Eternal Leadership



Our mission is to equip and inspire leaders to accomplish what God has inspired in them. There comes a point in life where one desires to live a life of significance. The Eternal Leadership podcast brings you expert thought leaders on life, business, relationships and faith to provide clarity and solutions to the complex issues leaders face every day!


  • 054 Dean Patino | Keys To Igniting Your Life

    16/06/2015 Duração: 38min

    Click here for the resources from our interview with Dean 

  • 053 Dorie Clark | Develop A Breakthrough Idea

    11/06/2015 Duração: 42min

    Click Here for the resources from our interview with Dorie   Stand Out And Live A Full Life "It's part of your unique gift as a human being that you see things differently than other people and it's almost an obligation, one could argue, if you are going to live your life fully you need to step up and share your talents and share your vision!" - Dorie Clark Would you like to make a bigger impact on the world? My friend Dorie Clark - who’s a professor at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, a contributor to Forbes and the Harvard Business Review, and a former presidential campaign spokeswoman – interviewed more than 50 top thought leaders to understand how they developed their breakthrough ideas and built a following around them. In her new book Stand Out, she’s distilled their wisdom down and created a framework so that regular men and women can follow those same principles to gain more career security, become respected in their company and in their field, and have a greater impact on the world. It's

  • 052 Stephen De Silva | A Paradigm Shift For Prosperity

    09/06/2015 Duração: 45min

    Click Here for the resoucres from this episode   Severing the Destructive Roots that Are Holding You Back “[Instead of] a victim paradigm in my head that things happen to me, or life happens to me, I realized…that I need to happen to life.” –Stephen De Silva In this episode, you will hear about Stephen’s journey from success in business and ministry to complete burnout and a near breakdown. Don’t mistake your role for your purpose! You will learn how God healed him and showed him how to truly prosper in all areas of his life—and how YOU can too! “Marketplace people, we work hard; we exhaust ourselves and we don’t understand the idea of rest and what Christ means when He says, ‘I am your rest.’” –Stephen De Silva You Will Learn How true prosperity is the condition of your soul, not your wallet How to experience financial breakthroughs and healing How to identify and grow into whatever God has in store for you How RESTING can actually INCREASE your prosperity How to identify and cut out “roots” in your life th

  • 051 Don Ankenbrandt | Discover Your Place In God's Story

    04/06/2015 Duração: 48min

    Click Here for the resources from this episode. We will be giving away a free copy of The 210 Project.  Register Here to enter! 3 Keys To Find Your Life Mission "What He has done is created you beautifully, you are his masterpiece.  You have enormous value, not only to God but to the world.  You have got to understand who you are and how you are gifted to see where you fit." - Don Ankenbrandt After going through the Halftime Institute and finding his calling, Don Ankenbrandt was so inspired he pulled together a team to write the 210 Project. The 210 Project is designed to help you answer the two most pressing questions to help you find your place in God’s story. Why am I here? What does God really want me to do with my life? All of us long for the answer to these questions and it can only be found when we connect to the One who made us and when we discover where we fit in His Story. Even if we know that God has not left us out of his plan, we struggle to know… The 210 Project answers these questions through

  • 049 Lance Wallnau | Doing Business Supernaturally

    28/05/2015 Duração: 26min

    2000 years ago a carpenter from Galilee went about His father's business doing the supernatural everywhere He went, but for Him, it was natural. Click here for the resources from this post.

