Unleash Your Greatness Within



Bestselling author TJ Hoisington shares success principles, insights on motivation and achievement - helping you 'unleash your greatness within.'


  • How Much Potential Do YOU Have?

    02/02/2018 Duração: 02min

    In this Podcast, TJ Hoisington shares some thoughts about "potential" and "limitations." TJ shares an example regarding the Olympics and breaking records. Records are broken every four years. Where have you gotten stuck? You have more potential than you’ll EVER tap. Your potential is unlimited! Make the decision today to unleash your greatness within! Defy the odds! Face your fears! Create your own breakthrough! Break your own records! Release the brakes! Watch the YouTube video: https://youtu.be/XdVVbEp0AzE

  • Teen Success: The Power of Goals

    29/01/2018 Duração: 17min

    Recently, I was asked to speak to a small group of teenagers about goal-setting. I talked about believing in yourself and believing in your dreams. I also explained that your weaknesses don’t have to define you or determine your destiny. Lastly, I cover my “10-Step Blueprint for Achieving Your Goals."

  • My First Audio Training - "The Power of Decisions"

    25/01/2018 Duração: 41min

    Listen to my very FIRST audio program ever! We pulled it from the archives. Extracted from a cassette tape, it was 20 years ago this month that I recorded this lesson on “The Power of Decisions.” Listen and apply the principles today!

  • 10-Step Blueprint for Achieving Your Goals

    23/01/2018 Duração: 10min

    Ever have a goal that feels out of reach? In this podcast, I share my "10-Step Blueprint for Achieving Your Goals." I outline a clear roadmap to setting goals that will help improve your habits, empower change, and unleash your greatness within.

  • David Marquet on Leadership Greatness

    09/01/2018 Duração: 55min

    This Success Interview with bestselling author, David Marquet, is the ultimate LEADERSHIP interview worth listening to several times. Marquet is the author of the highly acclaimed book, "Turn the Ship Around: Turning Followers into Leaders." This interview is rich with leadership tips and practical advice. You will learn things like 1) It's okay to say, "I don't know." 2) Focus on changing the environment, not the individual. 3) Make the default response – "YES." 4) Remove fear of punishment. 5) Discover the power of giving up control. Additionally, there are several more practical ideas that managers and leaders can immediately use to strengthen the team and increase performance.

  • The True Meaning of Christmas!

    25/12/2017 Duração: 06min

    In this podcast, I share some of my thoughts around Christmas. What is the true meaning of Christmas? I recorded it quickly, but I hope it's meaningful. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

  • How to Increase Determination

    13/12/2017 Duração: 11min

    Recently, my oldest son who is serving a mission in Romania for two years asked me this question: “How can a person increase their determination?" So, in response to his question here are a few thoughts I had while driving between clients. (Please pardon the audio quality.) I come up with five important steps, nestled with a dozen other principles, which are necessary for increasing determination. Principle number one is to have vision and purpose. Where there is a vision, there is no “have to," there is “want to." With vision, discipline comes easy. Without vision, discipline is a struggle. Put your focus on to an exciting end goal that you are committed to moving toward and then fully commit yourself to achieving it. Discover the next four principles for increasing determination. I hope you enjoy it!

  • You Are Stupid, not ;-)

    09/12/2017 Duração: 14min

    How would you respond if I said, “You are stupid!“? Unfortunately, if I were speaking to an audience of one thousand people, someone just might believe me. My message in this podcast is to remind you that you are special. YOU are amazing. You are priceless. You are unstoppable. You are unique and special just the way you are! Join me in the rough audio as I speak to who you REALLY ARE! I invite you to reflect on your own greatness and unique worth and start showing unconditional love toward yourself!

  • The Making of a Great Leader

    08/12/2017 Duração: 54min

    What does a thriving culture look like? What are the "10 Factors that Limit Leadership Effectiveness?" What are the "9 Habits of Successful Leaders?" In this podcast, I share how treating your people right will make all the difference when it comes to long-term sustain performance. I also provide strategies on how to create a THRIVING CULTURE – GUARANTEED!

  • Leadership with Starbucks - Howard Behar

    02/12/2017 Duração: 44min

    My guest in this “Success Interview“ is renown business leader and author Howard Behar. For 21 years, Howard was the president of Starbucks Coffee Company, and during that time, Howard grew Starbucks from 28 stores to 15,000 stores. In this interview, we discuss topics such as leadership, culture, happiness, self-talk, the freedom of making mistakes, and much more. This is an insightful interview full of wisdom that will help you become the BEST leader possible!

