Dr. Joe Tatta | The Healing Pain Podcast



The Healing Pain Podcast - Reset Your Brain and Body For a Pain-Free Life


  • Episode 53 | Cynthia Toussaint: Remember Self-Care; The Most Important Part of Chronic Pain Treatment and Relief

    14/09/2017 Duração: 38min

    My next guest is the author of Battle for Grace: A Memoir of Pain, Redemption and Impossible Love. Cynthia Toussaint serves as a spokesperson at For Grace and has had complex regional pain syndrome or CRPS for the past 35 years which later developed into fibromyalgia and overlapping autoimmune disease. Cynthia founded For Grace in 2002 to raise awareness about CRPS and later expanded the organization's mission to include all women in pain. Before becoming ill, she was an accomplished ballerina and worked professionally as a dancer, actor, and singer. Today, she's a leading advocate for women in pain, raising awareness through local, national and worldwide media as well as public speaking. Her work has personified what it's like to be a woman who lives with pain, beyond this treatment of pain, and the gender bias toward women who suffer with chronic pain type syndromes. Sign up for the latest episode at www.drjoetatta.com/podcasts.   Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the He

  • Episode 52 | Gina Ryan: Breaking The Cycle Of Anxiety

    07/09/2017 Duração: 24min

    Gina Ryan is the host of the Top 50 iTunes podcast called The Anxiety Coaches Podcast. She’s also a nutritionist who, herself, struggled with stress, anxiety, and panic for over twenty years. On her own, prior to the internet, prior to all these influx of information, she was able to climb out of her own anxiety and heal herself naturally, and now teaches thousands of others how to do the same. She’s here today to help us get out of this cycle of anxiety that so often goes with chronic pain we struggle with. Sign up for the latest episode at www.drjoetatta.com/podcasts.   Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Healing Pain Podcast Community today: drjoetatta.com Healing Pain Podcast Facebook Healing Pain Podcast Twitter Healing Pain Podcast YouTube Healing Pain Podcast LinkedIn

  • Episode 51 | Tricia Nelson: How To Heal Your Hunger

    31/08/2017 Duração: 25min

    Here on the podcast today is Tricia Nelson. She lost 50 pounds by identifying and healing the underlying causes of her emotional eating. She spent 30 years researching the hidden causes of the addictive personality. She's an Emotional Eating Expert and the author of the number one bestselling book, Heal Your Hunger: 7 Simple Steps to End Emotional Eating Now. She's also the host of a popular podcast called Heal Your Hunger, which is a great name of a show. This is the Healing Pain Podcast but today, we're talking about how to heal your hunger and stop the cycle of emotional eating. Sign up for the latest episode at www.drjoetatta.com/podcasts.   Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Healing Pain Podcast Community today: drjoetatta.com Healing Pain Podcast Facebook Healing Pain Podcast Twitter Healing Pain Podcast YouTube Healing Pain Podcast LinkedIn

  • Episode 50 | Summer Bock: Rebuilding the Gut with Fermented Food

    24/08/2017 Duração: 32min

    Summer Bock is a Trained Herbalist and Master Fermentationist, here with us today on the podcast to discuss how you can rebuild your gut with fermented foods. Her mission is for everyone to have stellar health by naturally healing their digestion using herbs, ferments and of course, food. She has a background of Microbiology and Pre-Med, which has given her the perfect skill set for integrating modern research into the modern microbiome. What I love the most about Summer Bock is that she’s a true innovator. When you look at her website, when you look at her training courses, when you look at her products and programs, for both those who are looking to improve their gut health as well as practitioners looking to learn more, you'll realize that the contents she prepared is so innovative and so unique. That’s why I had to have her on the Healing Pain Podcast. Sign up for the latest episode at www.drjoetatta.com/podcasts.   Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Healing Pain Po

  • Episode 49 | Dr. Bill Boissonnault: The Future Of Direct Access And Primary Care For Physical Therapists

    17/08/2017 Duração: 30min

    In 2002, the American Physical Therapy Association House of Delegates adopted a resolution that stated, “Physical therapists participate in and make a unique contribution as individuals or members of the primary care team.” In recent years, there's been a growing interest in the role of physical therapist and primary care. The notion of physical therapy and primary care is not new though. In fact, the United States Army has utilized physical therapists as primary care providers since 1971. As well, Kaiser Permanente of Northern California has similarly utilized physical therapists in a primary care role and the interest continues to grow as we move forward and treat people with pain. Here to discuss the role of physical therapy and primary care is Dr. Bill Boissonnault, who is the Executive Vice President of Professional Affairs for the American Physical Therapy Association. Recently, he was a professor at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. In his career, he has earned both a Doctorate of Health Science

