City Revival Church



We are City Revival Church. We're located in Kannapolis, NC and we're pastored by Pastor Bryn Waddell. We are about Presence, Purpose and People!


  • Mother's, Build A Room

    20/05/2021 Duração: 59min

    In today's message, Pastor Bryn Waddell presents the story of the Shunammite woman in 2 Kings 4. This woman builds Elisha a room that results in a son. However when tragedy strikes, she lays her promise in the room she built for God. She thought this room was so that God would get closer to her and she would get closer to God. Not knowing it was God's idea that her legacy would be secure in the place of encounter with Him. Mother's, build a room for your legacy. We hope you enjoy today's message!

  • Receiving The Ones He Sends

    20/05/2021 Duração: 56min

    On today's podcast, Sam Gray compares the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 10 and John 17. To show us how significant our heart towards people is for the Kingdom. We hope you enjoy today's message!

  • A Boy, His Bag and A Stone

    27/04/2021 Duração: 01h07min

    On today's podcast, Pastor Bryn Waddell presents to us the story of David and Goliath. Arguably one of the most recognizable stories in all of the Bible. However we believe there is a hidden truth in this familiar story. What made David successful? Was it just who he was? Was it the bag that held the stones? Or was it the stones themselves? The parallel we begin to see is all of us can be one of those three. Without any one of those operating in their intended purpose, Goliath is never slain. Take heart today and know there's a reason for where you are right now. Trust the process. We hope you enjoy today's message!

  • You Are Chosen, Royal, Holy and Special

    27/04/2021 Duração: 01h20min

    In this message, Pastor Bryn Waddell goes through the book of Acts and 1 Peter, to give us a better understanding of this one idea....The Father loves me. We find it easy at times to encourage others and tell them how much Yahweh believes in them, but when it comes to ourselves we struggle to believe that same idea. However we cannot afford to believe anything about ourselves other than we are chosen, royal, holy and special. Open your heart and mind today to the Fathers love. We hope you enjoy this message!

  • Moving In The Dark

    25/03/2021 Duração: 01h07min

    Pastor Bryn Waddell takes us on a journey in the life of Paul. How God's plan through difficulty and trials was to move him in the dark. We believe this will stir your faith to know you're secure in the hands of Yahweh just like Paul!

  • The History of The Scriptures

    16/03/2021 Duração: 49min

    In this message, Pastor Bryn Waddell continues the journey of discussing the Bible. Stating that only do we believe in the accuracy of the Bible, but we also believe the history of the Bible. From Genesis to Revelation there is a rich history for us to dive into and learn why we believe what we believe. So join us today as we discover together the importance of the history of the scriptures!

  • The Scriptures: The Wellspring of Truth

    09/03/2021 Duração: 01h22s

    On today's podcast, Pastor Bryn Waddell dives into an in depth study on the Bible. Expounding upon not only why we believe the book we all hold so dear, but why it is also foundational to our lives and the most trustworthy historical document ever written . Our world has experienced great change and turmoil, but in times when it seems all is shaken, the word of God stands unshaken and a light in the darkness. When all else fails, don't forget to not only get in the word of God but stay in the word of God! We hope you enjoy today's message.

  • He Is Enough

    03/03/2021 Duração: 54min

    In this podcast, Pastor Bryn Waddell takes us on a journey through the old testament of the children of Israel. From Exodus to 1 Samuel how God's people were growing weary of the very thing that set them apart.....Him. Yahweh was meant to reign over the lives of the people of Israel but the people had another way in mind. Instead of Him being enough they wanted more, not realizing that there is nothing more outside of Him. Is He enough for us? Can we truly say that we desire nothing more than Him? Journey with us today as we endeavor for Him to be enough!

  • The Lift of The Apostolic

    16/02/2021 Duração: 44min

    In this podcast, Pastor Bryn Waddell bring us to the story of Peter and John in Acts 3. A lame man who was set at a gate called beautiful/flourishing, peering into a dimension that he can see but he could never attain, asks alms of these two apostles. Peter responds not with a temporary fix but an everlasting exchange. The Apostolic tells this man rise up and walk. Then he takes him by the hand and lifts him up. Through Apostolic order and by the power of Jesus, this man holds on tightly to the apostolic and can now not only see a place called flourishing, but can walk into a place called flourishing. Be like this man and cling to the Apostolic! We believe this word will change your life.

