Shepherd Center Radio



Progressive forms of MS are characterized by a sustained build-up of symptoms with an insidious increase in disability. With Primary Progressive MS (PPMS) in particular, disability accumulates twice as fast as in those with Relapsing MS (RMS). This means that people with PPMS experience more problems with walking, more difficulty remaining in the workforce, and require more assistance with everyday activities. Ben Thrower, MD and the medical director of the MS Institute at Shepherd Center, discusses maintaining a healthy lifestyle with progressive MS.


  • Stroke Awareness, Prevention and Rehabilitation


    In the United States, more than 795,000 strokes occur each year. Stroke can happen to anyone at any age. In fact, research shows strokes are on the rise among younger people. So, it's important to know the risk factors and work to prevent those that can be managed, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. If you or a loved one experiences a stroke, early and intensive rehabilitation is key to achieving the best outcomes. That is why Shepherd Center provides a full continuum of stroke services – from inpatient rehabilitation to outpatient care. Ford Vox, M.D., is here to explain Shepherd Center's goal - to give patients their best chance for returning to what they love to do.

  • Upper-Extremity Surgical Options for People with Spinal Cord Injury


    Tendon transfer procedures have been done for decades and applied in spinal cord injury (SCI) since the 1950s – though Shepherd Center is one of only a handful of facilities that offer the procedure for people with SCI. In the past several decades, techniques and protocols have been greatly improved through research. In fact, Shepherd Center's Upper Extremity Clinic has conducted some of this research and presented it at international meetings and published it in journals and books.Upper-extremity surgical procedures can improve the quality of life in people with spinal cord injury - specifically tetraplegia..Among the options are tendon transfer surgery, which can restore function in hands, wrists and arms for people with tetraplegia.Allan Peljovich, M.D.,MPH, is here to discuss upper-extremity surgical procedures.

  • Expressing Sexuality When Living with a Spinal Cord Injury


    People are sexual beings by nature. Sexuality is not just about the physical act of sexual intercourse, but also includes emotional, intellectual, social aspects and other forms of sexual expression. Spinal cord injury may alter certain physical and emotional aspects, but in spite of this there are still many ways that a person can express their sexuality.Listen in as Minna Hong discusses your sexual options after a spinal cord injury.

  • Injury Prevention: An Important Part of Shepherd Center’s Mission


    Injury prevention is part of the stated mission at Shepherd Center. Efforts are focused on preventing injuries related to distracted driving, falls and diving.Listen in as Emma Harrington, MSPS, talks about Shepherd Center's devotion to the prevention of injuries.

  • Tips for Caregivers of People with a Spinal Cord Injury


    Recovery from a spinal cord injury is unpredictable and can be frustrating. Those who provide care for a loved one with a brain injury can gain insight and encouragement from these tips from a longtime rehabilitation case manager.Listen in as Bridget Metzger, CCM, discusses how you can help a survivor of a spinal cord injury.

  • Importance of Recreation Therapy in Recovery from Spinal Cord or Brain Injury


    When a person first sustains a spinal cord or brain injury, they are faced with many issues about how they will manage their lifestyle and daily schedule. An important part of the solution is recreation therapy, which gives you leisure counseling and skills to increase their overall wellness of in the emotional, spiritual, physical, intellectual, vocational and social aspects of life.Listen in as Kelly Edens discusses all the options available at Shepherd Center for a spinal cord or brain injury survivor.

  • Tips for Caregivers of People with Brain Injury


    Recovery from brain injury is unpredictable and can be frustrating. Those who provide care for a loved one with a brain injury can gain insight and encouragement from these tips from a longtime director of brain injury services.Listen in as Susan Johnson, M.A., discusses the care you can provide for your survivor of a brain injury.

  • The Latest Mainstream and Alternative Treatments for Chronic Back Pain


    “Ow! I hurt my back!” I imagine you have said this, out loud or to yourself, at some point in your life.Most low back injuries involve lifting, bending or twisting in the wrong way. There are many different little back muscles, all connected by tendons to the bones in your spine.The medical staff at Shepherd Pain Institute ventures beyond narcotics to treat pain. Some examples:   •Nerve blocks – injections of medication into a specific area of the body. These are used to both diagnose and treat pain.   •Neuromodulation – implanted electrodes, or pacemaker-like devices, that stimulate the spinal cord.    •Biofeedback – using thoughts to control the body and relax certain muscles. This is both a treatment option and a coping mechanism.   •Manual (osteopathic) therapy – manual manipulations to bones that can sometimes relieve pain.Listen in as Erik Shaw, D.O., discusses lower back pain and how Shepherd Pain Institute can help ease your pain.

  • Living a Healthy Life After Stroke


    Studies show that having a stroke increases risk for having a second stroke, so doctors emphasize healthy lifestyles for patients in this situation. Diet and exercise play a significant role, as well as controlling risk factors such as high blood pressure.Listen in as Payal Fadia, M.D., discusses how to live a healthier life after you've had a stroke.

  • How to Choose a Rehabilitation Facility for a Brain or Spinal Cord Injury


    It's important to be confident about the quality of care you or a loved one will receive when entering a rehabilitation program. There are certain things to look for and questions to ask when narrowing down your list of options.A specialized rehabilitation facility like Shepherd Center offers distinct advantages for people who need rehabilitation for a spinal cord or brain injury. Advantages include staff expertise, a comprehensive continuum of care, a younger patient population and ongoing research. Listen in as Donald P. Leslie, M.D., discusses the rehabilitation facility at Shepherd Center, so you can make the right decision for your brain or spinal cord injury rehabilitation.

  • Latest Development in MS Treatment and Research


    Researchers are reporting exciting work under way to develop new treatments for multiple sclerosis. A number of clinical trials are under way at Shepherd Center and elsewhere.The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Plegridy™ (peginterferon beta-1a), a new treatment for people with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (RMS). Clinical trials show the drug reduces relapses, disability progression and brain lesions.MS management can be divided into three areas: relapse treatment, symptom management and disease modification.Listen in as Ben Thrower, M.D., discusses the latest developments in MS management at Shepherd Center.

  • Latest Developments in Spinal Cord Injury Research


    Many exciting developments are occurring in the field of spinal cord injury research. They include both basic and applied research aimed at finding a cure, as well as ways to improve function and quality of life.After years of tests and research there have been many positive results. Listen in as Edelle Field-Fote, PT, Ph.D., discusses spinal cord injury research and the work being done at Shepherd Center to help improve the quality of life for its patients.

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