Super Friends Super Show: Nights



Join your Super Friends for their FOURTH line-wide reboot, with a return to legacy number and a renewed devotion to superheroes & friendship! Slip into something comfortable and prepare for some HOT news from the world of movies, TV, comics books and more ... And occasionally, pro-wrestling comes up ... And we end up apologizing a lot. Don't miss it!


  • Issue #167: "Run Like It's Your Job!" (Wonder Woman 2; Watchmen HBO; Geoff Johns Resigns as DC president; Justice League #1/Avengers#1 Comic Review)

    22/06/2018 Duração: 01h21min

    We've got our first look at the DC/WB has in store for us with the Wonder Woman sequel with official images and a sweet #WonderWoman84 hashtag. We break down all the early news and speculate over what it all means * Since the beginning, the news of live-action Watchmen TV series on HBO has been worrying. But Watchmen fans, young and old, may be able to let out a collective sigh with the news that this won't go the remake route, but rather work as a sequel set in the modern day, while still observing the universe's lush continuity  * DC's Golden Child Geoff Johns, amidst all of the reshuffling within the DCEU, has resigned his post as resident and Chief Creative Officer of DC Entertainment to launch his own production company and develop properties for DC and its parent company, Warner Bros * It's the summer! And both DC & Marvel Comics are both offering fresh renumberings of their most popular team-up books: Justice League & Avengers! We compare which #1 had the better outing and w

  • Issue #166: "Han(s) off the Merchandise" (Solo: A Star Wars Story; Thundercats Roar; Spider-man #800 and a Summer comics preview)

    31/05/2018 Duração: 01h18min

    It’s the Summer movie blockbuster season and your Super Friends are left with some tough choices! With so many films to choose from, did we manage to find time for Solo: A Star Wars story, amid its lukewarm reception, both critically and at the box-office? Plus, we talk how this film sets the stage for future movies set in that Galaxy Far-Far-Away! * You didn’t have to grow up as a fan of the Thundercats to have some type of strong opinion in reaction to the news of Cartoon Network’s upcoming reboot entitled Thundercats Roar! We talk about if the choice to alienate your older, lifelong ‘Cats fans in favor of appealing solely to children is a gamble worth making * The Super Show has come full circle! In our very first episode, the very first news story we covered dealt with the death of Peter Parker in Spider-man #700, and now, over 160 episodes later, we preview what promises to be another monumental issue with Spider-man #800! It’s writer Dan Slott’s swan song and it’s our chance to reflect on how far Spidey

  • Issue #165: "Deadpool 2 Review" (Spoilers abound!)

    22/05/2018 Duração: 01h04min

    We just saw the Fox Studio's latest outing: Deadpool 2! So, we're devoting an entire episode to reviewing a film over 10 years in the making! Be warned though, we are reviewing everything, so if you haven't seen the movie, you're best running out and seeing it and returning when you're good and ready! How does the sequel stack up to the original, and how does it set up a possible Deadpool 3? We compare, contrast, and speculate! ... All this, plus more superhero movie news and debate! Featured Super Friends: Sean Dwyer & Nick Stutzman Subscribe to the Super Friends Super Show podcast on iTunes! --- Send in a voice message:

  • Issue 164: "Thanos Will Return" (Avengers: Infinity War full review - Spoilers abound!)

    29/04/2018 Duração: 59min

    We just saw the MCU's latest outing: Avengers: Infinity War, so we're devoting an entire episode to reviewing a film over 10 years in the making! Be warned though, we are reviewing everything, so if you haven't seen the movie, you're best running out and seeing it and returning when you're good and ready! How does this Avengers film stack up against the previous two? We compare and contrast! ... All this, plus more superhero movie news and debate! Featured Super Friends: Sean Dwyer, Adam Patterson & Nick Stutzman Subscribe to the Super Friends Super Show podcast on iTunes! --- Send in a voice message:

  • Issue #163: "An Eternity of Chopping Wood" (Deadpool 2 update; Chris Evans leaving Captain America; DC/WB loses its President; Super Showdown: Best Marvel Crossover Story Ever Told!)

    29/03/2018 Duração: 01h07min

    We've got a new Deadpool 2 trailer! This one's a lot more plot-centric, finally tipping their hand to the full cast and how this might spark an X-Force spin-off movie. Plus, we dive into the rumors of the film screening poorly with early audiences and explore if they're based in truth * Chris Evans has officially announced that he will be leaving the shield behind after Avengers 4. How might they choose to write off his version of Captain America, and what's next for the legacy of the character in the MCU? * DC/WB Diane Nelson President is stepping away due to a family tragedy. We discuss this development and how it factors into the future of the DCEU ... And yes, we're using the word "future" very ironically * Super Showdown: We fight it out in the Super Showdown Arena to decide once-and-for-all which Marvel Comics Event/Crossover story is the greatest ever told!  ... All this, plus more superhero movie news and debate!  Featured Super Friends: Sean Dwyer, Adam Patterson & S

  • Issue #162: "Doctor Professor Nerdhat" (Joss Whedon fired from Batgirl; Another Marvel Comics Reboot; How to fix the comics industry; Power Rangers Crisis Event)

    09/03/2018 Duração: 01h16min

    It's official: Joss Whedon and DC/WB have parted ways. No more Whedonverse and no more Batgirl in the DCEU - at least, not anytime soon. We discuss how it came to this and what the chances are for a Batgirl film in the future * It's another year another line-wide reboot, re-tidying for Marvel Comics. 4 reboots in 6 years! Could this reboot really be the one that rights the course for Marvel, or is this another sign of dark times for the house that Spidey built? * Comic sales are down across the board, and over the last few years, both Marvel & DC have tried just about every marketing gimmick to increase readership - but nothing has had a lasting effect. We offer a few of our can't-miss ideas to save the industry! * Power Rangers meets Crisis on Infinite Earths!? We preview what's in store in the year ahead for the current Kyle Higgins-led comics line, as Rangers from across time and space unite to stop an evil Ranger, hellbent on being the last Ranger in existence!  ... All this, plus more

