Falls Presbyterian Church (OPC)



The latest feed from Falls Presbyterian Church (OPC) on SermonAudio.com.


  • The Power of God

    15/01/2024 Duração: 28min

    When people who are called by Christ hear the preaching of Christ crucified, we hear God's power and wisdom.-1. Silly-- Those not called by Christ consider preaching silly. -v.18--2. Wise-- Other 'wisdom' paths do not lead to God. -v.19-22--3. Called-- Those called by Christ are drawn to know God. -v.23-25--Why does preaching have such a polarizing effect---How does the same object get such mixed reactions-- James 3-15-Who follows God with their hearts, who does not-- Mt.15-8-9-Where does the power reside-- Rom. 1-4 John 10-27

  • Zephaniah #2 of 2

    15/01/2024 Duração: 46min

    Zephaniah, chapters 2 and 3.

  • The Good Shepherd, pt. 2

    08/01/2024 Duração: 30min

    Jesus identifies himself as the door for the sheep that leads to life, in contrast with the false shepherds who lead to destruction.-1. The Door and the Robbers -vs. 7-8--2. The Nourished and the Deprived -vs. 9-10-

  • Preserve Church Harmony

    08/01/2024 Duração: 36min

    Christ calls us to preserve church harmony, by the power of His cross.-1. No divisions. -v.10--2. No quarrels. -v.11-13a--3. No disagreements, especially about the basics. -v.13b-17--To what way of relating are we called by Christ---How should Christians get along-- Philippians 4-2-What causes and cures quarrels among believers-- James 4-1-6-What ought we to be eager to maintain-- Why-- Eph. 4-1-3

  • Zephaniah #1 of 2

    08/01/2024 Duração: 51min

    intro and chapter 1 of Zephaniah

  • Enriched in Every Way

    02/01/2024 Duração: 28min

    We are all blessed to be called by Christ, and we praise God for each other's rich and various gifts.-1. Praise God for the gifts given to the church. -v.4-5--2. Praise God that the church does not lack any gift. -v.6-7--3. Praise God for future blessings, all the way to the end. -v.8-9--As a result of Christ's calling, what good things belong to us---How much do we see Christ's gifts in others-- Eph. 4-8, James 1-17-What is our error when we think something is missing-- Luke 22-35-How forward-looking are you on a daily basis-- Proverbs 23-18

  • Invited to Walk Close to God

    01/01/2024 Duração: 22min

    Because Christ has sanctified us through His death and resurrection, He invites us to walk close to Him.-1. Called to be God's people within a sinful city. -v.1-2a--2. Called to be saints-holy - invited to walk close to God. -v.2b--3. Co-called as God's people, with Christians everywhere. -v.2c-3--What is your first and main calling in life---Despite others around you, what should you be-- Lev. 11-45-Whose idea is it for you to be near God-- James 4-8-With how many Christians are we united-- Hebrews 13-3

  • First Christmas Joy

    25/12/2023 Duração: 24min

    The first Christmas caused great joy for the shepherds.-1. Great fear. -v.8-9- -2. Great joy. -v.10- -3. Great Savior. -v.11-

  • First Christmas Gift

    25/12/2023 Duração: 26min

    The gift of Jesus is that our Savior is humble.-1. The King of Kings came under the decrees of a lesser king. -v.1-3--2. The Son of David allowed His royalty to be ignored. -v.4-5--3. The Christ-child allowed His body to be placed in a trough. -v.6-7--What does the birth of Jesus mean for us---Who sets the example for our attitude-- Philippians 2-3-4-Name the opposite of humility. Galatians 5-26-With what should we clothe ourselves-- 1 Peter 5-5-6

  • The Good Shepherd, pt.1

    19/12/2023 Duração: 35min

    Jesus' shepherding allegory sets the stage for identifying himself as the true shepherd of his sheep.-1. The False Shepherd in the Allegory -vs. 1 - 5--2. The True Shepherd in the Allegory -vs. 2-4--3. The Ignorance of the Allegory -vs. 6-

  • First Christmas Greetings

    18/12/2023 Duração: 29min

    The Christian greetings exchanged by Mary and Elizabeth, and their unborn babies, stands as a model for Christian greetings.-1. Greeting with eagerness. -v.39-40--2. Greeting with joy and honor. -v.41-44--3. Greeting by recognizing and blessing faith. -v. 45--What is important to maintain-- -2 Cor. 3-2-3--When not glad to see a Christian, what's wrong-- John 3-29-30,36.-What do we have in common- what greeting is fitting-- Heb.11-31.-How can we honor the faith of another-- Eph.4-29.

  • Habakkuk #2 of 2

    18/12/2023 Duração: 48min

    Habakkuk, ch. 2 and 3

  • When Wolves are in the Sheep-Pen

    11/12/2023 Duração: 37min

    The statements of the Pharisees prove them to be the blind ones who abuse others to maintain their control.-1. Legalistic -vs. 13-17--2. Threatening -vs. 18-23--3. Presumptuous -vs. 24-34--4. Self-Righteous -vs. 40-41-

  • First Christmas Impossibility

    11/12/2023 Duração: 31min

    Because Christ did the impossible when He came, we are called to take the attitude of believing servants. -1. We appreciate the humiliation of Christ for us. -v.26-27--2. We know our privilege as servants of God. -v.28-32--3. We live expectantly. -v.33-38--Where do we go to put more faith in our attitudes---What did Christ come from, in order to save us-- John 1-14-How long will we remain believing servants of God-- Psalm 145-13-What promises of God do we have trouble absorbing-- James 1-12

  • Baptism of Baby Scarlett

    11/12/2023 Duração: 12min
  • Habakkuk #1 of 2

    11/12/2023 Duração: 48min

    Introduction to Habakkuk, and chapter 1.

  • First Christmas Foreshadowed

    04/12/2023 Duração: 33min

    The birth of John the Baptist foreshadowed the birth of Christ, in order to bring sinners back to God.-1. Eagerly desiring the arrival of a child. -v.5-17--2. Humbly being corrected by the Lord. -v.18-22--3. Joyfully receiving God's gracious removal of disgrace. -v.23-25- -What do we need to know about pre-Christmas---What are some other teachings that distract us-- 1 Timothy 1-15-Why would others be inclined listen to us-- Luke 2-52-Who is called to influence whom-- 1 Timothy 4-14-16

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