Tvh Doc Talk



Educational Health Podcast Series of Temecula Valley Hospital


  • Heartburn, Barrett’s, Hiatal Hernia and Esophageal Cancer


    Dr. Indraneek Chakrabarty discusses how Heartburn, Hiatal Hernia, Barrett's Esophagus and Esophageal Cancer are related, and the treatment options available.

  • Diabetes Education


    Dr. Maisara Rahman discusses the difference between type I and type II diabetes, who is a risk, how exercise and diet impacts those at risk, and the current state of diabetes today.

  • The Latest in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Heart Disease


    In this panel discussion, Dr. Andrew Ho and Dr. Candice Kim discuss symptoms and warning signs of heart disease, and the latest diagnosis and treatments available.

  • Can You Prevent Peripheral Vascular Disease?


    Dr. Brian Tiu discusses the symptoms and treatment of Peripheral Vascular Disease. He also shares important advice on the many ways to prevent Peripheral Vascular Disease.

  • Endovascular Treatment of Ischemic Stroke


    Hamed Farid, MD discusses the signs and symptoms of Stroke and the latest endovascular treatments available at Temecula Valley Hospital.

  • Patient Testimonial: Andrew Arriola, DDS


    In this powerful patient testimonial, Andrew Arriola, DDS shares why he followed his gut when he wasn't feeling right, and chose Temecula Valley Hospital for his care, which lead to the diagnosis of sick sinus syndrome.

  • Treatment Options for Atrial Fibrillation


    Cardiac Electrophysiologist Joshua Leichman, MD describes risk factors and treatment options for atrial fibrillation, medicational as well as surgical, and how best to manage and live with atrial fibrillation.

  • Stroke Signs and Symptoms


    Barbara Buesch, The Stroke Program Coordinator at Temecula Valley Hospital shares the common signs and symptoms of stroke, and how to use the FAST acronym to determine if you or a loved one has had a stroke.

  • What Men Should Know About an Enlarged Prostate (BPH)


    Urologist Dr. Richard Conner discusses the signs and symptoms of an enlarged prostate, potential diagnoses, treatment options and the benefit of UroLift® surgery for men with BPH.

  • The Warning Signs of a Heart Attack


    Katherine Baca, Cardiac Care Coordinator at Temecula Valley Hospital, discusses risk factors for heart disease, early heart attack signs and how they are different in men and women. She also explains the importance of knowing what to do if you suspect you may be suffering a heart attack and how you can possibly prevent a heart attack form happening in the first place.

  • Treatment Options if You Suffer From Hearing Loss


    Do you feel that you are missing out on gatherings due to a hearing loss? It can be frustrating and even lead to other issues such as depression.  However, there are many treatment options available today to help you with that hearing loss. Audiologist Dr. Nicolle Yopa discusses important issues surrounding hearing loss and the treatment options available to help with any type of hearing related issues.

  • Tomando Control de su Diabetes (en Español)


    Según los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC), hasta 29 millones de personas en los Estados Unidos tienen diabetes. Si usted es uno de los muchos, es posible que tenga preguntas sobre cómo administrarlo mejor y cómo vivir un estilo de vida más saludable.Karen Muchowski, MD, está aquí para compartir su experiencia sobre cómo vivir y controlar la Diabetes, o posiblemente prevenirla en primer lugar.

  • Taking Control of Your Diabetes


    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as many as 29 million people in the United States have diabetes. If you are one of the many, you may have questions about how best to manage it, and how to live a healthier lifestyle.Karen Muchowski, MD, is here to share her expertise on how to live with and manage Diabetes, or possibly prevent it in the first place.

  • Staying Active and in the Game, Sports Medicine


    You don't need to be an athlete to benefit from sports medicine care. Whether you are weekend warrior, a professional athlete, or someone who just likes to keep active, when pain begins to interfere with your daily life, it might be time to see a physician to assess your pain. The key is to stay active so you can stay in the game.Orthopedic surgeon Dr. John Locke shares his best advice to prevent sports injuries before they happen, and if they happen, he discusses the best ways to treat and manage the injury.

  • Allergies in the Inland Empire


    Common causes of allergies could be plants, pollen, trees, grass, mold, dust and pet and animal dander. Allergies can cause uncomfortable symptoms like itchy skin and eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing, rash, and wheezing. Sameer Gupta, MD, discusses allergies in the Inland Empire and how to identify triggers to help you control the symptoms of allergies.

  • Feeling Tired All the Time? It Might Be Sleep Apnea


    If you often feel drowsy or have impaired work or school performance, you may have sleep apnea. Untreated obstructive sleep apnea can lead to serious issues like heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and many other medical problems.Matthew E. Leach, MD, is here to let you know that if you are having trouble getting restful sleep, Temecula Valley Hospital can help.

  • Patient Testimonial, Katie Wheeler


    What started as an apparent kidney infection led Katie Wheeler, 30, on a journey of repeated hospitalizations, tests and unanswered questions. In this podcast, she shares her amazing and beautiful story of how Temecula Valley Hospital helped her regain her life and look forward to her goals of becoming a doctor.

  • Women and Heart Disease


    Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For women, the signs and symptoms may be different than in men. Manila Zaman, MD, joins the show to discuss women's heart disease symptoms, risk factors and lifestyle changes that can make a big difference in your risk for heart disease.

  • Sufre de dolor debido a la Estenosis Espinal?(en Español)


    Estenosis Espinal, también conocida como contracción de columna, es cuando los espacios en su columna se contraen y ponen presión en sus nervios. La Estenosis Espinal típicamente ocurre en su cuello y espalda baja.Aunque usted no experimente ningún síntoma, algunos de los más comunes incluyen dolor, debilidad en los músculos, adormecimiento, descontrol en la vejiga y movimiento intestinal. Nuestras metas en los tratamientos son el reducir el dolor y ayudarlo a regresar a una vida activa y sin dolor.En este podcast en español, para discutir como la Estenosis Espinal es diagnosticada y las últimas opciones de tratamiento disponibles para reducir su dolor, tenemos a Héctor Pacheco, Doctor en medicina. Él es un Cirujano de columna Pediátrico y de Adultos y un miembro del personal médico en Temecula Valley Hospital.

  • A National Crisis: The Opioid Addiction Epidemic


    According to The National Institute on Drug Abuse, every day more than 115 Americans die after overdosing on opioids. The addiction to opioids is a serious national crisis that affects many areas of public health.In this very important podcast, Dr.Kyle Vincent joins the show to discuss the opioid epidemic and the treatment options if you or a loved one has an addiction to opioids.

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