Sunshine Community Church's Podcast



Welcome to the podcasting home of Sunshine Community Church. Christ calls Sunshine Community Church to pursue and nourish the spiritually-hungry, until every household in our sphere of influence can flourish in Christ. We hope the content of this weekly podcast will help you do just that. If you would like to learn more about Sunshine Community Church, you can visit us online at


  • July 9, 2023 - Little Maid of Israel

    10/07/2023 Duração: 33min

    2 Kings 5:1-14 This message's hero is a young girl whose name we don't even know. She was a prisoner of war, and she was in a land far away from her parents and home. She could have hated her captors, but instead, she chose to seek their blessing and health by pointing them to the God of Israel! Kids are often experts at giving people second changes; their willingness to forgive, risk kindness, and share is humbling. As we study together, we will see the many ways in which childlike faith can change everything, even for stubborn grownups!

  • July 3, 2023 - Solomon

    03/07/2023 Duração: 39min

    1 Kings 3:3-15 Solomon, son of King David of Israel. He is renowned for being wise, even though he started his reign as a very young man. In this passage, we see where all that wisdom started, and we get a great example for all of us, in terms of humility and teachability. It turns out that admitting what you don't know takes immense courage , but it is also the only path to godly wisdom. When you finally accept that, no matter how smart you are, you don't yet even know how much you don't know, there is great hope for growth! 

  • June 25, 2023 - The Spirit of Repentance

    26/06/2023 Duração: 39min

    Mark 1  Guest preacher, Josh Hendricks speaks on Mark 1.   

  • June 18, 2023 - SAMUEL

    19/06/2023 Duração: 45min

    1 Samuel 3 This message speaks about listening to God and the way younger and older hearts help one another out in the process. Go is so faithful to speak to his people - and he means for us to listen as a team! Young and old hearts both need each other - young ears hear God in new ways, but experienced hearts must help them understand. As we attend to his Word, pray, and take risks together, he knits us together into a team of servants who humbly yield to whatever he says is best.

  • June 11, 2023 - Miriam (Young and Mighty)

    12/06/2023 Duração: 39min

    Exodus 2:1-10 Miriam is a big sister who is a real superhero. She show us how siblings need to watch out for each other, and how we need to be ready and creative when it is time to protect each other. We can't predict how God might step in to rescue; we CAN do our best to be present and paying attention when he does!

  • June 4, 2023 - Growing Up Into Our Adoption

    05/06/2023 Duração: 25min

    Ephesians 1:1-14 In Christ, we have been lovingly chosen, adopted, equipped to grow, and blessed for sharing it with others!

  • May 28, 2023 - Keeping The Pace

    01/06/2023 Duração: 45min

    Philippians 4 It's easy to grow weary and lose focus, especially when things are difficult, disappointing, or just plain not going our way. Loving one another truly means we run at a sustainable pace and rely on God's strength. The faith that makes it to the finish line requires stewardship of our thoughts, words, and focus!

  • May 21, 2023 - Waiting For The Best

    22/05/2023 Duração: 34min

    Looking at Philippians 3, we realize the inestimable worth of knowing Jesus and spreading his Gospel. In fact, we see that loving one another truly means we must pursue the very best things together and throw out all the lesser things that get in the way. God, himself, is the Best thing of all, so knowing him and sacrificing to tell others about him is an honor and a privilege!

  • May 14, 2023 - Expecting Better From You

    15/05/2023 Duração: 46min

    Philippians 2 Those who have invested in us and set an example for us have a right to call us to better behavior and greater aspirations. In the passage we will see that loving one another truly means we won't let one another settle for lesser things, and will call each other to be examples and leaders.

  • May 7, 2023 - Wanting Good For You

    08/05/2023 Duração: 45min

    Philippians Loving one another truly means wanting the good things of God for each other. It also means being willing to sacrifice to see each other get them. We are so blessed to be a part of a church where we want good things for each other and lay down our lives to see it happen!

  • April 30, 2023 - Sacred Interiority

    01/05/2023 Duração: 34min

    Colossians 3:12-17 Dr. Paul Patton speaks on letting the "word of Christ dwell in you richly" by cultivating sacred interiority that transcends the manipulation of mass media and technology.

