Guided Meditation Podcast



Begin a new day, create the space for peace, healing and transformation


  • 131…Healing Triangle Soul Connection


    In today's meditation you will be taken on a journey within and connect deep within to your Soul. Receive a message from your soul especially for you, let go and heal.

  • 130…Healing Circle


    In today's guided meditation podcast we connect to out soul healing group and set the intention to send healing to ourselves and to the ones we love.

  • 129…Whale Energy Release


    Escape to the beach is today's Guided Meditation Podcast. Release the old energy and connect to the whale song. As you relax and let yourself go glide into the frequency and allow relaxation to spread throughout your body.

  • 128…Internal Garden


    Soak up the green ray as you connect with your heart chakra. As you connect to your heart, feel a garden created by your making spring from your intuition. Relaxing the body and mind, as you let go of the week. 

  • 127 Cleansing with your tribe


    This guided Meditation is a wonderful opportunity to let go of the past and future by connecting with your present moment.  Forgive yourself, free yourself and transform yourself.

  • 126…Pine Forest To Healing Cave


    Today's Guided Meditation is time for reflection and releasing. Walk through the pine forest and connect with the elements found in nature. Drop through the Earth to the crystal cave and return feeling uplifted and relaxed. 

  • 125…Sacral Fire


    Draw in all of your fragmented energy.  Be guided today into the energy of the sacral chakra. As you are presented to choice look for the better feeling situation. Cleanse yourself and release into the sacral fire.

  • 124…Bus Stop


    At the bus stop you are invited to explore emotion and awareness. Today's Meditation is for releasing the past and clearing any attachments. By invoking your awareness you are able to connect with the real you, the awareness self that observes all situations you find yourself in.

  • 123…New Year Reset


    Know that letting go and leaving the past in the past allows you to make a fresh start of 2019.

  • 122…Protection Bubble


    We all need a little protection. Not because there are bad things coming our way. We need a little awareness around what is potentially affecting our energy. Be ready by becoming familiar with what is yours and what is not. Happy New Year!!! Let's start the new year with awareness.

  • 121…Full Moon Canyon Release


    Experience the connection to Mother Earth as you broaden your awareness and hear the messages she sends you within this meditation.

  • 120…Golden Gateway energetic cleansing


    In today's deep cleansing meditation we begin with connecting to the divine and grounding to mother Earth. Acknowledge the whispers of the body and open our hearts to connect to love. Share this love with yourself and all. Expand your energy and feel the vastness of the universe.

  • 119…Healing in the Jade Forest


    Surround yourself with the colour Jade. Feel the serenity and tranquility of this colour, the love and nurturing effect this colour has on your energy field can completely relax you and have a healing effect.

  • 118…Sacral Clearing


    Today we dig even deeper and clear away connections to people who need to be forgiven and released so you can step into your now free from the chains of the past.

  • 117…High Heart Clearing


    Release deep sadness that sits within the high heart. Now is the time to really address the deep feelings that are bubbling to the surface.

  • 116…Connected to Oneness


    Today is about just relaxing and connecting to Oneness. Balance your Chakras with the colour rays activating your energy body.

  • 115…Energy Protection and Cutting Ties


    Today's Guided Meditation on Guided Meditation Podcast is getting us ready for the New Moon. There is nothing better than setting up your energetic protection and cutting ties that no longer serve you as you head into the new moon phase.

  • 114…Chakra Affirmation Meditation


    Balance this week as we move through the Chakras of the body and work with the affirmations that will help the energy flow more freely throughout your body.

  • 113…The Temple


    Are you feeling heavy? This meditation will lift you up, shed what is no longer needed, give you guidance and connect you with your inner temple.

  • 112…Quan Yin’s Garden


    Float along the path that leads you to Quan Yin's garden.  Connect with loved ones and guides and be with the one's who turn up for you in this space.

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