  • 048 John Garfield | Releasing Kings

    26/05/2015 Duração: 41min

    Click Here for the resources and links from John's interview "When you stand up there and tell people that God is smart enough and wise enough to wire you to naturally pursue His desires, when you reach a certain level of maturity, it's like waves of inner healing go across the room." - John Garfield In this interview with John Garfield you’ll learn that marketplace ministry is the passion that starts when God connects your job, business, ministry, and life purpose into one package. Entrepreneurs (like you) in your workplace or your home business bring a creative health to cash flow, co-workers and customers. Marketplace ministry begins with your dream or hobby; a desire that God put in your heart – an entrepreneurial spirit that replaces that paycheck-to-paycheck mentality with a new optimism, financial health, and a new ability to make others successful.  this is a riveting story of freedom from a poverty mentality.  John shares how to connect with the favor God already has on your life. John shares that

  • 047 Sandra Crawford Williamson | What 9/11 Taught Me

    21/05/2015 Duração: 49min

    Click Here for all the transcript and resoucres from Sandra's interview

  • 046 Frank Gustafson | Key Ingredients To Great Success

    19/05/2015 Duração: 38min

    Click Here for a ink to the resources from Frank's Interview   When Frank sold his last company and moved back to Texas in early 2013, He was looking for a new adventure. Frank has spent the last 30+ years in leadership, management, executive leadership and as an entrepreneur. During these 30 years there wasn’t much he didn’t do. He spent time in all phases of business. He worked a TON of hours and made a great living. That living made a great life for his family. They had ups and downs, fat years and lean years (monetarily and physically). In the eyes of the world he seemed to get lucky each time he made a new move. Some of his moves were calculated and some of them were based on a gut feel. Frank believes that life is made up of BoldMoves. These do not have to be daring feats of heroism. They can be normal every-day decisions, that can and will impact the future in a great and meaningful way. "Do you realize that 86% of working Americans today are either disengaged or actively disengaged in their work? Tha

  • 044 Steve Reiter | Out Of The Wilderness

    12/05/2015 Duração: 42min

    A Journey From Works To Sonship Click Here for to see the post for this episode In this episode my friend and co-host shares his journey.  Steve started out in Wisconsin and felt called to work in broadcasting.  You will hear an incredible journey of how Steve went through many trials and tribulations in his life.  Each one was used by God to shape who he was for the next season. Have you ever had those times in your life where you felt that you were "all in" and the works you were doing should be rewarded by both the world and by God?  Steve shares how he got to a point of total burnout and realized that everything he thought should be working was broken.  You will hear how Steve walked through a very difficult time and found a path that led him to peace! A trip to Darfur and seeing the peace in the eyes of a widow who had endured indescribable evil reset everything in Steve's world.  He shares a key insight that will inspire you in your own life and open new possibilities in your faith.  God used this exper

  • 043 Coaches Corner with Leadership Coach Lori Schofer

    07/05/2015 Duração: 34min

    Coaches Corner Click HERE for the link to this episode and great resources The goal of coaching is to accelerate a leader's development.  Coaching speeds learning time, enabling leaders to make significant leaps in learning and behavior change in a matter of months rather than years.   Our goal is to add value to you by addressing the questions you have submitted.  Please comment below so we can include your question on the next episode!   Leadership and leadership coach, Lori Schofer, answers questions from our audience How do you handle a difficult conversation with a business partner? What are ways to maintain balance between work, family and faith? Feeling out of balance can cause a lot of stress. what do you think the reason behind the reason of that feeling is? Resources Level Up Now Coaching  Professional Christian Coaching Institute - A great resource for leaders and coaches Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman Crucial Conversations - Kerry Patterson Bio Lori Schofer is a Speaker, Blogger, and Fo

  • 042 Andy Mason | A Dream So Big It Scares You

    05/05/2015 Duração: 41min

    For all of the links for this episode CLICK HERE “If your dreams don’t scare you, then they’re not big enough. Dream bigger! The world is waiting to see what your God is really like—so dream big.” -Andy Mason Andy Mason has become an expert at helping others identify their God-given dreams, and just as importantly, take the practical steps necessary in turning those dreams into reality. What would you do if nothing was impossible? What would you do if you were ten times more courageous? What things would you like to change in the world? What are some fun things you would like to do? What are the big things you want to do? Andy has helped countless people realize their dreams and begin a positive “ripple effect” in their cities, their nations, and their world. He has helped employers build strong teams and have an impact on their employees’ lives far greater and farther-reaching than the bottom line. In this podcast and his resources, he details how you too can achieve dreams that exceed even your lifetime.