  • Happy Thanksgiving!

    23/11/2017 Duração: 10min

    Happy Thanksgiving! This is a wonderful time of year. Now and next month is hopefully a time where we turn our focus to the bright things life has to offer. In this podcast, I share a little of my morning playing Turkey Bowl. I also share some thoughts on Gratitude, Appreciation, Generosity. The Law of Gratitude is real. May you use it to help you get where you want to go and become all that you’re capable of becoming.

  • Maximizing SALES Performance 101

    28/09/2017 Duração: 22min

    Recently, I was asked to be a guest on a conference call. The audience was a group of small business owners and sales professionals. I shared with them several simple strategies for maximizing sales results, including building rapport. I also shared the "Law of the Harvest" and the "BSA Results Formula" and how aligning with those principles will increase results!

  • Typical Book Signing after Speaking

    21/09/2017 Duração: 08min

    This is a short clip of the questions and conversations I typically have after speaking. One question: "My fear of failure is so intense… TJ, how did you stay focused when you were in the back of that car writing your book...?" Just thought I would give you an inside peak.

  • Writing a Bestselling Book in the Backseat of my Car

    19/09/2017 Duração: 04min

    Do you have dreams that are still waiting to be unleashed? Are there dreams buried within your mind and heart that are longing to be rekindled? In this podcast, I go back a few years and share what it means to be creative and pay the price to succeed when I wrote my first book in the backseat of my car. In my darkest moment, suddenly speaking engagements started flowing toward me. Believe in possibilities! Watch video here: https://youtu.be/hnFU81Y5JNE

  • 2008 Interview with Cynthia Brian

    18/09/2017 Duração: 15min

    Unlike the interviews that I host with high-achievers, this interview I was on her show, and she was interviewing me. We found this audio file in our archives and thought it would be worth sharing with you. Hope you enjoy!

  • Check Out My Bungalow!

    14/09/2017 Duração: 04min

    Check out my bungalow! ​It's one place where I get my creative juices flowing and a lot of work done. In the bungalow, I write my books, record podcasts, ponder and more. Join me as I give you a quick tour. Enjoy!

  • Success Interview with Mike O'Brien | "Outwork Everybody!"

    12/09/2017 Duração: 36min

    New podcast "Success Interview" with Michael O'Brien. O'Brien is the president and owner founder of the O'Brien Auto Group, which consists of several successful auto dealerships in the Northwest. I serve several of his dealerships with my "Maximizing Sales Performance" workshop. He is also a former NFL player with Seattle Seahawks. In this "Success Interview," we discuss what it takes to be a high achiever in sales and life.

  • How To Become UNSTOPPABLE! with Wayne Allan Root

    08/09/2017 Duração: 48min

    Wow! This was a fired up "Success Interview" with nationally-syndicated talk show host, best-selling author, and "Capitalist Evangelists" – Wayne Allyn Root (W.A.R.) We discussed: How to make yourself confident! How to achieve massive success! The importance of facing your fears. What is your purpose in life? W.A.R.'s answer: Do what you Love and be Relentless! In this interview, Wayne Allyn Root calls it like it is! He holds nothing back!. "Stop complaining and go create something."

  • Life and Success Lessons with Bob Nelson, Ph.D.

    07/09/2017 Duração: 50min

    In today's "Success Interview," I had the privilege of interviewing the best-selling author Bob Nelson, Ph.D. He is a leading authority on employee recognition, motivation, and engagement. He has sold over 5 million copies of his books, including, "1501 Ways to Reward Employees." We discussed the importance of having coaches in your life. Dr. Nelson encourages listeners to participate in what he calls the "what does the ideal day look like for you?" activity. If you've ever wanted to write a book, Dr. Nelson shares ideas for becoming an author and what it means to have tenacity. We discussed the importance of leadership and the impact they have on culture, performance, and motivation. A leader cannot say, "It's not my job to motivate my people." Uh, no. False. Motivation is a leader's responsibility.

  • Keep Your Commitments!

    05/09/2017 Duração: 01min

    Do you want to achieve more? Want to be more confident? Do you want to be respected? Then, get into the habit of keeping your commitments. The commitments you make and keep is a reflection of your character. Be better!

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