Exit Church Teachings



We are are a group of people seeking to love Jesus, each other, our communities, and the world. We want to understand, express, and live the gospelGod's continual work to restore humanity to wholeness in Himself and establish his Kingdom on earth. These are recordings of the teachings we share every Sunday morning.


  • Psalm 119:17-40

    16/05/2022 Duração: 44min

    God created us not simply for the purpose of obedience but also for us to delight in him. In this sermon, Forrest Brown preaches on how to share the disposition of the Psalmist in enjoying and delighting in the Lord.

  • Luke 12:1-12 (Part 2)

    09/05/2022 Duração: 41min

    In part 2 of this passage, Forrest hones in on the concept of the fear of God. While our culture (and even the church) has neglected the fear of God in recent decades, Jesus points to it as a foundational piece of life. He attributes the fear of God and His affections for you as the antidotes to other fears we have in life--fear of people, poverty, the future, etc. Listen in as God's word challenges us to fear him more. 

  • Luke 12:1-12 (Part 1)

    02/05/2022 Duração: 44min

    Jesus specifically warns His disciples about Hypocrisy in Luke 12. Do you find that you are ever tempted to hide things about yourself from certain people? If so, who are the people in your life whose affections you desire the most? Listen in as Forrest Brown preaches on this first of a two-part series on Luke 12:1-12.

  • Don't Waste Your Life Sunday 2022

    25/04/2022 Duração: 33min

    What is the through line of your life? What is the thing that you're chasing after? Is it a title, a job or a certain salary/level of comfortability? On this year's Don't Waste Your Life Sunday, we commissioned out roughly 75 graduating college seniors to the far ends of the earth and encouraged them to make their lives about making Jesus known.

  • Easter 2022

    18/04/2022 Duração: 55min

    What difference does the resurrection actually make in the life of the believer? Would Jesus' death alone be enough to save us from our sins? Listen in as Forrest Brown and Tim Carpenter share.

  • Luke 11:37-54

    12/04/2022 Duração: 58min

    Have you ever been frustrated with the hypocrisy that is found throughout Christianity and the church? In a recent faith poll among the Exit congregation, hypocrisy was listed as the number one frustration with Christianity. As we see in this Scriptural text, Jesus is even more outraged by it--enough to confront it at personal cost. However, hypocrisy isn't something that simply out in the world; if we're honest, it's also in us. Join us as we sit under Jesus' teaching regarding hypocrisy.

  • Luke 11:29-36

    04/04/2022 Duração: 51min

    In this passage, Jesus says that He will not give any additional signs to the people who are asking Him for them. Do you ever find yourself asking for a sign or proof in order to validate the existence of God or whether Christianity is true? Lean in as Forrest Brown preaches on the Sign of Jonah found in Luke 11.

  • Luke 11:14-28

    28/03/2022 Duração: 54min

    Forrest Brown preaches on Jesus' authority that is high above Satan and his demons. 

  • Luke 11:5-13

    21/03/2022 Duração: 42min

    We are finishing our 2-week series on the topic of prayer, based on Jesus' teaching in Luke 11. In the text, Jesus emphasizes the value of persistence in prayer as well as the goodness of his character in giving the Holy Spirit to those who ask him. The topic brings up the question--what do you think about the idea of God giving you a greater portion of his Spirit in response to your prayers? What if that was the case, while also receiving a "no" to what you are otherwise asking for? Listen in as AJ Gillespie preaches on Luke 11:5-13.

  • Luke 11:1-4 (The Lord's Prayer)

    14/03/2022 Duração: 43min

    It seems that everyone struggles with prayer one way or another. While it's often challenging to sustain a regular prayer life, Jesus welcomes us into a close relationship with God--where believers are invited to address God as our personal Father. And Jesus also gives us a model that we can base our own prayers from. Listen in as Tyler Shirley preaches on the Lord's prayer out of Luke chapter 11. 

  • Luke 10:38-42

    07/03/2022 Duração: 52min

    Forrest Brown preaches on the story of Mary and Martha out of Luke 10. In the story, Mary is sitting at Jesus' feet while Martha is "distracted with much serving (vs. 40)." And Jesus corrects Martha by saying that Mary has chosen the better option--that is, to be with him. In our world of accomplishment and productivity, this same principle falls on us as well. How can we effectively sit at Jesus' feet today?

  • Luke 10:25-37

    27/02/2022 Duração: 48min

    Forrest Brown preaches on the famous story of the Good Samaritan. When a lawyer asks Jesus (what appears to be) a simple question, Jesus utilizes the opportunity to not simply provide an answer but to entirely redirect the lawyer's focus. The man's question was "who do I need to love," and Jesus shows that the correct heart disposition is one that says "who CAN I love?" This begs the question for us--what do the kind of questions I ask Jesus say about my heart towards the Lord? What are better questions I can ask?

  • Luke 10:17-24

    21/02/2022 Duração: 43min

    The Cause of Rejoicing: in this sermon, Alexander "Z" Breytenbach (pastor of Ruah Church in Indianapolis, IN) emphasizes where true joy comes from and where we should look to have joy. In the passage, the 72 followers that had previously been commissioned out to preach about the kingdom, return to Jesus, full of joy and excitement at the signs and wonders that they performed in Jesus' name. Jesus, gently redirects them to find their joy in eternal things, namely that they will be saved to eternal connection with God. Then, Jesus himself prays to the Father, expressing joy that people are responding to the proclamation of the kingdom. May we share in Jesus' joy at the spread of his gospel!

  • Luke 10:12-16

    14/02/2022 Duração: 56min

    Do you find that Hell and the wrath of God are offensive to you or have those concepts ever been offensive to you? What do you do with those feelings? Two warnings are given concerning the topic of Hell in this passage. Forrest Brown peraches on our disposition in our questions for God in light of the reality of the coming judgement. 

  • Luke 10:1-11

    07/02/2022 Duração: 40min

    In this iconic passage, Jesus informs his followers that there is a massive harvest but only a few laborers. So he commands his hearers to pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out more laborers. Then Jesus immediately commissions 72 others to go and preach the kingdom. Do we pray earnestly for more laborers? Do we see ourselves on mission as well? If so, what kind of mission? Forrest Brown preaches on realigning our mission to the mission that Jesus gives here. 

  • Luke 9:57-62

    30/01/2022 Duração: 53min

    In one of the most challenging texts in all of Scripture, Jesus tells those that want to follow him what he is worth. That to follow Jesus means that he comes before our homes, possessions, career, dreams, even family. Jesus challenges them (and us) to do the internal work of evaluating our values and seeing whether Jesus is the top of that list. Because that is the only place that is fit for him.

  • Luke 9:46-56

    24/01/2022 Duração: 45min

    Tim Carpenter preaches on the disunity of the disciples in the midst of Jesus predicting his own death. Their self-centeredness left them headed in different directions. Tim challenges us to be unified as believers across political and denominational boundaries to be unified together in prayer.

  • Vision Sunday 2022

    17/01/2022 Duração: 01h04min

    Forrest Brown and Tyler Shirley share who Exit is, where the church is going this year and how they sense the Lord leading them to place extra emphasis on prayer. Jake T., an international worker, also provides insight into how the Lord has grown him in prayer.

  • Luke 9:37-45

    10/01/2022 Duração: 46min

    Forrest Browns preaches on Jesus' authority over demons and the value of prayer in the life of a believer. Additionally, the centrality of the cross is central to this passage as Jesus again predicts his death.

  • Luke 9:27-36

    04/01/2022 Duração: 52min
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