Arrested Devops



Arrested DevOps is the podcast that helps you achieve understanding, develop good practices, and operate your team and business for maximum DevOps awesomeness.


  • ChatOps Extravaganza With Jason Hand, Sasha Rosenbaum, and Peter Burkholder


    Matt & Trevor sit down with Jason Hand (VictorOps), Sasha Rosenbaum (10th Magnitude), and Peter Burkholder (Chef) to discuss ChatOps.

  • Podcast Me Maybe With Kyle Kingsbury


    Matt, Trevor, and Bridget chat with Kyle Kingsbury (Stripe) about his research on failure in distributed systems.

  • Building an Ops Team With Charity Majors, Patrick McDonnell, and MCR


    Bridget and Trevor are joined by Charity Majors (Facebook), as well as Mike Rembetsy and Patrick McDonnell (Etsy) for a frank discussion on what goes into building a great ops team.

  • Eating Sushi With Andrew Clay Shafer


    Matt and Bridget sit down with Andrew Clay Shafer (finally!) at DevOpsDays Minneapolis to discuss his thoughts on what's going on with the DevOps world since 2009, as well as his opinions on podcasts having episode numbers. Sadly, no sushi was actually consumed.

  • Career Devops With Jeff Hackert


    In this episode, Jeff Hackert discusses developing your career in DevOps.

  • Disasters!


    In this episode, Stephanie Van Dyk and Mark Imbriaco discuss how to communicate and how to recover in the event of complete disasters.

  • Dr. BOFH, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the DevOps


    In this episode, 'reformed' Bastard Operators From Hell Yvo van Doorn, Chris Read, and Kevin Hubbard discuss how the industry and their jobs have changed over time, especially with the advent of DevOps.

  • DevOps and Marketing


    Marketing departments are often told, 'Don't use the term DevOps incorrectly!'' But exactly HOW should our marketing peers use that term? How can we effectively talk about DevOps in the marketing space? Shannon Smith from 10th Magnitude and Jason Hand from VictorOps joined us to discuss this heated topic.

  • What's New at Chef?


    Recorded live at ChefConf 2015, we sat down with Julian Dunn, Seth Falcon, and Adam Edwards of Chef Software to talk about all the cool new things that Chef is cooking up - including Chef Delivery, Chef Analytics, and new awesome things with Chef itself!

  • DevOps Culture Change With Bill Joy


    DevOps revolves a lot around what an organization and culture should look like. We talk about it on just about every episode of this podcast. Something we tend to skate around though is the how. How do you change the culture of an organization?

  • Starting a New Devops Job


    Starting any new job can be a mix of fun, excitement, and nervousness. But what about when you're coming into a DevOps-oriented organization? What are some of the special challenges entering a collaborative, 'blameless' place of work? Ryn Daniels and Jake Champlin join us to discuss their recent experiences of starting at some pretty exciting workplaces.

  • Docker! Docker! Docker!


    James Turnbull has traveled the world speaking about Docker, and now he's here to tell ADO all about it. The tech, the company, and the community: James has opinions and was more than willing to share them!

  • DevOps in a Microsoft World With Jessica DeVita and Jeffrey Snover


    Is DevOps just for the open source world? Can you do DevOps in a Microsoft shop? What are some of the tools and capabilities available for Windows, Azure, and .NET professionals who want to approach work in a DevOps model? Microsoft DevOps Evangelist Jessica DeVita and Jeffrey Snover, a Distinguished Engineer at Microsoft and the Lead Architect for the Windows Server and System Center Division, talk with the ADO crew about how Microsoft approaches DevOps.

  • Hiring in a Post-DevOps World


    At DevOpsDays Ghent in 2014, it was joked that we are living in a 'post-DevOps world'. What are the challenges in hiring for DevOps related jobs? We be talked with panelists on all sides of the table - recruiting, hiring, and also just some rabble-rousing about why you should stop looking for 'ninjas' and 'rockstars'. Digital Ocean's Jill Jubinski, Datadog's Mike Fiedler, and rabble-rouser Josh Hertz joined Matt and Trevor to weigh in on a this complicated topic.

  • Incidents and Accidents: Examining Failure Without Blame


    Dave Zwieback, VP of Engineering at Next Big Sound and Mike Rembetsy, VP of Technical Operations at Etsy discuss learning from the unexpected and examining failure without blame. With practical tips about technical tools and philosophical insights into the human factors and cognitive biases in play, these industry experts offer useful guidance for the thorny questions around the topic of failure.

  • A Year of ADO


    It’s been a year of ADO, with topics from CI to security, panels of devs and of ops, and even Pete Cheslock. For the last episode of the year, we thought it would be fun to revisit Matt and Trevor chatting, sans guests - which hasn't happened since the first episode!

  • The Database: The Elephant in the Room


    Data - we can’t have applications or services without it. If software is eating the world, then data is the maitre’d. However, it can be challenging to incorporate database design and release into the world of continuous delivery and devops. Grant Fritchey and Jonathan Hickford of Redgate join Matt and Trevor for a discussion of DevOps and Databases.

  • DevOps in the Enterprise


    DevOps isn't just for startups - in fact, that argument can be made that it's even MORE important for large, enterprise-scale companies than for anyone else. What does it mean to 'do DevOps' in an enterprise? Is there a different flavor of DevOps for enterprise companies? Does CAMS work at scale? Michael Ducy (CHEF Software), Ross Clanton (Target), and Steve Pereira join Matt, Trevor, and Bridget (wat?) to finally tackle this tricky topic.

  • Git 101 With Emma Jane Westby

    13/11/2014 Duração: 58min

    One of the reasons that DevOps can be transformative to an organization is that it shortens feedback loops - talking about CAMS, the measurement piece is where that can come into play. Anyway, in that spirit, we’re taking feedback we’ve gotten from listeners who want more detailed, technical topics, and we have an episode talking about the HOW with git - with a very special guest, Emma Jane Westby.

  • Managing Systems in the Cloud

    15/10/2014 Duração: 49min

    Tom Limoncelli, one of the authors of _The Practice of Cloud System Administration: Designing and Operating Large Distributed Systems_ talks with Matt and Trevor (but mostly Trevor) about the challenges of modern system management.

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