Liberty Corner Presbyterian Church



Sermon messages from the pastors at Liberty Corner Presbyterian Church in Liberty Corner, NJ


  • The First Thing

    01/07/2018 Duração: 22min

    What can we do when facing a culture that wants to minimize or eliminate the message of the gospel? We can pray!

  • Less Can Be More

    25/06/2018 Duração: 29min

    “Bigger! More! Higher!” That thinking is so much a part of our world: more choices are better, more money is the best way, more food is my choice! We’ve all gone down that road. But is it true? Is bigger better? We can all think of times when less is more, but is that an idea we can apply to our current circumstances as a church, as families, as individuals? Walk with Gideon as he learns this vital lesson.

  • Audio: A Culture of Peacemaking

    17/06/2018 Duração: 28min

    “A Culture of Peacemaking” in our homes, our church or work place! Wouldn’t it be nice? But is it possible? It is … if we’re willing to learn and grow and work at it. This final message in our “Doing Conflict Well” series will help you think about how you can see the possible become reality.

  • Audio: Family Drama

    10/06/2018 Duração: 27min

    Too many of us have had fathers who are a poor reflection of Father. No one has modeled that for us so we find it hard to forgive, to embrace, to correct or to encourage others who offend us. Take a close look in this message at the Father and learn to imitate Him.

  • Fed Faith Grows

    03/06/2018 Duração: 30min

    Guest pastor Dr. David Marks from The Center consulting firm shares how our faith grows when it is fed through knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Liberty Corner Presbyterian Church is working with The Center during the search for a senior pastor.

  • Audio: Criticism

    27/05/2018 Duração: 26min

    Criticism! Makes you run for cover, doesn’t it? Giving it or receiving it - it has such a gritty feel. We cringe from the memory of somebody giving us their opinion on the way we dress or talk or on some decision we’ve made. And criticism is a major cause for the conflict we face. As you grow in, “Doing Conflict Well,” take time to think about how you can grow in giving and receiving criticism in a manner that is healthy and honoring to God.

  • Audio: Fullness Today!

    20/05/2018 Duração: 23min

    We all yearn for “Fullness” but often find it elusive. Though there may be many reasons why that’s the case, one often stands out more than others: unresolved conflict. We’re like the garden hose that has a kink - relational water is not flowing. The Bible tells us how to straighten out the hose. Listen carefully. Application of God’s Word is life-changing!

  • AUDIO: The Man in the Mirror

    14/05/2018 Duração: 23min

    Conflict! Where do I start to deal with it in a manner that pleases the Lord? Start with "The Man in the Mirror." Today's sermon explores the importance of this first step and why it's first in the process of reconciliation.

  • AUDIO: Hearing their Cry

    06/05/2018 Duração: 25min

    We join today with other houses of worship in the Somerset Hills to consider our response to a crisis that is threatening an entire generation: opioid/heroin addiction. Hear from Toni Knoll, Executive Director of Community in Crisis, a local organization whose mission is "to create a community united in fighting the heroin/opiate crisis, reducing the stigma of addiction and preventing overdose deaths among youth."

  • Audio: The Power of Together

    29/04/2018 Duração: 27min

    It’s easy to see “The Power of UNTogether” and there’s lots of that around … But, “The Power of Together” -- that’s different. That’s what we need to see. That’s what the world needs to see. This message is all about what God can do through people who are, “Doing Conflict Well!” You might just find new ways to be that Peacemaker you are longing to be.

  • AUDIO: Real Peace 2

    22/04/2018 Duração: 24min

    Tune in for Part 2 in the opening message of "Doing Conflict Well." There foundational message build an acrostic on "Peace" that you'll be able to remember and apply to the daily conflicts that are a natural part of life.

  • AUDIO: Real Peace 1

    15/04/2018 Duração: 10min

    Conflict … we’re conflicted! Conflict is a part of life but most of us don’t know how to handle it well. Do we run away or stand and fight? Some of us believe the Christian answer is, “Avoid it!” But is that the best way? “Real Peace 1” is the first in a series on “Doing Conflict Well.” It won’t be easy, but we can learn to be more like Jesus, even in this tough area of life.

  • Peace Be With You

    08/04/2018 Duração: 22min

    On the evening of the day that Jesus rose from the dead we get a picture of a timid, frightened group of disciples who are hiding in a locked room. They are all alone, vulnerable and have no idea what they are going to do next. Each of us, in one way or another, are locked into our dark rooms of fear, are we not? Out of nowhere, the risen, living Lord Jesus appeared to them . . . and in that moment, the lives of those original disciples were forever changed! The presence of the living Christ changes everything!

  • It's Not Over!

    01/04/2018 Duração: 25min

    Jesus’ resurrection: it seems preposterous! But everything both now and forever hinges on whether or not it really happened. It’s one of those claims that must be explored. Take time to listen, and then go further with your questions. This is the most important idea you’ll ever examine!

  • What If...?

    30/03/2018 Duração: 16min

    What if . . . leading up to, or on, Good Friday, Jesus decided not to “suffer many things” and go to the cross for us? He knew he would be arrested, beaten and tortured. He knew he would take on the sin of the world and be separated from God, the Father. What if it was all just too much? The events leading up to, and surrounding, Jesus’ horrific death on Good Friday are painful and sobering . . . but hopefully, at the same time, give us a renewed appreciation . . . because, thanks be to God, Jesus didn’t think about Himself at all! He only thought of you and me and every other soul that He so desperately loves . . . and we have no reason to wonder . . . “What if . . ?”

  • Two Who Counted

    26/03/2018 Duração: 21min

    Caught in a world of selfies? Understand - we’re all there to some extent. But we’re all looking for more! We want to make a difference. We want to count for something more than better selfies. Take a look at two men who counted on that first Palm Sunday and find a better way.

  • Turbulence

    26/03/2018 Duração: 17min

    Jesus entered the city Jerusalem and told a story by his actions that we would not be the victorious king his people longer for, but a humble servant. His sacrifice brings us peace. Have we surrendered to the Prince of Peace?

  • Done and Gone

    18/03/2018 Duração: 23min

    Many of us have watched loved ones or friends in their final stages of life - some, including followers of Christ have fought it, others seem to be at peace with it. What makes the difference? Is knowing that you’ll go to Heaven enough or is there something more? Jesus’ final two words from the cross suggest there’s more! Lean in and listen for Holy Spirit’s voice as Pastor Peter opens God’s Word.

  • Made for More

    11/03/2018 Duração: 20min

    “She’s never satisfied!” We throw that accusation at others when it’s true of us as well. It’s true of us all! We think the next promotion will be enough or the next vacation or the next sunrise. We’re never satisfied and for good reason: we’re made for more. The echo of the garden tells us there’s more. We just need to look in the right place - we’ll find it! Connect with “more” as you listen.

  • Half Full or Half Empty

    11/03/2018 Duração: 16min

    Jesus simple statement “I’m thirsty” revealed his humanity. The people in our own lives reveal the sources of their thirst if we pay attention. Why are they thirsty, and how can we introduce them to Jesus the living water?

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