M6p: Marvel 616 Politics



The M6P is a show about the mainstream Marvel Universe. M6P discusses the writers, artists, editors, and most importantly the stories! We try to deconstruct the stories and motives to better understand and enjoy the Marvel experience for our listeners! Join us and enjoy the ride!


  • Black Panther is Fresh 2 Death

    09/03/2018 Duração: 52min

    Did you see that movie? It was AMAZING! (Well, it wasn't AMAZING. It was really good.) What are you talking about? Didn't you see it?!? It was hands down, the best Marvel movie that they've ever made! (What makes you say that?) Didn't you see it? Weren't you watching? (Yeah, I saw it. It was alright.) Alright!?!? Are you kidding me right now? It was the greatest movie of our time, and so important to our lost culture! (The movie about the cat guy and the metal stuff?) YES! It will go down in history as a classic film that all other films will be measured against! (I just want to make sure I understand you...the movie we just saw with the flying hover jets, the man with the arm cannon, where they drink the purple juice, and that has the cg cougars in the tree of purpleness?) DID WE EVEN WATCH THE SAME MOVIE!!!! (Meh, it was a 6 and a half.) I'LL KILL YOU!!!! Now seems as good a time as any to mention our sponsors. We are sponsored by DCBService.com. Get all your Marvel pre-orders for 40

  • Crypto Catchup

    24/01/2018 Duração: 50min

    Don't get me wrong--I love doing the podcast. Oh, it's great. But sometimes...just sometimes...our personal lives get in the way. Kids, jobs, sickness, bitcoin, they all force us to take up valuable comic talk time to discuss our friendship and lives. Ridiculous, I know. I tell Jarid all the time, "Listen, I hate you. I am not interested in how much money you are making with that crypto-currency scam or how amazing your hair looks or how ripped your tan muscles are." And you know what? He gets it. He tells me, "Listen, Andy, I hate you. I'm not interested in your awesome family, your health, your job, your petrifying fear of melting ice cream, or your adventure with the farm." And that's fine. You know, it's just how it is. We try to minimize the crazy "friendship" stuff to the bare minimum, so we can get down to what really and truly matters in our lives: comics. I don't think you guys understand; I NEED to know what is happening with Bendis and Spider-Man. Who will be writing Miles Morales?

  • X-Men The Animated Series Interview

    22/12/2017 Duração: 57min

    Holy cow! Can you even believe it? The writers of X-Men: The Animated Series granted lil' ol' us an interview!! Our childhood heroes talked TO US!! This is big folks! This is like Michael Jordan! This is like the President! This is like...the writers of X-Men: The Animated Series!! Whoo boy are we excited! Hear what they have to say about what happened behind the scenes, what characters they wanted to see more, what a 6th season would look like, and how X-Men: The Animated Series could come back! Now seems as good a time as any to mention our sponsors. We are sponsored by DCBService.com. Get all your Marvel pre-orders for 40% off cover price. They even have specials and clearance issues for up to 70% off! And don't forget their sister site, InStockTrades.com. All orders over $50 are free shipping. We are also sponsored by Community Retail Partnership. Sign up to get discounts on all your Office Depot supplies. It's like a Sam's Club card for Office Depot! Go to crpsavings.com and sign up today for a

  • Thor Punishes the Cebulski

    30/11/2017 Duração: 56min

    Huge news! Just huge! That's right. Bendis has left Marvel never to return! (We don't know that.) Thor, titled Thor 3 was the best movie in the universe! (That's not the title.) Punisher is underwhelming and is basically an animated kids show! (Now you're just going to get parents to hate us.) And lastly Axel Alonso is opening up his own pizza place in the Marvel lobby. (I think that's offensive) Is it? I don't see how. I love pizza. Also, there is no reason why the Marvel offices shouldn't have 3 different pizza places right in the lobby. Joey Q's Pizza Pies, the Alonso Hulking Pizzeria, and Brevoort n' CB's Pizza Castle. (I don't even know what to say about this. How did we get on this topic?) My goodness I am So. Hungry. Where is that package of tuna that Frank left me? Now seems as good a time as any to mention our sponsors. We are sponsored by DCBService.com. Get all your Marvel pre-orders for 40% off cover price. They even have specials and clearance issues for up to 70% off! And

  • Fighting the Legacy

    25/10/2017 Duração: 01h11min

    We are all always so happy when we get that feeling of comfort and familiarity. "That's what it felt like to read comics when I was a kid." That's really what we all long to say. We try to recapture that moment of hope and wonder that comes along the first time you open up a comic. To some of us it happened early on in life, and for others they were late bloomers. But nothing compares to having your heart leap when Spidey overcomes his own fears and doubts to save the day. Nothing is better than having Cap do what's right no matter how dense the moral murkiness seems. There is nothing like realizing for the first time what makes Thor truly worthy. However, as time goes on, it seems that those issues that make your heart leap become fewer and farther between. And that's why we are excited folks. Maybe...just maybe with Marvel looking toward their roots a little bit more we can experience the thrill and emotion one more time. These aren't just "funny books." No, this is our heart and soul. These ar

