Falls Presbyterian Church (OPC)



The latest feed from Falls Presbyterian Church (OPC) on SermonAudio.com.


  • Let the Reader Understand

    13/11/2023 Duração: 28min

    Watch out- By listening to what Jesus revealed, His disciples understand, take right actions, and avoid being led astray.-1. God provided a way to understand. -v.14--2. Jesus gave action steps to do, based on that understanding. -v.14b-18--3. Jesus forewarned His followers how to avoid being led astray. -v.19-23--With instructions from Jesus, how can one still be led astray---Where do we get spiritual understanding-- Dan. 1-17, 2-21-23, 12-10-What is this abomination of desolation-- Dan. 9-27, 11-31, 12-11-How could a miracle be a false trick-- Deut. 13-1-2, 2 Thess. 2-3-10

  • Weeping Like Jerusalem

    13/11/2023 Duração: 32min

    The New Testament church is a godly suffering community - like personified Jerusalem - that keeps returning to The LORD our portion. -1. Discovering and confessing how far we wandered from God. -v.40-47--2. Grieving and repenting with rivers of tears. -v.48-54--3. Pleading for and hoping in God's rescue and protection. -v.55-66--In what way are we like the ancient city of Jerusalem---When is it time to examine our souls-- Psalm 139-23-24-Which kind of sorrow shows true hearts-- 2 Cor. 7-10, Is. 29-13-Who is viewed as the scum of the world-- 1 Cor. 4-13

  • Micah #1 of 2

    13/11/2023 Duração: 51min

    Intro to Micah, and chapter one.

  • Famous First Words

    06/11/2023 Duração: 32min

    The statements of the formerly blind man illustrate his development in following Jesus.-1. Statements to the neighbors -8-12--2. Statements to the Pharisees the First Time -vs. 15-17--3. Statements to the Pharisees the Second Time -vs. 24-38-

  • The Lamenting Zone

    06/11/2023 Duração: 30min

    Between our current suffering and our future relief, we have a limited opportunity to lament, while God uses this time to produce something good.-1. While we lament that waiting itself has become our new hardship, we discover afresh the goodness of The Lord. -v.25-27- -2. While we lament, The Lord reassures us that our suffering will end. -v.28-33--3. While we lament under God's design, we gain true contentment. -v.34-39--What is unique about times of pain and suffering---Why is there always a future aspect to hope-- Romans 8-24-When is it harder to submit to God's will-- 1 Peter 2-21-25-Whom does the Lord chastise and why-- Hebrews 12-6

  • Jonah #2 of 2

    06/11/2023 Duração: 52min
  • Finding Hope During Hardships

    30/10/2023 Duração: 32min

    During hardships, we are lovingly led by our faithful God to a breakthrough of finding hope again.-1. Hardships feel dark, overwhelming, and hopeless- -v.1-18--2. Breakthrough to hope- -a- we appeal to God to see our hardships -b- we call to mind the truth about God, -c- we re-interpret our hardships, daring to hope again. -v.19-21- -3. Re-interpretation- The LORD is all we need for hope and comfort during our hardships. -v. 22-24--Where do you reach for hope and a reason to go on---Who is on our side when we have sinned-- 1 John 2-1-How does this remind you of Christ's sufferings-- Is. 53, Ps.22-Why should we not be anxious during difficulties-- Rom. 8-28

  • Jonah #1 of 2

    30/10/2023 Duração: 53min

    Intro to Jonah, then chapters 1 - 2.

  • Watch Out: Do Not Be Led Astray

    23/10/2023 Duração: 34min

    Watch Out- do not be led astray into speculating when the world will end, but rather trust Jesus, enjoy His good news, testify, and endure to the end.-1. Watch out- do not be led astray- -by buildings, persons, events- The end is not yet- -v.1-8--2. Watch yourselves- -spread gospel, testify, trust-. -v.9-11--3. Endure to the end- -family may oppose you, people may hate you for Jesus' sake-. -v.12-13--What tempts us to be anxious about the end of the world---What is our motivation for enduring all things-- 1 Cor. 13-7-What are our 3 stock approaches to troubles-- Romans 12-12-How is Christ an example of enduring-- Hebrews 12-2

  • The Source of Suffering

    23/10/2023 Duração: 32min

    When we suffer, we are to return to its Source, asking Him for comfort and aid.-1. The LORD became like an enemy- -v.1-10--2. The LORD intended our suffering. -v.11-17- -3. The LORD teaches us to cry out to Him- -v. 18-22--Why does God not stop all of our hurting right away---What is the undergirding principle for pain-- Galatians 6-7-What is encouraging about our suffering-- Hebrews 12-6-Of what else is God the source-- 2 Cor. 1-3-9

  • Obadiah #1 of 1

    23/10/2023 Duração: 52min
  • When They See That You See

    16/10/2023 Duração: 38min

    After the man was healed of his blindness, he goes through similar experiences that other believers do, and yet has the same Savior to come to his aid as we do.-1. Confusion and Anger -vs. 8-17--2. Disregard and Abuse -18-34--3. Compassion and Defense -vs. 35-41-

  • We Cope Like Christians

    16/10/2023 Duração: 33min

    In our suffering and sorrows, we cope like Christians by turning to God to seek His compassion and righteousness.-1. Lord, look and have compassion- -v.1-11--2. Friends, look and have compassion- -v.12-17- -3. Look, O LORD, in Your righteousness- -v. 18-22--How are Christians to deal with guilt, pain and loss---Why are we urged to avoid sin-- 2 Corinthians 7-1-How does Jesus know what our grief is like-- Isaiah 53-3-When will our tears be wiped away-- Revelation 21-4

  • Amos #2 of 2

    16/10/2023 Duração: 50min

    Ch. 1-2 speeches against six countries nearby, then speeches against Judah-Israel--Ch. 3-6 a longer speech against Israel, including the warning that exile is coming.--Ch. 7-9-1-10, the preaching of Amos - five visions of coming judgment.--Ch. 9-11-15 a nice ending- Days of blessing, Israel-David's fam. can go home again.

  • Give Your Heart

    09/10/2023 Duração: 34min

    The Lord Jesus reversed the perceptions of the disciples, teaching them that giving is a window into our hearts.-1. Some people make a big production about giving a lot, yet they remain quite comfortable, having a lot left over. -v.41--2. Other people quietly and joyfully give to God sacrificially, knowing that God will take care of them. -v.42--3. Jesus sees why we give. -v.43-44--How much was God's gift to us-- 2 Cor 9-15 -What religion is pure and undefiled before God-- James 1-27-Who is rich towards God-- Luke 12-21, James 2-5-Where does God look when measuring-- 1 Sam. 16-7, Mt. 6-21

  • Grace in The End

    09/10/2023 Duração: 29min

    Since grace was shown to their exiled King, then God had not abandoned His exiled people- later in Jesus, the new and better Jehoiachin, there is more grace to come. -1. The exiled king was brought out of prison. -v.31--2. The exiled king received kindness, while in exile. -v.32-33--3. The exiled king had his daily needs met, until the day of his death. -v.34--When our king is in exile, is there hope for us---What will happen to those in slavery-- Heb. 2-14-15-When does more grace come to us-- Jer. 31-2, Gal. 4-4-How did God provide for us-- 2 Sam. 7-1-16, Heb.12-28

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