First Baptist Church Thomson, Ga



First Baptist Church, Thomson, GA seeks to help people love God, love each other, and serve the world together. Our worship and sermons are designed around those three core values.


  • A Helpful Reminder about Sin and Judgment - Audio

    02/07/2023 Duração: 38min

    In our human sinfulness and pride, we tend to forget God’s truth and neglect to learn from the lessons of the past, and so we need to be reminded. The three examples from the Old Testament in Jude 5-7 can remind us today how serious God takes sin, and the certainty of His judgment on those who seek to deceive God’s People, Distort God’s Grace, and Deny God’s Son.

  • The Faith Delivered Once for All - Audio

    25/06/2023 Duração: 38min

    We begin this sermon series in Jude, A Faith Worth Fighting For, by looking at how Jude1-4 defines who we are and what we have in Christ, what we must believe about "The Faith" and how we must beware of those who seek to deceive God's people, distort God's grace, and deny God's son. Jude calls us to contend for the faith, and it's an urgent call for us today.

  • #DadGoals: Lead My Family to a Legacy of Faith - Audio

    18/06/2023 Duração: 39min

    A legacy is what you leave for the people you care about and lives on after you die. The question is not if you will leave a legacy, but what kind of legacy are you going to leave? However, we don’t just leave a legacy, we lead our family into a living legacy every day. In this message, we will look at Psalms 127-128 for some vivid word pictures perfect for men: construction, weaponry, and gardening. Let’s dive into these two psalms to see what they say about how we can lead our family to a legacy of faith.

  • #LetItGo: Create a Culture of Grace and Forgiveness - Audio

    11/06/2023 Duração: 37min

    This week's #FamilyGoal is to create a culture of grace and forgiveness in our families. And to do that, we look at the dysfunctional Old Testament family of Jacob. What can we learn from this highly dysfunctional family about the power of forgiveness and how we can give and receive forgiveness in our homes?

  • #NoDrama: Communicate with Kindness - Audio

    04/06/2023 Duração: 37min

    As we continue to think about setting goals for our families, let’s think about goals for how we talk to each other. One of the rules I always had on youth trips was “No drama.” What I meant by that was, no arguing over pointless things, no gossip and name calling. Drama is one of the fastest ways to ruin a trip, a friendship, or a family. How can we handle differences and make decisions as families without unnecessary drama? This was a question the church family in Ephesus needed answered. I think we can adapt Paul’s instructions to them to how we relate and communicate in our own homes and families.

  • #ParentingGoals: Equip our Kids for Spiritual Success - Audio

    28/05/2023 Duração: 37min

    Deuteronomy 6:1-9 is one of the foundational passages of Scripture for the Jewish people—defining who God is, who they are, and how they are to love and follow God as His people. I find it remarkable that so much of this passage deals with parenting! It demonstrates that how we raise our children is directly connected to our purpose in life, our identity as a people, and our relationship with our God. One affects the other in ways often overlook. I think of this passage as the Great Commission for Christian parents. If we want to succeed at raising children who know, love, and follow Jesus, we need to do the right things, as outlined here.

  • #ChurchFamGoals: Love One Another as Jesus Loves Us - Audio

    21/05/2023 Duração: 34min

    What kind of goals could we set as brothers and sisters in Christ? What about working on loving one another as Jesus loves us? Jesus has set a very high bar for how we should love each other as members of God’s family! But what does that look like in our day-to-day life, as we rub elbows with each other—and the inevitable friction that happens? How can we love each other in Christlike love when we sometimes aren’t very lovely people? The NT gives us a great example and a practical look at the working-out of that kind of Christian love within the church. It’s found in a personal letter written by Paul to his dear friend, Philemon. To help us think through becoming a stronger church family, loving one another as Jesus loves us, let’s look at Paul’s letter to discover some of the qualities we need to embrace and embody.

  • #MomGoals: Lift My Family from Chaos to Calm - Audio

    14/05/2023 Duração: 37min

    In this new sermon series, #FamilyGoals, we'll spend six weeks exploring topics like communication, forgiveness, faith, and more, equipping and encouraging us to thrive by embracing God’s design for healthy families. In this first message, on Mother's Day, we look to Hagar, to help us discover how we can overcome the chaos of life and find peace and calm in God’s care.

  • Living a Resurrection Life - Audio

    07/05/2023 Duração: 40min

    This message concludes the Easter series, "This Is Not the End." The good news is that we don’t have to wait for death to experience the power of the Risen Jesus. His Resurrection has implications for life today, not just for life after death. Maybe it can help us to see it illustrated in Luke’s account of Jesus’ Resurrection. In the post-resurrection experiences of those closest to Jesus, we see what it looks like to move from death to life.

  • Life After Death - Audio

    30/04/2023 Duração: 36min

    Easter answers the age-old question, “Is there life after death?” The Resurrection of Jesus gives us the definitive answer: "Yes!" There is life after death, for death does not get the final word—life gets the final word! Death’s turn is nearly over, and what comes next is beyond our wildest dreams. In this message, we will discover three realities of Life… after Death has lost its power. And there aren’t three better words to express these new realities than “Faith, Hope, and Love.”

