Impact Christian Church



Impact Christian Church sermons


  • Eliminate Grumbling (Audio)


    Sometimes things just don't go our way, how do you respond? Joseph and Mary encountered this very situation on their way to Bethlehem. Listen in as Lead Pastor Bill Balbach helps us to manage our connection to God when reality hits us and we...

  • Making My Joy Complete (Audio)


    We often get caught in the world's current that we end up spiritually drifting away from God. When this happens we reach out to anything around us, to fill the created void, in an attempt to achieve a fulfilling happiness. But this happiness...

  • Life Beyond My Life (Audio)


    Where is God in your life's plan? So many times we don't take time to think about that. Join Lead Pastor Bill Balbach as he helps us to look to God to be our guide through life.

  • 'I thank God' (Audio)


    Joy can be a hard thing to find in our world of hardships and chaos. Through Paul's letter to the Philippians, aligned with Jesus' birth story, we will go on a journey to find joy.

  • Through a Beyond ME Attitude (Audio)


    Jesus wants us to use our heart to love Him and others. But so often we're looking for loopholes to get His blessing and to live life the way we want to, that it separates us from Him. Join Lead Pastor Bill Balbach as he helps us focus our heart...

  • Through the Time We Invest in Others (Audio)


    Who hasn't heard Jesus command to love one another? Have you ever thought about what it would take to love those who you encounter everyday? Join Lead Pastor Bill Balbach as he speaks on the investment in people in which Jesus desires for us to...

  • Becoming Difference Makers (Audio)


    Have you ever asked yourself "Why do I exist?" So many believe that they are only here to seek happiness. The sad reality is that the pursuit of happiness is filled with feeling of emptiness and being unsatisfied. In this message Lead Pastor...

  • Our Defining Mark (Audio)


    What is your defining mark, have you ever thought about it? Really what do you want to be known for? Jesus' defining mark without question was love. He calls us to be His followers and to do that we must express love like He did. How well are you...

  • Calling the Imperfect (Audio)


    How often do we make mistakes and then compound them with more mistakes in an effort to hide the original mistake? Have you ever done this? This is evidence that shows us that we are not perfect. Just like making a series innocent mistakes, it...

  • More than Words (Audio)


    One of the hardest things to do when following Jesus, is obeying. When we walk with Jesus and obey Him, He blesses us. But when we decide to go out on our own, life becomes overwhelming hard fill with frustration, disappointment and destruction...

  • More to Life (Audio)


    Imagine Jesus coming to you the place, where you've worked day in and day out for years, and asks you to drop everything and follow Him. Most of us will instantly instantly put up a defensive barrier worrying about how we would take care of our...

  • Fulfilling Community (Audio)


    So often we find ourselves going through this world as if we were wandering in the wilderness, alone and completely isolated. Sometimes the isolation is physical but more often than not, it's emotional and spiritual isolation that we're...

  • Pursuing More (Audio)


    Our cravings are sometimes so strong that, no matter how bad it is, we have to absolutely have it. Some will do anything to fulfill the urge of a craving, so much that even when an apparent danger is involve they continue to pursue satisfaction. Have...

  • So, God, If You Could Ask Me One Question, What Would It Be? (Audio)


    With all our questions that we have for God do we ever really stop and think if God has a question for us? In today's message Lead Pastor Bill Balbach talks on what it would take to figure the answer to whether or not God wants to have a...

  • Why Don't You Just Do A Miracle? (Audio)


    Have you ever wanted a miracle to just to miraculously happen. Imagine being able to call on God to work a miracle and wipe away our troubles whenever we want. In this message, Lead Pastor Bill Balbach talks to us on some of the miracles that God...

  • Why Do You Allow Suffering? (Audio)


    Sometimes in our brokenness and suffering, fear overwhelms us. At times like this we turn and ask the question, "Why do you allow suffering?" Join Lead Pastor Bill Balbach as he digs in into this question.

  • Do All Good People Go To Heaven? (Audio)


    So often we're so absorbed in our own little world following everyday rules that, sometimes we cause chaos when we get sidetracked and go our own way. In this message Lead Pastor Bill Balbach gives us the answer to the tough question, "Do...

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