T3 The Warhammer Podcast - An Age Of Sigmar Podcast



Three friends got together and decided to give this podcasting lark a go. We tackle various aspects of the miniature fantasy wargame hobby to include new books, tournaments, campaigns, local experience and painting. We gave ourselves the moniker T3 because the last names of the three friends start with "T" and the friends are all human. Our toughness charactistic was 3 in the Warhammer Fantasy system.


  • 019: Dwarfs Gone Wild

    09/04/2016 Duração: 01h08min

    Sean, Stephen and Michelle discuss the pace of GW releases and new bundling prices. Multiple upcoming tournaments drives heavy hobbying. We cover our narrative campaign. We look at what games different tournaments like Waaaghpaca, Masters, Adepticon, and Holy Wars are running.

  • 018: The Hernersode

    31/12/2015 Duração: 02h51min

    Special guest Stephen Herner joins Michelle, Stephen and Sean for a rambling discussion. We recap North Star GT and prepare for Windy City Throwdown and Holy Wars. Both Stephens describe what made Age of Sigmar more appealing to them as players. Herner's description is in the WCT conversation. T3 and Herner discuss the shifting state of community. The four of us relay our experiences from running campaigns, and talk about upcoming campaigns. As expected, Herner gives some hobby tips. One of the tips was during a break; look for it tacked on at the end of the episode.

  • 017: Options After 8th Edition

    13/10/2015 Duração: 01h38min

    We open with talk about a watery bint lobbing scimitars at Stephen and Sean, also known as the Lady of the Lake GT recap. Stephen provides a first blush summary for Kings of War. We give an overview of adoption of Age of Sigmar, the Clash of Swords composition pack and 9th age by local players and some tournaments. Stephen describes how to base a single army for 8th edition, Kings of War, and Age of Sigmar in The Hobby!

  • 016: Age of Sigmar

    01/09/2015 Duração: 02h01min

    We get a quick round up of tournaments out of the way before digging into the meaty subject that is Age of Sigmar. Stephen and Sean break down the system phase by phase after playing a game. After that, the three of us list challenges that Age of Sigmar presents for competitive play.

  • 015: Wet Coast Prep

    31/08/2015 Duração: 46min

    In a completely unexpected turn of events, Sean leds the hobby charge. That's right, Sean. Also, we three kings plot to take over the world, or at least the small corner of it that is Antillia.

  • 014: End Times Composition Pack

    07/06/2015 Duração: 01h10min

    As promised, T3 reviewed End Times tournament packs, ideas in the community for comping Endtimes, and our ideas as well. We distilled everything into a composition pack with the primary goal being that the balance wouldn't be worse than 8th edition is for tournaments. The secondary goals were to keep it as simple as possible, reduce cuts, and favor flavor over power.

  • 013: Archaon

    14/05/2015 Duração: 03h31min

    T3 presents a beast of an episode, clocking in at over three hours. We dissect the Archaon release paying extra attention to the new special characters and formations. We wrap up the podcast with a summary of End Time special characters: which ones are too bad to take, and which ones are too good to leave at home.

  • 012: Adepticon 2015

    21/04/2015 Duração: 01h40min

    T3 recaps their experience of End Times at Adepticon. They discuss how Bugeater GT, Blood in the Sun (BiTs) and Wet Coast GT are tackling the End Times rules. The Archaon release muscles its way into the con. They highlight the smack talk in the Battle for Antillia campaign.

  • 011: Holy Wars GT 2015 and Adepticon 2015

    16/03/2015 Duração: 01h33min

    T3 pays homage to Steve Herner and the hobby experience of Holy Wars GT. Stephen and Sean sum up their experiences at Holy War GT as an End Time tournament and theorize about End Times meta. Michelle interjects occasionally while quietly working on Eternity King filth lists for Adepticon prep games. We move on to Adepticon prep and the related hobby. The Battle for Antillia is on unofficial hiatus due to Holy Wars and Adepticon; instead we discuss a couple of campaigns we might run after Antillia completes.

  • Vanguard 002: Holy Wars GT 2015

    03/03/2015 Duração: 01h37min

    T3 tricked Stephen Herner of Holy Wars GT into visiting our room with the hopes of wrangling secrets out of him. We knew we would get none when he refused the liquor we tried to ply him with. Despite that, Stephen, Michelle, and Sean had good conversation about day one of the tournament.

  • 010: Wet Coast GT 2015

    24/02/2015 Duração: 01h15min

    Dan Miner joins us to discuss Wet Coast GT and it's ETC based scoring system. He also shares tips for flying with your army. The hobby for the upcoming Holy Wars GT and Adepticon GT is progressing, perhaps a little painfully.

  • 009: Thanquol

    12/02/2015 Duração: 01h53min

    Patrick Brynildson hijacks the T3 podcast to provide his opinion on Thanquol and End times to date. It's ridiculous. Sean and Patrick come to blows as opposing captains in The Battle for Antillia. Hobby planning is in full force with two tournaments coming up.

  • Ambush 001: Thanquol

    12/02/2015 Duração: 01h01min

    Sean and Stephen give their first thoughts on Thanquol the weekend of the release. They bugger off to play a game and provide insight gained from that game.

  • 008: Holy Wars GT 2015

    16/01/2015 Duração: 01h59min

    Special guest Stephen Herner joins us to spill his secrets about upcoming Holy Wars GT, what it is like to start a tournament, and making a terrain table a week. We review the Battle for Antillia to see if it is meeting our expectations. What is a Warhammer Fantasy Podcast without discussing End Times experiences? A lot of hobby happened since the last podcast.

  • 007: Khaine

    23/12/2014 Duração: 02h36min

    Either we are starting to get accustomed to this End Times thing, or Khaine has lulled us into a false sense of security. That is not a sacrifical dagger in your back. With the new magic system, there is a lot of ground to cover. We dig right into it by going over army lists, the magic system, how a couple of tournaments are handling the End Times release, and what we have seen from End Times in campaigns and games.

  • 006: North Star 2014, Glottkin and Campaigns

    02/12/2014 Duração: 02h11min

    We returned hoarse, if not victorious, from the always rousing North Star Tournament. Glottkin invaded the Thompson household. We track the progress of two campaigns: king of the mountain campaign, and The Battle for Antillia.

  • 005: Three Tournaments

    06/11/2014 Duração: 01h23min

    We talk about Screw City 2014, Cruisehammer 2014, the Underway campaign, the 1.9 FAQ and Northstar 2014 prep.

  • Vanguard 001: Cruisehammer 2014

    02/11/2014 Duração: 48min

    Michelle and Stephen interview Dan Miner and Alex Yuen creators of Cruisehammer on the cruise ship Freedom of the Seas.

  • 004: Tournament prep, Undead, Naming Units

    01/11/2014 Duração: 02h06min

    T3 discusses: a campaign they created, upcoming tournaments, thoughts on Undead, the Warriors of Chaos leak, and topics inspired by YouTube.

  • 003: Chaos War, Mighty Empire, Nagash

    04/10/2014 Duração: 01h23min

    T3 discusses a team battle they ran, a bit of hobby, two Mighty Empire campaigns our local club recently wrapped up, and the new Undead.

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