I've Got Nothing To Say (but It's Okay)



I've Got Nothing To Say (but it's okay) is a podcast about whatever happens to come out of my mouth when the recorder is turned on.


  • 020 - What?

    18/04/2016 Duração: 26min

    I'm here. It's now. I'm Joe. That's pretty much all I know.

  • 019 - Be Nice

    11/04/2016 Duração: 47min

    In a parallel universe, I performed at The Comedy Store open mic tonight. In this universe (thanks to a special show replacing the open mic), I recorded a podcast episode (in my car) instead.

  • 018 - Monday Afternoon Quarterback

    04/04/2016 Duração: 01h25s

    Last night, I did a 3-minute set at The Comedy Store's open mic. In today's podcast episode, I spend an hour talking about it. Actually, I spend most of the hour talking about tangential things that have occurred over the past 35 years... then I (eventually) talk about last night's 3-minute set.

  • 017 - (My) Truth

    01/04/2016 Duração: 42min

    This episode is my antidote to the poisonous April Fools Day. Rather than spread stupid (and unfunny) "jokes" (i.e., lies), I take a deep-dive into some of my personal truth(s). Most notably, I pull no punches when it comes to my feelings about the two other surviving members of my family who moved from Wisconsin to California 50 years ago today.

  • 016 - Sober(ing) Thoughts

    19/03/2016 Duração: 53min

    I didn't feel like doing anything, which (ironically) led me to doing this. One "serious" topic I talk about is my (relatively) new-found sobriety. Aside from that, I talk a whole lot about very little. And that, my friend(s), was the goal.

  • 015 - Philosophizing

    15/03/2016 Duração: 29min

    Welcome back, stream-of-consciousness. Long time, no see. Actually, that's not totally true. Every episode has a dose of stream-of-consciousness. But this one is all about the stream. Which means it's back to being true to the title of this podcast [i.e., I've Got Nothing To Say (but it's okay)]. I did have one topic in mind before hitting "record", and that topic is "fuck the news". But this episode isn't all about that. In fact, I don't even mention that until I'm way into the stream.

  • 014 - Feeling Excellent!!

    05/03/2016 Duração: 20min

    It's probably safe to assume that I'm not going to be the new voice of Jack (in the Box). So, I talk about that... and some other stuff (e.g., using my good microphone [to be professional and shit], the iTunes explicit tag, roaster coasters, pink/purple elephants, green cats, _not_ politics, and reality). Are there any "lessons learned" from the experience of being so close to becoming the spokesperson of a major fast-food chain? Probably not.

  • 013 - Feeling Existential!!

    01/03/2016 Duração: 20min

    Am I still thinking (and talking) about that "voice of Jack (in the Box)" thing? Yes, I am. But (hopefully) not for much longer. Like everything in life, this (too) shall pass. In the meantime, in this episode I'm focusing (somewhat) on the thought that hit me regarding how odd it is (to me) that this "voice of Jack (in the Box)" thing wasn't even a thing two weeks ago. But since it has become a thing, it has been a thing that's been occupying way too much of my brain/life.

  • 012 - Feeling Exhausted!!

    26/02/2016 Duração: 13min

    I'm living the old movie trope of the struggling actor waiting impatiently by the phone hanging on the wall in the hallway of his rat-infested tenement building. Every waking hour is spent thinking about receiving the "life-changing news" that I'm the one. The chosen one. The new voice of Jack (in the Box). Luckily for me, I'm not that movie-trope-struggling-actor. Not getting this gig won't mean I'll go hungry, or go back to Kansas. But I still want the gig. Problem is, a person can only sustain excited anticipation for so long. So, after screwing conventional wisdom for the past couple of days, I'm exhausted. And I'm thinking maybe it's time for a return to the conventional wisdom of "letting it go".

  • 011 - Feeling Excited!!

    24/02/2016 Duração: 20min

    Screw conventional wisdom. I'm excited. I had an audition today (a call-back, actually) to be the new voice of Jack (in the Box). Afterwards, I did the usual thing of keeping a cap on my emotions (because that's what you're "supposed to do"). But fuck that. I'm now allowing myself to be excited. This is a unique moment in my life. Whether or not I get this gig, tonight is the closest I've come to something like this. Anticipation is a cool thing to feel. I don't give a crap about the advice that says I should "let it go". I am EXCITED!!

  • 010 - Whaddya Know?

    01/04/2015 Duração: 17min

    Yet another combination of music and talking. Mostly talking. Though the climax and/or focus is on songwriting. But before the climax, there's some foreplay involving stuff about alcohol (see "As Usual").

  • 009 - Musical Meandering III

    29/03/2015 Duração: 25min

    Another combination of singing and talking. Mostly singing. And unlike the previous talking/singing installments, this one is purely cover tunes. No improvised songwriting.

  • 008 - Musical Meandering II

    04/03/2015 Duração: 21min

    Does twice in a row make a habit? Probably not. It's like asking when a hill becomes a mountain. Habitual or not, this episode is much like last week's episode. That is, it contains more singing than talking. Part of the music is my own stuff off the top of my head, and part is covering other people's stuff.

  • 007 - Musical Meandering

    26/02/2015 Duração: 21min

    This episode is a bit different. Even more different than the others. Aside from being the shortest episode, it's also more about singing than talking. I set out to record a very short song fragment (so I wouldn't forget it), and ended up keeping the recorder turned-on for a musical stream of consciousness.

  • 006 - Alcohol

    17/12/2014 Duração: 58min

    Topic, anyone? Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this episode actually has a topic. No more of that stream-of-consciousness crap. Well, actually, there's plenty of off-the-cuff stuff in between the planned words. But at least this episode has some structure. Whether or not that makes it more interesting is up to you to decide. As for me, it was a lot less pressure talking about something in particular versus nothing in general.

  • 005 - Accidental

    17/10/2014 Duração: 42min

    This was an accidental episode. I was just going to record a note to myself about the fact that I didn't want to do an episode, and that I'm at a point in my life where I generally don't do things that I don't want to do... and (ironically) I ended up recording an episode.

  • 004 - Unmotivated

    22/09/2014 Duração: 30min

    I'm not happy with this episode. I was not in the mood to do it, and it shows. I still feel it's important to share this because... something about artistic integrity, I suppose.

  • 003 - Mulligan/Punt/Reboot

    15/09/2014 Duração: 01h01min

    Forget about the first two episodes. This is the true first episode. I call BS on myself about the zero expectations thing. Of course I have expectations! And to prove it, the episode closes with me setting the lofty goal of pursuing Chris Hardwick (aka The Nerdist) as a guest -- IF (and ONLY IF) I podcast consistently for a year.

  • 002 - Who knew?

    08/09/2014 Duração: 01h30s

    It's now officially a weekly podcast. Episode #2. Who knew?

  • 001 - Kickoff!

    01/09/2014 Duração: 59min

    This week I get things started by turning on the voice recorder and challenging myself to talk for an hour. Next week, I'm challenging my beard to refrain from making any (annoying) scratching noises against the microphone.

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