  • Episode 48 | Dr. Kelly Brogan: Healing Depression and Chronic Pain

    10/08/2017 Duração: 31min

    Upwards of 50% of those diagnosed with chronic pain also receive a diagnosis of depression. Along with this diagnosis, they are frequently prescribed a narcotic painkiller, for the pain of course, and an SSRI medication for the treatment of their depression. The question we ask on today's podcast: Is this a wise pharmaceutical combination, and are SSRIs effective for treating the depression that often accompanies chronic pain? Joining us today is Dr. Kelly Brogan, who is a Manhattan-based Holistic Women's Health Psychiatrist, author of the New York Times Bestselling book, A Mind of Your Own, and co-editor of the Landmark textbook, Integrative Therapies for Depression. She's Board Certified in Psychiatry, Somatic Medicine and Integrative Holistic Medicine and specializes in a root cause resolution approach to psychiatric syndromes and symptoms. Sign up for the latest episode at www.drjoetatta.com/podcasts.   Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Healing Pain Podcast Communi

  • Episode 47 | Alan Gordon: The Mind Body Connection; Overcoming Chronic Pain

    03/08/2017 Duração: 25min

    If you have followed this podcast and studied pain for any period of time, you know that pain has sensory, cognitive and affective components. The sensory component is of course the thing that is the most obvious. It’s what you feel on your body. It’s the aching, the burning, the sharpness, the stabbing. The cognitive components is what you think about pain, what the cause of your pain is and whether or not you believe it’s temporary or permanent, controllable or curable. The affective component consists of your feelings and emotions about pain: fear, worry, anger, anxiety, guilt. In order to eliminate chronic pain, all the components need to be addressed and treated. The ways in which people think about their pain and their feelings are connected and have a great impact on the severity of pain and your ability to completely reverse it. Joining me on the podcast this week is Alan Gordon, who is a Psychotherapist and the Director of the Pain Psychology Center in Los Angeles. He’s also an Assistant Adjunct Prof

  • Episode 46 | Dr. Ebonie Rio:Tendons, Pain And The Brain; What’s New And What Does It Mean For My Clinical Practice

    27/07/2017 Duração: 34min

    At the time of this podcast recording it’s summer in the United States and no doubt many people are out enjoying all sorts of activities including sports, exercise and hopefully running around playing with kids. I know that some of those people might also be sitting it out or perhaps taking it a bit easy because they have tendon pain and despite all sorts of treatment, they have yet to find a solution. If you have any kind of tendinitis or tendinopathy in your knee, ankles, shoulder, elbow, my next guest may have the answer to solving your tendon pain once and for all. Joining me today is Dr. Ebonie Rio. She has a Master’s Degree in Physiotherapy and completed her PhD in Neuroscience where she studied in-depthly the health and pathology of tendon as well as how the central nervous system and motor control might change in individuals with tendinopathy. She’s a practicing clinician as well as a research fellow at the La Trobe Sport and Exercise Medicine Research Centre at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Austr

  • Episode 45 | Dr. Amy Myers: 5 Steps to Reverse Autoimmunity

    20/07/2017 Duração: 31min

    This week we are talking about how to heal autoimmune disease naturally. The incidence of autoimmune disease has tripled in the last few decades. No one knows that more than those who struggle with chronic pain. The immune system is your first line of defense against things like bacteria and viruses, things that are invading your body. In some people, something goes wrong. Autoimmunity can develop into some of the most common types of diseases that we see in today's medicine. Things such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, scleroderma, and Diabetes Type I. Often, people describe autoimmune disease as your body is attacking itself. I want to take a couple of moments just to help reframe this thought so we enter this podcast today in a really mindful way. To speak with us further today and go deeper on every level of this topic is an expert. Her name is Dr. Amy Myers. She's a Functional Medicine physician and a two-time New York bestselling author of The Autoimmune Solution and The Thyroid Conne

  • Episode 44 | Laya Raznick: Embracing Your Pain Can Lead to Relief

    13/07/2017 Duração: 26min

    Alleviating pain and its associated suffering requires us to go deeper into the awareness of what we're feeling emotionally, learning how we can welcome unwanted feelings and approaching this without even trying. When you look at pain from this perspective versus one where you have to attack the pain, triumph over the pain or win the battle over pain, a whole new world of possibilities begins to open up. Here to speak with us today is Laya Raznick who is a holistic practitioner that uses massage therapy, acupuncture and pain coaching to help patients shift their physical, emotional and mental pain. There's a shift happening from right to wrong and good and bad. This polarity of thinking can take you in the direction of pain relief and eventually to a world without pain.   Sign up for the latest episode at www.drjoetatta.com/podcasts.   Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Healing Pain Podcast Community today: drjoetatta.com Healing Pain Podcast Facebook Healing Pain Podc

