Crisis On Infinite Midlives



Comic Geeks Since 1975. Drunken Comic Geeks Since 1993. Get Off Our Lawn.


  • Episode 115: Death, Taxes and Chris Hardwick


    It’s the end of the week of May 25th, 2016: the Wednesday the Big Two drooled on themselves, shrieked “Excelsior!” into the Black Void, and keeled over. At least if you believe the Internet comments. But before we talk about that, there was one major positive for comics fans this week: AMC debuted the pilot […]

  • Episode 114: Ambush Bug Presents: The Babysitters’ Club, Starring Damian Wayne


    Here’s a warning about this week’s episode right out of the gate: details about DC Universe: Rebirth #1 have leaked to Reddit, including images from that issue. The user who leaked the pages has since deleted his or her account, but those images have been picked up and published by Bleeding Cool (Seriously: there are […]

  • Episode 113: Jack Daniels Is My Agatha Harkness

    16/05/2016 Duração: 01h22min

    It has been a stone bummer of a week when it comes to comic news. From the tragic loss of Darwyn Cooke to DC Comics having to release a statement on sexual harassment in the face of protests over allegations about Superman Group Editor Eddie Berganza, there haven’t been a lot of smiles in comics […]

  • Episode 112: Civil War, or: I Found Vibe On JDate


    It feels like only yesterday that we were discussing why a movie about superheroes fighting each other was a painful, depressing and contrived experience, doesn’t it? Well, good news! We can put Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice out of our minds, because we’ve got another movie about superheroes trying to kick each other in […]

  • Episode 111: Tom Wopat Is Zoom


    After a busy week of vacationing, video gaming, and day job hunting, we are back, just in time to deal with the latest comics vs. filmed adaptation battle! If you are a fan of The CW’s The Flash, you know that the current storyline involves Zoom from Earth-2, and his relationship to Golden Age Flash […]

  • Episode 110: How Do You Solve A Problem Like A Negan?


    We have been fans of The Walking Dead since the seventh issue of the comic book. That means that we have hung in with Rick Grimes and company, and their doomed world, for literally almost twelve years. We’ve stuck with them through prisons, and horrors performed in Woodbury, and the semi-friendly takeover of Alexandria, and […]

  • Episode 109: Aliens Vs. Predator Vs. My Little Pony


    Convention season has been underway for a few weeks now, but what with Image Expo happening this past Wednesday in Seattle, followed almost immediately by Emerald City Comicon happening only days later in the same city, this is one of the bigger weeks for comics news we’ve had in quite a while. So while we […]

  • Episode 108: Your Mother Works At Applebees, or: Dissecting Batman V Superman


    If you’ve listened to this show for any length of time, you know that Rob has long been a defender of Man of Steel as potentially an excellent Superman movie, provided that we would eventually discover in subsequent sequels that Superman learned from the events of that movie to become more of the hero that […]

  • Episode 107: Make Atlantis Great Again


    There were two big comics-related items in the news this week: the premiere of Zack Snyder’s Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice, and the reveal of the creative teams attached to DC’s semi-kinda reboot, Rebirth. And while the Internet is abuzz with opinions about the movie, since work and family holiday commitments meant that we […]

  • Episode 106: You Can’t Fridge That, or: In Defense of The Killing Joke


    Last week, in Batgirl #49 – a comic with an apparent target demographic of Millennials – writer Cameron Stewart and artist Babs Tarr told a story that could be seen as retconning the events of Alan Moore’s and Brian Bolland’s 1988 one-shot, Batman: The Killing Joke.In the wake of that story, Stewart argued that his […]

  • Episode 105: My Struggle… With The X-Files: Reopened


    Sorry for last week’s unexpected absence, but something unexpected made its way into our home and made us feel terrible. And on a completely unrelated note… A couple of weeks ago brought us the conclusion of the much-anticipated return of The X-Files. Presented as six episode miniseries meant to function as an official tenth season […]

  • Episode 104: Not Without My Wally


    Open registration for San Diego Comic-Con 2016 came to us on Saturday… and it left us in less than an hour. As has become the norm, the convention completely sold out in less than an hour, and, like many of you, we were frozen out. So we spend a few minutes talking about how SDCC […]

  • Episode 103: Nicolas Cage Is… Ambush Bug


    The cold snap in Boston broke enough for us to not only enter our studio without dying of hypothermia or being drowned out by the roar of our furnace, but to head out into the countryside to our local movie theater to see Deadpool. Deadpool is a movie that shouldn’t exist. It’s based on a […]

  • Episode 102: In Blackest G’nort

    08/02/2016 Duração: 01h22min

    It’s been a couple of weeks since DC Comics Co-Publishers Dan DiDio and Jim Lee tweeted their first teasers toward something called “Rebirth,” and  since then, there has been, well, absolutely no concrete hard news whatsoever. But what there are are rumors. Many, many rumors. From where did the rumors originate? Who knows? But rumors […]

  • Episode 101: A Thorough Ravenwooding

    01/02/2016 Duração: 01h43min

    It’s been a week since Dan DiDio and Jim Lee hyped an upcoming project or event with a photo of some curtains and the word “Rebirth.” Last week, the comics Internet was abuzz with rumors that it meant a reboot or a return to pre-New 52 continuity or any number of other things. Well, it’s […]

  • Episode 100: There Is No Bikini Waxing in Fairyland

    25/01/2016 Duração: 01h33min

    All right, it’s our one hundredth episode. Let’s not make a thing out of it. Seriously: we don’t. Sure, we spend a few minutes reflecting on where we are and where we came from, and maybe have a little too much Liquid Celebration to commemorate making it this far, but honestly? There was too much […]

  • Episode 99: Thing Ring, Do Your Ring Job


    Secret Wars #9 was released this week, marking the official end of the Marvel Universe as created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby (or by Kirby and Lee, depending on whose version you prefer) in the November, 1961 issue of Fantastic Four #1. Purely by coincidence, this was also the week that our local comic […]

  • Episode 98: The Wang Splash


    A long time ago, when we barely had the equipment to record people who weren’t in the same room with us, we interviewed a couple of comic creators who were on the cusp of releasing their first print comic through a proper comic book publisher. It was also our first interview with comic creators, on […]

  • Episode 97: The Stink of Zan and Jayna: The 2015 Crises Awards


    2015 is officially ended, and we are celebrating it in the way we lived through it: squealing with glee and complaining with vigor, all through an alcohol and Sudafed-induced haze. That’s right: it’s time for the Second Annual Crises Awards! 2015 was an eventful year for comic and genre fans; a year where, in many […]

  • Episode 96: Weeping Angel Facepalm


    While we originally planned to list our 2015 Crises awards for the best and worst of the year this week, we were stymied by a combination of holiday travel for Rob, and a crippling cold (and cold medicine high) by Amanda. So after spending some time talking about what we got for Christmas, and best […]

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