Worth Recovery



Worth Recovery is about dispelling shame and building hope in the lives of women recovering from sex addiction. Amy shares the experiences of women in recovery to help you build hope & recovery!


  • Episode 004: Stop Shoulding On Yourself

    16/02/2016 Duração: 21min

    The damage one word can cause is immense.  Listen to Amy talk about the shaming voice of "should" in her life and learn how to silence your own shame voices. 

  • Episode 003: Connection On Demand

    12/02/2016 Duração: 24min

    Connection is an essential part of living in recovery.  Yet - there are so many options to shortcut or hot wire connection.  Amy shares some of her hot wire moments and how dangerous connection on demand can be.  

  • Episode 002: Choosing Bottom

    09/02/2016 Duração: 24min

    Bottom isn't some arbitrary thing that happens to us without our consent.  We choose our bottom.  Learn the three principles that helped Amy find and maintain bottom.  

  • Episode 001: Working MY Program

    05/02/2016 Duração: 28min

    What is a program of recovery and how do I know if mine is working?  In episode 001, explore the four pillars of a solid recovery program and learn how to evaluate your own!  Download the free worksheet from www.worthrecovery.com!

  • Episode 000: The "Why" Behind Worth Recovery

    01/02/2016 Duração: 23min

    Episode 0 focuses on the purpose, mission and goal of Worth Recovery. Learn about Amy's journey as a woman recovering from sex addiction and the big, BIG things we are going to do to support other women in recovery!

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