  • Episode 43 | Dr. Greg Lehman: Reconciling Pain Science With Biomechanics

    06/07/2017 Duração: 25min

    If you followed the podcast for the last couple of months, you probably heard a lot about the brain, about the nervous system, about alarms in your head, about pain psychology, your thoughts, and your emotions. At this point you're probably thinking, "Dr. Joe, what about exercise? Where does that fit in? Where does movement fit in? What about all the information around biomechanics?" Here today to help us reconcile biomechanics into modern day pain science is Dr. Greg Lehman. He is a chiropractor and a physical therapist who has worked in clinical practice as well as conducted research in the field of biomechanics. He now integrates a biopsychosocial model aligned with a biomechanical model.   Sign up for the latest episode at www.drjoetatta.com/podcasts.   Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Healing Pain Podcast Community today: drjoetatta.com Healing Pain Podcast Facebook Healing Pain Podcast Twitter Healing Pain Podcast YouTube Healing Pain Podcast LinkedIn

  • Episode 42 | Dr. Carri Drzyzga: Fight Fatigue and Reclaim Your Energy

    29/06/2017 Duração: 30min

    If you have struggled with chronic pain or you're a clinician or a practitioner who treats those that have chronic pain, undoubtedly you realize they do, of course, complain about chronic pain and often things like tension and tightness, but there's another symptom that almost 90% of the time will accompany those that have chronic pain. That is fatigue. Fatigue is one of those things that we think about it as that feeling in the morning where you can't get up and going or your ability or your lack of ability to be able to be resilient throughout your entire day. I really am excited to talk about this on the podcast because I really want to boil it down real deep into what are the lifestyle reasons for fatigue and then what's happening on the cellular level and how can we help fight fatigue. I have a great expert today, her name is Dr. Carri Drzyzga. She is both a Chiropractic Physician and a Naturopathic Physician. She's the host of The Functional Medicine Radio Show and she's written a great book called Recl

  • Episode 41 | Phaedra Antioco: Navigating Your Healing Journey

    22/06/2017 Duração: 24min

    This week I have a wonderful guest on that is a practitioner. She's an occupational therapist. She also has a very interesting story about her own traumatic injury and how it really shaped her life not only as a person, but also helped shape her as a practitioner who helps people with chronic pain and other types of injuries. Her name is Phaedra Antioco. She's an Occupational Therapist and a Pain Relief Specialist. Like I said, she had her own traumatic injury and her own healing journey. Today, she's pain-free. She supports clients by looking at the whole person; putting all the pieces of the pain puzzle together and looking at things such as past trauma, lifestyle, daily movement patterns and really everything, which I think is wonderful in a holistic manner.   Sign up for the latest episode at www.drjoetatta.com/podcasts.   Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Healing Pain Podcast Community today: drjoetatta.com Healing Pain Podcast Facebook Healing Pain Podcast Twitt

  • Episode 40 | Evan Brand: The Infection Connection And Leaky Gut

    15/06/2017 Duração: 35min

    If you followed my podcast for some time, you know I have a really big passion around Functional Medicine and Functional Nutrition. Oftentimes, the nutrition part can be the one piece that's missing from your pathway to live a pain-free life. I've gone near and far to try to figure out who are the most interesting and best people to speak to on the podcast who can talk about everything that has to do with Functional Medicine and Functional Nutrition. This week, we are going to talk to Evan Brand. He's a leader in ancestral health, holistic nutrition and Functional Medicine. He's also the creator of the website called NotJustPaleo.com. He's the host of the Not Just Paleo podcast on iTunes, which is one of the top 25 natural health podcasts available. He has been studying natural health and Functional Medicine for more than seven years. Today, we're going to talk to him about the infection connection, how having a leaky gut can lead to underlying pain and inflammation.   Sign up for the latest episode at www.dr

  • Episode 39 | Dr. David Hanscom, MD: Non-Surgical Spine Care

    08/06/2017 Duração: 40min

    This week, we are talking about a surgeon’s road map out of pain. When we think about pain, we think about chronic pain. If I asked you, have you ever had lower back pain in your life? Have you ever had neck pain? Have you ever had pain that maybe was in your right buttock or your left buttock, or maybe went down the back of your leg or to your calf? Chances are most of you would say yes to that. My guest this week is Dr. David Hanscom. He is a orthopedic spinal surgeon who wrote a wonderful book called Back in Control. It’s really a great book about integrative strategies for healing chronic pain.   Sign up for the latest episode at www.drjoetatta.com/podcasts.   Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Healing Pain Podcast Community today: drjoetatta.com Healing Pain Podcast Facebook Healing Pain Podcast Twitter Healing Pain Podcast YouTube Healing Pain Podcast LinkedIn