  • April 16, 2023 - In Fulfillment of What?

    17/04/2023 Duração: 33min

    Luke 24:13-24 Jesus’ Resurrection fulfills the Law and the Prophets; he is the Living Word of God doing the Perfect Will of God. 

  • April 9, 2023 - Risen From What?

    10/04/2023 Duração: 48min

    Luke 23:44-24:12 Happy Resurrection Sunday! We are overjoyed about Jesus' victory over death - what an amazing miracle, and what a life-altering truth! We all face the effects of sin, brokenness, and decay in this world. Knowing that we will die and face judgment can be an overwhelming weight on our hearts and minds. Losing loved ones reminds us how fragile life can be. But Jesus' Resurrection overturns the dominion of sin and reverses its inevitable consequences; his rising destroys the power of Death! Praise God - Death is defeated! 

  • April 2, 2023- King Over What?

    03/04/2023 Duração: 43min

    Luke 19:28-48 Palm Sunday is a great time to reenact and reflect on Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem and the amazing scriptures, themes, and conflicts that all collided on that powerful day. It is also a great time to practice welcoming him into our hearts and lives right now. We are so glad that Jesus' Resurrection inaugurated a new Kingdom, unlike any other kingdom in history; his victory makes his reign eternal and infinite!

  • March 26, 2023 - Emerging Idols (De-Prepping)

    27/03/2023 Duração: 51min

    Fasting isn't for removing areas of sin- that's what repentance is for. But what if the area in question isn't a sin YET, but seems to be heading steadily in that direction for us or someone else we love? How can fasting help us prevent or stop emerging idols in the midst of other good things God has given us? Even good things can become a snare or temptation; when we think this is about to happen, fasting can break the cycle.

  • March 19, 2023 - Relational Maintenance (De-Prepping)

    20/03/2023 Duração: 45min

    Matthew 14:13-23; 1 Corinthians 7:1-5 Absence can make the heart grow fonder, stronger, and more reliable. When we run to keep up with all our relationships and the maintenance they demand of us, we can get really run down and burned out. Add "social" media pressures to this, and we end up feeling like we must perform endlessly to be secure. Fasting from this oppressive cycle can seem mean to others and ourselves; however, our attention to solitude is not only healthy and needed - it is kind and generous to those who depend on us!

  • March 12, 2023 - Money & Possessions (De-Prepping)

    13/03/2023 Duração: 49min

    1 Timothy 6:2b-10; Deuteronomy 14:22-29 Do we own our things, or do our things own us? Who's really in control? Many have found fasting to be the solution to the corrupting power of wealth and possessions. Fasting from the self-provision money and possessions provide is called tithing; we are called to do it cheerfully and proactively. When we do, we find that letting go of some possessions purifies the ones we keep and helps us properly and healthfully use money.

  • March 5, 2023 - Work & Provision (De-Prepping)

    06/03/2023 Duração: 46min

    Isaiah 58 Some people really struggle with a good work ethic. For others, though, it is so easy to start feeling like our work makes all the difference - as if stopping our labor even for a second would make something really bad happen in the universe. This message discusses fasting called Sabbath rest. It is willingly refraining from self-provision through work and labor - we are called to do so regularly and gladly! It is far more than that, though! Just as fasting from food and drink always enables prayer, rest has a powerful flip side we need!

  • February 26, 2023 - Food & Drink (De-Prepping)

    06/03/2023 Duração: 41min

    Matthew 4:1-11; Romans 14:17  Lent is a time to prepare ourselves to receive the good news of the Resurrection at Easter. We do this by humbling ourselves, deepening our spiritual disciplines, and honing our hungers for God. One of the ways people have done this most is through fasting - self-denial through abstaining from certain kinds of self-provision. Often, people give up foods and treats of some kind. Fasting in this way can free us from the equal errors of idolatry and legalism.

  • February 19, 2023 - Men Without Chests (First World Problems)

    20/02/2023 Duração: 47min

    1 Timothy 1 First world believers show a remarkable loss and lack of heart; we need an infusion of divine love, motivation, and courage! 

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