Find Your Flow Podcast



The Find Your FlowTM Podcast brings you interviews with expert flowers from all walks of life sharing their experiences and FlowosophiesTM on life and the art of Flow! Just by listening to this podcast you will start to notice more flow in your life in the shape of coincidences, synchronicities, revelations, epiphanies, connections, flow experiences of all kinds!


  • TEDx

    09/09/2023 Duração: 27min

    TEDx! I got to host a stage and speak at TEDx for kids!

  • Managing Expectations

    07/08/2023 Duração: 25min

    Managing expectations, framing the future. Putting your spin on perspective.

  • Zeitgeist

    04/08/2023 Duração: 36min

    Zeitgeist; the spirit of the times.

  • Do The Opposite

    31/07/2023 Duração: 18min

    To paraphrase the late Jim Rohn, If ever you find yourself in a situation, where you do not know what to do, look at what everyone else is doing, and do the opposite.

  • Real estate syndication

    26/07/2023 Duração: 26min

    Real estate syndication. I am writing this description in the year 2023. I don’t quite remember what is in this episode to be honest as it was recorded in 2019. I can tell you, that around that time I got involved with a real estate syndication, and it was a fabulous experience. In retrospect, I am very very happy that I did it. It was a bit of a stretch for me at the time, so I reached out to some coworkers to work together to get into this opportunity. I would absolutely do it again. Now I am older and wiser, and I have more people who do syndication so I have more opportunities in that respect. Part of my bigger picture vision was to be able to have pieces of multiple syndications going at the same time. I am currently not invested in any syndications, but do you have ownership of some fabulous investment properties, and other things in the works that I will discuss at a later time. I was able to successfully exit a syndication a year or two ago, probably the one I recorded this episode about. It was very

  • Doing it for the Cause

    21/07/2023 Duração: 31min

    Doing it for the cause! What cause? Why does it matter?

  • Go With The Flow

    21/07/2023 Duração: 24min

    Go with the flow! Good advice or some lame cliche?

  • Theme and Variations

    18/07/2023 Duração: 21min

    Theme and variations. In music, there was a type of classical music that would often revolve around a theme, and then that theme would be repeated, but with variations of style. In life, sometimes there is a theme, and different variations on that theme. Maybe you recognize the theme right away, maybe it takes a while before the pattern becomes clear to you. How can you benefit from recognizing a theme? How can you benefit from learning to be creative with different variations on a theme?

  • What is Momentum?

    17/07/2023 Duração: 28min

    What is momentum? How do we build it? How do we maintain it? What can momentum do for you?

  • Living Your Dream Life

    10/07/2023 Duração: 17min

    Living your dream life! Is it just a dream or can you make it a reality? Do you even have a clear picture of what your dream life would be? How Claire is it? Do you have it written out? Do you have pictures of it on your wall? Do you talk about it dream about it think about it? Do you have a plan to make it reality? Do you have a timeline? Do you have people supporting you to make it reality? Let’s discuss!

  • How to Lead a Balanced Life

    07/07/2023 Duração: 23min

    How to lead a balanced life. What good is money if you do not have health? Someone who is sick would likely pay money to feel better. What good is having health and money but no family or friends to spend it with? What good is money health and friends? Yes it is. Are used to fill a void that can’t be filled with money Health, friends, and family, because it is spiritual in nature? Living a balanced life is something that many of us unconsciously want but don’t always realize it. The more we can become aware of the need and desire for balance in all areas of life the sooner we can work towards it. That is what this episode is about.

  • The Wins

    02/07/2023 Duração: 18min

    The Wins! CAW! Celebrate All Wins! In the game of life in business, it is important to stay motivated and positive. Keeping focus on the wins can help with this. Small wins, momentum, and help us through the challenges. They build on top of each other into big wins!

  • Update Feb 12th 2019

    29/06/2023 Duração: 30min

    This was an update. I recorded February 12th 2019. With the episodes titled update or captains log I had the intention of recording it and publishing it right away. In many cases the publication was delayed. Here I am right now June 29, 2023 and I’m only now publishing this episode, it’s crazy how time flies by.

  • Untitled

    26/06/2023 Duração: 26min

    “Untitled.” What does it mean to put yourself out there? Have you ever put yourself out there creatively or professionally? Or maybe emotionally? Isn’t it scary sometimes? Has the fear ever prevented you from actually doing it? When have you overcome the fear to take that leap? What would it take to do it for your next goal in life?

  • Perception Is Reality

    25/06/2023 Duração: 23min

    Perception is Reality. If someone believes something to be true, it is true for them, regardless of objective reality or objective truth. The one who controls someone’s perception controls their reality. And who creates perception? How can perception be in Florence? Many people get their perception from the media. The news, movies, pop, culture, celebrities, etc. So if one wanted to shift perception on a large level, would it be possible to focus on the outlets where most people go do you have their perception shape? Is that possible? Has it been done before? And if so, by who, and what was the end result? If it were happening now, who would even notice? What would it look like? Would it be for a good or for evil?

  • Higher Synergy

    24/06/2023 Duração: 10min

    Synergy is when two things benefit from each other. It is a win-win situation. Higher synergy is finding that next level of win-win, the next level of flow. I love this energy because it is two or more things working together for a higher good. This is a post to a parasitic relationship where one thing benefits at the cost of another.

  • The Downward Spiral

    21/06/2023 Duração: 29min

    The downward spiral. What leads to a downward spiral? How does it happen? Is there anyway to turn it around?

  • Self-fulfilling Prophecy

    20/06/2023 Duração: 37min

    A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prophecy that comes true because the prophecy was made. It is kind of a paradox; If the prophecy had not been made, then it could not have come true. It is the energy and awareness that goes out and creates a prophecy in actuality. Abracadabra, I speak it into existence, or, I create as I speak.

  • F—- Cancer

    19/06/2023 Duração: 24min

    F—- Cancer

  • Government Shutdowns

    18/06/2023 Duração: 28min

    This was recorded Jan 11, 2019. I am publishing it today, June 15, 2023.

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