  • 041 Diane Paddison | Achieve Your God-Given Potential

    30/04/2015 Duração: 41min

    Click Here for the blog post and resources from this episode “Our real vision…is that we will help women—through God’s hand leading us—see that their faith should be a part of every minute of every day, that their relationships should be their priority, and that their work is a place God has called them to be.” –Diane Paddison At the age of sixteen, Diane Paddison was leading crews of eighty people on her family’s Oregon farm. As an adult, she was often the sole woman in Fortune 500 and 1000 boardrooms. Diane realized the crucial importance of a mentor early on, and now pays it forward mentoring countless women through her website and her book, “Work, Love and Pray.” Through trials of her own, Diane learned how to pray fervently, stay grounded in God’s Word and surround herself with a support system of women who were fellow believers. She also went through the “Half Time” system, where she realized that God had prepared her with her experiences professionally and relationally, with a firm fou

  • 040 Bob Burg | Ultimate Success

    28/04/2015 Duração: 42min

    Be A Go Giver Click Here to the link to this episode and all the great resources “Let’s look at the leader who is very focused on bringing value to those he or she serves. They are looking not just to have a bunch of followers who are going to be lackeys who do what they say, they are looking to empower people.” –Bob Burg In this podcast, Bob shares the many valuable resources he has used to become an internationally acclaimed author, speaker and leader. He describes how he learned that, by shifting from an “I” focus to an “others” focus, he has achieved success in every aspect of his life. “If someone believes their job is to go out there and make the sale, then it’s all about them. If they believe their job is to go out and create the environment where that person willingly buys because they know it is in their best interest to do so, then it is all about the other person. And that’s exactly where the focus should be.” –Bob Burg   What You Will Learn: What it means to be a “go-giver” How to adapt other

  • 039 Eric Lind | Restoration & Redemption

    23/04/2015 Duração: 55min

    This is the link to the blog post from the show, a transcript and the resources.

  • 038 Becca Greenwood | Breaking Through Strongholds

    21/04/2015 Duração: 53min

    For the full post and great resources CLICK HERE   “Where are we limiting ourselves? What are the lies that we have embraced because of our life circumstances or things that have happened that would keep us or hold us back from the fullness of identity that the Lord has for us?” –Rebecca Greenwood   From an early age, Rebecca Greenwood struggled with strongholds in her life: anger, depression and multiple fears. She feared authority figures, displeasing others, heights, the dark…even while she was a church youth leader and member of the worship team.   Through a process that she describes in this podcast, Rebecca learned how to break free from these strongholds through uncovering their root causes and allowing God to heal them.  She shares how you can find freedom and lasting peace through this process, and help others to do the same.   “We will want in our personal lives to see God's kingdom extended wherever He has placed us…We can be totally bold and humble all at the same time.”-Rebecca Greenwood   You w

  • Mini Episode | 5 Imperatives Of A Great Leader

    20/04/2015 Duração: 07min

    Learn the characteristics of leadership that will equip the next generation and make you better  

  • 037 Lloyd Reeb | Success To Significance

    16/04/2015 Duração: 52min

    The Keys To Creating An Impact That Outlives You! Here is a link to this great interview: “The biggest mistake successful men and women do at midlife, when they're on a quest for renewal, is that they jump to the solution too quickly. They don't take the time to get clear on who they are: their strengths, their passions and their calling. They jump to, “Where could I serve?” And they take board roles or they leave their platform in corporate America or sell their company, whether they're sure if they really need it or not.” - Lloyd Reeb Lloyd Reeb started his career as a successful real estate developer when he was only a teenager. He borrowed the money from his father to purchase his first piece of land, and paid him back with interest. Upon graduating from college, Lloyd began building subdivisions. He experienced great financial success through his thriving business. Eventually, however, some important questions began nagging him. “But there was a point when I began

  • 036 Kevin Adams | How To Weather The Storms

    14/04/2015 Duração: 44min

    This link will bring you to all of the great resources from the show

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