Vertical Life Church Podcasts



Vertical Life Church welcomes you to our weekly podcast. We are located at 263 E Paulding Dr, Dallas, GA 30157 and meet every Sunday at 9am and 11am. Check us out at for more information.


  • The Everlasting Light #2: Face to Face

    12/12/2021 Duração: 37min

    Coming face to face with Jesus is coming face to face with Almighty God. All the facets of the Father's heart are revealed in Jesus. The Everlasting Light // It's easy to find ourselves thinking of Jesus as separate or different than the God of the Old Testament. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, it's important we remember who this child really is, and what his future holds.

  • The Everlasting Light #1: "Jesus the I AM"

    05/12/2021 Duração: 33min

    Jesus left nothing unclear about who he was. Convinced that eternal life would be given to anyone who believes, John took the time to write down a Trinity of 7's that paint a full portrait of Jesus as the Almighty God. The Everlasting Light // It's easy to find ourselves thinking of Jesus as separate or different than the God of the Old Testament. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, it's important we remember who this child really is, and what his future holds.

  • Through the Water #11: The Eternal River

    21/11/2021 Duração: 31min

    In the final chapter of Scripture, Jesus extends one final invitation to anyone willing to listen: “Come! Anyone who’s thirsty, come drink from the water of life and never thirst again!” // THROUGH THE WATER In the sequel to "Along the Road", we dig into the Biblical narrative and explore the theme of God bringing people through the chaotic waters and into newness of life.

  • Through the Water #10: "Open Eyes"

    14/11/2021 Duração: 32min

    When we encounter Jesus and respond in faith, our eyes are opened to see what we couldn't before. Everyone is blind before Jesus touches them, restores their vision, and brings them to life. // THROUGH THE WATER In the sequel to "Along the Road", we dig into the Biblical narrative and explore the theme of God bringing people through the chaotic waters and into newness of life.

  • Through the Water #9: "Storm-Settler"

    07/11/2021 Duração: 32min

    When the storms of life rage, our problems can sometimes look bigger than the promises of God. Peace becomes ours when we look to Jesus, the Storm-Settler. // THROUGH THE WATER In the sequel to "Along the Road", we dig into the Biblical narrative and explore the theme of God bringing people through the chaotic waters and into newness of life.

  • Through the Water #8: "Living Water"

    31/10/2021 Duração: 29min

    Through an unlikely interaction, Jesus reveals himself as the source of LIVING water, the saving one that the world has been waiting for. Even today, we find that only Jesus can satisfy our thirst - fully and permanently. // THROUGH THE WATER In the sequel to "Along the Road", we dig into the Biblical narrative and explore the theme of God bringing people through the chaotic waters and into newness of life.

  • Through the Water #7: "Wave-Walking"

    24/10/2021 Duração: 34min

    As Jesus proves once again that he is above all creation, Peter's passion and zeal are tested by fear and doubt. What can we learn from this transformative moment? // THROUGH THE WATER In the sequel to "Along the Road", we dig into the Biblical narrative and explore the theme of God bringing people through the chaotic waters and into newness of life.

  • Through the Water #6: "Water and Spirit"

    17/10/2021 Duração: 27min

    "Anyone who wants to enter the Kingdom of God must be born of both water and Spirit." Those who choose to follow Jesus through the waters of baptism are transformed and find newness of life on the other side. // THROUGH THE WATER In the sequel to "Along the Road", we dig into the Biblical narrative and explore the theme of God bringing people through the chaotic waters and into newness of life.

  • Through the Water #5: The Runner

    10/10/2021 Duração: 38min

    Everyone runs from God at some point, whether to sin and distractions or away from something they've been asked to do. A "runner" himself, the prophet Jonah had to be brought through the waters of the sea before he chose to align himself with the grace of God. // THROUGH THE WATER In the sequel to "Along the Road", we dig into the Biblical narrative and explore the theme of God bringing people through the chaotic waters and into newness of life.

  • Through the Water #4: Healing Waters

    03/10/2021 Duração: 27min

    You don't get to pick your circumstances, but you do get to choose what you do with them. What we expect is not always what we get, but when we obey the God who loves us, we find that there is no situation too far from His healing touch. // THROUGH THE WATER In the sequel to "Along the Road", we dig into the Biblical narrative and explore the theme of God bringing people through the chaotic waters and into newness of life.