  • Way Too Political with this Cap

    28/09/2017 Duração: 55min

    We saw this coming from a mile away. Cap is evil. We knew it. We all knew it to be true. How could we ever see anything different? This man is pure hatred. The way he wields that giant shield with the star on it. How he can't stand freedom. How he can't stand people who even like freedom. He even hates every single person that ever wanted to vote in their school's homecoming dance election. It's really tough to hold that much hate inside. That's why there are now two of them. That's right. Two. Two Captain Americas. One of them is gaunt and not fun-looking, but the other one is happy and smiling. Well...not really. He was really unhappy when he saw evil Cap. I have to admit, I'm a little confused about what even is going on with this story. Now seems as good a time as any to mention our sponsors. We are sponsored by DCBService.com. Get all your Marvel pre-orders for 40% off cover price. They even have specials and clearance issues for up to 70% off! And don't forget their sister site, I

  • Give Me Some Good News

    13/08/2017 Duração: 50min

    Did you ever think that you would hear the day that we actually say that Dan Slott is doing a great job with my favorite character Spider-Man? Well, today you aren't necessarily going to hear it either. But now, now...let's be honest--I am impressed. It's not terrible. Actually the Clone Conspiracy has been refreshing. Sure it is still very outlandish, but it has kind of brought Spidey back to where he was before. (Duh, he's doing a clone story.) You're right. We really can't seem to get away from that with this character, can we? Not sure why that is exactly, but at least he's not out around the world doing Iron Man things! (But he is. He is going to cities that have Spider-Cycles hidden around the world.) Just leave me alone, okay? Can't I have one moment's worth of peace? I want to like Spider-Man. Just let me do that! I mean, your baby X-Men aren't doing that hot either! (HOW DARE YOU!!!! YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN'T BRING THAT UP!!) Now seems as good a time as any to mention our sponsors.

  • Andy Homecoming

    21/07/2017 Duração: 53min

    I'm going to break character for just a second and let everyone know how wonderful it is to try to catch up on so many wonderful comics. I think this time it's been great because I'm not reading by week, but rather by title. I'm gathering up all the issues of--let's say Spider-Man--and going through them all at once. That then gets me interested in what's going on with Spider-Gwen. (It does?) Well, no, but there was a tie-in there. (So you just lied? You lied to the face of our listeners...our fans...our brothers and sisters?) I think you're being a little dramatic, don't you? (I do not. I think I'm being as dramatic as I could possibly need to be in order to convey the amount of terror you should feel from our listeners feeling terror that you are lying to their faces!) That's the second time you said that. You said I'm lying to their faces. This is like a blog, man. (No! NO! You don't get to dictate to me what is and is not a web log! Just because you like Spider-Man, you feel you can dicta

  • Masters of the Guardians of the Galaxy

    22/05/2017 Duração: 47min

    Let's be honest. We didn't watch the movie at all. But we are pretty good guessers. There's really no need for us to spout off or wax eloquent about the film that can stand on its own two feet so well. I mean, this cinematic masterpiece stands head and shoulders above the rest. It lasts longer than time itself in the annals of foreverdom. What can you say about a film so good? It has that raccoon and the tree thing. It has the guy that fought dinosaurs in that parks department show. It's got Vinny, the guy that should have played Venom in that 3rd Spider-Man movie that was made specifically to hurt my inner-deep-down heart. And it has the Watchers!!! The WATCHTERS!!! Oh...spoilers. Didn't I say that? (No, you didn't. How could you spoil that most amazing part?!?!) Are you serious? That part was ridiculous and dumb. (What!?! I'LL KILL YOU!) Now seems as good a time as any to mention our sponsors. We are sponsored by DCBService.com. Get all your Marvel pre-orders for 40% off cover price.

