Loa Recon With The Good Vibe Coach



Manifesting tips, tricks and real life stories from Master Certified Coach (and official manifesting geek) Jeannette Maw, founder of Good Vibe University. Designed for conscious creators ready to amp up their law of attraction results. Find more LOA inspiration at http://goodvibeblog.com.


  • Letting It Get Even Better

    11/11/2022 Duração: 24min

    When things are not going according to preference, that's a good time to remember your manifesting skills ... You can use contrast as your cue to let things get even better than they would have been otherwise. That's the reminder I got when Samson's birthday package went awol. Tune in for inspiration to "even better" your next problem ... 

  • The Magic of Looking for It

    04/11/2022 Duração: 19min

    Are you engaging the magic of looking for what you want? Whether it's a healthier body, better relationship, more abundance, happiness, satisfaction or whatever it might be ... When you get better at looking for it, you're bound to manifest more than you ever imagined possible.

  • What's Your Mantra?

    28/10/2022 Duração: 27min

    If you haven't put the power of a mantra to work in your world yet, this episode may inspire you to. Using words to activate vibrations that shift your reality is a fun manifesting game to play! But the truth is you're probably already using mantras to create your reality whether you realize it or not ... So the question is, what's your mantra?

  • Reversing Downward Spirals

    21/10/2022 Duração: 14min

    If you find yourself in a downward spiral, there are simple things you can do to turn it around. Here is LOA savvy advice for suspending negative momentum and creating an upward spiral instead ...

  • Piercing the Veil of Problems

    14/10/2022 Duração: 20min

    Earlier this year I believed I had a giant problem, until I saw it for what it really was.  Ever since then I've had trouble believing in all problems the way I used to. This story is shared to invite you to the same problem-piercing magic.  If you're ready to disappear a problem, this might do the trick.

  • Find Your Manifesting Style

    06/10/2022 Duração: 14min

    As with many things, there isn't just one right way to approach conscious creation. Don't give up if you haven't found what works for you yet. Keep experimenting until you find the manifesting style that serves you best!

  • Solving Impossible Problems

    29/09/2022 Duração: 18min

    When you're looking at an impossible-to-solve problem in your life, that's a good time to remember your conscious creation powers. All we have to do is dial off the problem and onto the feeling of the solution, and Universe responds in kind. This is my most recent example of giving up the routine of trying to solve it myself and making room for magic on an impossible problem.  

  • In My Vortex Is ...

    25/09/2022 Duração: 12min

    When you notice you're grumbling about something or a situation is irritating you, that's a good time to refocus your attention. Here's a simple technique to do exactly that …

  • The Manifesting Magic of Ignoring It

    18/09/2022 Duração: 17min

    It wasn't a deliberate manifesting strategy when I declared 2022 as the year of no men, but I shouldn't have been surprised when relief and enjoyment led to an unexpected romance. This episode is about how sometimes not focusing on what you want is an effective way to let it in, too ...

  • Liking What You've Got

    10/09/2022 Duração: 12min

    Sometimes when we're in a situation that isn't easily changed, the LOA savvy thing to do is decide that it's good. Yes, there are occasions where this doesn't apply, but many of us are well-served when we exert our power to choose to like what we've got.

  • In Order to See It Out There ...

    04/09/2022 Duração: 24min

    When we keep observing what’s already so, we get more of the same. So when we want something different, we lead the way by seeing it in our mind's eye first.  Law of attraction can't deliver what we haven’t become. It can only give us what we’ve been practicing. That's why it's worth making sure you're seeing it within before you expect to see it without.

  • Two Ways to Do It

    27/08/2022 Duração: 11min

    No matter what we're doing, what matters most is the vibration we bring to it. Our actions don't help if we engage them with a contrary vibe. That's why it's worth making sure we've got good vibes flowing for whatever actions we choose to do.

  • Manifest a Financial Windfall

    24/08/2022 Duração: 26min

    In the mood to manifest a financial windfall? This episode is a real time activation for creating extra money out of the blue now! It includes my recently tested template for manifesting a multi-four figure windfall in just a few days, and draws from our collective success in calling in rain from an earlier episode.

  • Contrast on Purpose

    18/08/2022 Duração: 34min

    If you find out your angels were giggling while you were upset about losing your job, your marriage, your home, or anything else that seemed like a big bad deal to you - it might be because they knew it was in service of something even better. This is my rattlesnake training story about why sometimes it's good to experience big contrast.

  • Dealer's Choice for Conscious Creators

    12/08/2022 Duração: 12min

    When there's different ways to see it, or when it's time to conclude what’s what, remember it's always dealer's choice - and you're the dealer! If you don’t like the hand that's been dealt, or when there are different ways to call it - it's your call to make.  When you're willing to choose in favor of your desires, you can deal yourself some nice hands. 

  • Calling In Rain (or Whatever You Desire)

    06/08/2022 Duração: 20min

    In our second year of extreme drought, I've been using manifesting powers to call in glorious rain. This is a quick example of how I've been doing that, offered to inspire you to put your conscious creation skills to work on whatever you want to create in your world: romance, clients, money, health, adventure, etc. Just replace rain with the topic of your desire and let Universe bring it on!

  • Manifest a Healing

    29/07/2022 Duração: 27min

    What's the trick to manifesting a healing? Whether it's physical pain, long form covid, adrenal fatigue, or whatever ails the body, the key to success is dropping resistance to the condition. Being able to receive the gift of it is a solid sign we're resistance-free. That can be easier said than done, but the results speak for themselves ...

  • B.S. Spotting Skills

    22/07/2022 Duração: 15min

    Between phishing scams, social media bots, fake news, and deepfake videos, we've gotten pretty good at spotting a bunchacrap out and about in the world. It's worth putting those same skills to work in filtering out our own B.S., too (aka gremlin lies, inner critic, etc.), because conscious creators know thoughts matter.

  • Good to Self

    15/07/2022 Duração: 12min

    Do you know how to be good to yourself? Most of us would say of course, and yet there are some obvious ways in which we aren't that good to self. This stands out most to me when I ask fellow creators how they celebrated their birthday.  This is a friendly reminder to treat yourself well on your birthday and every day.  

  • Donkeys, Doctors and Developers

    08/07/2022 Duração: 15min

    They can't give us what we're not the vibration of. As evidenced by recent encounters with donkeys, doctors, and developers. This episode is all about remembering we can only get what we vibrate.

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