Wayne Stiles Podcast



The practical Bible Teaching of Wayne Stiles, connecting the Bible and its Lands to Life.


  • Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’?


    Part 5 - (Conflict) “Love: The Greatest of Songs”- Song of Solomon 5:2-8 -In this intimate book, The Song of Solomon, we get to stare wide-eyed at love as God intended it to be. From its beginning in what makes one attractive to the struggle with that attraction in sexuality as a single. From the passion of physical intimacy given and blessed by God, to the passion of marital conflict and how it may be resolved. We shouldn’t be ashamed to study what God was not ashamed to reveal. In this practical book, we come to understand in a very practical way why the greatest of songs is love.Open this podcast in iTunesGo to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Let’s Talk Honeymoon


    Part 4 - (Consummation) “Love: The Greatest of Songs”- Song of Solomon 3:6-5:1 -In this intimate book, The Song of Solomon, we get to stare wide-eyed at love as God intended it to be. From its beginning in what makes one attractive to the struggle with that attraction in sexuality as a single. From the passion of physical intimacy given and blessed by God, to the passion of marital conflict and how it may be resolved. We shouldn’t be ashamed to study what God was not ashamed to reveal. In this practical book, we come to understand in a very practical way why the greatest of songs is love.Open this podcast in iTunesGo to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • For Whom the Bells Toll


    Part 3 - (Courtship) “Love: The Greatest of Songs”- Song of Solomon 2:8-3:5 -In this intimate book, The Song of Solomon, we get to stare wide-eyed at love as God intended it to be. From its beginning in what makes one attractive to the struggle with that attraction in sexuality as a single. From the passion of physical intimacy given and blessed by God, to the passion of marital conflict and how it may be resolved. We shouldn’t be ashamed to study what God was not ashamed to reveal. In this practical book, we come to understand in a very practical way why the greatest of songs is love.Open this podcast in iTunesGo to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Worth the Wait


    Part 2 - (Purity) “Love: The Greatest of Songs”- Song of Solomon 1:12-2:7 - In this intimate book, The Song of Solomon, we get to stare wide-eyed at love as God intended it to be. From its beginning in what makes one attractive to the struggle with that attraction in sexuality as a single. From the passion of physical intimacy given and blessed by God, to the passion of marital conflict and how it may be resolved. We shouldn’t be ashamed to study what God was not ashamed to reveal. In this practical book, we come to understand in a very practical way why the greatest of songs is love.Open this podcast in iTunesGo to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • How to Be Attractive


    Part 1 - (Attraction) “Love: The Greatest of Songs”- Song of Solomon 1:1-11 - In this intimate book, The Song of Solomon, we get to stare wide-eyed at love as God intended it to be. From its beginning in what makes one attractive to the struggle with that attraction in sexuality as a single. From the passion of physical intimacy given and blessed by God, to the passion of marital conflict and how it may be resolved. We shouldn’t be ashamed to study what God was not ashamed to reveal. In this practical book, we come to understand in a very practical way why the greatest of songs is love.Open this podcast in iTunesGo to Wayne's Web site(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • How Great is Your Love?


    Luke 7:36-50 -- God’s grace is favor we didn't earn. The more we realize our sin, the more we appreciate God's grace. In truth, God's grace was bigger than you thought. When Jesus Christ died on the cross April 3, AD 33 He took all of your sins upon Himself-- all-- not most, not just the ones you confess, not just the ones that are socially acceptable, but all of your sins. The more you appreciate God's grace, the more love you show to God.Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • A Reason for Unselfishness


    John 13:1-17 The basis for unselfishness toward those whom you are around, those with whom you serve, and those with whom you live—all stem from Jesus’ example of serving when He had nothing to gain from it. Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean (c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Smile When You Say That


    Matthew 7:1-5 Our culture's favorite statement of Jesus is, "Judge not, lest ye be judged." This is not an excuse for tolerance, but it is an indictment against hypocrisy. Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean (c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • A Tomb with a View


    John 11:1-44 God’s ways of working in our lives are often confusing. But in the end, we see that His confusing paths were the best after all. Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean (c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Waiting on God


    John 7:1-9 Waiting on God is one of the hardest parts of life. But it’s in the waiting that we are being prepared for a future only God can see. Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean (c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • The Benefit of the Doubt


    Matthew 3; 11:2-11 Doubt often seems to betray our faith. But in reality, doubt can be a catalyst for spiritual growth. Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean (c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • A Curse for Christmas


    - Malachi 4 - The last word of the English Old Testament is “curse.” What began with a blessing in Genesis ends with a curse in Malachi. But before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes, God promised to send a messenger, an Elijah, who would turn the hearts of people to God. When John the Baptist came, he pointed to Jesus Christ. The central question that ends Malachi’s book remains the question Jesus asked when He came: “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8).Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean (c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Strength in Weakness


    Matthew 14:14-21 Relying on our own strength yields nothing but failure. But through Jesus, we have the strength and adequacy necessary to live lives that both honor God and help others. Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places


    John 4:1-29 Sometimes it seems we seek to find fulfillment in every place except the person who created us to find satisfaction in Him. Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Don't Forget about Heaven


    Revelation 21-22 -- What will Heaven be like? In the rush of our lives we can forget that there is a hope that extends beyond this life.Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean   (c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • A Good Serve


    1 Peter 4:7-11 -- When many people think about serving God, they compare it to eating vegetables—something you do because you’re supposed to. But many have never discovered an area of passion or giftedness, and so each experience has been miserable. However, many also have discovered what every Christian can—that God has gifted each believer to make a unique contribution to eternity like no one else can.Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean  (c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Making Use of God’s Stuff


    Matthew 6:24; Ephesians 5:15-17-- A lot of our worries are solved by admitting that we are more than recipients of God's gifts; we are stewards of them. Regarding our time and our money, God owns the rights and we have the responsibilities to use them for Him.Listen  now: Podcast Powered By Podbean(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Mind the Gap


    Romans 12:1-2; Mark 12:28-31-- In an immediate situation, what can you do instead of react? What happens in the gap between the stimulus and the response? God defines love as obedience to His revealed will—in fact, obedience is an act of worship.Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • Walking the Less-Traveled Road


    Psalm 1-- We face two roads in this life. One is well-worn, common, and cozy. But it ends like flying off the end of the freeway. The other requires a machete and a tour guide but promises blessing in the end --and even along the way. The path to blessing begins through memorizing and meditating on Scripture.Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

  • It is Not an Idle Word for You


    Deuteronomy 32:44-47; James 1:22-25 -- The Bible is meant to be more than coffee table décor or a museum relic. God meant for you to read and apply it to your life.Listen now: Podcast Powered By Podbean(c) 2008 Wayne Stiles

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