  • Behold the Blue and Gold

    18/04/2017 Duração: 36min

    Some people didn't think it was a good idea to bring back the two different teams. I mean, we've had the Schism. We know what that's all about. We had the hatred and the two teams working against each other. But you know what we haven't had yet? We haven't had the original X-Men all backn on the same team in quite some time. (But that's not the original team.) Sure it is. There's Iceman, Angel, Cyclops, Jean and who is that other one? The super mad one that doesn't care about killing or sending people to hell? (WHOA! SPOILER ALERT MUCH?) I don't even know what that means, man. The guy that was all big and bulky and skin-colored and sorta hairy? (Yeah, that's the Beast.) No it isn't. I'm talking about the guy that traveled into the future with the original X-Men. He is really smart and likes Jean...? (Yeah..."The Beast!") No, the fleshy colored guy. (I'm telling you that's the Beast. He hasn't mutated yet.) Wait, what? Why is he on a team of mutants then? (What do you mean?) If he isn'

  • Old Man Andy

    17/03/2017 Duração: 31min

    Do you all remember how Andy was so vehemently against the Old Man Logan storyline by Mark Millar? Do you remember the venom that he spat at that story for years now? "How could it be in continuity?" he said. "It doesn't make any sense," he said. Well now, we see that he is nothing but a no-good two-faced turncoat. That's right! "Oh, I hate that story and it's bad and don't take my continuity from me!" What a bunch of bull-o-knee! He must not have meant any of it. How could he? How could he have hated the comic so much and loved Logan? That Benedict Arnold of a podcaster! That backstabbing best friend that would drive up to Ohio to be with his friend on the auditions for a commercial for one single day, and then turn around and drive another 1400 miles the next day back home!!!! Who does he think he is? (Bro, just give it a rest. You're not helping your case.) I think I am. (No, you're not. I'm not mad at you that you like this movie.) You're not? (No. Everyone is entitled to their own opi

  • Mardi Gras Mayhem

    01/03/2017 Duração: 29min

    It's a Daredevil themed Mardi Gras everybody! What do you like most about Mardi Gras? Is it the masks? Is it the floats? Is it how a bunch of people are gathered together celebrating all the pagan gods of drunkenness? Or is it the family fun? (I think you are getting mixed up with what part is enjoyable and which part is reprehensible.) Not at all! I think the best thing about this wonderful grape juice holiday is how many people pretend to be super heroes--they are everywhere! (No, that's not what they are doing. They are hiding their faces because they are namelessly celebrating Fat Tuesday.) Then why are they doing it on Monday? (Fat Tuesday is Mardi Gras day, but the season lasts a few months.) You mean to tell me that all these people have been walking around drunk for TWO MONTHS?!?!? (...for simplicity's sake, "yes.") Then they aren't super heroes at all! NO, not at all. They are...super villains! Now seems as good a time as any to mention our sponsors. We are sponsored by DCBService.

  • Where Are You, Brian Reed?

    26/01/2017 Duração: 33min

    I don't have much to say here. What can you say, really? Captain Marvel is no longer Carol Danvers. There, I said it. What has become the parody of Carol was once what she was. Was it bad? Was it sexist? Was it off-color? I can't say. (Come on, you can tell me.) No, I mean that I don't know. (You don't know? You don't know whether her booty costume was inappropriate?) I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that she is a different character now. (Oh, because she changed her name?) She didn't change her name. (Yeah, she did! She's Captain Marvel now. Before she was Ms. Marvel.) That's not what I mean. I mean that she isn't acting like herself. (Oh, no they wouldn't do that. They already did a Skrull storyline.) That's not what I mean either! And besides, we just got done Civil War II. Don't tell me that they don't reuse storylines. (I think you're wrong. I don't think she's a Skrull.) JUST FORGET IT!!! Now seems as good a time as any to mention our sponsors. We are sponsored by DCBS

  • Our 100th Episode

    23/12/2016 Duração: 01h56min

    We have arrived. It's been 7 long years, but now we have achieved our very own 100 episodes of Marvel goodness. Thank you all for the fun and support. We love our listeners and hope to continue to bring you many, many more episodes. You have been with us through thick and thin and have encouraged us and made us laugh. Thank you and a hardy FAAAAAANNTASTIC to you all! (Now seems like a good time to stop being all lovey-dovey!) I'm not being lovey-dovey; I'm thanking our listners! (You are pandering to the fans! I call "fan-service" on that!) Are you dense? Thanking our loyal listeners and friends is not "fan-service." (LALALALALALALA!!! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!! LALALALALALA!!) Oh, real mature! Good luck finding another co-host! I've had to put up with 100 episodes of this! Remember the time you made me act like Professor X in your amazing role-play segment?!?! Do you know the ridicule I had to endure? (LALALALALALA FINGERS IN MY EARS! FINGERS IN MY EARS!) That's it, I'm done. Now seems as good

  • Death of X (Or America?)