  • Episode 38 | Sue Hitzmann: The Power Of Connective Tissue

    01/06/2017 Duração: 28min

    Many of you, as you're listening to this podcast, you're saying, "I think I'm getting ready to change my life. I want to start to move a little bit. But I still have this pain or this tension and this tightness in my muscles. What can I do?" Or maybe you're looking for a massage therapist but you couldn't find the right one and you're saying, "How can I maybe massage myself at home or work on my tissue tightness and my pain at home in a way that's easy, safe, and affordable?" I have for you, the expert today, who is going to deliver the answer to you. Her name is Sue Hitzmann. She's developed a great method called the MELT Method.   Sign up for the latest episode at www.drjoetatta.com/podcasts.   Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Healing Pain Podcast Community today: drjoetatta.com Healing Pain Podcast Facebook Healing Pain Podcast Twitter Healing Pain Podcast YouTube Healing Pain Podcast LinkedIn

  • Episode 37 | Dr. Terry Wahls: Modern Paleo Nutrition to Treat Autoimmune Conditions

    26/05/2017 Duração: 21min

    Dr. Terry Wahls is a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Iowa where she conducts clinical trials. She is also a patient with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, which confined her to a tilt-recline wheelchair for four years. Dr. Wahls restored her health using a diet and lifestyle program she designed specifically for her brain and now pedals her bike to work each day. She is the author of The Wahls Protocol: How I Beat Progressive MS Using Paleo Principles and Functional Medicine, The Wahls Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles (paperback), and the cookbook The Wahls Protocol Cooking for Life: The Revolutionary Modern Paleo Plan to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions.   Sign up for the latest episode at www.drjoetatta.com/podcasts.   Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Healing Pain Podcast Community today: drjoetatta.com Healing Pain Podcast Facebook Healing Pain Podcast Twitter Healing P

  • Episode 35 | Dr. Carolyn Berryman: Impact Of Pain On Cognitive Function And Impairment

    18/05/2017 Duração: 25min

    Today, we are talking to Dr. Carolyn Berryman about the impact of pain on your cognitive function. Let’s start out with a question. Has pain ever affected you so much that you’ve had problems with your memory, or you’ve had problems making decisions, or you’ve had problems paying attention maybe in school or class or at work? Today in the podcast, we’re going to review what is cognitive function and if pain interferes with cognitive function or causes cognitive impairment. Sign up for the latest episode at www.drjoetatta.com/podcasts.   Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Healing Pain Podcast Community today: drjoetatta.com Healing Pain Podcast Facebook Healing Pain Podcast Twitter Healing Pain Podcast YouTube Healing Pain Podcast LinkedIn

  • Episode 35 | Dr. William Davis: Undoctored

    11/05/2017 Duração: 25min

    I have a really amazing guest. I'm so excited to talk to this week. His name is Dr. William Davis. You’ll know him as the New York Time's bestselling author of Wheat Belly where he changed the lives of millions by teaching them how to remove grains from their diet to reverse years of chronic health problems. In his new book called Undoctored, he goes beyond cutting grains to help you take charge of your own health. This groundbreaking book reveals how millions of people are given dietary recommendations crafted by big business, how prescribed medications are often unnecessary. That's something we talk frequently about here on the Healing Pain podcast as we talk about opioids. Last, how there have been unwarranted procedures that feed the hungry revenue healthcare systems that have become so large and pervasive in our healthcare system, another thing we talk about when it comes to things like injections and MRIs and X-rays for all sorts and types of pain. Sign up for the latest episode at www.drjoetatta.com/

  • Episode 34 | Dr. Melissa Farmer: Chronic Pain Mechanisms for Maladaptive Pain Learning

    04/05/2017 Duração: 35min

    Dr. Melissa Farmer will share her thoughts on the role of learning and brain plasticity in establishing—and ultimately treating—the emotional memories that underlie chronic pain. As a form of emotional memory, chronic pain is perpetuated by counterintuitive physiological rules that distort how an individual perceives and interacts with the environment. Every individual creates a different “pain logic” to make sense of these experiences, and uncovering this logic is key in challenging these pain memories. Dr. Farmer will discuss the relationship between pain perception and the quirky mechanisms that establish chronic pain, how this learned association can drive maladaptive behaviors and beliefs, and how the controlled, therapeutic manipulation of emotional memory may potentially alleviate chronic pain.   Sign up for the latest episode at www.drjoetatta.com/podcasts.   Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Healing Pain Podcast Community today: drjoetatta.com Healing Pain Po

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