star - Awesome in Glory!

  • Caleb - how to run the race 09 - Audio

    29/12/2008 Duração: 2003h00s

    We go to church to acknowledge God and worship Him, but also to reclaim the land so His love can prevail in our community. It requires a different spirit to change the climate in any given area or community. Yearn for fellowship with God and become a Spirit Filled super hero in the Kingdom and change the course of humanity!

  • Who Does God Provide For - Audio

    15/12/2008 Duração: 2822h00s

    You need to know who God provides for! You can be sure God will take care of everything you need. His generosity exceeds even yours. He supplies your needs based on His bank account. He provides for you based on His wealth, not yours: based on His acts, not yours. Trust God!

  • Voltron & the Body of Christ - Audio

    10/12/2008 Duração: 1431h00s

    All people are called to ministry and all have God given gifts and talents. Your ministry may not be on the pulpit at church but it is vital for the building of the church. We all come together and play our part with one purpose and one goal - to be a witness for Christ and make disciples

  • God wants to Communicate - Audio

    10/12/2008 Duração: 1583h00s

    Holy Spirit was given to be a witness - a witness of your personal experience with God. We are called to bear witness to our experiences with God. If our forefathers of faith had kept their witness secret, how or where would we be now? Don't hold back, despite what the enemy tells you, 77% of people who visit church come because of your witness and invitation to come.

  • The Seven Realities of Experiencing God - Audio

    03/12/2008 Duração: 2436h00s

    Before you can effectively witness God you must know at the deepest level that He is a Good God, a God of love, and a God wanting to bless you and all mankind extravagantly. This experiential knowledge of God empowers you with enough faith and boldness to confidently share about Christ's love for them.

  • Men on the Move - Audio

    03/12/2008 Duração: 2453h00s

    God is recruiting men into His Church all over the earth because men are a stabilizing force carrying weight bearing foundations that keep the church vital, responsive and growing. The measure of the growth of a church will often depend of the growth of the men in numbers and stature who attend and hold up the Church and it's leaders. Men are vital for the Kingdom to flourish, but not only in the Church, also in families

  • Rock & Roll & The Church - Audio

    01/12/2008 Duração: 1737h00s

    There are four things the devil doesn't want in the church. Leadership, Finances, The Arts, Young People. We need to be filled with all the fullness of God and defeat the plans of the enemy

  • God want your Heart - Audio

    01/12/2008 Duração: 2211h00s

    God wants His Church to be real. In order to the real we need to carry the heart of God, for it is the heart of God that people need. It is the heart of God that loves and brings life transformation.

  • It's All About the People - Audio

    19/11/2008 Duração: 1702h00s

    We need to be working our our Spirits: for the sake of the lost, for the building of the Kingdom and that Jesus may live in and through your life.

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