Awaken The Healing - Reclaim Your Life!



Awaken The Healing ~ Reclaim Your Life is raising consciousness one listener at a time, by stimulating the hidden power that lies within each of us. The knowledge shared on this show will transform your life by empowering you to take action and Reclaim Your Life! This show will help you tap into the intuitive knowledge that is within you, and this in turn will help you remember your purpose. Your purpose will ignite your passion, and you will become inspired to live the life you were born to live. The time has come for you to Reclaim Your Life and live the life of your dreams, because there is Greatness within you!


  • Awakening Thoughts ~ "Keep Aligning with The Light"

    22/06/2023 Duração: 01min

    In today's Message from Spirit, we are reminded that our power is in the Light. We must stay on course and release what no longer serves us. Tune in to hear today's Message from Spirit! #AwakenNow  #Transformation  #Empowerment  #TheAwakening

  • Awakening Thoughts ~ "You Are Creating Your Reality"

    13/06/2023 Duração: 01min

    In today's message from Spirit, we are reminded that our thoughts are being attracted into our lives. So whatever we are thinking about during our day, is being attracted into our reality. This is a GREAT Reminder! Tune in for more! #AwakeningThoughts   #Transformation  #ChangeYourReality  #SelfEmpowerment 

  • Awakening Thoughts ~ "You Have The Power to Change the World"

    31/05/2023 Duração: 01min

    In this message from Spirit, we are reminded of how Powerful we are. Tune in to hear today's "Awakening Thought", so you can be inspired to be your Powerful Self! #Transformation  #Power   #TheAwakening

  • Awakening Thoughts ~ "You Are Awakening"

    18/05/2023 Duração: 01min

    In today's message from Spirit, we are told that humanity is Awakening, no matter how quiet it may appear. Spirit tells us that we are all connected and as one Awakens, we ALL Awaken! Tune in to hear today's message from Spirit... #AwakenNow  #Transformation  #CHANGE  #Empowerment  #AwakenTheHealing

  • Episode 241 "You Must Raise Your Energy"

    10/05/2023 Duração: 14min

    In today's episode, Trenayce brings us a message from Spirit about the need to evolve the energy that dwells within us. This energy has the ability to Awaken our Supernatural Powers. Tune in to find out how you can Awaken Your Powers by Raising Your Energy! #AwakenYourPower  #Transformation  #Awakening  #EvolutionofHumanity  

  • Awakening Thoughts ~ "Your Frequency is Everything"

    30/04/2023 Duração: 01min

    In today's Awakening Thought, we are reminded of the importance of our Frequency. What we feel and think, creates ripples through the Universe and attracts the like of that vibration back to us. Tune in to hear today's "Message From Spirit". #VibrationsAttract  #LawofAttraction  #SelfEmpowerment  #Awakening

  • Wow! Say That Again (Episode 4 - ATH)

    24/04/2023 Duração: 01min

    This is a Blast from the Past! This is one of our top episodes. This poem from Spirit, "You Were Born With Wings" will inspire you to reach for greater heights in your life. Enjoy!  #Transformation  #Awakening  #Wow

  • Episode 240 "And The Truth Shall Make You Free"

    15/04/2023 Duração: 07min

    In today's Episode of Awaken The Healing, Trenayce brings us a message about an ancient scroll that was found and how the information on that scroll makes us question what we have been taught. We must begin to question everything and look deeper for our answers. As we put the pieces together, we will begin to see a very different picture, than the one we have been given. It's time to Awaken and to take Your Power Back! Tune in to find out more... #AncientTruth  #Awakening  #Empowerment  #TruthvsLies  #AwakenNow

  • Awakening Thoughts ~ "Stay Clear on Your Mission"

    07/04/2023 Duração: 01min

    In today's Message from Spirit, we are reminded to stay focused. It is easy to get distracted in life, but we are here on a mission. In order for us to reach our goal, we must continue to raise our vibration. Joy is the fastest way to accomplish this. Tune in to hear this message from Spirit! #Transformation   #Awakening  #Joy   #MessagesfromSpirit  #AwakentheHealing

