Rcm On Tap



RCM On Tap is your 60-ish minute round table discussion on the topics everyone at RivalCast Media is talking about. Killer McCoy, BiomedAlchemist, and the Baroness von Gosu are joined at the bar each week by a different member of the RCM community to share a round and talk about everything from books and music to superstitions and philosophy while tying these topics back to the world of gaming. Join the conversation during their live show Friday nights at 9:30 ET/8:30 CT or weigh in on each week's topic questions posted Mondays and Wednesdays on our Facebook page (facebook.com/rivalcast) or the Baroness's Twitter feed (@BaronessvGosu).


  • RCM On Tap - Episode 36


    -RivalFriends Mike and Gidget from the X.D. Experience join the table! -The guests unfortunately get abducted near the end of the show -Who Tweeted That takes on a conspiracy theory bent

  • RCM On Tap - Episode 35


    -Vampy joins the fourth chair! -The crew gets nostalgic over the chat groups and web communities of their teens -The panel describes each other in three words and discusses one thing they'd remove from their daily schedules -Who Tweeted It? Stargate Edition

  • RCM On Tap - Episode 34


    - GIP's Baron von Gosu joins fourth chair to clear his name, but chat's having none of it - Killer's a 'lil inebriated, Bio may or may not be involved in questionable activities, and the Baroness is almost a victim of death by cocoa - New segment: Who Tweeted It?

  • RCM On Tap - Episode 33


    -The On Tap table is rounded out by BABAKAREBU!!!!!! -A special plug from Bippy Beverage Co. -The team sucks at picking wishes and celebrities to have children with -Also Dee steals the show via chat -...and how was YOUR week?

  • RCM On Tap - Episode 32


    -Devious Furball returns to Fourth Chair! (He still doesn't know the Queen) -Baroness shares her completely biased breakdown of the differences in US/UK culture, as in her mind. -What celebrities we'd invite to dinner, one-word tee shirts, and the Patreon to send Bio to IT Appreciation Week in Thailand

  • RCM On Tap - Episode 31


    -It's the Dresden Files episode, so Baroness and Bio take the night off -Killer McCoy takes over as moderator and is joined by Baron, Vampy, and Varyar... the results are what you expect -Baron and Varyar argue over who's the better favorite character -Theories and predictions about future events in the series are made by the panel

  • RCM On Tap - Episode 30


    -Lyserg gets kidnapped for Fourth Chair -Killer and Bio try to renew their bond of friendship -Story lines that disappointed us, endings that didn't fit, and then the ones that got it right -Plot twist: Santa's going bankrupt?

  • RCM On Tap - Episode 29


    -On Tap welcomes Miggnor to the Fourth Chair! -Holy crap, Baroness didn't botch the intro -The Magic Hat uncovers some disturbing answers...and we end on a CLIFFHANGER!

  • RCM On Tap - Episode 28


    -The crew talks the origins of Sims Saturday and how insanely lazy Sims are when left to their own devices -Bio and Baroness are bedazzling a gun for Killer to use during shows at the Crystal Pistol -Baroness is learning to control her temper, but every so often slips and Force-chokes someone. Namely Killer.

  • RCM On Tap - Episode 27


    -Karl Dutton of X-Men and Batman Audio Dramas join the panel -Karl explains the progression of lifelong Batman fans, and why he thinks Ben Affleck is going to be an awesome Batman -How Killer got drafted On Tap -The team talks comics and the Oprahization of rank promotion in the new Star Trek franchise

  • RCM On Tap - Episode 26


    -On Tap welcomes Umamor to the Fourth Chair! -Bio's drinking beer! Well, root beer. Ok, low sugar hipster root beer. But he's still fiesty! -As Baroness plays with matches, the team talks about what item they'd save should the RCM mansion catch fire -Least favorite words and things that drive us crazy...

  • RCM On Tap - Episode 25


    -Sayo and Scott return to On Tap! -The team hashes out ideas for RCM: The Motion Picture Experience -Killer is rechristened "Boomstick" and Bio is now giving weather forecasts -What's the plan if your roommate is turned into a zombie?

  • RCM On Tap - Episode 24


    -The trio is joined by Sayomara and Scott Alvarado! -We will always love Pluto, and Bio drives Killer to drink -Killer is excited about his gunpowder shipment, and the team discusses Baroness's personal EMF -The Magic Hat gets an upgrade, and Mr. Bunny asks the group to describe their perfect pizza before attacking Baroness -Scott gives the background of BuyMeABurrito and shares the origins of the Scott-Sayo alliance

  • RCM On Tap - Episode 23


    - This week's panel: Baroness, BiomedAlchemist, Deededee (aka Kolemsai), Killer McCoy - Surprises abound as a wild DeedeDee appears to join the On Tap Trio! - Killer Day is declared and celebrated as the group plans out their dream creature comforts for the RCM Island - A stealthy web ninja sneaks into the studio room to peek in the Magic Hat - Killer breaks Baron's heart - The Magic Hat asks about trees, specialty Oreos, preferred weaponry, and RCM licensing deals (spoiler: RCM Happy Meals may kill you and consume all of your money, but at least you'll die happy)

  • RCM On Tap - Episode 22


    *Note: The podcast version skips to the broadcast when Baroness fixed her microphone. -B. Juice AKA Foxy Ca$h moderates discussion alongside Rough Killer McShank, Lord Biomed Double Malice, and revered guest P. Havoc! -Baroness is pissed about dead cowboys and calls Bio's Wyoming friendships into question -How to properly celebrate Killer Day (hint: it's exactly like you think it would be) -Porkchop proves he is the manliest of men -The team is not good at making prank calls -The origins of Baroness's draconian policies -And OH SNAP now we have Bio Day (hint: it is also exactly like you think it would be)

  • RCM On Tap - Episode 21


    -The long-awaited episode with BGM Podcat's Sekani! -The panel discusses the impact of music in the gaming world. -What are your favorite soundtracks? What are the worst? -Sekani drops some truth bombs about the current situation in gaming.

  • RCM On Tap - Episode 20


    – Devious Furball guest stars alongside Baroness, Killer, and Biomed - What are some strange things Americans ask? - Travel advice the British servicemen are given to prep for America (assless chaps = stay out of queue) - Devious asks some interesting questions about the American attitude toward their political system - The difference between the British outlook on stereotypes vs. American ones

  • RCM On Tap - Episode 19


    - This week's panel: Baroness, BiomedAlchemist, Killer McCoy, Vible - Vible returns for more questions - Vible gives his thoughts on climate and curling (the sport not the hair-styling tool) - Killer regales the panel with his hunting adventure to Alabama... - ...and a surprise guest tells the panel how wrong Killer was for his actions on his hunt

  • RCM On Tap - Episode 18


    - This week's panel: Otto von Bismark, Major America, John Banner, Rahul (Kung Fu Master) - The panel dip into the Hat of Randomness once again... - The hosts choose what animal form they want - Everyone renames one another...repeatedly... - Babies, muffins, sex changes, where does their money go? These are the questions the panel answers with decorum and class

  • RCM On Tap - Episode 17


    - This week's panel: Baroness, BiomedAlchemist, Killer McCoy, Vible - Vible explains the origins of his name and how everyone says it wrong - The strange customs and foods of the Swedish... - ...and Vible's fetish for clean feet - Baroness establishes her street cred

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