  • Through the Water #3: Drawn Out

    26/09/2021 Duração: 35min

    When Moses’ mother released him into the Nile River, she was fully entrusting him to God. In the same way, there are things in our lives that God is wanting to draw out of our hands to take us into deeper faith. // THROUGH THE WATER In the sequel to "Along the Road", we dig into the Biblical narrative and explore the theme of God bringing people through the chaotic waters and into newness of life.

  • Through the Water #2: A Lotta Watta

    19/09/2021 Duração: 40min

    When we look at the story of Noah, we find that God has always been accessible to anyone willing to walk with Him. The waters of the Great Flood were transformative, not just to the earth, but to the people on the Ark who chose to trust God with their lives. // THROUGH THE WATER In the sequel to "Along the Road", we dig into the Biblical narrative and explore the theme of God bringing people through the chaotic waters and into newness of life.

  • Through the Water #1: "The Water Of Life" // September 12, 2021

    12/09/2021 Duração: 29min

    We're thirsty. We spend our lives seeking after love, acceptance, power, and security. Is your soul dry? The Father is calling your name, pleading with you to find what you need in Him. The quenching of our thirst is only found in JESUS. // THROUGH THE WATER In the sequel to "Along the Road", we dig into the Biblical narrative and explore the theme of God bringing people through the chaotic waters and into newness of life.

  • Love Gives All #4: How To Love Like Jesus

    29/08/2021 Duração: 27min

    Jesus said that the greatest command is to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and he proved it with the way that he lived his life. If we are to imitate Christ, how do we live in such a way that this love is revealed to the people around us? // LOVE GIVES ALL Jesus gave his all in pursuit of you. When he walked the earth, he healed, served, forgave, and loved, even when it costed him his life on the cross. The zealous compassion of Jesus leads us to give generously and serve the people around us, so that they might experience the life-changing love of Jesus through us.

  • Love Gives All #3: "Passion That Pursues"

    22/08/2021 Duração: 27min

    When we listen to the teachings of Jesus, we can see the lengths to which he is always willing to go to prove his love to us. The love of Christ is a love that passionately pursues, never gives up, and leads the celebration when we come back home. This is the love you can rest in today. // LOVE GIVES ALL Jesus gave his all in pursuit of you. When he walked the earth, he healed, served, forgave, and loved, even when it costed him his life on the cross. The zealous compassion of Jesus leads us to give generously and serve the people around us, so that they might experience the life-changing love of Jesus through us.

  • Love Gives All #2: A Kingdom Kind of Love

    15/08/2021 Duração: 25min

    The Kingdom of God is an upside-down Kingdom, where the first are last and the last are first. Jesus made an example of himself by dining with sinners and washing feet. // LOVE GIVES ALL Jesus gave his all in pursuit of you. When he walked the earth, he healed, served, forgave, and loved, even when it costed him his life on the cross. The zealous compassion of Jesus leads us to give generously and serve the people around us, so that they might experience the life-changing love of Jesus through us.

  • Love Gives All #1: The Compassionate Love of Christ

    08/08/2021 Duração: 31min

    Jesus' love was expressed through his deep compassion for people. This compassion compelled him to meet their needs, and as Christ's ambassadors, it is our mission to do the same.

  • A Unified Family

    01/08/2021 Duração: 33min

    As we walk in pursuit of everything God has for us, we MUST be unified in everything we do. God's Kingdom comes when the church family proclaims the glory of God, loves, grows and goes together, and makes disciples who make disciples.

  • Taking Ground #7: Conquest

    25/07/2021 Duração: 26min

    As God gives Israel possession of the Promised Land, He pushes back the darkness that has filled His good world and keeps His promise to Abraham's family. Today, we know Jesus as our Prince of Peace who shed his own blood to reconcile the world back to God. TAKING GROUND // As followers of Jesus, we want to constantly be taking ground for the Kingdom of God as He leads us through life. Join us as we look at the how God led Joshua and the nation of Israel into the land He promised them.

  • Taking Ground #6: The Spoils of War

    18/07/2021 Duração: 31min

    Following the Battle of Jericho, it doesn't take long for Israel to take things into their own hands and do things their way. But in the end, glory stolen from God is no glory at all. TAKING GROUND // As followers of Jesus, we want to constantly be taking ground for the Kingdom of God as He leads us through life. Join us as we look at the how God led Joshua and the nation of Israel into the land He promised them.

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