  • He's Going To Do It Again

    10/02/2021 Duração: 01h18min

    In today's podcast, Pastor Bryn Waddell takes us through the story of David. David was the forgotten son of Jesse, looked down upon by his brothers and seemingly no one of any significance on the outside. But in a hidden place David was faithful to his fathers sheep. David's faithfulness in private led him to promotion in public. And when it was time to take a stand against the giant, David stood before him full of confidence. Goliath was God's goodness to propel him into the place He always had for him. Be encouraged today and know that all of your private victories will lead God to do it again in public. We hope you enjoy today's message!

  • The Way Out Pt. 2 - Discouragement

    26/01/2021 Duração: 57min

    In this message, Pastor Bryn continues the thought on The Way Out. The question being what do we do with discouragement? The book of Hebrews declares to us the answer...consider Him! If you're dealing with discouragement, Yahweh wants to make an exchange. Your discouragement for supernatural empowerment. We hope you enjoy today's podcast and we believe it will be a life changing word!

  • The Way Out Pt. 1 - Disappointment

    19/01/2021 Duração: 01h06min

    In this message, Pastor Bryn presents to us The Way Out. Revealing the differences between momentary disappointment and living in a spirit of disappointment. Momentary disappointment comes to us all, but Yahweh is jealous for us to live a life of contentment. That life of contentment is a breeding ground for thanksgiving that ultimately allows us to understand that no matter what may come, Jesus is enough. We hope that you enjoy todays message and that a spirit of thanksgiving and contentment would fill your mind and heart!

  • The Glory of Honor Pt. 2

    19/01/2021 Duração: 57min

    In this podcast, Sam Gray revisits the message on the glory of honor. Showing us how internal honor plays a vital role in the new covenant. Honor is an unlocker! What if your honor for one another actually unlocks something inside of you? Allow this message today to unlock honor in your heart!

  • The Screen Door

    23/12/2020 Duração: 01h12min

    In today's podcast, Pastor Bryn Waddell expounds upon the life changing word called "The Screen Door". In this message we see that Yahweh uses several things as a screen door in our lives. He uses places, paradigms or philosophies, people and lastly He uses Jesus Himself. What will we do with these screen doors? Will we walk away? Or will we make the choice to believe that it is in His goodness what we are experiencing in our lives. Join us on this journey today!

  • Restoring God's House

    16/12/2020 Duração: 42min

    In this podcast, Pastor Bryn Waddell wanted to jump in the studio and give you an update on all that we're doing at City Revival Church, the history of our church, and what we're doing moving forward. We hope this podcast brings great clarity and understanding to what we feel Yahweh is doing in our hearts at City Revival Church!

  • The Glory of Honor

    16/12/2020 Duração: 48min

    In this message, Sam Gray takes us through the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 5 and 6. Showing us how internal honor plays a crucial role in the new covenant. Join us today!

  • Praise Not Panic

    01/12/2020 Duração: 01h01min

    In today's podcast, Pastor Bryn guides us through the story of Jehoshaphat and the people of Israel in 2 Chronicles. What seemed liked a hopeless situation, a battle they could not win, Jehoshaphat did only what he knew to do. He bowed his head, gave thanks to Yahweh and appointed those who knew how to praise to lead the charge. Regardless of what it looked like or how they felt, he decided they would praise and not panic. Yahweh brought them great victory! We believe this message will bring you hope that if you'll praise, He'll go before you and make a way where there was no way!

  • To Be Gathered Together

    17/11/2020 Duração: 56min

    In this message, Sam Gray digs into the book of Acts to introduce and compare the concepts of Ekklesia and Koinonia and what they mean for us today! Join us as we discover God's word together!

  • Demonstration of Devotion: The Time Table of Purpose

    10/11/2020 Duração: 01h06s

    In today's podcast, Pastor Bryn Waddell guides us through the story of Esther and Mordecai. How two radically different anointing's and seemingly different views actually brought strength to a nation. In these times we need those who speak out and those who remain silent, but one calling or purpose does not negate the other. Allow this word today to speak life into your heart to follow exactly what Yahweh has designed you to be!

  • Re-Identification and Reformation

    29/10/2020 Duração: 40min

    In this message Sam Gray explores the commitment of the disciples in Acts 1, and how they were able to find delight in seemingly mundane and repetitive activities. Join us as we explore this truth!

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