  • A World Without Easter - Audio

    23/04/2023 Duração: 36min

    The Corinthians struggled to understand the importance and impact of Jesus' Resurrection on their own lives and eternal future. They believed in the Risen Jesus, but failed to capture why its reality mattered. In this message, we study 1 Corinthians 15 to see what a world without Easter...without a Risen Christ, would be like. In this sermon, we are blessed to hear from Mrs. Amy Lemley, as she shares how God's goodness, grace, and love has been a source of hope for her through her battle with cancer. She demonstrates how blessed we are to live in a world where there IS an Easter and an Empty Tomb!

  • You Ask Me How I Know He Lives - Audio

    16/04/2023 Duração: 42min

    C.S. Lewis famously said that every person must decide if Jesus was a liar, a lunatic, or the Son of God. In a similar way, either Jesus' first century followers were lying, hallucinating, or telling the truth about a Risen Jesus. In this sermon we focus in on the claims of some people that the disciples lied about Jesus' resurrection. If they did, they broke every rule for telling a convincing lie.

  • He Has Risen! - Audio

    09/04/2023 Duração: 34min

    The Cross was not the end of Jesus's story. The Tomb wasn’t the end of the story. But neither is the Resurrection—Instead, it’s a new beginning to a new story that never ends! Just as Easter allows us to look back at Crucifixion Friday and call it Good, so the reality of Christ’s Resurrection reframes all our lives going forward. We must see all suffering, grief, and fear in light of the Empty Tomb. No matter what you’ve experienced before, or what you will face tomorrow, know that “this is not the end.”

  • Words at the Finish - Audio

    02/04/2023 Duração: 32min

    In this message, I finish this sermon series with a focus on the last two words from Jesus before He died on the Cross. Together these two words are spoken at the finish, as Jesus completes the race He came to run, finishes the work He came to accomplish, reveal two truths about Jesus's saving work, it's finality, its completion, and the promise of future rest for all who believe in Him.

  • Forsaken and Frail - Audio

    26/03/2023 Duração: 35min

    In his first three sayings from the cross, Jesus focused on those around Him—forgiveness for those putting Him to death, a promise of eternal life to the thief at His side, and provision for His mother. The next two sayings continue to reveal Jesus’s human and divine nature, of the eternal weight of our sin, the incomprehensible grace of our God, and how Christ meets our great physical and spiritual needs.

  • Forgiveness, Future, Family - Audio

    26/02/2023 Duração: 39min

    The seven words, or statements, Jesus made from the cross bear special significance because they are the words spoken from this place of death, spoken at the conclusion of His earthly ministry, spoken by a man who was about to die. They can be summed up in two categories: the first three Jesus spoke for others, while the last four concerned Himself. In this message, we focus on the three statements Jesus made about those around Him while He hung on the cross.

  • Be Alert in All Prayer - Audio

    19/02/2023 Duração: 37min

    The final two commands in Ephesians 6:10-20 are to Pray and Be Alert. These are indispensable parts of God's battle plan for the believer. John Bunyan called it the Weapon of "All-Prayer," and it is how we take up and put on the Full Armor of God. Paul gives us six qualities of prayer that are necessary to stand firm against Satan.

  • The Sword of the Spirit - Audio

    12/02/2023 Duração: 41min

    In this sermon series, we've learned that there is a spiritual battle happening all around us, and even within us. We must know our enemy and identify his strategies. So far, our strategy has to been to stand firm and resist Satan's schemes. To that end, God has gifted us with spiritual armor, which we are responsible to take up and put on. Up to this point all the parts of God’s Armor have been defensive. We’ve looked at the satanic schemes each are meant to help us withstand. Now, finally, the Lord hands us the only primarily offensive weapon in our arsenal—the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. And our strategy is to rightly handle the Word of Truth to resist Satan and push back on his lies with God's inspired and true Word.

  • The Shield of Faith - Audio

    05/02/2023 Duração: 42min

    In this sermon, we discover Satan's three-fold strategy to steal, kill, and destroy. We identify the flaming arrows he shoots to attempt to steal God's Word from our hearts, kill the fruit and work of God in our lives, and destroy our witness. And we see how the shield of faith protects us from each of these attacks.

  • The Helmet of Salvation - Audio

    29/01/2023 Duração: 40min

    The Helmet of Salvation protects us in similar ways as the Belt of Truth and the Breastplate of Righteousness. We need to protect our mind from Satan’s deceiving lies and false teachings—it is after all a helmet meant to protect the head. But it specifically deals with our salvation, which like the Breastplate of Righteousness, assures us against Satan’s accusations meant to discourage us and cause us to doubt our relationship with God and our usability to Him and His Kingdom. So the Helmet of Salvation further protects us against both of these schemes of the Devil, but in a different way.

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