    14/11/2016 Duração: 32min

    There seems to be a lot going on here in this country. Two opposing sides at each other's throats. Citizens teetering on the edge of a knife. On one side you have a group that has spent all their existence defending those that cannot defend themselves...even when it wasn't for their own benefit. And on the other side you have a group that is fighting for the rights of their people that they believe have existed since the dawn of time. Both have good intentions, but neither trusts the other. For if they do, they risk losing their populace to the other or worse. On one side you have someone that will do whatever it takes to defend the group against all threats; foreign or domestic for the good of the whole. On the other, the leader believes you can't simply put one group over another because you favor them. You must protect all. But soon, neither group will be able to stand in their place. One must relinquish the power that both desire. They will inevitably collide and only one will remain...for the

  • To My King Luke Cage

    12/10/2016 Duração: 34min

    Have you seen this new Luke Cage show? It's amazing! That's what we discuss here. The whole thing. Well...not the whole show. I mean, yes, our whole show, but not the whole Luke Cage show. Why? Because I haven't seen it yet. BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH NO SPOILERS!!!! I'M NOT LISTENING!!! WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU. OH...sorry. I had my socks in my ears. But not to worry; I use athlete's foot creme. That's right. It's spelled that super French way. That's how you know it's the good stuff! What's that? I'm not sure what flavor it is. Anyway, this week we discuss the ins and outs of what makes a great Netflix Marvel show...and I'm telling you right now: it's the music! (And Misty Knight!!!!! OH MAMA!) Now seems as good a time as any to mention our sponsors. We are sponsored by DCBService.com. Get all your Marvel pre-orders for 40% off cover price. They even have specials and clearance issues for up to 70% off! And don't forget their sister site, InStockTrades.com. All orders over $50 are free ship

  • Old Man Logan is '92

    31/08/2016 Duração: 27min

    Yeah, but why? Why is Logan such an old man? Is he really 92? Or do those books have nothing to do with each other? I'm confused. That girl in the issue that looks like a mix between Deadpool and Elektra...? Who was that? I think that there is a lot going on in the Marvel Universe (Prime U, if you will) that I do not quite understand. What if...just bear with me now...what IF Captain America is really some sort of deep, deep cover spy for Hydra. What if there was a duck that was a detective? What if there was a girl that was basically a large, person-sized squirrel? What if Iron Man was an A.I. and basically a girl. What if there's this girl that takes on the role of Ms. Marvel--you know, the one with the bad costume. No, the little girl wouldn't have that costume! That's ridiculous! This girl needs something like a smock because she can get all stretchy and bendy. Exactly! Like Mr. Fantastic. He is just so fantastic, they needed to turn him into a little girl that could be Ms. Marvel. That

  • Jarid Does the Voice

    01/08/2016 Duração: 29min

    There is a voice deep inside all of us that comes out at the most fantastic times. These are times when we long for that perfect opportunity to laugh and cry with our friends. This is the voice that we wish we had when people ask us how strong we are or how much we care. The voice may be different for everyone. It may be that deep dark secret that we keep with us when we pretend we are proposing to that special someone (Tina Turner, of course!) It could also be that voice that chills us in the night when we realize that if we woke up with Shuma Gorath standing...does he stand?...over us, we would scream out in pure unadulterated terror. The shriek of a small but terrified hamster. That voice reveals so much about us. That voice is a facet of who we are. That voice is what we give you all on this show. And that voice, sadly, for Jarid is what he calls his....well, why spoil it? Listen to this show and just...just forgive him. Okay? Just...he deserves our sympathy. Now seems as good a time as any

  • Killed at the Hands of Nude Hulk

    23/06/2016 Duração: 22min

    A lot of times when I am writing these show summaries, I let my mind wander. I sort of go off into a free-writing exercise. (Not the kind that makes me dredge up old memories of alien abductions or anything like that, right?) No! No...of course not. I'm usually expressing my deep-seated fears of confusion and loneliness. (I'm sorry, is this NOT one of those times? And if not, how?) Keep your shirt on! I'm getting to that. Now, I want to be clear. I love Carol Danvers. But it is a shallow, superficial love. A love that is really at its core, a love that is conditional. That condition would be that she is wearing her old costume and Brian Reed is writing her. That's it...simple, really. HOWEVER!! And I cannot stress this enough. HOWEVER!!!! I hate Tony Stark. With a passion of disdain that burns with the fury of 10,000 suns! (I didn't know you felt that strongly about this dude.) Well...he's okay, I guess. But, my point is, that I can't fight to protect the changing future at all. I don't

  • Captain American Hails Hydra

    02/06/2016 Duração: 34min

    I must say how very _______________ we are about the new Captain America book by Nick Spencer. We are so ___________ that we can't stand it anymore! We have to shout it from the roof tops, "Captain America is a ______________ _____________!" Now, we all know that this can't really _____________ that long. The idea that __________ has been ______________ this whole time about his true _________________ just seems _________________ and _________________. But, on the other hand, did you see how he _________________ at ________________ that one time when he __________________ the __________________ and ______________________ ___________________ __________________ with his gun? Plus, the man has a __________________ on his __________________. Soooooo, what does that __________________ you? I mean, _______________ ______________________ ___________________ ______________________ ______________________ and his ________________ mother____________________ the________________________ black hair_________________

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