Audio Blog Podcast



Sermon talks recorded from our weekly Sunday worship times. Ottawa, ON


  • Persistent Prayer: Daily Devoted

    12/08/2012 Duração: 39min

    Colossians 4:2. Looking at a significant passage given for the healthy growth of the church. Paul challenges us to be devoted and watchful in prayer, even through the mundane everyday moments. Maturity happens in time. David speaking. (Message 2 of 4)

  • Bread of Heaven: Our Provision

    05/08/2012 Duração: 41min

    John 6:24-35. After feeding the crowd of 5000, Jesus tries to address the deeper spiritual hunger they had. However, the people were focused only on their temporal needs: physical, political, sociological. Jesus wanted to open their eyes to their true Provider. (Message 1 of 3)

  • Seeing Jesus Again For the First Time

    29/07/2012 Duração: 35min

    Mark 9:2-29.  Jesus takes Peter, James and John up the mountain to pray. It was there that they saw Jesus again for the first time. What does this mean for us and the people around us? Yes, I know I pronounced 'Chick-fil-A' wrong. I have never eaten there! Maybe one day.

  • Persistent Prayer

    22/07/2012 Duração: 45min

    Luke 18:1-8. Jesus tells his disciples a story about a widow who persisted in pursuing justice for herself. Jesus invites us to take the same approach to prayer even in the most barren of circumstances. David speaking. (Message 1 of 4)

  • Use What God Gave You

    15/07/2012 Duração: 42min

    Acts 9:36. Inspiration from the example of Dorcas, who simply used what she had to make a difference in the lives of her neighbours. We can be missional where we are. Guest ministry Matthew from the STM Network, short term missions resource,

  • Longing For My Father's House

    01/07/2012 Duração: 29min

    John 14:1-4. In preparing the disciples for His departure, Jesus stamped the concept of Eternity on their hearts and lives. This is important to us as well. Longing for the Father's house helps us in service, helps us while suffering, and helps us with sin. (Message 3 of 3)

  • Loyalty To My Father's House

    24/06/2012 Duração: 34min

    John 2:13-17. In clearing the Temple area of merchants and money changers, Jesus demonstrated an intense loyalty to His Father's house. The Temple defined faithfulness, distributed justice and dispensed mercy. (Message 2 of 3)

  • Love For My Father's House

    17/06/2012 Duração: 31min

    Luke 2:41-50. As a 12 year old boy, Jesus demonstrated a love for His Father's house. The Father's house was marked by the Presence of God, the Word of God and the community of faith. (Message 1 of 3)

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