  • Issue #161: "Keep Wakanda Wakandan" (Black Panther Review, Fallout; Power Rangers Beast Morphers; Incredibles 2; Deadpool 2)

    20/02/2018 Duração: 01h17min

    We saw BLACK PANTHER in a movie theater and we're ready to break it down! Plus, we dive into how it's been fairing both at the box-office and with critics, and how it sets the stage for AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR * Power Rangers is getting ready to adapt the super-crazy Super Sentai Go-Buster in 2019. And as a morphinominal bonus, get into why this might be the craziest PR season ever and give the CliffsNotes version to the whole insane Power Rangers/Super Sentai relationship * We also unpack the latest INCREDIBLES 2 and DEADPOOL 2 trailers  ... All this, plus more superhero movie news and debate!  Featured Super Friends: Sean Dwyer, Adam Patterson & Sean Brennan Subscribe to the Super Friends Super Show podcast on iTunes! --- Send in a voice message:

  • Issue #160: “The Island Adventures of Supermon!” (First Solo: Star Wars teaser look; Avengers 3 & Ant-man 2 talk; Bendis taking over Superman/Action Comics books; Dragonball Super on indefinite hiatus)

    20/02/2018 Duração: 01h20min

    It’s our can’t miss yearly Super Bowl Post-show Super Show Wrap-up Show (TM)! We finally get our first look at SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY and give our impressions and speculate on its odds (that’s right: we tell the odds!) of success * The Super Bowl also brings another look at a AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR TV spot. New footage, new details emerge and we’re ready to break it all down! Plus, we talk about how ANT-MAN & THE WASP fits in after the events of Avengers 3 * Brian Michael Bendis will be hitting the ground running now that he’s an official employee of DC Comics, writing a six-part Superman mini-series and then going on to writing both on-going monthly Action C0mics & Superman books * One of the Seans has been rocked by the news of DRAGONBALL SUPER taking an indefinite hiatus in March. What does this mean for the future of Dragonball and for Seans everywhere!? … All this, plus more superhero movie news and debate! Featured Super Friends: Sean Dwyer & Sean Brennan Subscribe to the Super Friends Supe

  • Issue #159: "Infinity (War) and Beyond!" (Brian Bendis Brings Back Ultimate Universe; First Look: Sony's VENOM; GotG 3 Update; Super Showdown: Best Superhero/Comics News Story of '17!)

    16/01/2018 Duração: 01h14min

    Famed comic writer, Brian M. Bendis, leaves behind a parting gift for Marvel, before heading off to DC Comics. The Ultimate Universe is back from the dead! Could this mean the relaunch of the ill-fated comic-line, or was this just a way to persevere his legacy as the original creator of the universe? Plus, we've got news of Bendis' first writing gig at DC Comics! * Sony's VENOM is wrapping up shooting! We get our first details on this unlikely Tom Hardy vehicle and some ideas of what to expect for its plot and possible villain(s) * With the unexpected announcement of a GotG 3 release date, it's our first peek into the post-Avengers 4 unknown in the MCU! We speculate on what's ahead for the Guardians and the MCU as a whole * Superhero Showdown: we enter the Showdown Deathcage to determine which Superhero/Comics related news story left the biggest mark on 2017 ...All this, plus more superhero movie news and debate! Featured Super Friends: Sean Dwyer, Adam Patterson & Sean Brennan Subscri

  • Issue #158: "Inflatable Sadness" (Gotham City Sirens still happening; Star Wars VIII reactions/box office; Disney officially buys Fox Studios; Super Showdown: Best Christmas movie of all-time)

    28/12/2017 Duração: 01h42min

    Despite being left off WB/DC's upcoming movie slate, David Ayer is convinced that GOTHAM CITY SIRENS is still very much happening. Should we believe him? Also, how does Joker & Harley Quinn factor into WB/DC's future plans? *  STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI doing extremely well at the box office and with critics, but to some, it's not all good news... * The long-rumored Disney/Fox Studios merger is finally official! We break down all the details and discuss what this means for current X-men films and the future of the MCU * Superhero Showdown: we decide once and for all which Christmas story is superior to all others! And we play a game of Superhero Secret Santa! ...All this, plus more superhero movie news and debate! Featured Super Friends: Sean Dwyer & Sean Brennan Subscribe to the Super Friends Super Show podcast on iTunes! --- Send in a voice message:

  • Issue #157: "Into the Spider-verse" (Miles Morales Animated Feature Film; New Slate of DCEU Announced; First Look at X-Men: Dark Phoenix; DC's Doomsday Clock Discussion)

    13/12/2017 Duração: 01h27min

    We get our first look at the new trailer for Sony's SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE animated feature and discuss how much this film is likely to borrow from Dan Slott's awesome Spider-verse comic arc/event * At the Sao Paulo, Brazil Comic Con 2017 several future DCEU titles were announced. We get into what the announcement of these films mean and explore the list's notable omissions * The first details and character images have surfaced from Fox's upcoming X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX movie. Does this film have the ability to course correct after the X-Men's last cinematic outing, and what could the potential Disney/Fox Studios merger mean for the future of the franchise? * We get into the first issue of DC & Geoff Johns' long-awaited DOOMSDAY CLOCK maxiseries... All this, plus more superhero movie news and debate! Featured Super Friends: Sean Dwyer & Sean Brennan Subscribe to the Super Friends Super Show podcast on iTunes! --- Send in a voice message:

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