  • Episode 239 "The Inception of New Earth" part 2

    29/03/2023 Duração: 11min

    In today's episode, Trenayce brings us a message from Spirit to become the Masters of our Dream State. This is a continuation of the discussion in Part 1. We are living in a time, when our dream state is becoming our "Battleground". The fight is for your mind, because whoever controls your mind, will automatically control your body and life. This is a Must Hear!!! Tune in for more information on the Inception of New Earth..... #Transformation   #AwakenNow  #InceptionofNewEarth  #SelfEmpowerment

  • Awakening Thoughts ~ "Keep Reaching for the Light"

    24/03/2023 Duração: 01min

    In this Message from Spirit, we are reminded to keep our head up, no matter how dark, or negative things seem to get. We are to keep reaching for the Light. The Light is the only reality and darkness is an illusion. No matter what, Never Stop reaching for the Light! #AwakenNow  #ThePowerofLight  #Transformation  #AwakenTheHealing 

  • Wow! Say That Again (Episode 200 - ATH)

    14/03/2023 Duração: 07min

    In this edited replay of Episode 200, of Awaken The Healing ~ Reclaim Your Life, we are reminded that we are living in Powerful times. "New Earth" is being birthed in our consciousness and in the world around us. What part will you play? You need to hear this again! #AwakenNow  #NewEarth  #Transformation  #SayThatAgain

  • Awakening Thoughts ~ "Be Resilient"

    06/03/2023 Duração: 01min

    In today's Awakening Thought, Spirit reminds us to be "Resilient" and to bounce back when we face obstacles in our lives. We are living in a time of great change on the planet, so we must be able to find our Joy, in spite of what is going on around us. This is our POWER!! Tune in to hear today's message from Spirit.... #Transformation   #Healing  #MessagefromSpirit  #Joy  #Peace  #Love

  • Awakening Thoughts ~ "Release Everything that No Longer Serves You"

    24/02/2023 Duração: 01min

    In today's Message from Spirit, we are reminded that we must let go of everything in our lives, that does not serve us. This is a tough lesson, but we all must learn it. Our Transformation depends on it. Tune in to hear today's message from Spirit! #Transformation  #Awakening  #SelfEmpowerment

  • Episode 238 "The Inception of New Earth" part 1

    17/02/2023 Duração: 21min

    In this episode of Awaken The Healing, Trenayce brings us a Profound message from Spirit about the "Inception" of "New Earth". What does this mean? She explains it and it is a powerful message. It is time for the Light Family to Rise & Shine, if we are going to save our planet. There is No Time to Waste! Tune in for more... #Inception   #NewEarth  #Transformation  #Awakening  #Rise&Shine

  • Awakening Thoughts ~ "Awaken Your Powers"

    14/02/2023 Duração: 01min

    In today's Message from Spirit, Trenayce reminds us of our Power. We must begin to tap into our Super Human Power to Activate Change in our lives and our World! #TheAwakening  #Transformation  #Superhuman  #UniversalPower

  • On The Air Live with Trenayce & Steve Harper (part 4)

    05/02/2023 Duração: 25min

    In this final interview, Trenayce is surprised when Steve asks her to "READ" his energy! She jumps right in and begins to "FEEL" him out. And this is happening LIVE, "On The Air".  According to Steve, Trenayce is "Spot On"!  This interview was a video podcast and is available on, if you would like to view it. This is a Great Interview!  #SteveHarper  #Awakening   #Transformation   #NaturalHealing

  • Awakening Thoughts ~ "You Must Develop Your Will Power"

    31/01/2023 Duração: 01min

    In today's Message from Spirit, we are reminded of the importance of developing out Will Power. It is through this mechanism that we Transform our Lives. This is another Great Reminder! #AwakentheHealing  #SelfEmpowerment  #Transformation  #HealYourLife

  • On The Air Live with Trenayce & Steve Harper (part 3)

    21/01/2023 Duração: 26min

    In this episode, Trenayce and Steve talk about the Natural Healing Classes. Steve is amazed at the range of subjects that are covered and how much they can help people. These classes are for everyone! Tune in for more.... #SteveHarper   #NaturalHealing  #SelfEmpowerment   #Knowledge  #Awaken

  • Awakening Thoughts ~ "Focus on Your Blessings"

    20/01/2023 Duração: 01min

    In today's Awakening Thought, Trenayce brings us a message from Spirit that reminds us to focus our attention on our Blessings. When we do this, our vibration is instantly raised! This is another great reminder...tune in for more! #TheAwakening   #Gratitude   #Faith   #Joy   #Blessings

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