Jrcc Podcasts



Sermons from Jericho Ridge Community Church in Langley, B.C.


  • Living in the Light


    One of the most compelling pictures of life together in God's new family is the list of things we are called to "put off" (bitterness, anger, unforgiveness) and the things we are invited to "put on" (integrity, kindness and...

  • Gifts of the Spirit


    If the goal is unity and maturity in God's one new family, the church, how do we get there? The conversation around Spiritual Gifts helps unlock some of the mystery but also brings up lots of questions.

  • A Prayer of Thanksgiving


    Two of the great themes of the book of Ephesians are unity and love. One of the hardest things for some of us to grasp is how much God loves us and, as a result of this, how God calls us to live in peace and unity with others. This Thanksgiving, join...

  • United in Christ


    Our reconciliation to each other is one of the most significant events in human history.

  • A New Direction


    What happens when we head too far down the wrong road? In this chapter, we see not only the problem we as humanity find ourselves in, but also the radical rescue and grace-gifted solution that God has done for us in Christ.

  • The Incredible Greatness of God's Power


    The book of Ephesians opens with a dynamic prayer which reminds us of the incredible blessings and power that are available to all who are made new in Christ. But what does this actually mean for us in day to day living?

  • An Invitation to Celebration


    The very act of celebrating anchors us in a deeper story—one that precedes any current hardship or pain. This stretches all the way back to the Old Testament where God invites people to enter into a rhythm of delight as a result of our faith and...

  • Lament


    What is biblical lament and how do we practice it well? Join in on the conversation / prayer of the Psalmist as we explore the four moments of lament and how they apply to each of us today.

  • Delight in God


    You would think that delighting in something would be a personal choice. So why do the Scriptures command us to delight in God?

  • Anger Gone Wrong


    Anger is good when it's not gone wrong. What makes our anger go wrong and what is our cure?

  • Power Dynamics


    A good test of a person's character is how they deal with adversity. But the best test of a leader's character is how they deal with power" (Scazzero). As we finish our study in the book of Esther, we'll see how to harness our...

  • Providence Over Power


    People can amass power, but God's providence always reigns supreme.

  • Esther's Requests


    Esther now puts her rescue plan into motion. But what does a set of banquets and ancient royal protocols teach us about speaking truth to power?

  • God Works in the Ordinary


    God calls us the do extraordinary and ordinary things. Both require an equal amount of incredible courage and faith to follow.

  • The Plot Thickens


    There are times when the battle between good and evil is personal. But what does that conflict look like when it moves from personal to systemic?

  • Vashti Smashes the Patriarchy


    Long before the #metoo or #churchtoo movements, there was a woman who stood her ground when asked to do the unconscionable. But sometimes speaking truth to power means you pay a great personal cost.

  • Imperfect Esther Becomes Queen


    Esther is the model of imperfection being used by a perfect God to accomplish his perfect will.

  • The Kingdom of Heaven is a Party!


    The Kingdom of Heaven may not be like you think it is? Here's your invitation to check it out. We hope you'll join us at the party!

  • The Last Shall Be First


    The parable of the vineyard workers begs the question "Is God fair?" But Jesus wants to help us see beyond a system of merit and begin to look at all of our lives through the lens of grace.

  • Right Relationships


    The entire trajectory of Matthew 18 is a call to radical pursuit of the lost. Often the part of the passage on conflict (v. 15-20) has been isolated to talk about how we remove people from the church, but if you look at the entire chapter, you can...

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