Crudely Drawn Swords - A Dungeon World Actual Play Podcast



An actual play podcast of high adventure, low dice rolls and intermediate levels of terrible puns in which five old friends imagine ourselves to be dynamic and exciting heroes in a game of Dungeon World. Crudely Drawn Swords is a long-term campaign following a team of heroic(?) adventurers as they follow a quest that will take them through strange lands, across dangerous seas and on perilous journeys through unknown regions. If you are a fan of podcasts like Friends at the Table, The Adventure Zone, Critical Role, Acquisitions Inc or Campaign then our mixture of epic storytelling, memorable characters and hilarious antics will put a smile on your face and a bounce in your step. Routinely contains strong language, extraordinarily bad accents and a certain inscrutable charm.


  • S4E18 - Unstop Ceasebeing?

    27/01/2021 Duração: 01h04min

    The Hawks have befriended the woman whose ancient skeleton their bodies are lying beside and now they must figure out what they need to know to put their grand plan into motion, and how she can help them.

  • S4E17: Friend Or Foe

    12/01/2021 Duração: 01h05min

    With their preparation complete, the Hawks mission begins, and they prepare to return to the place where their adventure began, and then even further into the past. None of them are expecting what they find there.

  • S4E16: Out Of My Way, Yumnuts!

    29/12/2020 Duração: 42min

    In the realms of the dead, the Hawks are divided and confused. Why was their mission already complete? How can Enigma best find Percy and Tristan? Why is there no 'b' in 'apiary'? Fortunately Tristan has just lit up a beacon to make them easy to find and they are finally going to ask some questions that have been hanging over them for a long time...

  • S4E15: Psychic Hornbeast

    15/12/2020 Duração: 58min

    Having successfully found some spoooky ghosts, it's time for the Hawks to set out on a daring mission, to set right what once went wrong. What challenges will face them? What potent enemies will they have to defeat in order to make good their past decisions? What will it take to prove once at for all that no decision is set in stone and that your past mistakes can be rectified easily? Find out in this week's Crudely Drawn Swords. Note for fans of detail, this is the first episode where we are playing The Veil by Fraser Simons as filtered through The Veil Fantastic by Aaron King during our excursions into the realm of the dead.

  • S4E14: Many Names

    01/12/2020 Duração: 43min

    The Hawks return to the pass where their adventure began, to explore the aftermath of the battle they fought here a year ago and, of course, to go on a spoooky ghost hunt!

  • S4E13: Mere Raymond

    17/11/2020 Duração: 48min

    Their work at the Priory complete, The Hawks are headed in a new direction, via some careful negotiation of terrain and townsfolk.

  • S4E12: Tough Day

    03/11/2020 Duração: 01h08min

    Having acquired some valuable assets, The Hawks are almost ready to leave Upton Priory, but it feels like a wasted opportunity if they don't take a moment to use the resources at hand to mess with their opponent...

  • S4E11: The Wilde Strategy

    20/10/2020 Duração: 01h04min

    The Hawks have busted in to the temple keep at Upton Priory, which was once Percy's home church. Now they seek the forbidden tomes that lie concealed somewhere within it. Obviously, when tomes are forbidden they're usually left out somewhere obvious and easily accessible, so this will probably be fine.

  • S4E10 - Going To Need These Boys!

    06/10/2020 Duração: 40min

    A large new friend has emerged, at almost no cost whatsoever to Tristan, which is just the way he likes it. His companions, however, are feeling less well and may in fact need help fairly urgently. Time to search the ruins...

  • S4E09: Avoid The Horn

    22/09/2020 Duração: 38min

    Their planning has paid off and the Hawks have successfully located a horribly dangerous beast bred as a living siege engine. Could it have paid off better, had they not introduced themselves by falling off a tower directly in front of it? Time will tell...

  • S4E08: Cucumber Sandwiches

    08/09/2020 Duração: 01h06min

    The Hawks have returned to the town where the team first met up, and where they held off disaster for a time. Life took them in another direction, however, and now they see how Farmouth lies after it's fall. A return to old haunts in a town carrying its own ghosts.

  • S4E07: You Can't Burn Water

    25/08/2020 Duração: 56min

    The Hawks have a destination, their old hometown of Farmouth, but the question arises of how to get there - and what will they find when they arrive?

  • S4E6: Blood Rite

    11/08/2020 Duração: 57min

    In an abandoned village, our heroes prepare the first step of their plan, testing their power to create a certain influence over their enemy.

  • S4E05: I Promised You A Plan

    28/07/2020 Duração: 01h15min

    Having eluded dire peril, met up with one old friend and avoided meeting another, The Hawks are travelling north to find somewhere to hide out for a while and make a plan to change the world...

  • S4E04: A Sexy Tussle

    14/07/2020 Duração: 57min

    Beside the magical curtain of the Southern Lights, The Hawks are outnumbered but ready to fight to the last and send a signal to the world.

  • S4E03: Skin To Skin

    30/06/2020 Duração: 43min

    Hector doesn't need to stay around to supervise the capture of the Hawks - his ambush has sprung and he has plenty of troops on hand to bring them down. All he needs to do is get clear and wait, meanwhile the Hawks are fighting for their lives.

  • S4E02: Not Invincible

    16/06/2020 Duração: 43min

    It was a trap, but of course they always knew it would be. If they could decapitate Hector's operation it would be a massive advantage, but of course, he has resources far beyond their reach, and he is not afraid to risk his troops lives to capture a treasure beyond value.

  • S4E01: To Reshape The World

    03/06/2020 Duração: 01h54s

    "I fear The Hawks are doomed. I found the Reaching Scroll I shared with Bambari scrawled over with unreadable symbols, so dense that it almost looked scorched. Not long after that we had word of a terrible power in the south- where the armies of our enemies marched there lies a wasteland of ash and ruin. The Icewatchers have been forced back, but the settlements they left behind were caught in the blazing flames of The Drake's breath and there has been no word from the forces we had set to harrying them. A strange quiet has settled over the remains of Caris, the stragglers of our armies finding their way north to Merrowvale, a city more canvas than stone these days. We have most of the kingdom's population but little of its food, and much of our most fertile land has been frozen, marched across and now burned. It has been a strange few months, it feels as though the world is holding its breath, waiting to see what happens next." - Extract from a letter sent by Saffron la Gorge, the princess scholar.

  • S3I2- Towers And Canals, part 2

    12/05/2020 Duração: 01h32min

    Once long ago there was a city, the capital of a grand empire. Now there is a ruin of shattered rock, home to ogres and crows. How did this great metropolis fall? To find out, we put together a team quite apart from The Hawks to turn a Microscope on that period of history, this is the second part of this game. It doesn't come to a grand conclusion because history isn't like this, but hopefully it will provide an enjoyable ramble through the past.

  • Crudely Drawn Swords Without Master Part 5: The Softness of Rest

    21/04/2020 Duração: 01h18min

    The Rogues approach Coilspite's lair, but can they defeat the power that resides within and overthrow the devastating force of the serpent sorceror's will?

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